It Is Outrageous that Supporting Trump Is Dangerous

What a fucking retard.

Tell me scumbag, when was the last time anyone ripped the pink pussy hat from a woman's head? When was the last time an estrogen soaked eunuch like you was assaulted for wearing one?

Which represents hate, you fucking idiot?

Okay, let's look at that.

Pussy hat - treat women decently.

MAGA Hat- Round up all them brown people and deport them!

okay, which one of those philosophies NEEDS an ass whupping?

Again, when was a women ever attacked for wearing a pussy hate? Never

When was an American attacked for wearing a MAGA hat? Daily?

WHO are the violent thugs? WHO promotes HATE?

Dumb America hating motherfucker.
Do you think it's productive for government to regulate speech? How about thought? Are children the property of the state? Are parents just "care takers" who must follow the guidelines established by the true owners, the state?

If you don't mind seeing Donald Trump reelected then keep it up.

Are you on acid? I said nothing about "regulating speech" and "children being property of the state". Did you hallucinate it? Or is your reading comprehension shit?
ROTFLMAO! The DNC server wasn't hacked by anyone. E-mails were downloaded by an insider and if you knew or understood ANYTHING about firewalls and the data download time of those outside it? You would know that. What cracks me up is that you are not pissed about the revelations of the DNC hack but rather you are pissed that they saw the light of day.......that speaks volumes about your lack of character and integrity.

well, actually, yeah, I'm not worried about what was in the emails because they weren't that big of a deal. Nothing said in those emails that people weren't saying pretty much out in the open.

What bothers me, of course, is that Russia had a vested interest in electing Trump. so did Julian Assange, who also hates America.


You dumb, America hating motherfucker.
Do you think it's productive for government to regulate speech? How about thought? Are children the property of the state? Are parents just "care takers" who must follow the guidelines established by the true owners, the state?

If you don't mind seeing Donald Trump reelected then keep it up.

Are you on acid? I said nothing about "regulating speech" and "children being property of the state". Did you hallucinate it? Or is your reading comprehension shit?

Are you just stupid? You went on a rant of what you think is wrong with the right, whilst ignoring the ills of your own side. Now you become unhinged that I dare point them out?
President Trump is the most vetted president in history- the DNC, Media, RNC, dug dirt on him for three years, Mueller has been digging dirt on him for 2 years, he was spied on by the highest level FISA warrant possible still no dirt but Democrats are not satisfied. HARASSMENT!
President Trump is the most vetted president in history- the DNC, Media, RNC, dug dirt on him for three years, Mueller has been digging dirt on him for 2 years, he was spied on by the highest level FISA warrant possible still no dirt but Democrats are not satisfied. HARASSMENT!
It's a bitch, huh?
Do you think it's productive for government to regulate speech? How about thought? Are children the property of the state? Are parents just "care takers" who must follow the guidelines established by the true owners, the state?

If you don't mind seeing Donald Trump reelected then keep it up.

Are you on acid? I said nothing about "regulating speech" and "children being property of the state". Did you hallucinate it? Or is your reading comprehension shit?

Are you just stupid? You went on a rant of what you think is wrong with the right, whilst ignoring the ills of your own side. Now you become unhinged that I dare point them out?

I'm a Republican and a conservative. Feel free to show where I've made a leftist argument.
President Trump is the most vetted president in history- the DNC, Media, RNC, dug dirt on him for three years, Mueller has been digging dirt on him for 2 years, he was spied on by the highest level FISA warrant possible still no dirt but Democrats are not satisfied. HARASSMENT!
It's a bitch, huh?

Pay back? For what? Are you referring to the Hillary investigation? Are you under the impression that the two situations are similar? Cuz I don't.
Hearing the truth about the corruption within the DNC was quite upsetting for you to hear, I'm sure. After all, your loyalty to them is unparalleled. You put the party over the people just like Benito Mussolini commanded the Italian people to do. Mussolini loved suckers like you.

Sorry, what was in those emails that I was supposed to be so upset about, exactly?

I mean, we all felt really kind of naughty looking at people's private correspondence, but gee, what was in there we didn't already know?

