It is so simple...

Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.
Exactly what would that be...........what would prove he didn't do something .....if not all the lies your "investigators" have been caught in
Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.

The only thing simple is your mind. Eye witness testimony is unreliable, yet all you need is one person remember an event differently than Trump and Mueller has cause to claim Trump lied. Trumps version could be totally accurate, but it boils down to who Mueller chooses to believe. So nothing is as simple as you simple mind might see it.

There is this invention called email. Paper trails. Tangible proof.

And you call me simple. What gall!

LMAO, Trump and the Campaign have already turned over about a million documents. So simple mind, if Mueller already has the answers, there's no need to ask the questions again, is there? Well unless Mueller is laying a trap.

It's only a trap if he lied.
no it isn't, it's a trap because it is a trap. if a bear doesn't step in the spiked trap, is it not a trap anyway? what kind of fking nut job are you anyway? rhetorical. you must think you're discussing a topic with leftists.
Now we learn the FBI paid Steele 11 times.........they were in on it trying to frame Trump
Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

As the thread title States, it is so simple.

1. There never was a crime involving president Trump illegally colluding with the Russians. After two years, there is still no evidence to suggest the crime of illegal collusion with the Russians ever happened. The very Foundation or basis on which this investigation was created is nothing more than a mirage, and illusion as there is nothing to it. There is only speculation and accusation, which is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. There is no Rock On Wheels which to build this case, Rock being actual physical evidence.

In this country our judicial system is built on the belief that one is innocent until proven guilty, and those accused do not have to rush to prove their innocence based off of accusations, but it is instead the burden of those making the accusations to prove their accusations to be true and to prove those they have accused or indeed guilty.

As such, president Trump does not need to do anything to prove that he is innocent. The burden lies on special counsel Robert Mueller to come up with any evidence of a crime in which the president is involved, which he has failed to do now going on 3 years.

2. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence to prove complete by us or at least the perception of bias based on massive, undeniable conflicts of interest in this case involving the investigators at every level, especially involving the special counsel Robert Mueller himself.

Robert Mueller is the mentor and friend of former FBI director James Comey, who was fired by the president. Despite the ignorant arguments from the left, this is a massive conflict of interest that should have prevented Robert Mueller, also an ex-fbi director, from ever being appointed special counsel.

Rod Rosenstein, the deputy director of the Department of Justice, is the person who made the argument for FBI director James Comey to be fired and recommended to the president that Comey be fired. Once president Trump fired former FBI director James Comey, which is in his constitutional authority to do, Rosenstein, again who recommended the president fire Comey, begin the investigation of the president for obstruction of justice, the firing of Comey, and was the one who helped pick out Robert Mueller, his friend and proven co-conspirator, as the special counsel.

The left, especially these two, made no effort to disguise their partisan Witch Hunt by hand picking an All-Star cast of pro Democrat anti Trump liberals, some of whom actually worked for the Clintons. The entire makeup of the special counsel screams out conflict of interest and the overall objective of taking down the president.

Evidence shows Dead from the FBI investigators to Robert Mueller and his special counsel team to Rod Rosenstein and members of the Department of Justice, these individuals have broken laws and gone to Extreme Measures in order to conduct what can only be described as an attempted political coup, to remove the newly elected president from office. The US IG and others have proven obstruction, tampering with witness testimony, perjury, illegal manipulation of the FISA court and illegal acquisition of warrants to spy on the opposing political party and the president of the United States which constitutes a crime well beyond the original Watergate, and more.

These people have perpetrated obstruction, perjury, sedition, espionage, and even arguably treason...


Why would you go to proven TRAITORS who have shown it is their mission to take you down no matter what it takes in an attempt to clear your name and reveal the truth, which the left has no concern for at all?!
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Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.
Exactly what would that be...........what would prove he didn't do something .....if not all the lies your "investigators" have been caught in
exactly, the dude won't say what the conversation is supposed to be about. life in the white house? he can do that having a beer.
Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Absent charges there is no case.
So it's up to Mueller to go to the grand jury and indict the president in order to make a case? Couldn't Trump clear everything up by laying out his side to Mueller, thereby closing down the whole thing?
If we go along with the notion that there is no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal, then there is nothing to lay down before Mueller. This thread is pointless.
Wouldn't Trump want to tell his side clearly, honestly and openly? In order to make all those assumptions of no collusion, no obstruction and nothing done out of legal bounds, wouldn't it be best for all concerned to clear this up?

Lets clear up this case. It is a politically driven witchhunt which has no basis in fact, and no evidence to support the idea that a crime was ever committed in the first place.

The special counsel has absolutely no legitimate reason for wanting testimony from President Trump on any issue. That means that his desire for an interview is an obvious attempt at setting a perjury trap for the president.
Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

As the thread title States, it is so simple.

