It has nothing to do about the rules in Colorado, video shows how delegates were turned away.


“Well the Colorado people don't think it is fair who were taken off the list and replaced…”



You will see the people protesting tomorrow.. I do not think so much for Trump, but more to change the procedures in the future. S. Dakota did it the same way and of coarse Cruz won.

Trump supporters plan protest at Colorado Capitol


Why are they protesting at the Capitol? The state of Colorado had nothing to do with it.

More uninformed ignorance storming around in a childish tantrum. "Wah wah wah, I'm mad and I'm lashing out."

Dude really, why don't you know this answer?

Each state is responsible for their own stated rules set for the primary..But I am sure the EST. has their little dirty fingers in it.

They say that the rules were set last year...more like a few months back .

Here's the key. You really need to study this to see how they are going to roll out the convention and screw over Trump and Cruz.

"That means at this point, the three candidates left in the race, front-runner Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, are all eligible for the nomination, as, possibly, are the Republican contenders who have since suspended their campaigns."

Catch that? The Republican contenders who only suspended their campaigns could be eligible to be the nominee.

Mother *&%^$(^%.

This article is a good start.

GOP insiders: Nominee won't be limited to winner of 8 states
By David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) • 3/21/16 10:47 AM

GOP insiders: Nominee won't be limited to winner of 8 states

Un-fucking believable ... So the candidates go through all of that, plus the expense and the people think they are picking their candidate for the presidential election and the rules can change a week before the election?

I have never ever heard of anything so dicked around like that .

Thanks for showing this to me, I am sure Trumps new paid team is reading the rules in fine print now with a fine toothed comb.


Why in the hell is all this news to you? Where the fuck have you been your entire adult life, that you don't know the delegates to the convention set the rules for their own convention? More to the point, why is all this news to TRUMP?

This is the first time I have really had the time to watch and study what is how it all works going for the delegates.. I am stuck in a chair for a while in recovery otherwise I would be too busy to keep up with all the twists and turns.


So you're basically saying that you have never bothered to be an informed voter . . . and yet you went ahead and voted anyway.

I payed attention to the news, but not in detail.. I was raising my children.
It is a boring stressful time going through this process and if your not 100% on it your lost.
I have had cancer , and the primary's were not my priority.

Whine, whine, excuses, excuses. You think you're the only person in the country who has children and health concerns and a life going on?

Bottom line: if it's not important enough to be informed, you shouldn't be doing it.
Un-fucking believable ... So the candidates go through all of that, plus the expense and the people think they are picking their candidate for the presidential election and the rules can change a week before the election?

I have never ever heard of anything so dicked around like that .

Thanks for showing this to me, I am sure Trumps new paid team is reading the rules in fine print now with a fine toothed comb.


Trust me. Manafort that Trump put in charge of the convention is a political season veteran of winning campaigns for Ford, Reagan and GH specializing in "delegate coralling".

His an old time pro in hand to hand combat at conventions.

One wonders why Trump waited until mid-April to hire him, then.

I agree with you on that, but then again Trump has a huge ego thinking he could do it all himself.

Yup. And now that that failed miserably, he's busily blaming everyone else and whinging about what a martyr he is.

Wrong, he is not whining, Crooked Ted and the paid media are telling you that.


No, my own ears are telling me that. He's whining.

“Well the Colorado people don't think it is fair who were taken off the list and replaced…”



You will see the people protesting tomorrow.. I do not think so much for Trump, but more to change the procedures in the future. S. Dakota did it the same way and of coarse Cruz won.

Trump supporters plan protest at Colorado Capitol


Why are they protesting at the Capitol? The state of Colorado had nothing to do with it.

More uninformed ignorance storming around in a childish tantrum. "Wah wah wah, I'm mad and I'm lashing out."

Dude really, why don't you know this answer?

Each state is responsible for their own stated rules set for the primary..But I am sure the EST. has their little dirty fingers in it.

They say that the rules were set last year...more like a few months back .


Oh? You can prove that, or you just "know" that because it's what you want to believe?

I can show you the articles from the newspapers from last year talking about the rules change.

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