It is now time to bring up articles of impeachment against Trump

Sorry, tin foil musses up my hair something fierce.
Lol! Just like clock work. The gargoyles with no counter arguments try and crawl back while saying nothing.
There are no counter arguments for speculation, wishful thinking or sheer lunacy. Thank you very much.
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
(d)Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation 1 supervised release,,1 parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
person in connection with a Federal offense; or
causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or assisting in such prosecution or proceeding;
Sorry, tin foil musses up my hair something fierce.
Lol! Just like clock work. The gargoyles with no counter arguments try and crawl back while saying nothing.
There are no counter arguments for speculation, wishful thinking or sheer lunacy. Thank you very much.
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
What facts from your OP there are none nada nothing. If you consider your op facts you are a bigger fool than I thought. Twitter? Allegations about Muellers report? All wishful thinking.
Lawrence: This should be an article of impeachment

Not that we haven't seen this before, but the desperation by Trump to tamper with a witnesses testimony, must and will be addressed in Mueller's report. This latest stunt by Trump on twitter about Roger Stone, just confirms what we have known about Trump since the beginning. He is a desperate criminal who has gotten so sloppy with his obstruction activity, that there is no other option left to deal with other than impeachment.

Everything that we suspected about Trump is being revealed, and this latest desperate tweet proves it.

They have all these guys on lying to the FBI...about nothing.....simply getting caught up in their testimony on minor details......and that is it. The other guys are for crimes the y committed before working for Trump...

Still waiting for Russians to be involved in any of this.....

Meanwhile....hilary was selling her office as Secretary of the Saudis and Russians......crickets on that one...
Lawrence: This should be an article of impeachment

Not that we haven't seen this before, but the desperation by Trump to tamper with a witnesses testimony, must and will be addressed in Mueller's report. This latest stunt by Trump on twitter about Roger Stone, just confirms what we have known about Trump since the beginning. He is a desperate criminal who has gotten so sloppy with his obstruction activity, that there is no other option left to deal with other than impeachment.

Everything that we suspected about Trump is being revealed, and this latest desperate tweet proves it.

They have all these guys on lying to the FBI...about nothing.....simply getting caught up in their testimony on minor details......and that is it. The other guys are for crimes the y committed before working for Trump...

Still waiting for Russians to be involved in any of this.....

Meanwhile....hilary was selling her office as Secretary of the Saudis and Russians......crickets on that one...
Russian involvement has already been proven. Stop talking like an idiot.
Lol! Just like clock work. The gargoyles with no counter arguments try and crawl back while saying nothing.
There are no counter arguments for speculation, wishful thinking or sheer lunacy. Thank you very much.
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
Where is the threat? I see nothing more than an implication of praise for Mr. Stone. How lame can you get. I haven't seen any prosecuters filing charges have you? Bet you don't either.
Lol! Just like clock work. The gargoyles with no counter arguments try and crawl back while saying nothing.
There are no counter arguments for speculation, wishful thinking or sheer lunacy. Thank you very much.
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
What facts from your OP there are none nada nothing. If you consider your op facts you are a bigger fool than I thought. Twitter? Allegations about Muellers report? All wishful thinking.
You're not only lazy as hell, you're a total dumb ass; his is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
(d)Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation 1 supervised release,,1 parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
person in connection with a Federal offense; or
causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or assisting in such prosecution or proceeding;
There are no counter arguments for speculation, wishful thinking or sheer lunacy. Thank you very much.
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
Where is the threat? I see nothing more than an implication of praise for Mr. Stone. How lame can you get. I haven't seen any prosecuters filing charges have you? Bet you don't either.
Lol! More dumb ass questions. The tweet was yesterday. Are you that brain dead about law enforcement that you can't figure out for yourself how a case is built? Holy shit these folks are out to lunch.
There are no counter arguments for speculation, wishful thinking or sheer lunacy. Thank you very much.
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
Where is the threat? I see nothing more than an implication of praise for Mr. Stone. How lame can you get. I haven't seen any prosecuters filing charges have you? Bet you don't either.
Sorry doofus, but that is Trump telling Stone to hold his ground and that a pardon is in his future.
There are no articles of impeachment. No matter how many times you close your eyes and click your heels together three times.
Trump has been caught with multiple conspiracies against the U.S. in our election, and has obstructed justice many times in the public sphere. Without impeachment, Trump is above the law. That isn't how the Constitution works. Trump has to go. It's the only way to bring back the rule of law and our Republic.
There are no articles of impeachment. No matter how many times you close your eyes and click your heels together three times.
Trump has been caught with multiple conspiracies against the U.S. in our election, and has obstructed justice many times in the public sphere. Without impeachment, Trump is above the law. That isn't how the Constitution works. Trump has to go. It's the only way to bring back the rule of law and our Republic.
No counter argument? Got it. Another coward hits the dirt.
There are no counter arguments for speculation, wishful thinking or sheer lunacy. Thank you very much.
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
What facts from your OP there are none nada nothing. If you consider your op facts you are a bigger fool than I thought. Twitter? Allegations about Muellers report? All wishful thinking.
You're not only lazy as hell, you're a total dumb ass; his is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
(d)Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation 1 supervised release,,1 parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
person in connection with a Federal offense; or
causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or assisting in such prosecution or proceeding;
Words have meaning other than what you would like to believe.
Merriam Webster dictionary:
Definition of harass
transitive verb

