It is going to happen.

It is more than what you typed. Every time an agenda is passed or forced on people it is the same type of response. Progs are amused. Countries die in many ways. Quality of work can decline when tyranny expands is just one thing that can happen.
And someone getting a sex change makes your work decline?

And someone getting a sex change makes your work decline?

Why does perversion make you happy? You want sick freaks on the street. You are a disease. But to answer your question nazi, when you are required to go to a week long class yearly where all they talk about is perverse shit like faggots and trannys and whatever else you freaks are, yes it does affect your work. Now, spew your next bullshit!
It is more than what you typed. Every time an agenda is passed or forced on people it is the same type of response. Progs are amused. Countries die in many ways. Quality of work can decline when tyranny expands is just one thing that can happen.
Arizona like?
I think the United States is done. The only way to escape what is happening is to break up the country into enclaves of like-minded people. That involves seceding from Washington. There is no other way to get away from Soros and the other billionaires who are hell bent on destroying the cultural integrity of the country. When they are hacking people up in hospitals to transform genders and firing citizens for not honoring personal pronouns, something is very wrong. Most people are sheep and will submit, but about twenty percent of the population is intelligent enough to recognize what is happening. That is a lot of people.

This will put Washington in a position where it must use military might to attack ordinary citizens. Then you will have civil war. There is no avoiding it. It is going to happen.

It's assholes like you who continue make stupid posts such as killing ordinary citizens. 50% of the population have IQ of 100 and best. It's biddable fools who support trump and his band of bitches. Some may be in the upper echelon, and they are likely to profit from a civil war, or are opposed to democracy in America, or disaffected*** youth and immature men.

***Disaffected defines mostly men to be:
All of your posts are for future dystopians.
The more you write, the less I believe anyone ever paid you for it.

Yeah...lets split up the country over sex-change surgeries and someone being fired over pronouns.

As for use of force....I'm always especially amused by this. You think the nation is going to hell. You think the election was stolen. You think the "deep state" is out to get your God, Donald Trump.... And your response is what? Post messages on a message board?

Really ass-wipe. Put up or shut up.
Are you inciting violence?

Should we report you to the FBI?
Yeah, I gave up here a while back. It's tough enough in real life. I suspect this is gonna be a while.
I would argue it isn't even about parties. I don't think it ever was. There has always been a segment of the population who care about the "ME", and the way that is achieved, is by pandering to authoritarian/Fascist figures like Trump. They use this facade, pretending to care about all of our founding documents, while pretending to be good Christians of the Republican party. Throw up. When in reality, they practice exactly the opposite thing. Bad intentions for those who do not think and look like them. They want them gone/ dead. Either one works for them. So, is that line of thinking about a conservative party? LOL! Of course not. It's the facade that is used, to imply they are conservatives. They don't give a shit about that. They care about their own power, wealth, and control of others, while calling their mission about freedom. What a joke, and a big fat lie.
So the people were so dumb that the FBI, The DOJ, the NSA, and national media had no choice but to conspire to wipe out the people's choice. No wonder they used those unlimited mail-in votes to save the country for right thinking people.:auiqs.jpg:
Huh? Is this sarcasm or insanity or a Conspiracy Story (made up by you)?
I would argue it isn't even about parties. I don't think it ever was. There has always been a segment of the population who care about the "ME", and the way that is achieved, is by pandering to authoritarian/Fascist figures like Trump. They use this facade, pretending to care about all of our founding documents, while pretending to be good Christians of the Republican party. Throw up. When in reality, they practice exactly the opposite thing. Bad intentions for those who do not think and look like them. They want them gone/ dead. Either one works for them. So, is that line of thinking about a conservative party? LOL! Of course not. It's the facade that is used, to imply they are conservatives. They don't give a shit about that. They care about their own power, wealth, and control of others, while calling their mission about freedom. What a joke, and a big fat lie.
Those things are being done to corrode the culture and pervert the character of the nation. There is a definite movement in leadership not just to erase Americans from history but from the future. If you cannot recognize it that is on you.
Character of the nation? Are you fucking kidding me? We slaughtered the Indians, stuck them on reservations a gd cockroach couldn't live, practiced Imperialism for eighty years against Central and South America, ruining their economies, jobs, stealing resources, and you want to talk about character? WTF is wrong with you?

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