Democrat Senators Met with Obama and Demand Obamacare be Stopped.

I'm thinking this whole Obamacare was designed to fail in order to create massive racial division between the white middle class and the poor minorities.

I'm wondering if it was designed to fail in order to move to "single payer", which is what Obama seems to have wanted.
They will all just keep pointing fingers everywhere but at themselves and count on American's short memories

The only thing is Americans will be reminded of this every payday when they look at their Insurance Withholding or when they write that monthly check. All the Republicans need do is point out their opponent (or the Dem party) voted for Obamacare.

Are you forgetting the employer mandate was put off til after the midterms? And you can bet they will threaten companies with life and limb not to put out any bad news prior to the elections.
People with insurance through their employer have seen their insurance rates skyrocket even without the mandate. They've already seen it go from a car payment to a house payment and still have next year's rates letters from HR and the insurance carrier to look forward to.
Obamacare not the only health-care reform rollout flub | The Salt Lake Tribune

Democrats and Republicans » In a speech in Massachusetts last week, Obama noted that Democrats weren’t big fans of Medicare Part D when it was implemented in 2006, but didn’t try to torpedo it.

"Democrats weren’t happy with a lot of the aspects of the law because, in part, it added hundreds of billions of dollars to the deficit, it wasn’t paid for — unlike the Affordable Care Act, which will actually help lower the deficit," Obama said. "But, you know what, once it was the law, everybody pitched in to try to make it work.

Democrats weren’t about to punish millions of seniors just to try to make a point or settle a score. So Democrats worked with Republicans to make it work. And I’m proud of Democrats for having done that. It was the right thing to do. Because now, about 90 percent of seniors like what they have."

Leavitt said Obama’s comment "makes me smile," suggesting it is a rather generous portrayal of the Democrats’ reaction to Medicare Part D.

The former governor said Democrats didn’t criticize Part D because of its cost, but because they preferred an even larger, more-generous program. And while Democrats didn’t wage an all-out campaign to undermine that law, as the Republicans are doing with Obamacare, they did call for a one-year delay in its implementation.
If I was a Democrat up for reelection next year especially in a red state I would be worried to.
I don't think it will matter much. Obama does not need the Senate when he can govern by executive fiat.

Has anyone told Harry?

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