It is simply indisputable - we have a severe spending problem

Not one of these taxes existed in 1835 our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and only one parent had to work to support the family.

What happened? One word: liberalism

Interesting List of Taxes that exist today

This is a ridiculous post. What are you trying to accomplish? Do you simply want to complain about taxes? :eusa_boohoo:

You know how else life in 1835 was different than today? Slavery was legal. People got around on horseback or horse draw wagons. We were also on path for the worst economic depression in our country's history caused the real estate bubble, which Jackson had relied upon in order to pay off the debt, was about to explode.

We cannot be a party that lives in the past. Especially nearly 200 years in the past. Move forward, or die.
Federal Spending is how government "creates" dollars. It's how the money supply is expanded. Without federal spending, we have recession.
How many Millionaires and Billionaires lose their grocery money by Casino Gambling? The R's - lol the moral majority - had no problem with the growth of casino gambling which has become epidemic in our country. A hidden tax to be sure, and one which impacts the working poor to the highest degree. How about the lottery, how many working men and women chase that 'dream'? How many Billionaires?


I'm not sure what you're saying. If someone walks into a casino and gambles away their grocery budget, that's not anybody's fault but their own. Are you suggesting that gambling establishments should be illegal because their existence somehow forces people to come in and partake?
Is it really that they "love" taxes [MENTION=33716]occupied[/MENTION], or is it that they are trying desperately to prevent the collapse from the Dumbocrat spending :eusa_eh:.

And shifting those taxes to the slime consuming cigarettes and alcohol is a billion times better than punishing producers and job creators. The GOP has the most impossible juggling act in the world to maintain - prevent Dumbocrat spending from collapsing the U.S. (like they did in Detroit) while not taxing the economy into collapse. All in all, I'd say they do a jaw-dropping job under the circumstances.

So I can move to a republican state, county, city and will pay lower taxes? Funny, I live in one right now and taxes have gone up since I moved here 12 years ago, what happened? Same with the time I spent(15 years) in GOP held Rogers/Benton county Arkansas. In fact I moved from that state after Gov. Huckabee raised the hell out of state taxes when he was re-elected, real estate taxes increase 100% from 1986-2001.

So go ahead and move to Illinois or California and save on those taxes.
What a dunce.

Go ahead and make more stupid comments. It really helps your case.
Is it really that they "love" taxes [MENTION=33716]occupied[/MENTION], or is it that they are trying desperately to prevent the collapse from the Dumbocrat spending :eusa_eh:.

And shifting those taxes to the slime consuming cigarettes and alcohol is a billion times better than punishing producers and job creators. The GOP has the most impossible juggling act in the world to maintain - prevent Dumbocrat spending from collapsing the U.S. (like they did in Detroit) while not taxing the economy into collapse. All in all, I'd say they do a jaw-dropping job under the circumstances.

You really are living in a reality of your own making if you think the Republicans are in a juggling act to stop spending by Democrats or even themselves. The Republican majority during the Bush administration doubled the national debt. The current Republican controlled House has added a few trillion more to it since taking control in 2011.

And you're profoundly ignorant to believe that George Bush controlled the national purse strings (psst - that's controlled by Congress). But hey, don't let that reality get in the way of your narrative! :eusa_doh:

And you're profoundly illiterate, dipshit, because I said "The Republican majority during the Bush administration" (psst-that means Congress.) But hey, don't let that reality get in the way of your narrative! :eusa_doh:
Federal Spending is how government "creates" dollars. It's how the money supply is expanded. Without federal spending, we have recession.

What? are you a complete loon? Creating more dollars does not create more value or create jobs. What it does is create worthless currency.

Defense and infrastructure spending does create jobs, but the money to pay for them should come from tax revenue, not the printing press.
Is it failed OP when the title of the thread has nothing to do with the first post?
Federal Spending is how government "creates" dollars. It's how the money supply is expanded. Without federal spending, we have recession.

What? are you a complete loon? Creating more dollars does not create more value or create jobs. What it does is create worthless currency.

Defense and infrastructure spending does create jobs, but the money to pay for them should come from tax revenue, not the printing press.

You sound like a 10 year old trying to explain calculus after having your first pre-algebra lesson. You're in so far over your head, you don't even understand what he is trying to argue. It's not about printing currency. It's about creating money. Huge difference.
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So I can move to a republican state, county, city and will pay lower taxes? Funny, I live in one right now and taxes have gone up since I moved here 12 years ago, what happened? Same with the time I spent(15 years) in GOP held Rogers/Benton county Arkansas. In fact I moved from that state after Gov. Huckabee raised the hell out of state taxes when he was re-elected, real estate taxes increase 100% from 1986-2001.

So go ahead and move to Illinois or California and save on those taxes.
What a dunce.

Go ahead and make more stupid comments. It really helps your case.

Translation: I didnt understand that comment so I'll deflect to an ad hom.
Federal Spending is how government "creates" dollars. It's how the money supply is expanded. Without federal spending, we have recession.

What? are you a complete loon? Creating more dollars does not create more value or create jobs. What it does is create worthless currency.

Defense and infrastructure spending does create jobs, but the money to pay for them should come from tax revenue, not the printing press.

You sound like a 10 year old trying to explain calculus after having your first pre-algebra lesson. You're in so far over your head, you don't even understand what he is trying to argue. It's not about printing currency. It's about creating money. Huge difference.