1a : exhaust, fatigue I have been harassed with the toil of verse— William Wordsworth

b(1) : to annoy persistently was harassing his younger brother

(2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct was being harassed by her classmates claims that the police were unfairly harassing him

2 : to worry and impede by repeated raids harassed the enemy

Get a clue you walking talking malapropism.
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
Where is the threat? I see nothing more than an implication of praise for Mr. Stone. How lame can you get. I haven't seen any prosecuters filing charges have you? Bet you don't either.
Sorry doofus, but that is Trump telling Stone to hold his ground and that a pardon is in his future.
Really you got that from that tweet. Looks like you think you are able to make something mean what you wish. Don't think too many prosecuter are going to stand in line for that.
There are no articles of impeachment. No matter how many times you close your eyes and click your heels together three times.
Trump has been caught with multiple conspiracies against the U.S. in our election, and has obstructed justice many times in the public sphere. Without impeachment, Trump is above the law. That isn't how the Constitution works. Trump has to go. It's the only way to bring back the rule of law and our Republic.
No counter argument? Got it. Another coward hits the dirt.
Prosecute him or shut the fuck up!

D.C. should be walled and made into a Federal prison.


The fucking coward, are truly a blind partisan.
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
Where is the threat? I see nothing more than an implication of praise for Mr. Stone. How lame can you get. I haven't seen any prosecuters filing charges have you? Bet you don't either.
Lol! More dumb ass questions. The tweet was yesterday. Are you that brain dead about law enforcement that you can't figure out for yourself how a case is built? Holy shit these folks are out to lunch.
You know Forests' mom was right about you too. Stupid is as stupid does. Now you are forecasting what law enforcement is doing. What next Snoopy and his Sopwith Camel will enter the fray on the side of truth, justice and the American Way?
Lol! Whatever floats your boat boss. Enjoy your fantasy. It won't be forever.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
What facts from your OP there are none nada nothing. If you consider your op facts you are a bigger fool than I thought. Twitter? Allegations about Muellers report? All wishful thinking.
You're not only lazy as hell, you're a total dumb ass; his is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
(d)Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation 1 supervised release,,1 parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
person in connection with a Federal offense; or
causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or assisting in such prosecution or proceeding;
Words have meaning other than what you would like to believe.
Merriam Webster dictionary:
Definition of harass
transitive verb

1a : exhaust, fatigue I have been harassed with the toil of verse— William Wordsworth

b(1) : to annoy persistently was harassing his younger brother

(2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct was being harassed by her classmates claims that the police were unfairly harassing him

2 : to worry and impede by repeated raids harassed the enemy

Get a clue you walking talking malapropism.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
Where is the threat? I see nothing more than an implication of praise for Mr. Stone. How lame can you get. I haven't seen any prosecuters filing charges have you? Bet you don't either.
Sorry doofus, but that is Trump telling Stone to hold his ground and that a pardon is in his future.
Really you got that from that tweet. Looks like you think you are able to make something mean what you wish. Don't think too many prosecuter are going to stand in line for that.
Harass is to get involved with a witness to influence that witness and his or her decision making. Trump annoyed the investigators of the investigation, by injecting his opinion into an investigation that involves him and the other witness. Surely you aren't that stupid that you cannot see the obvious conflicts of interest there between the investigators/ investigation and the one's being investigated? If you cannot, there is no hope for you and critical thinking. You are too consumed in your own partisan weaknesses, that you are unable to deal with intelligent debate.
This has been fun and all. You have let your butt hurt carry you over the edge. I am bored with it and you.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
What facts from your OP there are none nada nothing. If you consider your op facts you are a bigger fool than I thought. Twitter? Allegations about Muellers report? All wishful thinking.
You're not only lazy as hell, you're a total dumb ass; his is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
(d)Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation 1 supervised release,,1 parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
person in connection with a Federal offense; or
causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or assisting in such prosecution or proceeding;
Words have meaning other than what you would like to believe.
Merriam Webster dictionary:
Definition of harass
transitive verb

