It Is Official: Fox News Lied About Benghazi

How clear does it have to be for you idiots to connect the dots that this president lies?
It doesn't matter. Obama has friends in all crooks and crannies of the world.

Obama is a goddamned cowardly LIAR and should NOT be allowed to set foot in the White House.

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When is the left going to stop whining about Fox news? We know Hussein and his cohorts watched the 7 hour battle in real time. We know that Military help was within reach and we know that the embassy requested more security numerous times and we know that Hussein never lifted a finger to offer assistance while the Ambassador was murdered (and raped?) and three other people including two veteran Seals were killed. We also know that (true to form) the president skipped town the next day without a care in the world, went to Vegas and instructed his press secretary to lie to the American people.

It's really worse than that. obama knew that an attack was mobilizing three HOURS before the first terrorist arrived.

Sources, emails point to communication breakdown in Obama administration during Libya attack | Fox News

Who ordered Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi on that day? He was sent to assist in a cultural event. Knowing what we now know from his own cries for help, he didn't wake up and decide to help administer cross cultural understanding. Who sent him there, at that time, and why?

You are using FOX news as a source in a thread that proves FOX news lied? Oh My Gosh! Just how desperate have you people become? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The reports did not say who gave the stand down order, just that it was received, and disobeyed, by the team at the safe house. Calling they said it came from somewhere, and then saying that proves they lied, just makes you look like the idiot you are when you claim the report was made up out of thin air.

That's telling, is it not. The Phoocks Snooze "Exclusive Report" never talks about a lot of things, like the so-called "source" itself, or how this "source" just happened to have so few degrees of separation between the key players that make the "Exclusive Report" plausible. That alone should have raised questions with any serious minded human being.

The RRT says that it did not disobey any stand down order. In fact, the RRT says that there was no stand down order issued by anyone. So, why do you keep repeating Phaucks Nuuze lies? Are you a paid Fox Affiliate?

The phrase you wrote: "Calling they said it came from somewhere, ....", is downright unintelligible and makes no sense at all. Use clear, plain English and rewrite the sentence, so somebody can make some sense out it.

Lastly, despite the evidence that has just been reported through CNN, directly from the CIA as the source of the information, you STILL sit here pretending that the Phoocks Loose "Exclusive Report" where they LIE to you by telling you their reporter Jennifer Griffin, is "at the Pentagon" when clearly she is standing directly in front of a screen with a Fox News generated graphic image of the Pentagon in the background, as this fake reporter tells you that the "CIA called for Air Support."

How many times do you need to be told - the CIA DOES NOT call the State Department, or the White House, for "Air Support." Hello? Jennifer, lied to you. Wake up! If she LIED to you about that, what else is she lying about while standing in front of a screen with the computer generated graphic image of the Pentagon in the background, which is supposed to be at the real Pentagon?

There are NO such graphics screens at the Press Room in the Pentagon with Fox News generated graphics on them. I KNOW what the Pentagon Press Room looks like and there is NOTHING there that supports Fox News broadcasts and "Exclusive Report." They lied. She was not standing inside the Pentagon when she gave this report. No more so, than the CIA calls the State Department for "Air Support."

That is not how we execute and/or deliver CAS. We do not conduct CAS missions in non-integrated environments without a crystal clear understanding of perimeter margins between the good guys and the bad guys, and we most certainly would not conduct such a mission on a blind call in the dark. CAS is a military function, not a method for extraction.

This is how we deliver CAS. This is what we train for. Not receiving calls from the CIA in the blind and in the dark:


Source: Joint Doctrine Close Air Support | JP309.3

When you are done reading this, you will understand WHY Fox News lied and you will have learned something you never knew before about how we conduct Close Air Support. I am getting tired of always having to do your homework for you.
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Tracking Phooxks Nieuwz Benghazi Lies:​

[ame=]New timeline of Benghazi attack - YouTube[/ame]

Wolf Blitzer: "There was also a suggestion as you know (referring to the Fox News "Exclusive Report") that officers on the ground were asking for military back-up, but that the CIA COC actually denied those requests."

Suzanne Kelly: "I can't use the actual word that they told me, but I can tell you that the official offered a very passionate statement that it (referring to the Fox News "Exclusive Report" lie) was simply not true."

