It is Not Over

  • There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
  • In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
  • In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff
  • In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant
  • In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged
  • In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented
  • 30 cases remain active
Saying there was no fraud is not doing any good. People are going to fight until the evidence is heard.

And now we know the courts didn’t allow a single instance of evidence of fraud to be presented to date.
Americans are livid with the actions that took place in the 2020 election and believe the election was stolen. There are numerous reasons for this.
It was over long ago. You are pathetic.

  • There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
  • In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
  • In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff
  • In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant
  • In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged
  • In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented
  • 30 cases remain active
Saying there was no fraud is not doing any good. People are going to fight until the evidence is heard.

And now we know the courts didn’t allow a single instance of evidence of fraud to be presented to date.
Americans are livid with the actions that took place in the 2020 election and believe the election was stolen. There are numerous reasons for this.
Gateway Pundit?????
Dispute the facts not the source. The NYT,WP,CNN, and all the networks are known liars. Do not talk to me about sources.

  • There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
  • In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
  • In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff
  • In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant
  • In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged
  • In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented
  • 30 cases remain active
Saying there was no fraud is not doing any good. People are going to fight until the evidence is heard.

And now we know the courts didn’t allow a single instance of evidence of fraud to be presented to date.
Americans are livid with the actions that took place in the 2020 election and believe the election was stolen. There are numerous reasons for this.
It was over long ago. You are pathetic.
You are dishonest and appear to be morally bankrupt as well.
Since I had enough brains not to vote for either candidate well if it's not over or if it is....k Suh rah Suh rah whatever will be will be. It makes zero difference in the end. But you keep fighting that fight because it really matters. (Trying hard to contain my laughter).
Since I had enough brains not to vote for either candidate well if it's not over or if it is....k Suh rah Suh rah whatever will be will be. It makes zero difference in the end. But you keep fighting that fight because it really matters. (Trying hard to contain my laughter).
It will make a difference for future generations. If you do not believe that and do not care that is on you.

  • There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
  • In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
  • In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff
  • In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant
  • In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged
  • In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented
  • 30 cases remain active
Saying there was no fraud is not doing any good. People are going to fight until the evidence is heard.

And now we know the courts didn’t allow a single instance of evidence of fraud to be presented to date.
Americans are livid with the actions that took place in the 2020 election and believe the election was stolen. There are numerous reasons for this.
Gateway Pundit?????
Dispute the facts not the source. The NYT,WP,CNN, and all the networks are known liars. Do not talk to me about sources.
64 judges disagreed with you. There are no facts to back you up. The whole world knows this and you just look pathetic.

  • There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
  • In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
  • In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff
  • In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant
  • In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged
  • In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented
  • 30 cases remain active
Saying there was no fraud is not doing any good. People are going to fight until the evidence is heard.

And now we know the courts didn’t allow a single instance of evidence of fraud to be presented to date.
Americans are livid with the actions that took place in the 2020 election and believe the election was stolen. There are numerous reasons for this.
It was over long ago. You are pathetic.
You are dishonest and appear to be morally bankrupt as well.
You know nothing of me, and you are just pathetic.
Honesty? Are you fucking kidding?

Trump will go down as the most dishonest president in the history of the US. From his out-and-out lie that he had the 'biggest inauguration numbers ever', through to his final rantings of voter fraud, even though there has yet to be any evidence provided of any such thing happening. In fact, there is ample evidence that no such thing happened on the scale, if at all, they he was saying. Are there isolated incidents of things happening? Yeah, I've seen the odd vote here and there. Interesting thing is, have yet to discern if these incidents involved Repubs, Dems or just nutjobs. There was at least one I saw that indicated it was a Repub voter. However, these minute incidents have happened in every election since Adam.

And just to show how silly this has all been, ponder this:
1) Why, in public, did Giuliani and all the other nimrods scream voter fraud outside the porn shop, and that is was endemic in the is election, yet the moment they got in front of the judge, they said nothing?
2) One of their main planks was that they cited many incidents where thousands of Trump voters turned up at booths (strangely ONLY at booths in the swing states), only to be told they had already voted so couldn't vote. Those people were outraged! Only problem is, who are these people? I haven't seen a single one interviewed or spoken to by the media - not even the nutty media like Briebart. You know why? BECAUSE IT DIDN'T FUCKING HAPPEN.
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It was over long ago. You are pathetic.

  • There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
  • In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
  • In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff
  • In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant
  • In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged
  • In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented
  • 30 cases remain active
Saying there was no fraud is not doing any good. People are going to fight until the evidence is heard.

And now we know the courts didn’t allow a single instance of evidence of fraud to be presented to date.
Americans are livid with the actions that took place in the 2020 election and believe the election was stolen. There are numerous reasons for this.
Yes, the election is over – 2020 was a fair, honest, lawful, accurate election devoid of ‘fraud.’

What isn’t over, unfortunately, is conservatives lying about the 2020 election.

  • There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
  • In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
  • In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff
  • In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant
  • In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged
  • In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented
  • 30 cases remain active
Saying there was no fraud is not doing any good. People are going to fight until the evidence is heard.

And now we know the courts didn’t allow a single instance of evidence of fraud to be presented to date.
Americans are livid with the actions that took place in the 2020 election and believe the election was stolen. There are numerous reasons for this.
View attachment 448045
There was massive fraud. Trolling will not change that fact. I do realize that is all you got. I recognize just how limited you are. When are you going to?
Trump has actually managed to make the likes of Nixon seem honest.

  • There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
  • In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
  • In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff
  • In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant
  • In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged
  • In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented
  • 30 cases remain active
Saying there was no fraud is not doing any good. People are going to fight until the evidence is heard.

Look . . . I am just as pissed off about the 2020 presidential election as any patriotic American. That being said, what is over is the Trump presidency. No court decision is going to put Trump back in the Oval Office. No judge anywhere, at any level is going to get involved in that kind of business, the business of potentially cracking the foundation of our civilization. So what good then can come out of these cases? The time for Trump to act was when he still wielded the full power of the POTUS. He to act, not to hold the election again and now he's out and corpse Biden is in.

But no one should miss how deeply they fear Trump and his resonance in America, as it can be seen in their attempts to smear and imprison him.
It’s better to be feared than respected – the mantra of authoritarian despots throughout history, Trump being the latest example.
It will make a difference for future generations.
I agree. I think future generations will ask two things:
1) How could so many people (trump supporters) be duped by such a lying sack of shit charlatan?
2) How could such a lying sack of shit be elected in the first place?
That's where you are wrong. You see it really won't matter in the end. If you cannot see this then that is on you. It just doesn't matter.

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