It is simply indisputable - we have a severe spending problem


So in your mind, wars and sanctions are won or lost on the type of booze you give foreigners and the type of cup you give it to them in?

:eusa_doh: Joe continues to prove that I'm dealing with a real rocket-scientist here. The joy of being a naive, idealistic, ignorant liberal desperate to find an argument to defend the indefensible government waste, fraud, and abuse. :eusa_doh:

Guy, I doubt you'd ever be invited to anything high class, yes, but government and business do social things in classy surroundings.

Most of the rest of the world thought your boy Bush was kind of a doofus...
Is this also "impressing" foreigners Joe so that we can get them to agree to sanctions and wars? :cuckoo:

WASHINGTON -- Potentially problematic and certainly embarrassing video of the General Services Administration's infamous $820,000 Las Vegas conference has been obtained by The Huffington Post, showing well-dressed employees singing Frank Sinatra, downing margaritas and making light of lavish spending.

GSA Conference Video Shows Lavish Vegas Spending: EXCLUSIVE

Oh, my Gosh, not margeritas...

I guess the first question I would ask is how many GSA employees were in attendence?

Did Nevada and Las Vegas offer any special deals to get the conference?

Here's the thing, though guy...

Lavish spending at government-run conferences is hardly unique to the Obama administration. As POLITICO reported on Friday, "spending on the biannual General Services Administration Western Region Conference ... first soared nearly 250 percent during the Bush years."

Ooops. Looks like the problem started under Bush and Obama was the guy who finally put the kaybosh on it.
Is this also "impressing" foreigners Joe so that we can get them to agree to sanctions and wars? :cuckoo:

WASHINGTON -- Potentially problematic and certainly embarrassing video of the General Services Administration's infamous $820,000 Las Vegas conference has been obtained by The Huffington Post, showing well-dressed employees singing Frank Sinatra, downing margaritas and making light of lavish spending.

GSA Conference Video Shows Lavish Vegas Spending: EXCLUSIVE

Oh, my Gosh, not margeritas...

I guess the first question I would ask is how many GSA employees were in attendence?

Did Nevada and Las Vegas offer any special deals to get the conference?

Here's the thing, though guy...

Lavish spending at government-run conferences is hardly unique to the Obama administration. As POLITICO reported on Friday, "spending on the biannual General Services Administration Western Region Conference ... first soared nearly 250 percent during the Bush years."

Ooops. Looks like the problem started under Bush and Obama was the guy who finally put the kaybosh on it.

Put the "kaybosh" on what Joe? I thought this was a "good" thing in your naive, idealistic liberal mind...?

Many problems started under the liberal George W. Bush. Those problems have been compounded exponentially under the marxist Barack Hussein Obama.

You really are a piece of work Joe. When private corporations spend their money, you cry like a little bitch about their wealth and the things that they have which you don't. But when the government takes your money and buys $500,000 in alcohol to serve in $5 million worth of crystal while you drink Bud Light (purchased with government food stamps) out of plastic cups and you try to make excuses for it. You really make yourself look like a fuck'n idiot when you cry about private corporate spending and wealth while celebrating public gluttony and waste... :cuckoo:
Is this also "impressing" foreigners Joe so that we can get them to agree to sanctions and wars? :cuckoo:

WASHINGTON -- Potentially problematic and certainly embarrassing video of the General Services Administration's infamous $820,000 Las Vegas conference has been obtained by The Huffington Post, showing well-dressed employees singing Frank Sinatra, downing margaritas and making light of lavish spending.

GSA Conference Video Shows Lavish Vegas Spending: EXCLUSIVE

Oh, my Gosh, not margeritas...

You get that folks? Government employees ("well dressed") on an $820,000 spending spree (with your money) in Las Vegas, and the disingenuous asshole Joe tries to pretend there is nothing to see here by nonsensically mentioning margaritas... As if it's ok to spend $820,000 of tax payer money in Las Vegas as long as it's only margaritas (because that's money well spent)...
So in your mind, wars and sanctions are won or lost on the type of booze you give foreigners and the type of cup you give it to them in?

