It is simply indisputable - we have a severe spending problem

Republicans love taxes too, especially the regressive fee/sales/sin type shit, it's where all the states, even the red ones, went to fill their state level budget shortfalls. The very idea that republicans hate all taxes is false in the extreme. They just hate the taxes that the rich investor must pay, they have no problem shifting the burden down the income scale as far as possible.

How many Millionaires and Billionaires lose their grocery money by Casino Gambling? The R's - lol the moral majority - had no problem with the growth of casino gambling which has become epidemic in our country. A hidden tax to be sure, and one which impacts the working poor to the highest degree. How about the lottery, how many working men and women chase that 'dream'? How many Billionaires?

Democrats were the biggest supporters of the lottery. I know because I asked a Democrat candidate how she could possibly support the lottery, and she slobbered all over herself trying to justify it.
Even I don't believe you are so stupid as to believe this ^^^ post. Have you ever been in one of the Indian Casinos? Have you noticed the stature of the people who line up to buy lottery tickets? You know, I actually believe you are so stupid.

Believe what? I made no statement you buffoon. I asked you to clarify your absurd statement (as if you've ever made any other kind of statement).

You're position is that the working poor is so irresponsible and despicable, that they gamble what little money they have, and you feel the GOP is to blame for that.

Apparently, seeing your own words repeated to you have made you realize how stupid they are? :lol:

I wrote no such thing, these were my words:

"How many Millionaires and Billionaires lose their grocery money by Casino Gambling? The R's - lol the moral majority - had no problem with the growth of casino gambling which has become epidemic in our country. A hidden tax to be sure, and one which impacts the working poor to the highest degree. How about the lottery, how many working men and women chase that 'dream'? How many Billionaires?"

These words are yours:

"You're position is that the working poor is so irresponsible and despicable, that they gamble what little money they have, and you feel the GOP is to blame for that."

As I said, and with all honesty, you really are stupid. With your words you built a Straw Man. No where did I call the working poor "irresponsible and despicable"; those words are yours and a clear statement of how you feel about the working poor. Probative evidence that you are a bigot.

Lotteries and off track betting started in Blue States. They encountered resistence in Red states because fundamentalist Christians dont believe in gambling. So you fail, yet again, you stumbling clustersuck.
But the thread is not about gambling. It is about the incredible crushing burden of taxes, mostly generated by Democrats.
The wealthy are happy with higher taxes. They've made their money and can hire accountants and lawyers to avoid a lot of it. But people working their way into wealthy have a hard time trying to make it with after tax income.
Even I don't believe you are so stupid as to believe this ^^^ post. Have you ever been in one of the Indian Casinos? Have you noticed the stature of the people who line up to buy lottery tickets? You know, I actually believe you are so stupid.

Believe what? I made no statement you buffoon. I asked you to clarify your absurd statement (as if you've ever made any other kind of statement).

You're position is that the working poor is so irresponsible and despicable, that they gamble what little money they have, and you feel the GOP is to blame for that.

Apparently, seeing your own words repeated to you have made you realize how stupid they are? :lol:

I wrote no such thing, these were my words:

"How many Millionaires and Billionaires lose their grocery money by Casino Gambling? The R's - lol the moral majority - had no problem with the growth of casino gambling which has become epidemic in our country. A hidden tax to be sure, and one which impacts the working poor to the highest degree. How about the lottery, how many working men and women chase that 'dream'? How many Billionaires?"

These words are yours:

"You're position is that the working poor is so irresponsible and despicable, that they gamble what little money they have, and you feel the GOP is to blame for that."

As I said, and with all honesty, you really are stupid. With your words you built a Straw Man. No where did I call the working poor "irresponsible and despicable"; those words are yours and a clear statement of how you feel about the working poor. Probative evidence that you are a bigot.

Hey dumb-ass, there was no "straw man" (the lefts favorite excuse for why they've had their ass handed to them in a debate). I never claimed you called the poor who gamble "irresponsible and despicable". Those were my words. You're just pissed off because it's true.

What kind of asshole who is poor gambles?!? Worse yet, what kind of bigger asshole blames that kind of free-will idiocy on complete strangers who have nothing to do with it? :bang3:
On this issue we might have found common ground with our democrat / liberal brothers and sisters.

We all agree we have spending problems.

