It is going to happen.

I'm calling you a dumb fucking asshole and a worthless human being.

Happy now?

I refuse to speak with the FBI, at all. In any capacity. Incompetent and evil is a bad combination. They're corrupt beyond repair.

However if someone else wants to it, I won't stop them.
You haven't documented any corruption there liar? Why?
Anything bad that happens will be an entirely self-inflicted wound. Those who have a vested professional interest in dividing us and pitting us against each other are clearly winning.
Until they won't be. Then they'll realize they messed up, but it will be too late.
You know I could drive a mere 20 miles away and not be bothered by any of the current goings-on. You really have to work hard at getting any kind of reception.

No traffic. One store/gas station/PO combo. Great people.

I still own 50 acres there and if something happens to the wife that's where I'm headed to live out my days. You assholes can fight each other till hell freezes over.
You ain't headed there yet?
So the people were so dumb that the FBI, The DOJ, the NSA, and national media had no choice but to conspire to wipe out the people's choice. No wonder they used those unlimited mail-in votes to save the country for right thinking people.:auiqs.jpg:
Link proving all that?
I think the United States is done. The only way to escape what is happening is to break up the country into enclaves of like-minded people. That involves seceding from Washington. There is no other way to get away from Soros and the other billionaires who are hell bent on destroying the cultural integrity of the country. When they are hacking people up in hospitals to transform genders and firing citizens for not honoring personal pronouns, something is very wrong. Most people are sheep and will submit, but about twenty percent of the population is intelligent enough to recognize what is happening. That is a lot of people.

This will put Washington in a position where it must use military might to attack ordinary citizens. Then you will have civil war. There is no avoiding it. It is going to happen.

Unconditional surrender of the WEF is the only way. IF we "split up" they still have their mission to destroy us. How do you make peace with that?
Cross tabs show that poll is heavily weighted towards Trump idiots and Republicans thinking they are headed for civil war. 2X’s the number of republicans think we are very likely headed to civil war.

Most Trump supporters think we are headed for a civil war while a small minority of democrats think so.

Cross tabs for the question are on p139 of the poll.
I'm calling you a dumb fucking asshole and a worthless human being.

Happy now?

But then again, I'm not chasing you around a message board trying to get always respond to me for some reason.... Put differently...get a life.
I refuse to speak with the FBI, at all. In any capacity. Incompetent and evil is a bad combination. They're corrupt beyond repair.
Okay...why the threat to "report me" then, dickless?
They saw Biden and his crop circle press conferences, saw his unenthusiastic base, saw that he spent more time in his basement than out and about. Meanwhile the Trump movement was big, strong and energized. I guarantee you a lot of people got complacent and thought that it was in the bag.
It was in the bag. PedoHitler stole the contents of the bag.
A lot of presumptions based on a poll of 1,500 Americans that didn't even include questions about a Civil War. The point is that the Constitution works and democracy works and Biden is a tiny glitch in the history books.
And you voting for a President who pays porn stars for sex is what exactly?
Is that anything like a POTUS getting head in the oval office? Yeah, that happened WHILE he was POTUS on the clock and it was misuse of his power as POTUS. It was not done while he was a private citizen. Hypocrite. Got anything relevant?

There will be no "civil war."


There will be separation of some kind.

Here's the paradox: Some people sincerely believe that this nation will become paradise on earth when Caucasians shrink down to a very low figure (30% or less?).

Actually, when that happens, the ethnic unpleasantness in this unique nation will become worse.

I may be wrong (of course!), but Caucasians since the 1960s have acted liker a referee, seeing to it that all (not just that particular one) non-Caucasian groups get a slice of the American pie. Without that referee, I hate to think what may happen.

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