It has begun. The war of Americans against Americans.

What is your "side", and what has it to do with the post's reference to peripheral distractions? It almost sounds as if you were finding violence justified in the recent movement. This is America. There is a ballot box.

Yeah, this funny thing happened. People went to the ballot box and their candidate got 3 million more votes and she didn't get the job.

You are kind of making my point for me.

Democratic change is entirely possible. The entire House can be replaced every two years. Voting or violence are the choices, and you will find people vote against violence.

Um, yeah, here's the thing. Only about 40 seats in the house will be competitive this year. Let's get real. Violence is happening because our elected officials AREN'T doing their jobs.

Trying to cast the quoted post as only possibly coming from what in these threads you show you take for being 'right' does not make that the case.
No one has more contempt for totalitarians of whatever flavor than I.

Whatever, dude. The problem is, we didn't fail to fix police brutality because too much effort was put on giving gay people fair rights. (I would however, argue that gay rights happened a little faster because white people are more likely to have a gay person at the Thanksgiving Table than a black person.)

We failed to fix it because frankly, we are kind of brainwashed to give the police the benefit of the doubt. Shit, how many cop shows are on TV right now?

Well, I checked. In the 19-20 Season, there were 19 Police/Crime shows. About 20% of all scripted shows are about cops. Shows where the cops are almost always shown as good guy and never shoot or brutalize anyone who didn't totally have it coming. And it's been that way for years, really.

So, yeah, unless we see a Rodney King or a Laquan McDonald or a Floyd George being brutalized by cops, we usually give the cop the benefit of the doubt.
It appears that those who wasted time on redefining marriage and gender are also active in supporting destructive action. What was the agenda that kept them from addressing serious systemic problems rather than peripheral distractions?

People on our side tried to address this issue. You guys fought us on every step.

View attachment 367161

That does raise some interesting theological conundrums.

Did George Floyd did for my sins? Will a belief in George Floyd grant me access to an afterlife apotheosis?

Is George Floyd a man, or part of a spiritual duality?

Was George Floyd the son of G-d? Does that explain why he never met his father?

When George Floyd spoke to his mother, was he speaking to this earthly mother or his supernatural one?

Since George Floyd did of a drug overdose, does that mean we should wear vials of Crack around our necks and place them on the dashboards of our cars?

Since we're making a parallel with Jesus, will the police not be blamed for his death, but should we blame his own community, against whom he rebelled?

Would that cast his drug dealer in the role of Judas? Would Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson play the roles of Caiaphas?
It appears that those who wasted time on redefining marriage and gender are also active in supporting destructive action. What was the agenda that kept them from addressing serious systemic problems rather than peripheral distractions?

People on our side tried to address this issue. You guys fought us on every step.

View attachment 367161
“Our Side”....the side of burning and looting and blaming the Jews for it. Got it!
I would however, argue that gay rights happened a little faster because white people are more likely to have a gay person at the Thanksgiving Table than a black person

Well, that's just not true...

But that's not an excuse (or shouldn't be) to blame ALL cops

It' goes with that 'one bad apple' theory.........only deal with the bad cops for their bad behavior. Same goes for any 'group'.

The problem is, the 99% of cops who are good cops are the ones who defend the "Bad apples" It isn't that there are bad apples, every profession has them. It's that the consequences of bad apples is a lot greater, but the system offers them more protections than bad accountants or bad salesmen.

Then only the bad cops should be dealt with accordingly & held accountable for their actions........that does not equate with violent protests, riots, destruction of properties, and terrorizing & killing innocent people
That does raise some interesting theological conundrums.

No, it really doesn't.

It shows the mentality of people who look at any violence by the state and says they had it coming. There was no excuse for the Romans killing Jesus, there was no excuse for the MPD to kill George Floyd.

“Our Side”....the side of burning and looting and blaming the Jews for it. Got it!

Well, the Jews did kill Jesus.

Then only the bad cops should be dealt with accordingly & held accountable for their actions........that does not equate with violent protests, riots, destruction of properties, and terrorizing & killing innocent people

Again, it's the 99% who are covering for the 1%.