:eusa_doh: Joe continues to prove that I'm dealing with a real rocket-scientist here. The joy of being a naive, idealistic, ignorant liberal desperate to find an argument to defend the indefensible government waste, fraud, and abuse. :eusa_doh:

Guy, I doubt you'd ever be invited to anything high class, yes, but government and business do social things in classy surroundings.

Most of the rest of the world thought your boy Bush was kind of a doofus...

Watching you throw a hissy like a little bitch because I've owned you with facts is priceless. First, you think by telling me I wasn't alive during the Reagan Administration is somehow making a point, and now you believe you'll somehow get under my skin by telling me it's doubtful that I've ever been invited to anything "high class".

But here's the thing guy - I'm not the one crying in my beer on USMB about all of the jobs I've been fired from. I'm not the one who cries on USMB that he has to work two jobs just to survive. I conduct myself with more class and dignity in any given hour than you have in your entire miserable life. I'm not the one who hates successful people Joe (that is classless). But most importantly, the U.S. federal government does not exist to be "classy". The fact that you don't understand that is proof of what an idiot you are (which explains why you have to work two jobs - you lack the mental aptitude to doing anything beyond working as a gas station attendant or being trained to perform a single task over and over on an assembly line).

Now tell us again how it's imperative to American interest that we get foreigners drunk on high-end booze served out of $5 million crystal...:lol:

Put the "kaybosh" on what Joe? I thought this was a "good" thing in your naive, idealistic liberal mind...?

Many problems started under the liberal George W. Bush. Those problems have been compounded exponentially under the marxist Barack Hussein Obama.

Go back and read the article. Under Bush, the expense increased 250%. Under Obama, they stopped spending as much and fired the officials who were wasting money.

You really are a piece of work Joe. When private corporations spend their money, you cry like a little bitch about their wealth and the things that they have which you don't. But when the government takes your money and buys $500,000 in alcohol to serve in $5 million worth of crystal while you drink Bud Light (purchased with government food stamps) out of plastic cups and you try to make excuses for it. You really make yourself look like a fuck'n idiot when you cry about private corporate spending and wealth while celebrating public gluttony and waste... :cuckoo:

Again, private or public, they are both good at wasting money.

Oh, never took food stamps in my life, guy. Never took welfare, section 8, or anything like that. In fact, the ONLY money I've ever taken from teh government was for my military service, (something for all your chest-beating, you never did.)

But, uh, yeah, 5 million in glassware to cover embassies in over 300 countries... that's part of diplomacy and always has been.

Again, we had surpluses under Clinton and Bush turned them into trillion dollar deficits... and you're whining about deficits? Really?

Watching you throw a hissy like a little bitch because I've owned you with facts is priceless. First, you think by telling me I wasn't alive during the Reagan Administration is somehow making a point, and now you believe you'll somehow get under my skin by telling me it's doubtful that I've ever been invited to anything "high class".

Guy, it's pretty clear I get under your skin every time I talk to you, but that's probably because you are a 24 year old who read an Ayn Rand book once and you really think that's how the world operates.

Case it point, it's hilarious that you think Reagan was a "conservative".


He signed nuclear arms treaties that reduced them.
He gave amnesty to illegal aliens.
He raised taxes.
he increased spending
He increased debts
he expanded government.
He sold weapons to terrorists.

He did everything you Conservatards say you are against.

You get that folks? Government employees ("well dressed") on an $820,000 spending spree (with your money) in Las Vegas, and the disingenuous asshole Joe tries to pretend there is nothing to see here by nonsensically mentioning margaritas... As if it's ok to spend $820,000 of tax payer money in Las Vegas as long as it's only margaritas (because that's money well spent)...

It kind of depends, doesn't it?

If it was 5 guys at the conference, then yeah, $820,000 is too much.

if it was 1000 guys, that's really $820.00 per attendee... so I'm not seeing the big deal, especially since the cost of these shindigs increased 250% under Bush's watchful eye. We should just be grateful that Halliburton wasn't doing the catering.

Put the "kaybosh" on what Joe? I thought this was a "good" thing in your naive, idealistic liberal mind...?

Many problems started under the liberal George W. Bush. Those problems have been compounded exponentially under the marxist Barack Hussein Obama.

