It is going to happen.

I think the United States is done. The only way to escape what is happening is to break up the country into enclaves of like-minded people. That involves seceding from Washington. There is no other way to get away from Soros and the other billionaires who are hell bent on destroying the cultural integrity of the country. When they are hacking people up in hospitals to transform genders and firing citizens for not honoring personal pronouns, something is very wrong. Most people are sheep and will submit, but about twenty percent of the population is intelligent enough to recognize what is happening. That is a lot of people.

This will put Washington in a position where it must use military might to attack ordinary citizens. Then you will have civil war. There is no avoiding it. It is going to happen.

There are many anti-civilization forces working against what could be considered the most basic form of rational human society. All of those negative forces aim to reverse the polarity of the human state of being, in one way or another. Cultural Marxists and acolytes of Derrida's postmodernist philosophy aim to force acceptance of fictional constructs on all of us by, for example, creating dozens of new genders and through neo-animism, imparting inanimate objects with racist capabilities. New Age Satanists seek to normalize and rationalize, broadly and universally, acceptance of child sacrifice as less meaningful than the choice of pants one puts on for the day. The alliance of Marxists and Satanists aim to end the nuclear family structure, assassinate Christianity, wield free pornography as a means to desensitize children to the biological act of reproduction and destroy the institution of marriage, and to create more faggots by brainwashing children into that fold. In short, this dark, anti-human alliance seeks the across the board annihilation of human society, biological reproduction, individuality, science and organized civilization in general. Unfortunately for the democratic party, it has irredeemably aligned itself with these dark, anti-human forces, as have many republican politicians as well, for that matter.

And that's just the human/cultural side of things.

Politically, the democrats are canceling our constitutional rights at a breathtaking pace, while championing the worst possible political platforms, ones which only work against the quality of life and individual freedoms of the masses. In short, half the country is living a nightmare of reduced individual freedom, left with little choice but to watch as the America they knew and loved bleeds out like a lung shot bull elk.

Finally, there's the ongoing, mysterious but overt enough destruction (sabotage) of our American infrastructure, industrial base and energy industries, which no one in the media or Congress seems too awfully concerned about, and which is no doubt being perpetrated by global level players of the Green Cult who wish to force mankind to transition to so-called low impact energy alternatives.

Taking all of the above into consideration, along with the tens of millions of people who refuse to accept this imminent and irrefutable spread of evil, something's got to give, sooner or later. When that something finally gives, when tolerance for this pure evil ends, balloons will go up and large scale destruction will happen. Otherwise, we'd all better get used to licking the boots of these evil motherfuckers.
Has it happened yet?

Oh wait...whatever "it" was likely referred to the almost hourly tantrums we see from right wing losers here.
Guys, if you would.....well, please narrow it down a bit for us.
Well, rather narrow it for me.

You see, I've got a pretty full dance-card until the first of the year. Your civil war could really over-spice my gumbo.
Can you either....tone it down to something like just a grievance-filled jamboree where you hang Mike Pence?

Rather than a Gettysburg/Sharpsburg shoot 'em up.

Or, can you just give me a narrow time window.....something like 48hours?

You see, if the serious and the delirious 2nd Amendment fantasists start this little QKook food fight.....well, my bride and me will just move over to the farm while you get your nut off on your homegrown extremism.

We can pack up in, say, a day and a half....and we'll just go sit it out while the RightieWhities unlimber their shootin' irons.

Thanx in advance.*

*But, please note though: Kicking off a QKook American Civil War can be compared to hosting a banquet at the Karma Cafe'. There's no menu. But you'll be served what you deserve.

Trust me.
Sorry bout that,

1. Won't be this year, so your good.
2. I would say when it will happen but I don't think its a good idea to know when the shit hits the fan.
3. I could also be accused of stirring the pot, and fomenting the actions.
4. Anyway it won't be pretty, better you not know, and even better I not tell you the day.

I would argue it isn't even about parties. I don't think it ever was. There has always been a segment of the population who care about the "ME", and the way that is achieved, is by pandering to authoritarian/Fascist figures like Trump. They use this facade, pretending to care about all of our founding documents, while pretending to be good Christians of the Republican party. Throw up. When in reality, they practice exactly the opposite thing. Bad intentions for those who do not think and look like them. They want them gone/ dead. Either one works for them. So, is that line of thinking about a conservative party? LOL! Of course not. It's the facade that is used, to imply they are conservatives. They don't give a shit about that. They care about their own power, wealth, and control of others, while calling their mission about freedom. What a joke, and a big fat lie.
Agreed. There has been this weird, ersatz-libertarian strain that infected the party a while back, and it has certainly grown in size and influence. Now the party has gone from general conservative values to fuck you, it's all about me. And they call themselves "Christians". Yikes.
Cross tabs show that poll is heavily weighted towards Trump idiots and Republicans thinking they are headed for civil war. 2X’s the number of republicans think we are very likely headed to civil war.

Most Trump supporters think we are headed for a civil war while a small minority of democrats think so.