That most of the Democratic Establishment didn't like Commie Bernie? Yeah, we know that.
We all have a right to like or not like our current politicians. No one has a right to harm a neighbor over a bumper sticker or a hat with a slogan. That's absolutely nuts.
Yeah, it is nuts, and lefties are the only ones who do it.
I understand why you love the Donald so much. You on the right want a strongman leader like Putin. To bad you are not smart enough to understand is that what the Donald wants to. Yes he wants to be a dictator thinking he knows all the answers. Trouble is he doesn't understand the constitution. And you can take McConnell and shove him up your ass before he destroys everything about this country. Here are the simple facts, if you look at the polls then you will soon understand that the republicans party does not want what the majority of this country wants. The president to follow the constitution.
The vast majority do not want a big glorious wall on our borders. The vast majority now understand that the tax cut was for the wealthy only. The vast majority knows that it is the inherent right of people who are in danger in their own country do have a legal right to apply for asylum. The overwhelming majority know that the republicans have now appointed two sexual abusers to the supreme court.
Anyone with a brain know that what Donald is doing is weakening our country. I would like to point out once more is that Obama reduced the unemployment from 9.7 to 4.7. That 5 points. The Donald has only reduced unemployment by 1% Yes the stock market went wild when the Donald was elected but what about after they understood just what a horrible president that the Donald is. In the last year he has lost ground on the stock market but you on the right refuse to talk truth.
President Trump is the most vetted president in history- the DNC, Media, RNC, dug dirt on him for three years, Mueller has been digging dirt on him for 2 years, he was spied on by the highest level FISA warrant possible still no dirt but Democrats are not satisfied. HARASSMENT!
For successful crooks like Trump, it can take years to catch him. Once Trump is no longer shielded by the presidency, they'll get him.
The rage is due to the fact that Donald Trump campaigns not on peace but on bigotry and hate. Practically every word in his rallies drips with hate for minorities, immigrants, gays, and anyone who disagrees with him. And that is exactly what his supporters love about him. A vote for Donald Trump is certainly not a vote for peace.

The incredible irony of one of you Stalinist democrats posting such shit is beyond the pale.

The only thing you are about is unbridled hatred. There is NOTHING to the left but hate.

Tell me ONE THING POSITIVE you fucking pigs promote? Strip people of their wealth, their pride and their lives? That isn't positive comrade.

You are the enemy of America, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of civil rights, the enemy of civil society. You are a cancer intent on the utter destruction of the nation and the concept of self-government.
Congratulations. You carry the Trump vision of hate and division quite well.


Tell me anything positive you Stalinists promote?

Show me ANYTHING but hate from the left?
All that hate is on Fox noise and Rush. We hate the lies you believe not you dumbass. The GOP has obstructed progress from the Democrats for 50 years. We have fallen behind the rest of the world in benefits of citizenship and healthy middle class. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility of any. And no Health Care daycare cheap training etc etc 5 week vacations. Socialism sounds horrible doesn't it?


So you got nothing then?
Goodness what a brainwashed functional moron....
More fact in tha paragraph then you get from Fox Rush etc and Republicans in a year, dumbass.
False flag attacks. Is Jussie Smollet included in those figures?
So the FBI is a false flag operation? Time to order more tinfoil, brainwashed functional moron conspiracy Nut Job...
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search
Ironic that our old white fart trumpies here are sucking off their socialist benefits and are too dumb to know
What do "socialist benefits" have to do with Jussie Smollett and leftwing false flag operations?

Whose smallett btw.?
He doesn't appear in my world reading.
Important in knees news?
Changing the course of the world?
Yes, I can see you prefer to remain ignorant. However, we were discussing Jussie Smollett. Since you're admitting you are totally ignorant on that subject, why the fuck are you commenting on it?

Nice foul mouth laddie.
Just asked who he was, apologies.
I thought the subject was don the con, not some out of the way tv guy
False flag attacks. Is Jussie Smollet included in those figures?
So the FBI is a false flag operation? Time to order more tinfoil, brainwashed functional moron conspiracy Nut Job...
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search
Ironic that our old white fart trumpies here are sucking off their socialist benefits and are too dumb to know
What do "socialist benefits" have to do with Jussie Smollett and leftwing false flag operations?

Whose smallett btw.?
He doesn't appear in my world reading.
Important in knees news?
Changing the course of the world?
Yes, I can see you prefer to remain ignorant. However, we were discussing Jussie Smollett. Since you're admitting you are totally ignorant on that subject, why the fuck are you commenting on it?

I thought the thread was about trump?
This may help
Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence
Another deep state commie publication, always zinging our best Pres ever
Great toned bod
Never cheats at golf
Never drags his only wife by the hair before raping her
Never been bankrupt
Never had a university and s foundation shut down
Ever seen one of his all white Nazi rallies?
I love them
The incredible irony of one of you Stalinist democrats posting such shit is beyond the pale.

The only thing you are about is unbridled hatred. There is NOTHING to the left but hate.

