It is going to happen.

I think the United States is done. The only way to escape what is happening is to break up the country into enclaves of like-minded people. That involves seceding from Washington. There is no other way to get away from Soros and the other billionaires who are hell bent on destroying the cultural integrity of the country. When they are hacking people up in hospitals to transform genders and firing citizens for not honoring personal pronouns, something is very wrong. Most people are sheep and will submit, but about twenty percent of the population is intelligent enough to recognize what is happening. That is a lot of people.

This will put Washington in a position where it must use military might to attack ordinary citizens. Then you will have civil war. There is no avoiding it. It is going to happen.

When has the nation ever thought as one?

There will be no "civil war."


There will be separation of some kind.

Here's the paradox: Some people sincerely believe that this nation will become paradise on earth when Caucasians shrink down to a very low figure (30% or less?).

Actually, when that happens, the ethnic unpleasantness in this unique nation will become worse.

I may be wrong (of course!), but Caucasians since the 1960s have acted liker a referee, seeing to it that all (not just that particular one) non-Caucasian groups get a slice of the American pie. Without that referee, I hate to think what may happen.
But before the 1960s the whites ate all the damn pie.
It was in the bag. PedoHitler stole the contents of the bag.

Adolf Fuckin' Hitler is not in the white house. Why does everybody say "That president was Hitler!" "No, this one is!"? Adolf Hitler was responsible for the deaths of over 6,000,000 people in a genocide, and responsible for the deaths of millions of others during the war. Trump didn't kill anyone on purpose! Biden didn't kill anyone on purpose! Quit sensationalizing!
Why? That's a question. He or Her is vile, vulgar and hateful. Someday he might grow up.

Shut up, troll.

And while we're at it, fuck you and ALL the Stalinist pigs you support.

You may sit on my pecker and rotate. With my blessing and compliments.
I'm calling you a dumb fucking asshole and a worthless human being.

Happy now?

I refuse to speak with the FBI, at all. In any capacity. Incompetent and evil is a bad combination. They're corrupt beyond repair.

However if someone else wants to it, I won't stop them.
The poster was 100% correct. You are a pussy.
You know I could drive a mere 20 miles away and not be bothered by any of the current goings-on. You really have to work hard at getting any kind of reception.

No traffic. One store/gas station/PO combo. Great people.

I still own 50 acres there and if something happens to the wife that's where I'm headed to live out my days. You assholes can fight each other till hell freezes over.
Washington did not expect the people to wake up as quickly as they did. They were hoping the people would remain apathetic until about 2030 when it would be far too late to act in any meaningful way. But in 2016 the people spoke by electing a president washington had been laughing at. They had to act fast and the media did not even try to hide their intentions.

As soon as Trump was removed with fraud Biden began reversing policies that delivered a strong economy. A war with Russia came next. The borders were opened and a welcome wagon began processing replacements. What the drooling, fearful MAGA haters are seeing is anyone's guess. What is happening is crystal clear.

Distrust of elections is avery dangerous thing. It makes the people believe they have no voice. Violence is wrong but some see no other option. When a US president goes before the people and brands his opposition as enemies of the Constitution those are fighting words that make domestic citizens targets. Biden all but called Trump voters Jews that should be exterminated to save the state.

When people start to get hungry and begin to freeze the lines will be blurred. Expect Martial Law first. Then the real war will start. Hopefully it will be a short war.

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I'm calling you a dumb fucking asshole and a worthless human being.

Happy now?

I refuse to speak with the FBI, at all. In any capacity. Incompetent and evil is a bad combination. They're corrupt beyond repair.

However if someone else wants to it, I won't stop them.
You're the flavor of magaturd likely to be reported.
" Then you will have civil war. There is no avoiding it. It is going to happen."
"Kick off is rather soon, I could name the date for you."
Guys, if you would.....well, please narrow it down a bit for us.
Well, rather narrow it for me.

You see, I've got a pretty full dance-card until the first of the year. Your civil war could really over-spice my gumbo.
Can you either....tone it down to something like just a grievance-filled jamboree where you hang Mike Pence?
Rather than a Gettysburg/Sharpsburg shoot 'em up.

Or, can you just give me a narrow time window.....something like 48hours?

You see, if the serious and the delirious 2nd Amendment fantasists start this little QKook food fight.....well, my bride and me will just move over to the farm while you get your nut off on your homegrown extremism.

We can pack up in, say, a day and a half....and we'll just go sit it out while the RightieWhities unlimber their shootin' irons.

Thanx in advance.*

*But, please note though: Kicking off a QKook American Civil War can be compared to hosting a banquet at the Karma Cafe'. There's no menu. But you'll be served what you deserve.

Trust me.
No matter WHAT I post or show on video, you will protect trump and SPIN what he said.

It's a daily occurrence dude, your denial won't take away the HATE that trump spews.
If you're going to take the time to respond, at least make it worth my time to read it. You're the one acting venomous in this situation.
I don't know, perhaps they can destroy us from within without shots fired, less the crooks they let roam free.
Adolf Fuckin' Hitler is not in the white house. Why does everybody say "That president was Hitler!" "No, this one is!"? Adolf Hitler was responsible for the deaths of over 6,000,000 people in a genocide, and responsible for the deaths of millions of others during the war. Trump didn't kill anyone on purpose! Biden didn't kill anyone on purpose! Quit sensationalizing!
But authoritarian dictators do. For references, look into Putin, Augusto Pinochet, Kim, Ferdinand Marcos, and others. Trump wants to be one of those.
But authoritarian dictators do. For references, look into Putin, Augusto Pinochet, Kim, Ferdinand Marcos, and others. Trump wants to be one of those.
You want peace?
You don't tell your enemies to go to hell.

Then again, if you live in a slum, you shoot your friends.

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