I give you... Jason Van Dyke. He's the idiot who panicked and shot Laquan McDonald 16 times.

Now, he panicked. In a sane world where we hold only the 1% responsible, he'd have been relieved of duty that night, an investigation would have commenced and he would have been charged.

INSTEAD - The other cops on the scene all filed false police reports. The Chain of command released false reports that McDonald had only been shot once. (The Coroner's office immediately disputed that.) The City of Chicago paid 6 million to the family to sign a NDA. The officer was put on desk duty for a year until FINALLY the press sued to get the video of the incident.

When he finally was charged, a special prosecutor had to take over because the Cook County State's Attorney had participated in the coverup. The FOP spent millions on his defense and dragged pre-trial motions out for three years. When he was FINALLY convicted on all counts (Second Degree murder and 16 counts of assault), the Judge did some jiggery-pokery at sentencing and only gave him six years (he'll probably be out in three.)

This isn't one bad apple, this is one corrupt system that protects the bad apples.
What is your "side", and what has it to do with the post's reference to peripheral distractions? It almost sounds as if you were finding violence justified in the recent movement. This is America. There is a ballot box.

Yeah, this funny thing happened. People went to the ballot box and their candidate got 3 million more votes and she didn't get the job.

You are kind of making my point for me.

Democratic change is entirely possible. The entire House can be replaced every two years. Voting or violence are the choices, and you will find people vote against violence.

Um, yeah, here's the thing. Only about 40 seats in the house will be competitive this year. Let's get real. Violence is happening because our elected officials AREN'T doing their jobs.

Trying to cast the quoted post as only possibly coming from what in these threads you show you take for being 'right' does not make that the case.
No one has more contempt for totalitarians of whatever flavor than I.

Whatever, dude. The problem is, we didn't fail to fix police brutality because too much effort was put on giving gay people fair rights. (I would however, argue that gay rights happened a little faster because white people are more likely to have a gay person at the Thanksgiving Table than a black person.)

We failed to fix it because frankly, we are kind of brainwashed to give the police the benefit of the doubt. Shit, how many cop shows are on TV right now?

Well, I checked. In the 19-20 Season, there were 19 Police/Crime shows. About 20% of all scripted shows are about cops. Shows where the cops are almost always shown as good guy and never shoot or brutalize anyone who didn't totally have it coming. And it's been that way for years, really.

So, yeah, unless we see a Rodney King or a Laquan McDonald or a Floyd George being brutalized by cops, we usually give the cop the benefit of the doubt.
This sounds even more like an endorsement of rebellion if elections don't go as desired. That is quite a concept of democracy.
There is no justification for or defense of the rioting and vandalism. Protest is often necessary. Violent overthrow could eventually be. Rioting is senseless, aimless, an egoistic orgasm of theft.
The country is rife with tribalism. This is the US against Them taken to the extreme. No one wants to talk, people want to promulgate their side as correct and vilify the opposition.
That does raise some interesting theological conundrums.

No, it really doesn't.

It shows the mentality of people who look at any violence by the state and says they had it coming. There was no excuse for the Romans killing Jesus, there was no excuse for the MPD to kill George Floyd.

“Our Side”....the side of burning and looting and blaming the Jews for it. Got it!

Well, the Jews did kill Jesus.

Then only the bad cops should be dealt with accordingly & held accountable for their actions........that does not equate with violent protests, riots, destruction of properties, and terrorizing & killing innocent people

Again, it's the 99% who are covering for the 1%.

I give you... Jason Van Dyke. He's the idiot who panicked and shot Laquan McDonald 16 times.

Now, he panicked. In a sane world where we hold only the 1% responsible, he'd have been relieved of duty that night, an investigation would have commenced and he would have been charged.

INSTEAD - The other cops on the scene all filed false police reports. The Chain of command released false reports that McDonald had only been shot once. (The Coroner's office immediately disputed that.) The City of Chicago paid 6 million to the family to sign a NDA. The officer was put on desk duty for a year until FINALLY the press sued to get the video of the incident.