Go back and read the article. Under Bush, the expense increased 250%. Under Obama, they stopped spending as much and fired the officials who were wasting money.

You really are a piece of work Joe. When private corporations spend their money, you cry like a little bitch about their wealth and the things that they have which you don't. But when the government takes your money and buys $500,000 in alcohol to serve in $5 million worth of crystal while you drink Bud Light (purchased with government food stamps) out of plastic cups and you try to make excuses for it. You really make yourself look like a fuck'n idiot when you cry about private corporate spending and wealth while celebrating public gluttony and waste... :cuckoo:

Again, private or public, they are both good at wasting money.

Oh, never took food stamps in my life, guy. Never took welfare, section 8, or anything like that. In fact, the ONLY money I've ever taken from teh government was for my military service, (something for all your chest-beating, you never did.)

But, uh, yeah, 5 million in glassware to cover embassies in over 300 countries... that's part of diplomacy and always has been.

Again, we had surpluses under Clinton and Bush turned them into trillion dollar deficits... and you're whining about deficits? Really?

I'm whining about waste. And you're inexplicably attempting to support it.

U.S. Embassies do not need crystal and they do not need to impress anyone other than the American people who they represent. Nothing would impress other nations more than seeing U.S. representatives being responsible with the American tax payer's money.

Watching you throw a hissy like a little bitch because I've owned you with facts is priceless. First, you think by telling me I wasn't alive during the Reagan Administration is somehow making a point, and now you believe you'll somehow get under my skin by telling me it's doubtful that I've ever been invited to anything "high class".

Guy, it's pretty clear I get under your skin every time I talk to you, but that's probably because you are a 24 year old who read an Ayn Rand book once and you really think that's how the world operates.

Case it point, it's hilarious that you think Reagan was a "conservative".


He signed nuclear arms treaties that reduced them.
He gave amnesty to illegal aliens.
He raised taxes.
he increased spending
He increased debts
he expanded government.
He sold weapons to terrorists.

He did everything you Conservatards say you are against.

Joe - I keep telling you, repeating your lies does not make them true. Reagan made us the world's premier super power (something we had lost under Dumbocrat Carter). He cut taxes. He removed senseless Dumbocrat regulations. The only arms treaties he signed were the one's that increased our advantage over our enemies (he didn't bow to them like the Dumbocrats always do).

He did increase spending, but that's only because he had to repair the epic damage Dumbocrat Carter did to the nation. Jimmy left Reagan the second worst depression in U.S. history and a depleted military. Reagan was forced to rebuild both. And rebuild them both he did.

You get that folks? Government employees ("well dressed") on an $820,000 spending spree (with your money) in Las Vegas, and the disingenuous asshole Joe tries to pretend there is nothing to see here by nonsensically mentioning margaritas... As if it's ok to spend $820,000 of tax payer money in Las Vegas as long as it's only margaritas (because that's money well spent)...

It kind of depends, doesn't it?

If it was 5 guys at the conference, then yeah, $820,000 is too much.

if it was 1000 guys, that's really $820.00 per attendee... so I'm not seeing the big deal, especially since the cost of these shindigs increased 250% under Bush's watchful eye. We should just be grateful that Halliburton wasn't doing the catering.

$1 per government employee is complete waste if that $1 was spent in Las Vegas. Tell me Joe, what did Las Vegas offer our government that could not have been done in Washington?

Training? You mean to tell me that they couldn't bring the training to Washington for less than $820,000? Really? Oh, and by the way, since you're a liberal (naive) and a dinosaur (out of touch), we have this stuff called "technology" now that can do things like "video conference". So instead of $820,000 in Las Vegas, they could have done a video conference for simply the cost of the presenter (what, maybe $1k?)

Again, it's amazing to watch you contradict yourself. You cry about the wealthy and how they treat the world like a playground, yet the federal government takes your money to go party in Las Vegas while you work two jobs just to survive - and you support that? :cuckoo:

This really illustrates how unhinged you are. Frothing hate for the wealthy who do nothing to you, blind support for the government which takes your money and laughs as your dumb ass while they party in Las Vegas.
This is "good" for America. It can't be rationally explained - you just have to take Joe's word for it...

