It is simply indisputable - we have a severe spending problem

Poodle, sweetie, the average life expectency in 1835 was 50 years. Farmers were frequently wiped out by hoardes of locusts or floods because waterways weren't controlled. Most people lived in tenaments or in slave conditions. Peopled didn't have clean water or safe food to eat or electricity. Children worked in factories and were frequently mauled in the workplace.

Me, I like roads and medicine and having running water and electricity and I don't mind paying my taxes to have them. I like that my food isn't going to kill me.

Lots of misinformation.

What he conveniently leaves out is that he likes OTHER people to pay for those things.

If Joe likes medicine, electricity, and running water so much, why isn't he willing to pay for them himself? :eusa_whistle:

I do. Unlike you, I hold down a job- two of them, in fact - and pay my fair share of taxes.

the 1%ers need to pay theirs, as they get a lot more benefit out of government than I do.
Lots of misinformation.

What he conveniently leaves out is that he likes OTHER people to pay for those things.

If Joe likes medicine, electricity, and running water so much, why isn't he willing to pay for them himself? :eusa_whistle:

I do. Unlike you, I hold down a job- two of them, in fact - and pay my fair share of taxes.

the 1%ers need to pay theirs, as they get a lot more benefit out of government than I do.

You don't pay your fair share of taxes. Not at all. It's parasites like you who get the most out of government.

Do the wealthy use Medicaid? No

Do the wealthy use welfare? No

Do the wealthy use subsidized housing? No

Do the wealthy use food stamps? No

Do the wealthy use free school lunches? No

Do the wealthy use free school breakfast? No

Do the wealthy use government job training? No

Literally everything out of your mouth Joe is a blatant lie because you hate yourself, you hate your life, and you have extreme envy of people who did not turn out to be a loser like you did. Now go get a third job so we can stop subsidizing your miserable life - and pray we don't raise your taxes like we should to cover the cost of you being a burden on us for over 5 decades.
Republicans love taxes too, especially the regressive fee/sales/sin type shit, it's where all the states, even the red ones, went to fill their state level budget shortfalls. The very idea that republicans hate all taxes is false in the extreme. They just hate the taxes that the rich investor must pay, they have no problem shifting the burden down the income scale as far as possible.

Interestingly, Republicans fully support lavish pensions for government/military employees that can retire after merely 20 years of work. Which taxes go toward making THOSE payments, huh? Everybody wants a piece of the pie . . . and everybody wants everyone else to eat less.

On this issue we might have found common ground with our democrat / liberal brothers and sisters.

We all agree we have spending problems.

Conservatives and some republicans believe we spend too much.
Liberals/Democrats believe we don't spend nearly enough.

That's exactly correct. Even Reagan understood that we couldn't have a vibrant, growing economy by cutting spending. That's why he increased the budget deficits more than all other preceding presidents COMBINED. That's right--Reagan ran record budget deficits, and they continued to increase throughout the course of his presidency.
It takes a lot of money to keep people unemployed, dependent, and the the trough.

Prevents rioting, and it keeps prevailing wages low. The Masters of the Universe fear high wages more than they hate welfare payments--that's why they worry about "inflation," but care not about unemployment.
What he conveniently leaves out is that he likes OTHER people to pay for those things.

If Joe likes medicine, electricity, and running water so much, why isn't he willing to pay for them himself? :eusa_whistle:

I do. Unlike you, I hold down a job- two of them, in fact - and pay my fair share of taxes.

the 1%ers need to pay theirs, as they get a lot more benefit out of government than I do.

You don't pay your fair share of taxes. Not at all. It's parasites like you who get the most out of government.

Do the wealthy use Medicaid? No

Do the wealthy use welfare? No

Do the wealthy use subsidized housing? No

Do the wealthy use food stamps? No

Do the wealthy use free school lunches? No

Do the wealthy use free school breakfast? No

Do the wealthy use government job training? No

Literally everything out of your mouth Joe is a blatant lie because you hate yourself, you hate your life, and you have extreme envy of people who did not turn out to be a loser like you did. Now go get a third job so we can stop subsidizing your miserable life - and pray we don't raise your taxes like we should to cover the cost of you being a burden on us for over 5 decades.

You're a genuine tool.

The "wealthy" are happy to pay welfare, so long as they don't have to pay higher wages or share power with the laborers--whom they detest. Republicans, in general, hate workers.
What he conveniently leaves out is that he likes OTHER people to pay for those things.

If Joe likes medicine, electricity, and running water so much, why isn't he willing to pay for them himself? :eusa_whistle:

I do. Unlike you, I hold down a job- two of them, in fact - and pay my fair share of taxes.

the 1%ers need to pay theirs, as they get a lot more benefit out of government than I do.