Conservatives and some republicans believe we spend too much.
Liberals/Democrats believe we don't spend nearly enough.

Written by a classic, but classless partisan hack ^^^.

Spending is all about establishing priorities. The R's pretend tax breaks to the rich pay dividends which trickle down to the hoi polloi. We know that is bullshit, but bullshit repeated over and over and over stops stinking (at least to the senses of the naïve).

If we believe something meets the vision of the Founding Fathers as outlined in the Preamble to our Constitution, then we should be willing to pay the tax needed. If we believe the common defense includes protection from bacterial and viral infections, as well as from the guns of foreign invaders, than we need to pay the tax necessary for our protection; if we believe liberty is precious, then we must support it in all of its manifestations - freedom from hunger, from poverty, from oppression, and pay the tax necessary to secure its blessing to ourselves, our fellow citizens and to our posterity.

Your standard of living is higher than it would be if you had never heard of trickle down economics, yet you bitch because it worked.

My standard of living is high because I went to college, worked hard and planned for my retirement. It had zero to do with Reagan and voodoo economics. In fact working in LE I saw how badly Reagan's economic policies harmed the poor, the working poor and Vietnam Vets. Yeah, the vets, many were homeless and on drugs in the Bay Area post Vietnam. Under the Reagan Administration, for the first time, vets were required to prove their ailment was service connected.

Many of those we ended up arresting and were put in jail - not treatment - were alcoholics or drug addicts and suffering PTSD. How does a 30 something who survived combat when many of his brothers did not, prove to the VA that his drinking or jones or nightmares were the result of having a fellow soldier die in his presence, maybe in his arms?
Believe what? I made no statement you buffoon. I asked you to clarify your absurd statement (as if you've ever made any other kind of statement).

You're position is that the working poor is so irresponsible and despicable, that they gamble what little money they have, and you feel the GOP is to blame for that.

Apparently, seeing your own words repeated to you have made you realize how stupid they are? :lol:

I wrote no such thing, these were my words:

"How many Millionaires and Billionaires lose their grocery money by Casino Gambling? The R's - lol the moral majority - had no problem with the growth of casino gambling which has become epidemic in our country. A hidden tax to be sure, and one which impacts the working poor to the highest degree. How about the lottery, how many working men and women chase that 'dream'? How many Billionaires?"

These words are yours:

"You're position is that the working poor is so irresponsible and despicable, that they gamble what little money they have, and you feel the GOP is to blame for that."

As I said, and with all honesty, you really are stupid. With your words you built a Straw Man. No where did I call the working poor "irresponsible and despicable"; those words are yours and a clear statement of how you feel about the working poor. Probative evidence that you are a bigot.

Hey dumb-ass, there was no "straw man" (the lefts favorite excuse for why they've had their ass handed to them in a debate). I never claimed you called the poor who gamble "irresponsible and despicable". Those were my words. You're just pissed off because it's true.

What kind of asshole who is poor gambles?!? Worse yet, what kind of bigger asshole blames that kind of free-will idiocy on complete strangers who have nothing to do with it? :bang3:

You should stop digging. You've proved you're a bigot, and now you've proved you're an ignorant one. The trifecta - a stupid, ignorant bigot. Nice resume.
Is it really that they "love" taxes [MENTION=33716]occupied[/MENTION], or is it that they are trying desperately to prevent the collapse from the Dumbocrat spending :eusa_eh:.

And shifting those taxes to the slime consuming cigarettes and alcohol is a billion times better than punishing producers and job creators. The GOP has the most impossible juggling act in the world to maintain - prevent Dumbocrat spending from collapsing the U.S. (like they did in Detroit) while not taxing the economy into collapse. All in all, I'd say they do a jaw-dropping job under the circumstances.

You really are living in a reality of your own making if you think the Republicans are in a juggling act to stop spending by Democrats or even themselves. The Republican majority during the Bush administration doubled the national debt. The current Republican controlled House has added a few trillion more to it since taking control in 2011.
Trickle down only worked for greedy rich people- your heroes, dingbats.

Memorize the facts, hater dupes:

1. WORKERS past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):1950 = 101%1960 = 105%1970 = 105%1980 = 105% – Reagan1990 = 100%2000 = 96%2007 = 92%A 13% drop since 1980A 13% drop since 1980

2. THE TOP 10% GET A LARGER SHARE.Share of National Income going to Top 10%:1950 = 35%1960 = 34%1970 = 34%1980 = 34% – Reagan1990 = 40%2000 = 47%2007 = 50% TO MAKE UP FOR THE LOSS.Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95% An increase of 16% since Reagan.