Was there a point you're trying to make, other than you're ignorant?
If you want continue spending this much to cover it you do of course realize you will have to tax everyone more not just the rich.

To pay off the Vietnam war debt, we imposed a 10% surcharge on federal income taxes. And it worked. No chance Congress would ever do anything that sensible again.

Bullshit. We imposed massive inflation to pay for both Vietnam and the war on poverty. How'd that work out?

Let's hear you deny that there was an income tax surcharge to pay for the Vietnam war...
Yes, you are I are exercising fiscal responsibility, why shouldn't the government do what we do?

But lets go back. you want more revenue to balance spending, to offset the 1 trillion annual deficit the govt needs an additional 30K from every citizen, are you ready to send that in?

Now, if you have a family of 4 thats 120K, so ready? send it in.

Then your alternative must be to cut the budget by 1/3rd.

Why are you talking in absurdities?

YOU said that you wanted to raise taxes to cover expenditures. I merely gave you the math neccessary to make that happen, an additional 30K from every person in the country.

But, I am fine with an accross the board cut to all government programs of 1/3, are you? All of them, no exceptions. Congressional salaries and benefits, food stamps, DOD, HUD, DHS, PP, DOE, congressional staffs, foreign aid, farm subsidies, SS, medicare, medicaid, obamacare, EIC----everything, cut by 1/3 to balance the budget. are you libs ready to put up or shut up?

Nobody's going to vote to cut the military by a 1/3rd.

How about we talk in politically feasible terms?
To pay off the Vietnam war debt, we imposed a 10% surcharge on federal income taxes. And it worked. No chance Congress would ever do anything that sensible again.

Bullshit. We imposed massive inflation to pay for both Vietnam and the war on poverty. How'd that work out?

Let's hear you deny that there was an income tax surcharge to pay for the Vietnam war...

Obviously that didnt work out too well. Even if they did impose some tax. You're easily fooled.
To pay off the Vietnam war debt, we imposed a 10% surcharge on federal income taxes. And it worked. No chance Congress would ever do anything that sensible again.

Bullshit. We imposed massive inflation to pay for both Vietnam and the war on poverty. How'd that work out?

Let's hear you deny that there was an income tax surcharge to pay for the Vietnam war...

WOW! Your history is way off base.

Nixon dipped into the SS trust to help pay for the Vietnam war that he ended and that Kennedy escalated 4 months before he was assassinated.
Then your alternative must be to cut the budget by 1/3rd.

Why are you talking in absurdities?

YOU said that you wanted to raise taxes to cover expenditures. I merely gave you the math neccessary to make that happen, an additional 30K from every person in the country.

But, I am fine with an accross the board cut to all government programs of 1/3, are you? All of them, no exceptions. Congressional salaries and benefits, food stamps, DOD, HUD, DHS, PP, DOE, congressional staffs, foreign aid, farm subsidies, SS, medicare, medicaid, obamacare, EIC----everything, cut by 1/3 to balance the budget. are you libs ready to put up or shut up?

Nobody's going to vote to cut the military by a 1/3rd.

How about we talk in politically feasible terms?

The far left only wants to cut the military, do you agree with them?
Federal Spending is how government "creates" dollars. It's how the money supply is expanded. Without federal spending, we have recession.

What? are you a complete loon? Creating more dollars does not create more value or create jobs. What it does is create worthless currency.

Defense and infrastructure spending does create jobs, but the money to pay for them should come from tax revenue, not the printing press.

You sound like a 10 year old trying to explain calculus after having your first pre-algebra lesson. You're in so far over your head, you don't even understand what he is trying to argue. It's not about printing currency. It's about creating money. Huge difference.

"creating money" without printing currency. OK, sure, now take your meds and go back to sleep, you are delusional.

Do you think that when the govt spends money that they don't have, that it just comes out of thin air. Yes, there may not be actual dollars handed over, but the effect is the same, the company with the govt contract now has more "money" so spend so the net effect is the same as printing up more currency.

You, my little friend, are very naive, or very disengenuous.
YOU said that you wanted to raise taxes to cover expenditures. I merely gave you the math neccessary to make that happen, an additional 30K from every person in the country.

But, I am fine with an accross the board cut to all government programs of 1/3, are you? All of them, no exceptions. Congressional salaries and benefits, food stamps, DOD, HUD, DHS, PP, DOE, congressional staffs, foreign aid, farm subsidies, SS, medicare, medicaid, obamacare, EIC----everything, cut by 1/3 to balance the budget. are you libs ready to put up or shut up?

Nobody's going to vote to cut the military by a 1/3rd.

How about we talk in politically feasible terms?

The far left only wants to cut the military, do you agree with them?

Rightwing talking point alert!!!
Bullshit. We imposed massive inflation to pay for both Vietnam and the war on poverty. How'd that work out?

Let's hear you deny that there was an income tax surcharge to pay for the Vietnam war...

WOW! Your history is way off base.

Nixon dipped into the SS trust to help pay for the Vietnam war that he ended and that Kennedy escalated 4 months before he was assassinated.

The Trust fund has always been invested in US securities. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Nobody's going to vote to cut the military by a 1/3rd.

How about we talk in politically feasible terms?

The far left only wants to cut the military, do you agree with them?

Rightwing talking point alert!!!

how about answering the question? how much do you want to cut the military and what elements would you cut?

I agree that there is fat in DOD, just curious where you think it is.

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