You don't pay your fair share of taxes. Not at all. It's parasites like you who get the most out of government.

Do the wealthy use Medicaid? No

Do the wealthy use welfare? No

Do the wealthy use subsidized housing? No

Do the wealthy use food stamps? No

Do the wealthy use free school lunches? No

Do the wealthy use free school breakfast? No

Do the wealthy use government job training? No

Literally everything out of your mouth Joe is a blatant lie because you hate yourself, you hate your life, and you have extreme envy of people who did not turn out to be a loser like you did. Now go get a third job so we can stop subsidizing your miserable life - and pray we don't raise your taxes like we should to cover the cost of you being a burden on us for over 5 decades.

Do we spend 900 Billion dollars a year protecting the Oil Company's investments and profits of big defense contractors? Yes.

Do we have Hundreds of billions spent on Corporate Welfare? Yes.

Do we have free trade treaties that benefit big corporations? Yes.

The Rich need to pay their fair share and stop whining about it.
The Democrats tax our income at the federal level, at the state level, and at the local level. What is left, we use to pay for our homes. But that's not enough for them - so they tax us again with property tax. What's left after paying our for our home, we use to put gas in our card. But that's still not enough for Democrats, so they tax us again with a gas tax. What's left after that third round of taxing isn't enough for the greedy Democrats, so they tax us again when we purchase our necessities with sales tax. But that's still not enough for the Democrats, so they tax us more (well over 60% of the middle class income is stolen by the government).

List of Taxes that exist today

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Not one of these taxes existed in 1835 our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and only one parent had to work to support the family.

What happened? One word: liberalism

Interesting List of Taxes that exist today
We need to add one more tax.

A Financial Transactions Tax on every traded stock on Wall Street.

That will solve all our money problems.
The Democrats tax our income at the federal level, at the state level, and at the local level. What is left, we use to pay for our homes. But that's not enough for them - so they tax us again with property tax. What's left after paying our for our home, we use to put gas in our card. But that's still not enough for Democrats, so they tax us again with a gas tax. What's left after that third round of taxing isn't enough for the greedy Democrats, so they tax us again when we purchase our necessities with sales tax. But that's still not enough for the Democrats, so they tax us more (well over 60% of the middle class income is stolen by the government).

List of Taxes that exist today

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Not one of these taxes existed in 1835 our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and only one parent had to work to support the family.

What happened? One word: liberalism

Interesting List of Taxes that exist today
We need to add one more tax.

A Financial Transactions Tax on every traded stock on Wall Street.

That will solve all our money problems.

For once, I agree with one of the biggest idiots on USMB. That would solve our problems because greedy, lazy people like you and Joe would stop trying to get rich by gambling in the stock market.

How about we eliminate every tax listed above and add in your stock tax? Deal?
The government drops hundreds of thousands of dollars of our money on alcohol while people go hungry in the streets. This is a frivolous and absurd expense. The Obama's want to regulate your salt intake because they've decided what is "good for you" but meanwhile, they want government employees and diplomats from other nations to be plastered while discussing America's matters...

According to Jim McElhatton of The Washington Times, the embassy in Moscow splurged on $15,900 in bourbon and whiskey; the Tokyo embassy, partial to wine, placed an order for $22,416. The embassy in Rio de Janeiro spent $5,625 on gratuity wine on September 29 and, on the day of the shutdown, opted for stronger gratuity whisky at $5,925.

The booze buying binge ran up a tab of $180,000 for the month of September. Alcohol is a fixture at diplomatic functions, and the State Department’s booze budget has ballooned since 2009—tripling in cost during President Obama’s tenure.

The Washington Times reported that the annual budget for 2008 was $118,000 and jumped to nearly $300,000 in 2011. It peaked at $415,000 in 2012, with the total for 2013 coming in at $400,000.

State Department Waste: Booze
The State Department raced to fill an order of $5 million just hours before the shutdown, buying 12,000 pieces of hand-blown crystal glassware...

State Department Waste: Crystal

Good point. What they ought to do is just buy some red Solo Cups for diplomatic functions, because that will really impress foreign dignitaries.


Works for the Rednecks at NASCAR, right?
I do. Unlike you, I hold down a job- two of them, in fact - and pay my fair share of taxes.

the 1%ers need to pay theirs, as they get a lot more benefit out of government than I do.

You don't pay your fair share of taxes. Not at all. It's parasites like you who get the most out of government.

