It Is Official: Fox News Lied About Benghazi

With all due respect, Mittwit got his mug on camera at midnight to denounce the president before ANY facts were known, or ANY speculation as to what had caused it.

He did not, he denounced the statement put put by the embassy in Cairo. Come to think of it, so did Obama, before he turned around and used the same ideas to attack the video when the attack in Benghazi happened hours later.

You really should stick to simple stuff, like 2+2=x.

A statement that was put out in the afternoon, at the start of protests - not violence - in an attempt to quiet the anger over the video.

An attempt to be diplomatic. Imagine that, from a diplomatic compound!

And dumbfuck, craven politician Romney rushes to judgement to try to score political points off of Americans in danger.


I notice you didn't comment on Obama disavowing the statement, I wonder why.

The Obama administration is disavowing a statement from its own Cairo embassy that seemed to apologize for anti-Muslim activity in the United States.
"The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government," an administration official told POLITICO.

Obama administration disavows Cairo 'apology' -

If you were consistent you would be jumping all over Obama for this, but you just jump on Romney.
LOL!!!! From the NOOB who claims to be an independent.. Why are nearly all independents really liberals?? Could it be that you LIARS think you're actually fooling anyone with your BS??

Could it be that the smell of your own illogical and circular BS is the only thing you are capable of seeing in others?

Being an guaranteed, inflexible, incapable of independent action ideological peg in the wall, is proof positive of your NOOB status.

As far as liars go, you need look no further than Mitt Romney. A candidate who can't keep his Arkansas campaign statement in-line with his Idaho campaign statement on any number of supposed "positions" ranging from Social Security Privatization, to being Pro-Life before he was Pro-Choice, before he was both simultaneously, to the bizarre and twisted concept of Non-Existent Pre-Existing Conditions, to Letting Detroit Fail and then Taking Credit for its Success, to a $5 Trillion Deficit Neutral Tax Cut that Has No Compensating Balance, to Active going out and Seeking Qualified Women in Massachusetts when Qualified Women were Brought To Him - all the way to the incompetence of Launching a Trade War with the Largest Owner of U.S. Debt in our Nation's History.

Yes, indeed - only a NOOB would be so ideologically glued to irrational voting patterns. Goodness gracious - wake yourself up and listen to yourself talk.

I was a card carrying member of the Republican Party, before you were out of diapers. I left that party precisely because of attitudes like YOURS and people who know nothing about what being a true Conservative means. True Conservatism has not been practiced in this country for over 135+ years. If it were, I would still be one. Today, I am a comfortable Independent Free Agent Voter who cows to no ideological grind.

Wake up.
Please review the voting records of Senate Republicans Enzi and Barrasso. They should be picture perfect conservatives. I can appreciate the fact that some Republicans are less conservative than others, but from what I've seen, our folks do the best they can with the issues they have confronting them and the crazy press. I've been a Republican since 1971. I like to get to know who's representing me and how they vote. I greatly hope we see a revival in conservative voting records among both parties and anyone else who gets elected.

It's important to have a zero deficit and a balanced budget every year.

Benghazi or Bergdahl - what's the diff?
Bengazi. Bengazi pales to the lies our government told us since the CIA coup that put that Shaw of Iran back in power in 53. Or the lies about the communist insurgency in Vietnam. Don't believe anything the press or the government tells you. Follow your gut.

Benghazi or Bergdahl - what's the diff?

Well lets see. Similarities...

Benghazi: Susan Rice went on Sunday talk shows and lied her ass off

Bergdahl: Susan Rice went on Sunday talk shows and lied her ass off

Check. No difference.

Benghazi: Obama hid the truth for political expediency

Bergdahl: Obama hid the truth for political expediency

Check: No difference.

LaKhota omg you hit it out of the ball park. No difference in the slime ball tactics out of the White House aka The Home of the Whopper!!!

Well done :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Patraeus has already chimed in about Benghazi:
Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus | The Weekly Standard
CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement:
"No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.”
Do you have ANYTHING that disproves what he said?

I made it big so you won't miss it. It's weasel-wording. The CIA doesn't have any authority to tell the Pentagon what to do, so this statement is perfectly true.

Get it?
With all due respect, here in lies the difference. President Bush didn't try to blame a video and apologize to Islam at large.

With all due respect, Mittwit got his mug on camera at midnight to denounce the president before ANY facts were known, or ANY speculation as to what had caused it.

He did not, he denounced the statement put put by the embassy in Cairo. Come to think of it, so did Obama, before he turned around and used the same ideas to attack the video when the attack in Benghazi happened hours later.

You really should stick to simple stuff, like 2+2=x.
Why is he denouncing ANYTHING while events are unfolding?

For craven, partisan politics. The worst kind: undermining the Commander in Chief while in the middle of an overseas incident.

Rightwingers are unpatriotic assholes whenever there is a Democratic President.
You notice they don't give a shit Obama, Susan Rice, and Hillary all LIED

Omg, they are upset over A FRIKKEN NEWS CHANNEL

The marching never stops with this base of sheep
I know I never did. It was a clusterfuck. It was insane how 9/11 was allowed to occur. I'm choosing my words very carefully here.

Many are to blame. So many. On this we can be bi partisan. Both sides of the aisle monumentally fucked up. Pardon my french. We learned a lot from that day though.

Hence, this situation in Libya is a dog's breakfast. Over a decade later.

This is political correctness gone FUBAR. And people are dead.

At the time, Republicans controlled the House.

Answer honestly: did the House investigate Bush w/9-11 the way they are going after Obama w/ Benghazi?

Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes - CNN

Answer honestly, did Bush try to blame 9/11 on a video?

No, they tried to blame it on Clinton.

Answer honestly - How would this headline go over with rightwingers:

Obama asks Boehner to limit Benghazi probes


And why would Bush ask that of Daschle? What is he hiding?

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