3. WORKERS COMPENSATED FOR THE LOSS OF INCOME BY SPENDING THEIR SAVINGS.The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.1950 = 6.0%1960 = 7.0%1970 = 8.5%1980 = 10.0% – Reagan1982 = 11.2% – Peak1990 = 7.0%2000 = 2.0%2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

4. Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95%A 45% increase after 1980.

5. SO THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICHEST AND THE POOREST HAS GROWN.Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%and the bottom 80%:1980 = 10%2003 = 56%A 5.6 times increase.

6. AND THE AMERICAN DREAM IS GONE.The Probabilityy of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:1945 = 12%1958 = 6%1990 = 3%2000 = 2%A 10% Decrease.

Links:1 = = = Clipboard01.jpg (image)2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez | The White House3 = = = = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--June 6, 20135/6 = Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider
According to some despite being 17 trillion in debt we don't spend enough I won't begin to try and explain that logic but it's out there.
Is it really that they "love" taxes [MENTION=33716]occupied[/MENTION], or is it that they are trying desperately to prevent the collapse from the Dumbocrat spending :eusa_eh:.

And shifting those taxes to the slime consuming cigarettes and alcohol is a billion times better than punishing producers and job creators. The GOP has the most impossible juggling act in the world to maintain - prevent Dumbocrat spending from collapsing the U.S. (like they did in Detroit) while not taxing the economy into collapse. All in all, I'd say they do a jaw-dropping job under the circumstances.

You really are living in a reality of your own making if you think the Republicans are in a juggling act to stop spending by Democrats or even themselves. The Republican majority during the Bush administration doubled the national debt. The current Republican controlled House has added a few trillion more to it since taking control in 2011.

And you're profoundly ignorant to believe that George Bush controlled the national purse strings (psst - that's controlled by Congress). But hey, don't let that reality get in the way of your narrative! :eusa_doh:
Written by a classic, but classless partisan hack ^^^.

Spending is all about establishing priorities. The R's pretend tax breaks to the rich pay dividends which trickle down to the hoi polloi. We know that is bullshit, but bullshit repeated over and over and over stops stinking (at least to the senses of the naïve).

If we believe something meets the vision of the Founding Fathers as outlined in the Preamble to our Constitution, then we should be willing to pay the tax needed. If we believe the common defense includes protection from bacterial and viral infections, as well as from the guns of foreign invaders, than we need to pay the tax necessary for our protection; if we believe liberty is precious, then we must support it in all of its manifestations - freedom from hunger, from poverty, from oppression, and pay the tax necessary to secure its blessing to ourselves, our fellow citizens and to our posterity.

Your standard of living is higher than it would be if you had never heard of trickle down economics, yet you bitch because it worked.

My standard of living is high because I went to college, worked hard and planned for my retirement. It had zero to do with Reagan and voodoo economics. In fact working in LE I saw how badly Reagan's economic policies harmed the poor, the working poor and Vietnam Vets. Yeah, the vets, many were homeless and on drugs in the Bay Area post Vietnam. Under the Reagan Administration, for the first time, vets were required to prove their ailment was service connected.

Many of those we ended up arresting and were put in jail - not treatment - were alcoholics or drug addicts and suffering PTSD. How does a 30 something who survived combat when many of his brothers did not, prove to the VA that his drinking or jones or nightmares were the result of having a fellow soldier die in his presence, maybe in his arms?

You went to college, but can't read.

Or don't, which is worse.

Let me repeat, your standard of living is higher than it would be if you had never heard of trickle down economics. Tell me something, if you can, how does any economic theory make drug use and alcoholism a crime? Doesn't it take legislatures, which are full of politicians, to do that? Blaming Reagan because you thought arresting drunks was a good way to spend your time only makes sense if you are an asswipe.
Not one of these taxes existed in 1835 our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and only one parent had to work to support the family.

What happened? One word: liberalism

Interesting List of Taxes that exist today

Poodle, sweetie, the average life expectency in 1835 was 50 years. Farmers were frequently wiped out by hoardes of locusts or floods because waterways weren't controlled. Most people lived in tenaments or in slave conditions. Peopled didn't have clean water or safe food to eat or electricity. Children worked in factories and were frequently mauled in the workplace.