So, what kind of intelligent human being, knowing these facts to be true, can somehow still allow themselves to be lead by the nose by this piece of fictional trash:

At what point Republicans, do you stop doing this to the country? At what point do you check yourself before you wreck the country, yet again? At what point do you conclude that it is time to start behaving like responsible adults? At what point, do you abandon Fox News, or at the very least, point out and admit when it lies on YOUR behalf, to the American People?

One word: BUSTED!
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The reports did not say who gave the stand down order, just that it was received, and disobeyed, by the team at the safe house. Calling they said it came from somewhere, and then saying that proves they lied, just makes you look like the idiot you are when you claim the report was made up out of thin air.

That's telling, is it not. The Phoocks Snooze "Exclusive Report" never talks about a lot of things, like the so-called "source" itself, or how this "source" just happened to have so few degrees of separation between the key players that make the "Exclusive Report" plausible. That alone should have raised questions with any serious minded human being.

The RRT says that it did not disobey any stand down order. In fact, the RRT says that there was no stand down order issued by anyone. So, why do you keep repeating Phaucks Nuuze lies? Are you a paid Fox Affiliate?

The phrase you wrote: "Calling they said it came from somewhere, ....", is downright unintelligible and makes no sense at all. Use clear, plain English and rewrite the sentence, so somebody can make some sense out it.

Lastly, despite the evidence that has just been reported through CNN, directly from the CIA as the source of the information, you STILL sit here pretending that the Phoocks Loose "Exclusive Report" where they LIE to you by telling you their reporter Jennifer Griffin, is "at the Pentagon" when clearly she is standing directly in front of a screen with a Fox News generated graphic image of the Pentagon in the background, as this fake reporter tells you that the "CIA called for Air Support."

How many times do you need to be told - the CIA DOES NOT call the State Department, or the White House, for "Air Support." Hello? Jennifer, lied to you. Wake up! If she LIED to you about that, what else is she lying about while standing in front of a screen with the computer generated graphic image of the Pentagon in the background, which is supposed to be at the real Pentagon?

There are NO such graphics screens at the Press Room in the Pentagon with Fox News generated graphics on them. I KNOW what the Pentagon Press Room looks like and there is NOTHING there that supports Fox News broadcasts and "Exclusive Report." They lied. She was not standing inside the Pentagon when she gave this report. No more so, than the CIA calls the State Department for "Air Support."

That is not how we execute and/or deliver CAS. We do not conduct CAS missions in non-integrated environments without a crystal clear understanding of perimeter margins between the good guys and the bad guys, and we most certainly would not conduct such a mission on a blind call in the dark. CAS is a military function, not a method for extraction.

This is how we deliver CAS. This is what we train for. Not receiving calls from the CIA in the blind and in the dark:


Source: Joint Doctrine Close Air Support | JP309.3

When you are done reading this, you will understand WHY Fox News lied and you will have learned something you never knew before about how we conduct Close Air Support. I am getting tired of always having to do your homework for you.

Apparently you forgot that the CIA has its own air support now.

Thanks for proving you can't think.
Apparently you forgot that the CIA has its own air support now.

Thanks for proving you can't think.

I can't think?

If the CIA was calling its own "air support," then Phucks News would not have reported "Exclusively" from the "Pentagon" that the CIA called the State Department for "Air Support." And, just like that, your fake reply is exposed for what it is: an attempt at pretense on a subject you know nothing about.

Your post is a glaring red herring in search of a non-sequitur that does not exist. You pretend to have said something that makes sense, when what you've said could not be more unintelligible. Keep deluding yourself. I'll keep educating you.
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Did the video insult Mohammed and Muslims?

Sure and had the video been the reason for the attack, the attack would have happened months earlier, when the film was first released. But the attack didn't happen then, it happened months later on the anniversary of 9/11.

“Reaction should have been, if it was genuine, should have been six months earlier. So it was postponed until the 11th of September

Even the WH eventually admitted the attack was due to terrorists, rather than the film (well, except for Obama. Natch)

White House admits attack in Libya that killed ambassador Chris Stevens was act of terror | Mail Online

Obama finally, finally admitted that yes the attack was planned, was done by terrorists and was not due to the film. On The View. Good gawd.