1. GATHERING DUST: The Transportation Security Administration let 5,700 pieces of unused security equipment worth $184 million sit in storage in a Dallas, Texas, warehouse, which costs $3.5 million annually to lease and manage. Taxpayers lost another $23 million in depreciation costs, because most of the 472 carry-on baggage screening machines had been housed there for nine months or more. That’s a lot of money!

8. THAT’S ILLOGICAL, CAPTAIN: The Internal Revenue Service spent $4.1 million on a lavish conference in 2010 for 2,609 of its employees in Anaheim, California. Expenses included $50,000 for line-dancing and “Star Trek” parody videos, $135,350 for outside speakers, $64,000 in conference “swag” for the employees, plus free meals, cocktails, and hotel suite upgrades.

15 Pictures of Ridiculous Government Spending Guaranteed to Make You Mad

Joe - I keep telling you, repeating your lies does not make them true. Reagan made us the world's premier super power (something we had lost under Dumbocrat Carter). He cut taxes. He removed senseless Dumbocrat regulations. The only arms treaties he signed were the one's that increased our advantage over our enemies (he didn't bow to them like the Dumbocrats always do).

He did increase spending, but that's only because he had to repair the epic damage Dumbocrat Carter did to the nation. Jimmy left Reagan the second worst depression in U.S. history and a depleted military. Reagan was forced to rebuild both. And rebuild them both he did.

Yeah, he removed "senseless" regulations. Like those silly regulations that stated that the S&L's had to verify the values of assets they bought. How'd that work out again? Oh, wait, it didn't. We had an S&L Crash in the early 1990's.

If you really think we stopped being a "Superpower' under Carter, you need to stop listening to talk radio. You just make it clear you weren't even around in those days.

Without even bothering to educate you on the START treaties, let's look at spending and deficits.

Government Spending in United States: Federal State Local for 1988 - Charts Tables History

Federal Spending in 1980 was 590 Billion. By 1989, it had ballooned to 1,149 Billion. Yup. Our first Trillion Dollar Budget was on Reagan's watch.

More to the point, Reagan also engaged in something called the "New Federalism". This was creating mandates for State and Local governments that also increased their spending. Government spending on all levels of government increased from 940 Billion in 1980 to 1.9 TRILLION in 1989. This also resulted in the tax burden being shifted from the rich (where it belongs) to the working class.

Now on to deficits. When Ronald Reagan took office, the national Debt was less than 908 Billion dollars, which was 32% of GDP. By the time he left office in 1989, the national debt had ballooned up to 2.8 TRILLION (tripling) and was 50% of GDP. The economy grew, but the Debt grew a lot faster.

National Debt by Year

The worse was yet to come, though. After the S&L Crisis that came because Reagan got rid of all those "unncessary regulations, the national debt ballooned up to 4.4 Trillion of 64% of GDP in 1993.

Now, Clinton got the debt down to 55% of GDP, but your boy Bush got it up to 83% of GDP and a wrecked economy.

$1 per government employee is complete waste if that $1 was spent in Las Vegas. Tell me Joe, what did Las Vegas offer our government that could not have been done in Washington?


Well, no, guy, this was the "Western Conference" that covered GSA workers in teh western half of the country, so Las Vegas was a lot closer. And they have lots and lots of convention venues...

But don't let that stop you.

Expenses included $50,000 for line-dancing and “Star Trek” parody videos

Again, compared to $77,000 claimed as a tax credit by Mitt Romney for the upkeep of his Dressage horsie.

Or the $50,000 a plate spent by Romney campaign donors at that conference where he said that 47% of the country were "moochers" and it was just wonderful that in China, they make women live 120 to a bathroom to make him more money.

So everything is kind of relative, I guess.

I mean, if it was a good Star Trek Parody, you might have a point.

This is a Good Star Trek Parody..

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Joe - I keep telling you, repeating your lies does not make them true. Reagan made us the world's premier super power (something we had lost under Dumbocrat Carter). He cut taxes. He removed senseless Dumbocrat regulations. The only arms treaties he signed were the one's that increased our advantage over our enemies (he didn't bow to them like the Dumbocrats always do).