1. There never was a crime involving president Trump illegally colluding with the Russians. After two years, there is still no evidence to suggest the crime of illegal collusion with the Russians ever happened. The very Foundation or basis on which this investigation was created is nothing more than a mirage, and illusion as there is nothing to it. There is only speculation and accusation, which is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. There is no Rock On Wheels which to build this case, Rock being actual physical evidence.

In this country our judicial system is built on the belief that one is innocent until proven guilty, and those accused do not have to rush to prove their innocence based off of accusations, but it is instead the burden of those making the accusations to prove their accusations to be true and to prove those they have accused or indeed guilty.

As such, president Trump does not need to do anything to prove that he is innocent. The burden lies on special counsel Robert Mueller to come up with any evidence of a crime in which the president is involved, which he has failed to do now going on 3 years.

2. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence to prove complete by us or at least the perception of bias based on massive, undeniable conflicts of interest in this case involving the investigators at every level, especially involving the special counsel Robert Mueller himself.

Robert Mueller is the mentor and friend of former FBI director James Comey, who was fired by the president. Despite the ignorant arguments from the left, this is a massive conflict of interest that should have prevented Robert Mueller, also an ex-fbi director, from ever being appointed special counsel.

Rod Rosenstein, the deputy director of the Department of Justice, is the person who made the argument for FBI director James Comey to be fired and recommended to the president that Comey be fired. Once president Trump fired former FBI director James Comey, which is in his constitutional authority to do, Rosenstein, again who recommended the president fire Comey, begin the investigation of the president for obstruction of justice, the firing of Comey, and was the one who helped pick out Robert Mueller, his friend and proven co-conspirator, as the special counsel.

The left, especially these two, made no effort to disguise their partisan Witch Hunt by hand picking an All-Star cast of pro Democrat anti Trump liberals, some of whom actually worked for the Clintons. The entire makeup of the special counsel screams out conflict of interest and the overall objective of taking down the president.

Evidence shows Dead from the FBI investigators to Robert Mueller and his special counsel team to Rod Rosenstein and members of the Department of Justice, these individuals have broken laws and gone to Extreme Measures in order to conduct what can only be described as an attempted political coup, to remove the newly elected president from office. The US IG and others have proven obstruction, tampering with witness testimony, perjury, illegal manipulation of the FISA court and illegal acquisition of warrants to spy on the opposing political party and the president of the United States which constitutes a crime well beyond the original Watergate, and more.

These people have perpetrated obstruction, perjury, sedition, espionage, and even arguably treason...


Why would you go to proven traders who have shown it is their mission to take you down no matter what it takes in an attempt to clear your name and reveal the truth, which the left has no concern for at all?!
knowsnothing didn't deserve your time to put that together. a schmuck is a schmuck is a schmuck. You articulated that so nice and all he'll do is piss on it. he's that guy. read the OP.
Hey King,

I 'accuse' you of beinG a Chinese spy and a pedophile. I have no concrete evidence to support my accusations, but according to liberals I do not need any.

Based on this accusation, it is now your responsibility to completely prove that these accusations are false...


So we are not going along with the notion that he is innocent?

In that case, the onus isn't on him to prove his innocence. Innocent men get convicted by overzealous prosecutors quite frequently.
No. Let's grant Trump the cornerstone of American jurisprudence. He is innocent until proven guilty.

But given the fact there is a Special Prosecutor and Grand Jury, couldnyhe simply pour water on the whole thing by cooperating and tell his side of the story?
Has Mueller implicated him?
Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekolow seem to think so. Mueller is like a submarine. We don't know where he is going.

But even if Meuller isn't implicating Trump, why wouldn't Trump welcome the chance to tell his story?
If you are not implicated in a crime are you going to go to the prosecutor and explain why he hasn't implicated you in it? Who does that? No one.
Do you think the investigation has anything at all to do with anything that did or did not happen during the 2016 presidential campaign? If not, what do you think the investigation is about?

This investigation is about Hillary losing the presidential election and attempting to remedy that situation by any means possible.
That bureau needs razed and restructured, as does the CIA. Too much corruption.
One of the things that has caught my attention so much and has concerned me throughout this entire process is the revelation of how embedded within these agencies, such as the CIA and FBI especially, is how the loyalty to the organization itself and even to it's proven criminal leadership is so much stronger and more important than loyalty to Country and to the objective or goal of True Justice and truth and protection of the American people.

Protecting their Kingdom and their people, no matter how crooked, has become their number one duty.
Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

Ummm.. no, it's not "really that simple" under the current "justice" system, the best way to avoid perjury is to keep your mouth shut and let your lawyer do the talking regardless of whether you're guilty or innocent and based on Trump's history, he's probably guilty of all sorts of shit so I don't blame him at all for not wanting to be interrogated by Captain Bullshit and his crew of Junior G-Men.