Me, I like roads and medicine and having running water and electricity and I don't mind paying my taxes to have them. I like that my food isn't going to kill me.
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Despite that obnoxiously long list of taxes, and despite revenues to the government being as high as they have ever been, it's still not enough for the Democrats. So now they have added these taxes:

Supporters of the deal are claiming this isn’t a tax increase—but take a look at your airline receipt. The airline security charge is just one of the taxes you’ll see. According to Delta Airlines, there’s also the Domestic Transportation Tax (7.5 percent), Travel Facilities Tax ($8.40), and U.S. International Transportation Tax ($17.20). These are all considered taxes.

And that sad part is, it has become so egregious, even the Dumbocrats are now ashamed of how much they are taxing and taking. So now they won't even call a spade a spade anymore - and taxes are being called "user fees" :eusa_eh:


Yeah, I mean, what is the government providing for all those taxes.

I mean besides the runways. And the airport security. And the Air Traffic Control.

Frankly, I haven't set foot on an airplane in six years, yet I'm payng taxes for the benefit of those who fly.
Not one of these taxes existed in 1835 our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and only one parent had to work to support the family.

What happened? One word: liberalism

Interesting List of Taxes that exist today

Poodle, sweetie, the average life expectency in 1835 was 50 years. Farmers were frequently wiped out by hoardes of locusts or floods because waterways weren't controlled. Most people lived in tenaments or in slave conditions. Peopled didn't have clean water or safe food to eat or electricity. Children worked in factories and were frequently mauled in the workplace.

Me, I like roads and medicine and having running water and electricity and I don't mind paying my taxes to have them. I like that my food isn't going to kill me.

Lots of misinformation.
On this issue we might have found common ground with our democrat / liberal brothers and sisters.

We all agree we have spending problems.

Conservatives and some republicans believe we spend too much.
Liberals/Democrats believe we don't spend nearly enough.

You're making comical generalizations. Name the liberals on this board that you know for certain want to spend more.
Republicans love taxes too, especially the regressive fee/sales/sin type shit, it's where all the states, even the red ones, went to fill their state level budget shortfalls. The very idea that republicans hate all taxes is false in the extreme. They just hate the taxes that the rich investor must pay, they have no problem shifting the burden down the income scale as far as possible.

How many Millionaires and Billionaires lose their grocery money by Casino Gambling? The R's - lol the moral majority - had no problem with the growth of casino gambling which has become epidemic in our country. A hidden tax to be sure, and one which impacts the working poor to the highest degree. How about the lottery, how many working men and women chase that 'dream'? How many Billionaires?

Hmmm, how do republicans force these people to spend their grocery money on gambling?

Are you saying that they are too stupid to know that casinos are designed to take money, not give it out?

Are you claiming that the many state gambling referendums were passed by republicans only? I would sure like to see your proof of that.
According to some despite being 17 trillion in debt we don't spend enough I won't begin to try and explain that logic but it's out there.

It's about not taxing enough to pay for what you're spending.

Is that they way you operate your personal budget? Spend whatever you want and then borrow more when the bills come in?

In order to cover the 1 trillion deficit this year every citizen would need to be taxed an additional 30K. Are you ready to step up and pay your 30K?

BTW, we could take 100% of the income of the top 5% and it would not come close to 1 trillion.

So get out your checkbook and write a 30K check to obama, do your part.
On this issue we might have found common ground with our democrat / liberal brothers and sisters.

We all agree we have spending problems.

Conservatives and some republicans believe we spend too much.
Liberals/Democrats believe we don't spend nearly enough.

You're making comical generalizations. Name the liberals on this board that you know for certain want to spend more.

thats easy-------everyone who supports obamacare.
On this issue we might have found common ground with our democrat / liberal brothers and sisters.

We all agree we have spending problems.

Conservatives and some republicans believe we spend too much.
Liberals/Democrats believe we don't spend nearly enough.

You're making comical generalizations. Name the liberals on this board that you know for certain want to spend more.

thats easy-------everyone who supports obamacare.

You're an idiot. I want defense cuts that will more than offset obamacare spending. How many Republicans want less defense spending?

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