It is so simple...

After the Mueller investigation concludes and based on the charges Mueller specifies.

And you are expecting revelation of high crimes which heretofore there has been no evidence, leak or testimony of ?
I don't know what to expect. Mueller and his team are not reality television stars. They are professionals.
So let us just for the sake of argument say that Mueller says he found nothing, as he has so far stated that Trump is not under investigation. What is going to be your thing then? Will you say oh looks like I was wrong or will you claim Mueller is wrong?

Again let's say for the sake of argument say that the only thing Mueller tries to have Trump impeached for is that he tried to remove DACA. Would you be jumping up and down drinking champagne and yelling I told you so, or would you be wondering why and be thinking about how the next president might be unfairly removed from office?

DACA was an Obama EO. Trump can throw DACA in the shredder.
DACA was an EO that overstepped his authority. He should throw it in the shredder it is just a little matter that some judge who let his emotions over run the law says he can't.
DACA was an EO that overstepped his authority. He should throw it in the shredder it is just a little matter that some judge who let his emotions over run the law says he can't.

These judges that have taken it upon themselves to legislate from the bench is a perfect example why only Republicans should pick them. Democrat and liberal judges are control freaks. They cannot be trusted as we've seen repeatedly since Trump took over. Liberal judges have this attitude "You're in my town breathing my air" mentality. They don't respect the will of the people, don't respect our founders, don't respect our Constitution.
Trump and his surrogates have had many contacts with Russians. Trump never released his tax returns. Trump has bent over backward to the point of committing treason by siding with Putin over our own intelligence community.

Please don't embarrass yourself. If you are going to use big words like "treason" look it up first before you make a fool out of yourself.......again......

Trump wants to do private business in Russia. The Russians stole emails from the Clinton campaign and offered them to Trump, who then released those same emails. DACA has nothing to do with this.

Trump is the President of the United States. He's not doing business with anybody. It would be a conflict with his job. Please show me this evidence that Russia stole those emails and offered them to Trump. You are not a very good liar.

And those supporters are a distinct minority in this country. Otherwise Trump's approval numbers would show otherwise.

If the MSM was half-way fair with Trump, his approval numbers would be soaring. However as any study has shown, the reporting on Trump by the MSM is over 80% negative That's because (as we all know) the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party, and brainwashing has worked well for them.
Clinton was indicted. And he testified. There is something about precedent that requires respect.

Clinton went through the same process of impeachment _ not indictment from a civilian jury.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
Read about Ken Starr. His investigation was supposed to be about an Arkansas real estate deal and ended with a semen stained dress. Starr subpoenaed President Clinton.
clinton didn't need to abide by it. there was no reason for him to. he was...........STUPID....
BTW, he wasn't impeached out of office so so fking what?
Here's how impeachment works. The House of Representatives, part of the Legislative branch of government, issues articles of impeachment. Articles of impeachment are like indictments that are issued by the judicial branch of government. Those articles of impeachment are then forwarded to the United States Senate, again part of the legislative branch of government. The Senate then holds a trial to determine the guilt or innocence of who ever was impeached. Now, this is important, the House does not impeach someone out of office. The Senate can decide during the impeachment tribunal whether or not the subject of the articles of impeachment stays in office or removed from office.

There are three branches of federal government. I named the legislative and the judicial. Can you name the third branch?

I ask this because there are too many American citizens who do not understand how our federal government works. And I suspect many of those unfortunate people are deep in the pocket of Donald Trump. He himself said, "I love the poorly educated."

A President can only be impeached for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". Now which one of those things has Trump participated in and what proof is there of any of those things?

If the Democrats want to impeach Trump simply because they don't like him, then we will have an impeachment war. Next Democrat President will be impeached for any stupid thing just to get even.

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