Do the wealthy use Medicaid? No

Do the wealthy use welfare? No

Do the wealthy use subsidized housing? No

Do the wealthy use food stamps? No

Do the wealthy use free school lunches? No

Do the wealthy use free school breakfast? No

Do the wealthy use government job training? No

Literally everything out of your mouth Joe is a blatant lie because you hate yourself, you hate your life, and you have extreme envy of people who did not turn out to be a loser like you did. Now go get a third job so we can stop subsidizing your miserable life - and pray we don't raise your taxes like we should to cover the cost of you being a burden on us for over 5 decades.

Do we spend 900 Billion dollars a year protecting the Oil Company's investments and profits of big defense contractors? Yes.

No - we don't. But it sure as hell doesn't stop you from lying about it (communists love their lies and propaganda).

Do we have Hundreds of billions spent on Corporate Welfare? Yes.

That was done by Marxist Barack Obama and you applaud it every time your desperate to come up with something you feel you can pat Barack Hussein on the back over.

Do we have free trade treaties that benefit big corporations? Yes.

And how is signing a document a financial burden on the U.S. government?!? :cuckoo: (this is what as known as desperate to defend an indefensible position).

The Rich need to pay their fair share and stop whining about it.

I've proven over and over and over that wealthy pay way more than their fair share, while parasites such as yourself pay significantly less than your fair share - but as always, that doesn't stop you from lying about it.

Here you go pathological liar - straight from the CBO...


The top 1% earn 13% of the wealth but pay 22% of the taxes. And they don't benefit from any of the nation collapsing perks I outlined above. It could not be more black & white - we need to cut taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on parasites like you if "fair" was actually your concern. Sadly though, you're only concern is how you can get your greedy, grubby little hands on the wealth someone else had to earn and "fair" is just your disingenuous red-herring code word for "I'm greedy but to lazy to earn what I want".
The State Department raced to fill an order of $5 million just hours before the shutdown, buying 12,000 pieces of hand-blown crystal glassware...

State Department Waste: Crystal

Good point. What they ought to do is just buy some red Solo Cups for diplomatic functions, because that will really impress foreign dignitaries.

Works for the Rednecks at NASCAR, right?

This really sums up the idiocy of the modern day libtard Dumbocrat. The belief that the federal government exists to "impress foreign dignitaries".

Of course, someone like JoeB. has the luxury of viewing the government in that capacity because the fuck'n parasite doesn't pay any taxes. For those of that do, however, we could give a fuck about impressing anybody. What would really be impressive is if the men & woman charged with spending the American people's money were responsible, mature adults who actually illustrated they were good stewards of capital - instead of viewing the American tax payer as an unlimited trust fund to be pillaged for a life of partying.

Besides JoeB - when your passive, idealistic, ignorant party allows our embassy's to be over run by Al Qaeda (like the Dumbocrats did with Benghazi), the gluttonous crystal will just be smashed and pillaged anyway.
The State Department raced to fill an order of $5 million just hours before the shutdown, buying 12,000 pieces of hand-blown crystal glassware...

State Department Waste: Crystal

Good point. What they ought to do is just buy some red Solo Cups for diplomatic functions, because that will really impress foreign dignitaries.

Works for the Rednecks at NASCAR, right?

This really sums up the idiocy of the modern day libtard Dumbocrat. The belief that the federal government exists to "impress foreign dignitaries".

Of course, someone like JoeB. has the luxury of viewing the government in that capacity because the fuck'n parasite doesn't pay any taxes. For those of that do, however, we could give a fuck about impressing anybody. What would really be impressive is if the men & woman charged with spending the American people's money were responsible, mature adults who actually illustrated they were good stewards of capital - instead of viewing the American tax payer as an unlimited trust fund to be pillaged for a life of partying.

Besides JoeB - when your passive, idealistic, ignorant party allows our embassy's to be over run by Al Qaeda (like the Dumbocrats did with Benghazi), the gluttonous crystal will just be smashed and pillaged anyway.

We didn't have an embassy in Benghazi... that was a mission. And I don't think they were throwing any balls there.

But again, here's the thing. If you are trying to convince the power brokers in a European Nation that we really, really need them to go along with our sanctions on Iran or Sudan, serving them beer in a Red Solo Cup ain't gonna make much of an impression.

The joy of being a Conservative Redneck. You really have to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

I should also remind you, since you really weren't around in the Reagan Years, (as much as you claim you were), hey remember when Nancy Reagan got new plates for the White House while her husband was slashing aid to poor people?
Good point. What they ought to do is just buy some red Solo Cups for diplomatic functions, because that will really impress foreign dignitaries.

Works for the Rednecks at NASCAR, right?

This really sums up the idiocy of the modern day libtard Dumbocrat. The belief that the federal government exists to "impress foreign dignitaries".