Cross tabs for the question are on p139 of the poll.
I think the United States is done. The only way to escape what is happening is to break up the country into enclaves of like-minded people. That involves seceding from Washington. There is no other way to get away from Soros and the other billionaires who are hell bent on destroying the cultural integrity of the country. When they are hacking people up in hospitals to transform genders and firing citizens for not honoring personal pronouns, something is very wrong. Most people are sheep and will submit, but about twenty percent of the population is intelligent enough to recognize what is happening. That is a lot of people.

This will put Washington in a position where it must use military might to attack ordinary citizens. Then you will have civil war. There is no avoiding it. It is going to happen.

We are definitely over.

I'm not even sure how much I care anymore.
Agreed. There has been this weird, ersatz-libertarian strain that infected the party a while back, and it has certainly grown in size and influence. Now the party has gone from general conservative values to fuck you, it's all about me. And they call themselves "Christians". Yikes.

When we split, I definitely want you on the other side. Please.
Has it happened yet?

Oh wait...whatever "it" was likely referred to the almost hourly tantrums we see from right wing losers here.

Tantrums are never the danger. Tantrums mean you care about something.

Contempt, followed by apathy. That's what kills bonds. Marriages. Relationships. Nations.

So many of us don't give a F anymore. So congrats on that.
Those things are being done to corrode the culture and pervert the character of the nation. There is a definite movement in leadership not just to erase Americans from history but from the future. If you cannot recognize it that is on you.

and your solution is to talk about it on a some random forum?
Tantrums are never the danger. Tantrums mean you care about something.

Contempt, followed by apathy. That's what kills bonds. Marriages. Relationships. Nations.

So many of us don't give a F anymore. So congrats on that.

Are we supposed to care that you don't give a fuck any more? Its not like you were contributing anything other than conspiracy theories. Really...if you go away and nobody misses you...does that mean you were never here to start with? Give it a try.
When common sense is rare and propaganda is king the eyes of the people become less important than the implanted emotions in their minds and hearts. The people will never admit to being fools. They will cling to dictatorial pronouncements from corrupted leadership right to the end. They will not see crimes in search of perpetrators. They bought a ticket sold to them decreeing that the government is good and challeging the government is itself a crime.

Washington declares, show us the man and we will show you the crime, and the people run with ticket in hand to get a good seat. They all crowd under the tent past the snake oil tables unaware that the tent is already on fire. They are told it is all part of the show so they sit protecting their place.

This is not a new paradigm, it is a very old flaw in human thinking. They rushed to get in on the ground floor but the ceiling is collapsing. Only at the very end will mass panic and hysteria enter the picture. They gave up their friends, family, and neighbors to be good in the eyes of the government. The government will not save them when war comes to town.

Because when we are done, the system shuts down.

And you know that.

You just said 20 minutes ago "So many of us don't give a F anymore." Nothing has shut down. Nothing has stopped working. In fact...the angrier you get...the better things seem to go for the rest of us.

So either you're lying or.....'re just lying.

You just said 20 minutes ago "So many of us don't give a F anymore." Nothing has shut down. Nothing has stopped working. In fact...the angrier you get...the better things seem to go for the rest of us.

So either you're lying or.....'re just lying.

hahhahahaha "better"

Desperation noted
"1. Won't be this year, so your good."
Thanx, man.
But, if you could, when you do have Kickoff date & time ......lemme know. 24-48 hours would be nice. We can pack quickly as we already have plenty of canned goods at the farm. Most especially would like to fill-up the bulk fuel tank b4 those 2nd Amendment gun-nuts start emptying their magazines.

So, if you would give us a heads up.....both Precious Flower and me would be very appreciative. Thanx in advance.


"Taking all of the above into consideration, along with the tens of millions of people who refuse to accept this imminent and irrefutable spread of evil, something's got to give, sooner or later. When that something finally gives, when tolerance for this pure evil ends, balloons will go up and large scale destruction will happen. Otherwise, we'd all better get used to licking the boots of these evil motherfuckers."

Hey, Night Son, how 'bout we all go down to the Dairy Queen and talk it out?
Can't hurt.

"........ it is a very old flaw in human thinking. They rushed to get in on the ground floor but the ceiling is collapsing. Only at the very end will mass panic and hysteria enter the picture. They gave up their friends, family, and neighbors to be good in the eyes of the government."

Hey, Ray, before your section of the sky falls.....wanna join poster Night Son and my avatar down at the Dairy Queen?
The three of us could talk it out. And then go talk to poster Chesswarsnow and see if we could get him to postpone the OK Corral-thingy. If not cancel it outright.
A nice big Brown Cow at the DQ could make you feel a whole lot better. Trust me.
It's mainly people Ray's age who keep pushing the "civil war" narrative, they want to see the country blown up before they croak.

Fuck 'em.
It's mainly people Ray's age who keep pushing the "civil war" narrative, they want to see the country blown up before they croak.

Fuck 'em.
Sorry bout that,

1. Seeing the problem doesn't make you the source of the problem.
2. Us old guys see shit.
3. And the shit we are seeing is headed at you first.
4. Be ready.
5. And don't come crying to me when you get dunked in it.


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