It is going to happen.

I think the United States is done. The only way to escape what is happening is to break up the country into enclaves of like-minded people. That involves seceding from Washington. There is no other way to get away from Soros and the other billionaires who are hell bent on destroying the cultural integrity of the country. When they are hacking people up in hospitals to transform genders and firing citizens for not honoring personal pronouns, something is very wrong. Most people are sheep and will submit, but about twenty percent of the population is intelligent enough to recognize what is happening. That is a lot of people.

This will put Washington in a position where it must use military might to attack ordinary citizens. Then you will have civil war. There is no avoiding it. It is going to happen.

There are two political parties in the US representing two distinct political philosophies, but these two giant coalitions are made up of many different groups with varying political philosophies who are represented by these two parties. And those groups share the same real estate. For example California is recognized as a solid blue state but there are 5 million republicans voters. Texas another reds state is over 40% democrat voters. Large cities and poor suburbs are generally democrat while wealthy suburbs and rural areas are generally republican.

However a far greater problem in a disaggregated United States is that the parts would be far less powerful than the whole. Russia and China would be beneficiaries both economically and militarily of a US breakup. Naturally these countries maintain a strong voice on social media supporting a breakup and just about anything to cause divisions and dissention.
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