Of course, someone like JoeB. has the luxury of viewing the government in that capacity because the fuck'n parasite doesn't pay any taxes. For those of that do, however, we could give a fuck about impressing anybody. What would really be impressive is if the men & woman charged with spending the American people's money were responsible, mature adults who actually illustrated they were good stewards of capital - instead of viewing the American tax payer as an unlimited trust fund to be pillaged for a life of partying.

Besides JoeB - when your passive, idealistic, ignorant party allows our embassy's to be over run by Al Qaeda (like the Dumbocrats did with Benghazi), the gluttonous crystal will just be smashed and pillaged anyway.

We didn't have an embassy in Benghazi... that was a mission. And I don't think they were throwing any balls there.

But again, here's the thing. If you are trying to convince the power brokers in a European Nation that we really, really need them to go along with our sanctions on Iran or Sudan, serving them beer in a Red Solo Cup ain't gonna make much of an impression.

The joy of being a Conservative Redneck. You really have to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

I should also remind you, since you really weren't around in the Reagan Years, (as much as you claim you were), hey remember when Nancy Reagan got new plates for the White House while her husband was slashing aid to poor people?

So in your mind, wars and sanctions are won or lost on the type of booze you give foreigners and the type of cup you give it to them in?

:eusa_doh: Joe continues to prove that I'm dealing with a real rocket-scientist here. The joy of being a naive, idealistic, ignorant liberal desperate to find an argument to defend the indefensible government waste, fraud, and abuse. :eusa_doh:
Good point. What they ought to do is just buy some red Solo Cups for diplomatic functions, because that will really impress foreign dignitaries.

Works for the Rednecks at NASCAR, right?

This really sums up the idiocy of the modern day libtard Dumbocrat. The belief that the federal government exists to "impress foreign dignitaries".

Of course, someone like JoeB. has the luxury of viewing the government in that capacity because the fuck'n parasite doesn't pay any taxes. For those of that do, however, we could give a fuck about impressing anybody. What would really be impressive is if the men & woman charged with spending the American people's money were responsible, mature adults who actually illustrated they were good stewards of capital - instead of viewing the American tax payer as an unlimited trust fund to be pillaged for a life of partying.

Besides JoeB - when your passive, idealistic, ignorant party allows our embassy's to be over run by Al Qaeda (like the Dumbocrats did with Benghazi), the gluttonous crystal will just be smashed and pillaged anyway.

We didn't have an embassy in Benghazi... that was a mission. And I don't think they were throwing any balls there.

But again, here's the thing. If you are trying to convince the power brokers in a European Nation that we really, really need them to go along with our sanctions on Iran or Sudan, serving them beer in a Red Solo Cup ain't gonna make much of an impression.

The joy of being a Conservative Redneck. You really have to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

I should also remind you, since you really weren't around in the Reagan Years, (as much as you claim you were), hey remember when Nancy Reagan got new plates for the White House while her husband was slashing aid to poor people?

  • So you admit Obama lied?!? Because 8 of their 12 revisions they were caught editing included "embassy" in the official Dumbocrat propaganda.

  • You are correct though, there is no embassy in Benghazi. So why would an ambassador be there and for the love of God, why would he be on a "mission"?

  • By the way, you Dumbocrats (during the Jimmy Carter administration) allowed an actual U.S. Embassy in Iran to be over run. I know because I was also alive and well during the Jimmy Carter administration dumb-ass... :lmao:
I can't wait to hear your "libtard logic" on these Joe!
In November, a group of federal government employees connected with the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force enjoyed a trip to St. Croix, courtesy of taxpayers. Though no reports of long bar tabs and souvenir receipts have surfaced yet—as what happened when the General Services Administration held a conference in Las Vegas—a few details have raised eyebrows.

Government employees stayed in the Buccaneer Hotel, a beachfront resort made famous by the television show The Bachelor. At a time of supposedly tight budgets, the task force could have at least proposed a more modest way to hear from regional governors and others about the status of the coral reefs.

There are many nonprofit organizations, research institutes, universities, clubs, community groups, networking coalitions, and businesses in the Caribbean alone working to improve coral reefs and educate the public. The Coral Reef Alliance lists 10 pages worth of organizations working on coral reef issues in the U.S. With such a clear and committed effort, why are taxpayers footing the bill (the size and effectiveness of which is unclear) for the federal government to join the party?

Government Employees Enjoy Trips to the Caribbean Courtesy Of Tax Payers
Is this also "impressing" foreigners Joe so that we can get them to agree to sanctions and wars? :cuckoo:

WASHINGTON -- Potentially problematic and certainly embarrassing video of the General Services Administration's infamous $820,000 Las Vegas conference has been obtained by The Huffington Post, showing well-dressed employees singing Frank Sinatra, downing margaritas and making light of lavish spending.

GSA Conference Video Shows Lavish Vegas Spending: EXCLUSIVE

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