It Feels Good To Be An Obama Crony:


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
It Feels Good To Be An Obama Crony: Website Butcher CGI Gets Nearly $100 MILLION For $22K Donation

By Anthony B. Sanders

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said that President Obama is “frustrated” by snags in the Obamacare rollout. But how about American citizens who either are having trouble enrolling in Obamacare or are suffering from the shock of rising healthcare insurance premiums AND the size of their deductibles? The anecdotal stories of “sticker shock” are legion (for example, here is a story from New Jersey). And physicians in New York are howling as well. Of course, there are many winners in the Obamacare rollout. Some households will receive added benefits and healthcare benefits that they previously didn’t have. But the biggest winners...government cronies and contractors.


Read more:
Confounded Interest | Lew: Obama ?Frustrated? By Snags In Healthcare Rollout (But Not Crony Contractors!)

Can there be any doubt that cronyism had a hand in the choice of CGI as creator of inept software. Should Sebelius be held responsible or ultimately Obama?
The article understates the pay off to cronies...the contracts are running way over awarded amounts.
And wow! $11.7B for one Public Relations Firm?

What a fabulous use of taxpayer dollars.
And the biggest award on the list went to the truly admirable Serco Group:

Worldwide, Serco has mismanaged prisons and detention centres, and lowered accountability based on a business model which puts profits ahead of people leading to disinterest in the provision of public services. The Union of Christmas Island Workers highlighted the systemic failure by Serco to manage the Christmas Island Detention Centre. The centre detains a large number of refugees including a 1,000 children.[63]Under Serco, there has been an increase of deaths in custody, self-harm, and of Serco staff beating prisoners. As well, there has been a deterioration of facilities leading to the decline of the physical and the mental health of detainees and of staff. Ombudsman Allan Asher on the Australian radio show AM said, "In the first week of June when I visited Christmas Island, more than 30 incidents of self-harm by detainees held there were reported."[63] Serco, in a staged memo leaked to The Australian, blamed the detainees for "creating a culture of self-harm," in order to use it as a "bargaining tool."[63] The former manager of the Serco run detention centre stated the centre was grossly understaffed whereby it was "typically 15 staff members short every day."[63] Serco has been fined for breaches of contract every month it has managed detention centres in Australia, leading to a total of $4 million in fines in early 2011.

In health services, Serco fiascos include the shambolic handling of pathology labs and fatal errors in patient records. At St Thomas' Hospital, the increase in the number of clinical incidents arising from Serco non-clinical management has resulted in patients receiving incorrect and infected blood, as well as patients suffering kidney damage due to Serco providing incorrect data used for medical calculations.[64] A Serco employee later revealed that the company had falsified 252 reports to the National Health Service regarding Serco health services in Cornwall.[65]

In September 2013, Ireland rejected a tender by Serco when the company was found to be involved in a series of multi-billion pound frauds in Britain. [66]

In September 2013, Serco was accused of extensive sexual abuse cover-ups of immigrants at Yarls Wood prison in Bedfordshire, England. [67]

What's up with Obama? He can't find enough incompetent and corrupt corporate cronies in the he has to Outsource Corruption?

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