Tell me ONE THING POSITIVE you fucking pigs promote? Strip people of their wealth, their pride and their lives? That isn't positive comrade.

You are the enemy of America, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of civil rights, the enemy of civil society. You are a cancer intent on the utter destruction of the nation and the concept of self-government.
Congratulations. You carry the Trump vision of hate and division quite well.


Tell me anything positive you Stalinists promote?

Show me ANYTHING but hate from the left?
All that hate is on Fox noise and Rush. We hate the lies you believe not you dumbass. The GOP has obstructed progress from the Democrats for 50 years. We have fallen behind the rest of the world in benefits of citizenship and healthy middle class. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility of any. And no Health Care daycare cheap training etc etc 5 week vacations. Socialism sounds horrible doesn't it?


So you got nothing then?
Goodness what a brainwashed functional moron....
More fact in tha paragraph then you get from Fox Rush etc and Republicans in a year, dumbass.

The study did show the more you watch knees news the dumber you get
So the FBI is a false flag operation? Time to order more tinfoil, brainwashed functional moron conspiracy Nut Job...
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search
Ironic that our old white fart trumpies here are sucking off their socialist benefits and are too dumb to know
What do "socialist benefits" have to do with Jussie Smollett and leftwing false flag operations?

Whose smallett btw.?
He doesn't appear in my world reading.
Important in knees news?
Changing the course of the world?
Yes, I can see you prefer to remain ignorant. However, we were discussing Jussie Smollett. Since you're admitting you are totally ignorant on that subject, why the fuck are you commenting on it?

I thought the thread was about trump?
This may help
Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence
Another deep state commie publication, always zinging our best Pres ever
Great toned bod
Never cheats at golf
Never drags his only wife by the hair before raping her
Never been bankrupt
Never had a university and s foundation shut down
Ever seen one of his all white Nazi rallies?
I love them
Hillary paid people to beat up Trump supporters outside of his rallies. You deranged Trump haters always crack me up when you start bleating sanctimoniously about Trump encouraging violence. There is hours and hours of video on youTube of Trump haters beating up his supporters. You must believe no one has watched the news for the past three years.
Ironic that our old white fart trumpies here are sucking off their socialist benefits and are too dumb to know
What do "socialist benefits" have to do with Jussie Smollett and leftwing false flag operations?

Whose smallett btw.?
He doesn't appear in my world reading.
Important in knees news?
Changing the course of the world?
Yes, I can see you prefer to remain ignorant. However, we were discussing Jussie Smollett. Since you're admitting you are totally ignorant on that subject, why the fuck are you commenting on it?

I thought the thread was about trump?
This may help
Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence
Another deep state commie publication, always zinging our best Pres ever
Great toned bod
Never cheats at golf
Never drags his only wife by the hair before raping her
Never been bankrupt
Never had a university and s foundation shut down
Ever seen one of his all white Nazi rallies?
I love them
Hillary paid people to beat up Trump supporters outside of his rallies. You deranged Trump haters always crack me up when you start bleating sanctimoniously about Trump encouraging violence. There is hours and hours of video on youTube of Trump haters beating up his supporters. You must believe no one has watched the news for the past three years.
Despite your garbage anecdotal propaganda, the only actual spike in violence lately has been against Jews Muslims gays and blacks by right wing goomba assholes since Trump. Up 35%
Ironic that our old white fart trumpies here are sucking off their socialist benefits and are too dumb to know
What do "socialist benefits" have to do with Jussie Smollett and leftwing false flag operations?

Whose smallett btw.?
He doesn't appear in my world reading.
Important in knees news?
Changing the course of the world?
Yes, I can see you prefer to remain ignorant. However, we were discussing Jussie Smollett. Since you're admitting you are totally ignorant on that subject, why the fuck are you commenting on it?

I thought the thread was about trump?
This may help
Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence
Another deep state commie publication, always zinging our best Pres ever
Great toned bod
Never cheats at golf
Never drags his only wife by the hair before raping her
Never been bankrupt
Never had a university and s foundation shut down
Ever seen one of his all white Nazi rallies?
I love them
Hillary paid people to beat up Trump supporters outside of his rallies. You deranged Trump haters always crack me up when you start bleating sanctimoniously about Trump encouraging violence. There is hours and hours of video on youTube of Trump haters beating up his supporters. You must believe no one has watched the news for the past three years.
Hillary did no such thing and has never been found anything more than careless people live on another planet. She thought she was going to win easily and she knows everything she does is watched intently. You are basically insane at this point...

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