"Keep your mouth shut, don't say a fuckin' word. You think cops are stupid? You think you can talk your way out? You're wrong.
Almost every conviction they get is some dumb motherfucker...tripping him self up.
Keep your mouth shut
." -- Victor Rosa, Empire
All politicians are polite...polite liars.
But the people say they voted for Trump because he is not a politician! He was elected to shake things up and bring integrity to politics.

Or is Trump a giant with clay feet?
He’s not and he’s doing a great job...pissing off Liberals.
Face it, you feel sorry for “Darkie”.
You’re a racist.
Is "pissing off Liberals" an article of governance?

And I don't follow you 'racist' slam. Are you trying to dilute racism in order to make a clumsy political point?
Liberals are racists because they believe the underclass can’t get their act together.
I wonder how Trump would react as you are calling him a member of an underclass? What is an underclass? Is there a superior class? And how is that determined? Who determines it? What part of American justice litigates an underclass and a superior class?

How about the part that has failed to prosecute Hillary Clinton for violating the law? Is she a superior class?
Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.
Dipshit, it's not that easy. They could pay a witness to contradict Trump, then it would take forever to get to the bottom of it. I mean the DoJ still doesn't realease the stuff congress asked no....I don't trust Mueller and the DC swamp at all. Fuck those people.
The DOJ won't release documents of a current investigation.
So it's up to Mueller to go to the grand jury and indict the president in order to make a case? Couldn't Trump clear everything up by laying out his side to Mueller, thereby closing down the whole thing?
If we go along with the notion that there is no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal, then there is nothing to lay down before Mueller. This thread is pointless.
Wouldn't Trump want to tell his side clearly, honestly and openly? In order to make all those assumptions of no collusion, no obstruction and nothing done out of legal bounds, wouldn't it be best for all concerned to clear this up?
So we are not going along with the notion that he is innocent?

In that case, the onus isn't on him to prove his innocence. Innocent men get convicted by overzealous prosecutors quite frequently.
No. Let's grant Trump the cornerstone of American jurisprudence. He is innocent until proven guilty.

But given the fact there is a Special Prosecutor and Grand Jury, couldnyhe simply pour water on the whole thing by cooperating and tell his side of the story?
what grand jury is there?
The Grand Jury that issues the indictments. Do you understand how these investigations work?

Stuff Fox never talks about, like facts.
Clinton was indicted. And he testified. There is something about precedent that requires respect.

Clinton went through the same process of impeachment _ not indictment from a civilian jury.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
Read about Ken Starr. His investigation was supposed to be about an Arkansas real estate deal and ended with a semen stained dress. Starr subpoenaed President Clinton.
clinton didn't need to abide by it. there was no reason for him to. he was...........STUPID....
BTW, he wasn't impeached out of office so, so fking what?
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Clinton was indicted. And he testified. There is something about precedent that requires respect.

Clinton went through the same process of impeachment _ not indictment from a civilian jury.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
Read about Ken Starr. His investigation was supposed to be about an Arkansas real estate deal and ended with a semen stained dress. Starr subpoenaed President Clinton.
clinton didn't need to abide by it. there was no reason for him to. he was...........STUPID....
BTW, he wasn't impeached out of office so so fking what?
Here's how impeachment works. The House of Representatives, part of the Legislative branch of government, issues articles of impeachment. Articles of impeachment are like indictments that are issued by the judicial branch of government. Those articles of impeachment are then forwarded to the United States Senate, again part of the legislative branch of government. The Senate then holds a trial to determine the guilt or innocence of who ever was impeached. Now, this is important, the House does not impeach someone out of office. The Senate can decide during the impeachment tribunal whether or not the subject of the articles of impeachment stays in office or removed from office.

There are three branches of federal government. I named the legislative and the judicial. Can you name the third branch?

I ask this because there are too many American citizens who do not understand how our federal government works. And I suspect many of those unfortunate people are deep in the pocket of Donald Trump. He himself said, "I love the poorly educated."
If we go along with the notion that there is no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal, then there is nothing to lay down before Mueller. This thread is pointless.
Wouldn't Trump want to tell his side clearly, honestly and openly? In order to make all those assumptions of no collusion, no obstruction and nothing done out of legal bounds, wouldn't it be best for all concerned to clear this up?
So we are not going along with the notion that he is innocent?

In that case, the onus isn't on him to prove his innocence. Innocent men get convicted by overzealous prosecutors quite frequently.
No. Let's grant Trump the cornerstone of American jurisprudence. He is innocent until proven guilty.

But given the fact there is a Special Prosecutor and Grand Jury, couldnyhe simply pour water on the whole thing by cooperating and tell his side of the story?
what grand jury is there?
The Grand Jury that issues the indictments. Do you understand how these investigations work?

Stuff Fox never talks about, like facts.
yep and as far as I know our current president is in no other spot than our previous with respect to one. It's all i said. you got something different?

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