When he finally was charged, a special prosecutor had to take over because the Cook County State's Attorney had participated in the coverup. The FOP spent millions on his defense and dragged pre-trial motions out for three years. When he was FINALLY convicted on all counts (Second Degree murder and 16 counts of assault), the Judge did some jiggery-pokery at sentencing and only gave him six years (he'll probably be out in three.)

This isn't one bad apple, this is one corrupt system that protects the bad apples.
So you do blame the Jews and wish Hitler finished the job. Be a man and say it.
What is your point.
It bothers me that veterans joined BLM. And current soldiers are involved in trying to put all this shit to rest and having to battle their brothers. That's my point. It won't get better. Its going to get much worse. THAT bothers me. And is my point.
They are not brothers if they support BLM, they are the enemy
This sounds even more like an endorsement of rebellion if elections don't go as desired. That is quite a concept of democracy.
There is no justification for or defense of the rioting and vandalism. Protest is often necessary. Violent overthrow could eventually be. Rioting is senseless, aimless, an egoistic orgasm of theft.

Quite the contrary, riots work when democracy fails. America is now a failed democracy. All the constitutional safeguards that should have prevented Trump failed, including impeachment.

Now we have riots. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

Now, I'm old enough to remember the last time we had nationwide riots back in the 1960's. The thing was, back then, they took action to address the rioters concerns. They passed new Civil Rights Legislation, they ended an unnecessary war.
This sounds even more like an endorsement of rebellion if elections don't go as desired. That is quite a concept of democracy.
There is no justification for or defense of the rioting and vandalism. Protest is often necessary. Violent overthrow could eventually be. Rioting is senseless, aimless, an egoistic orgasm of theft.

Quite the contrary, riots work when democracy fails. America is now a failed democracy. All the constitutional safeguards that should have prevented Trump failed, including impeachment.

Now we have riots. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

Now, I'm old enough to remember the last time we had nationwide riots back in the 1960's. The thing was, back then, they took action to address the rioters concerns. They passed new Civil Rights Legislation, they ended an unnecessary war.

Start a GoFundMe, we'll send you and Care4 to Wuhan -- one way
Rioting and looting are absolutely indefensible. Thieves robbing stores is not a social movement, it is anti-social. It is cowardly action, childish effort to get attention. No one who endorses or defends such criminality is worthy of trust.
Having been very much in the middle of late sixties-early seventies demonstrations and riots, what happened is very clear in memory. The "right" at the time seemed to have no answers and the "left" had too many bad ones. Those of us who saw things that way wound up enemies to both sides. This is happening again.
Rioting and looting are absolutely indefensible. Thieves robbing stores is not a social movement, it is anti-social. It is cowardly action, childish effort to get attention. No one who endorses or defends such criminality is worthy of trust.

Thieves robbing stores is a side effect, not a cause. Most of the demonstrators are peaceful. We have looting when there are celebrations after sporting events.

Here's the thing. I would have LOVED if when the demonstrations were purely peaceful, when Colin took a knee, when Obama said that Trayvon could have been his son, if STUPID ASS WHITE PEOPLE actually said, "You know, we really do need to fix some of these problems."

Of course, they didn't. They demanded an end to Colin's career and they voted for Trump, even knowing he was utterly unfit for office by any objective standard.

You reap what you sow.

Having been very much in the middle of late sixties-early seventies demonstrations and riots, what happened is very clear in memory. The "right" at the time seemed to have no answers and the "left" had too many bad ones. Those of us who saw things that way wound up enemies to both sides. This is happening again.

Actually, kind of the contrary. The Right and the Left agreed that things had to change. The Vietnam War was ended and civil rights laws were passed. Now, I should point out those things also started out with peaceful protests in the mid sixties, they only turned violent after 1968 or so.
Ha ha. You morons. You guys in your own heads have Antifa as the largest group in the world. Bwahahahah. Those are just Americans appalled by how the government is overreaching — something conservatives cared about typically when brown skinned folks aren’t the victims.

There are many examples of bad cops who would not have been prosecuted without public pressure. It’s ridiculous.

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