He did increase spending, but that's only because he had to repair the epic damage Dumbocrat Carter did to the nation. Jimmy left Reagan the second worst depression in U.S. history and a depleted military. Reagan was forced to rebuild both. And rebuild them both he did.

If you really think we stopped being a "Superpower' under Carter, you need to stop listening to talk radio. You just make it clear you weren't even around in those days.

Thank you for proving you were passed out drunk in an alley during the Carter Administration. He gutted defense and collapsed our economy. The fact that you are this clueless about what happened during his administration is really remarkable (but then again, if you were informed, you wouldn't be a Dumbocrat).

Hell, Iran over ran our embassy when Carter was in charge. They wouldn't have dared to do that under Reagan or GWB.
Expenses included $50,000 for line-dancing and “Star Trek” parody videos

Or the $50,000 a plate spent by Romney campaign donors at that conference where he said that 47% of the country were "moochers" and it was just wonderful that in China, they make women live 120 to a bathroom to make him more money.

So everything is kind of relative, I guess.

I mean, if it was a good Star Trek Parody, you might have a point.

This is a Good Star Trek Parody..

So because people who support Romney chose to spend $50,000 of their own money on a fund raiser, you think it's ok for the federal government to drop $70,000 of the American people's money on parody videos?!?

My God man, your arguments are getting weaker and more absurd by the minute. Watching you squirm and twist out of desperation is quality entertainment!
$1 per government employee is complete waste if that $1 was spent in Las Vegas. Tell me Joe, what did Las Vegas offer our government that could not have been done in Washington?

Well, no, guy, this was the "Western Conference" that covered GSA workers in teh western half of the country, so Las Vegas was a lot closer. And they have lots and lots of convention venues...

My bad Joe - I didn't realize you were so ignorant of technology that you thought video conferencing was exclusive to the east coast:lmao:
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Joe - I keep telling you, repeating your lies does not make them true. Reagan made us the world's premier super power (something we had lost under Dumbocrat Carter). He cut taxes. He removed senseless Dumbocrat regulations. The only arms treaties he signed were the one's that increased our advantage over our enemies (he didn't bow to them like the Dumbocrats always do).

He did increase spending, but that's only because he had to repair the epic damage Dumbocrat Carter did to the nation. Jimmy left Reagan the second worst depression in U.S. history and a depleted military. Reagan was forced to rebuild both. And rebuild them both he did.

If you really think we stopped being a "Superpower' under Carter, you need to stop listening to talk radio. You just make it clear you weren't even around in those days.

Thank you for proving you were passed out drunk in an alley during the Carter Administration. He gutted defense and collapsed our economy. The fact that you are this clueless about what happened during his administration is really remarkable (but then again, if you were informed, you wouldn't be a Dumbocrat).

Hell, Iran over ran our embassy when Carter was in charge. They wouldn't have dared to do that under Reagan or GWB.

You mean they overran it. They captured our personnel and held them for 444 days. That is, up until the day that Reagan took office. The Iranians didn't want "Ronnie Ray-Gun" coming after them so they let them go that very day.
I lived in Georgia when Carter was governor there. He was a do-nothing good" governor and a "do-nothing good" president. The only good thing he ever did was start building houses for poor people. Too bad that even to this day he continues to run his liberal mouth vilifying every good thing that a Republican accomplishes.
Bill Clinton was the second Carter administration. Obama is the third..
Expenses included $50,000 for line-dancing and “Star Trek” parody videos

Again, compared to $77,000 claimed as a tax credit by Mitt Romney for the upkeep of his Dressage horsie.

So lets break this down logically Joe. Mitt Romney has worked for 40 years or so and has been very successful. He takes his money and buys a horse (something that has made you lose you're fucking mind for some reason). In contrast, the federal government takes your money and makes an absurd $50,000 video with it while you work two jobs just to survive, and that's totally "cool" in your mind? :cuckoo:

Folks, this is what's known as "libtard logic". This guy is so stupid, he hates successful conservatives who want to make him wealthy but loves Dumbocrats who take so much of his money for liquor, crystal, parody videos, and lavish trips to Las Vegas that he has to work two jobs... :eusa_doh:

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