1a : exhaust, fatigue I have been harassed with the toil of verse— William Wordsworth

b(1) : to annoy persistently was harassing his younger brother

(2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct was being harassed by her classmates claims that the police were unfairly harassing him

2 : to worry and impede by repeated raids harassed the enemy

Get a clue you walking talking malapropism.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
Where is the threat? I see nothing more than an implication of praise for Mr. Stone. How lame can you get. I haven't seen any prosecuters filing charges have you? Bet you don't either.
Sorry doofus, but that is Trump telling Stone to hold his ground and that a pardon is in his future.
Really you got that from that tweet. Looks like you think you are able to make something mean what you wish. Don't think too many prosecuter are going to stand in line for that.
Harass is to get involved with a witness to influence that witness and his or her decision making. Trump annoyed the investigators of the investigation, by injecting his opinion into an investigation that involves him and the other witness. Surely you aren't that stupid that you cannot see the obvious conflicts of interest there between the investigators/ investigation and the one's being investigated? If you cannot, there is no hope for you and critical thinking. You are too consumed in your own partisan weaknesses, that you are unable to deal with intelligent debate.
You think a lawyer is going to use what you believe or what accepted reference sources provide?
You really have left reality for silly land have fun.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
What facts from your OP there are none nada nothing. If you consider your op facts you are a bigger fool than I thought. Twitter? Allegations about Muellers report? All wishful thinking.
You're not only lazy as hell, you're a total dumb ass; his is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
(d)Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation 1 supervised release,,1 parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
person in connection with a Federal offense; or
causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or assisting in such prosecution or proceeding;
Words have meaning other than what you would like to believe.
Merriam Webster dictionary:
Definition of harass
transitive verb

1a : exhaust, fatigue I have been harassed with the toil of verse— William Wordsworth

b(1) : to annoy persistently was harassing his younger brother

(2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct was being harassed by her classmates claims that the police were unfairly harassing him

2 : to worry and impede by repeated raids harassed the enemy

Get a clue you walking talking malapropism.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
Where is the threat? I see nothing more than an implication of praise for Mr. Stone. How lame can you get. I haven't seen any prosecuters filing charges have you? Bet you don't either.
Sorry doofus, but that is Trump telling Stone to hold his ground and that a pardon is in his future.
Really you got that from that tweet. Looks like you think you are able to make something mean what you wish. Don't think too many prosecuter are going to stand in line for that.
Harass is to get involved with a witness to influence that witness and his or her decision making. Trump annoyed the investigators of the investigation, by injecting his opinion into an investigation that involves him and the other witness. Surely you aren't that stupid that you cannot see the obvious conflicts of interest there between the investigators/ investigation and the one's being investigated? If you cannot, there is no hope for you and critical thinking. You are too consumed in your own partisan weaknesses, that you are unable to deal with intelligent debate.
Just as I thought. You let your alligator mouth over load your humming bird ass so now you run away and hide. So you prove yourself an impotent fool.
Not exactly! You let your lazy ass get fried with facts from my OP that you can't refute, because you are too sorry to do your own research.
This is for all you lazy dumb ass Trump Sheep who haven't got a clue; Is Donald Trump's Tweet About Roger Stone Witness Tampering?
Where is the threat? I see nothing more than an implication of praise for Mr. Stone. How lame can you get. I haven't seen any prosecuters filing charges have you? Bet you don't either.
Lol! More dumb ass questions. The tweet was yesterday. Are you that brain dead about law enforcement that you can't figure out for yourself how a case is built? Holy shit these folks are out to lunch.
You know Forests' mom was right about you too. Stupid is as stupid does. Now you are forecasting what law enforcement is doing. What next Snoopy and his Sopwith Camel will enter the fray on the side of truth, justice and the American Way?
"Forecasting what" :auiqs.jpg: The law, as it is written and posted for you, seeing that you are too lazy to look for yourself, isn't forecasting anything. Laws don't do that. They lay down parameters from which one does not cross. Harassment is there for any law enforcement investigator to see. You however, have not laid out an intelligent counter argument to the contrary. Why? Because you can't. Harassment as defined is clear to see.

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