Cripes, two hours after the attacks began the WH knew that this was not due to the reaction of some film.

White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

This, just two days after the attack:

“The attack would have taken place regardless of the protest against a movie that insults Islam,” Benotman, who is a former member of the Libyan Islamist Fighting Group, told CNN.

The protests, which took place the same evening as the armed assault, were nominally directed against an amateur film trailer produced by a US resident, seen as insulting to the Prophet Mohamed.

But the Quilliam Foundation believes it is more likely that the armed assault was a response to a video statement released by Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks of 11 September 2001.

In the video, Zawahiri confirmed the recent killing of his deputy Abu Yahya al-Libi in a US drone strike in June, and called on Libyans to avenge his death.

US Consulate in Benghazi attack: What happened, and why? | Egypt Independent

Obama lied when he said, for weeks, that the cause of the attack was due to the film. Period. But if you want to keep believing that lie, go for it.

Cause and effect may be too challenging for you.

We know the film was released and there were violent responses to it in the Muslim World. That's a fact.

We now AQ and other splinter or independent groups exist which hate America (and Western Europe). That's a fact.

We know the Muslim World is a powder keg and leaders within scapegoat us in an effort to remain in power. We also know those without power, the fringe extremist Muslims, want power.

How is it far fetched to believe an incident such as this film was not at least a catalyst for the Benghazi attack?

Calling the President a liar is a cheap shot. You have no clue what was in his mind, the mind of the terrorists or others who may have been involved at the early stages of violent protest in Libya on the night in question.

You buy the lie that the WH sells and blame the attack on protesters over a film (which Obama later admitted was not the cause of the attack and that the attack was, in fact, preplanned by terrorists) rather than admit that Obama knows damn well that al qaeda is alive and well and most certainly still a threat to us, despite having 'gotten of bin laden', and that's the reason why he lied about the film/protesters being the reason for the attack.

<blink, blink>

Ok, you run with that.

Get over your butt-hurt (cheap shot? :lol:) Obama lied. Period.
No, it wasn't.

Libyan president says attack was planned terrorism - New York Daily News

Of course there were things that could have been done. First and foremost they could have provided more security when Stevens repeatedly asked for it. That alone may have saved the lives of those four men. But those requests were turned down by officials in D.C.
Did the video insult Mohammed and Muslims?

Sure and had the video been the reason for the attack, the attack would have happened months earlier, when the film was first released. But the attack didn't happen then, it happened months later on the anniversary of 9/11.

It was uploaded to YouTube without any fanfare. Things take time to catch on.

I just looked up Gangnam Style on YouTube:

Published on Jul 15, 2012
It didn't became a hit until September. Ellen DeGeneres had him on her show September 10, a week after it broke out big.

And you can't even dance to this Mohammed video!
I'll wait for the congressional investigation, where people are sworn and give testimony in public.

That and the denial that runs rampant among nutter rw's is why fux gets away with their daily lies.

And, someone back on page one said that fux does not have a candidate in this race. That's simply not true. As the Official Network of The Repub Party, they have many and they will cheerfully tell any lie to get them elected.
How clear does it have to be for you idiots to connect the dots that this president lies?
It doesn't matter. Obama has friends in all crooks and crannies of the world.

Obama is a goddamned cowardly LIAR and should NOT be allowed to set foot in the White House.


If that's the standard the white house will be empty of all politicians from both parties.... now I'm starting to like this
Did the video insult Mohammed and Muslims?

Sure and had the video been the reason for the attack, the attack would have happened months earlier, when the film was first released. But the attack didn't happen then, it happened months later on the anniversary of 9/11.

It was uploaded to YouTube without any fanfare. Things take time to catch on.

I just looked up Gangnam Style on YouTube:

Published on Jul 15, 2012
It didn't became a hit until September. Ellen DeGeneres had him on her show September 10, a week after it broke out big.

And you can't even dance to this Mohammed video!

The movie saw one viewing with an audience of 10 people in CA, only clips were uploaded to youtube, youtube voluntarily blocked the video in Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, India, Singapore; Turkey, Brazil and Russia have initiated steps to get the video blocked.

Even Obama finally admitted that the attack was pre-planned and carried out by terrorists and was not due to protesters railing over the video.

Opp, opp, opp, oppa Allah style.

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