It is so simple...

All politicians are polite...polite liars.
But the people say they voted for Trump because he is not a politician! He was elected to shake things up and bring integrity to politics.

Or is Trump a giant with clay feet?
He’s not and he’s doing a great job...pissing off Liberals.
Face it, you feel sorry for “Darkie”.
You’re a racist.
Is "pissing off Liberals" an article of governance?

And I don't follow you 'racist' slam. Are you trying to dilute racism in order to make a clumsy political point?
Liberals are racists because they believe the underclass can’t get their act together.
I wonder how Trump would react as you are calling him a member of an underclass? What is an underclass? Is there a superior class? And how is that determined? Who determines it? What part of American justice litigates an underclass and a superior class?
That’s the retard post of the day.
Your hatred of Trump stems from his desire to MAGA and you simply want to give away our country with open borders, welfare and food stamps.
But the people say they voted for Trump because he is not a politician! He was elected to shake things up and bring integrity to politics.

Or is Trump a giant with clay feet?
He’s not and he’s doing a great job...pissing off Liberals.
Face it, you feel sorry for “Darkie”.
You’re a racist.
Is "pissing off Liberals" an article of governance?

And I don't follow you 'racist' slam. Are you trying to dilute racism in order to make a clumsy political point?
Liberals are racists because they believe the underclass can’t get their act together.
I wonder how Trump would react as you are calling him a member of an underclass? What is an underclass? Is there a superior class? And how is that determined? Who determines it? What part of American justice litigates an underclass and a superior class?
That’s the retard post of the day.
Your hatred of Trump stems from his desire to MAGA and you simply want to give away our country with open borders, welfare and food stamps.
No. My hatred of Trump stems from his highly flawed character. His loose connection with truth and facts. His comportment that is embarrassing to everyone who was brought up with a moral compass.

And policy is not a zero sum game. I want immigrants treated as human beings, but that does not mean open borders. I want the disadvantaged cared for because A,erican citizens should not have to chose between starvation or not, maintaining life or dying.

I don't know why some folks can't fathom a better way to treat citizens, or discard them like so much rubbish.

It's that division, deepened by Trump, his hatful rhetoric and the inability of his supporters to think beyond bumper sticker thinking that drives my hate for the current occupant of the White House.
He’s not and he’s doing a great job...pissing off Liberals.
Face it, you feel sorry for “Darkie”.
You’re a racist.
Is "pissing off Liberals" an article of governance?

And I don't follow you 'racist' slam. Are you trying to dilute racism in order to make a clumsy political point?
Liberals are racists because they believe the underclass can’t get their act together.
I wonder how Trump would react as you are calling him a member of an underclass? What is an underclass? Is there a superior class? And how is that determined? Who determines it? What part of American justice litigates an underclass and a superior class?
That’s the retard post of the day.
Your hatred of Trump stems from his desire to MAGA and you simply want to give away our country with open borders, welfare and food stamps.
No. My hatred of Trump stems from his highly flawed character. His loose connection with truth and facts. His comportment that is embarrassing to everyone who was brought up with a moral compass.

And policy is not a zero sum game. I want immigrants treated as human beings, but that does not mean open borders. I want the disadvantaged cared for because A,erican citizens should not have to chose between starvation or not, maintaining life or dying.

I don't know why some folks can't fathom a better way to treat citizens, or discard them like so much rubbish.

It's that division, deepened by Trump, his hatful rhetoric and the inability of his supporters to think beyond bumper sticker thinking that drives my hate for the current occupant of the White House.
Read my lips...
All politicians lie.
I explicitly stated each parties main lies.

Most lie with a smile.
Get it or are you that stupid?
If you don’t get it, you are either a partisan piece of shit or just plain stupid.
He’s not and he’s doing a great job...pissing off Liberals.
Face it, you feel sorry for “Darkie”.
You’re a racist.
Is "pissing off Liberals" an article of governance?

And I don't follow you 'racist' slam. Are you trying to dilute racism in order to make a clumsy political point?
Liberals are racists because they believe the underclass can’t get their act together.
I wonder how Trump would react as you are calling him a member of an underclass? What is an underclass? Is there a superior class? And how is that determined? Who determines it? What part of American justice litigates an underclass and a superior class?
That’s the retard post of the day.
Your hatred of Trump stems from his desire to MAGA and you simply want to give away our country with open borders, welfare and food stamps.
No. My hatred of Trump stems from his highly flawed character. His loose connection with truth and facts. His comportment that is embarrassing to everyone who was brought up with a moral compass.

And policy is not a zero sum game. I want immigrants treated as human beings, but that does not mean open borders. I want the disadvantaged cared for because A,erican citizens should not have to chose between starvation or not, maintaining life or dying.

I don't know why some folks can't fathom a better way to treat citizens, or discard them like so much rubbish.

It's that division, deepened by Trump, his hatful rhetoric and the inability of his supporters to think beyond bumper sticker thinking that drives my hate for the current occupant of the White House.

How is he mistreating citizens?
I don't know why some folks can't fathom a better way to treat citizens, or discard them like so much rubbish.

It's not up to government to treat it's citizens in any way. The job of government is to govern--not take care of people. Charities take care of people, family takes care of their people, churches take care of it's people, but not government.
Is "pissing off Liberals" an article of governance?

And I don't follow you 'racist' slam. Are you trying to dilute racism in order to make a clumsy political point?
Liberals are racists because they believe the underclass can’t get their act together.
I wonder how Trump would react as you are calling him a member of an underclass? What is an underclass? Is there a superior class? And how is that determined? Who determines it? What part of American justice litigates an underclass and a superior class?
That’s the retard post of the day.
Your hatred of Trump stems from his desire to MAGA and you simply want to give away our country with open borders, welfare and food stamps.
No. My hatred of Trump stems from his highly flawed character. His loose connection with truth and facts. His comportment that is embarrassing to everyone who was brought up with a moral compass.

And policy is not a zero sum game. I want immigrants treated as human beings, but that does not mean open borders. I want the disadvantaged cared for because A,erican citizens should not have to chose between starvation or not, maintaining life or dying.

I don't know why some folks can't fathom a better way to treat citizens, or discard them like so much rubbish.

It's that division, deepened by Trump, his hatful rhetoric and the inability of his supporters to think beyond bumper sticker thinking that drives my hate for the current occupant of the White House.

How is he mistreating citizens?
You don’t know Nosmo.
The name shoule be KnowsNot.
Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.

Please remember this is not any other POTUS...

Wouldn't Trump want to tell his side clearly, honestly and openly? In order to make all those assumptions of no collusion, no obstruction and nothing done out of legal bounds, wouldn't it be best for all concerned to clear this up?

No... Mueller has the burden to prove collusion, obstruction and anything done outside of legal bounds...

But even if Meuller isn't implicating Trump, why wouldn't Trump welcome the chance to tell his story?

Again Mueller has the burden of proof... Why would POTUS want to go to a circular firing squad?

Do you think the investigation has anything at all to do with anything that did or did not happen during the 2016 presidential campaign? If not, what do you think the investigation is about?


Two words Mike Flynn he had to plead guilty to making false or misleading statements to the FBI to avoid going bankrupt even though we have discovered the agents questioning him did not believe he was intentionally trying to mislead them. Add to that Mueller had charges brought against Rick Gates and Paul Manafort for things that happened years ago that had absolutely nothing to do with the 2016 election. Given this I can see why Trump wouldn't sit down with Mueller and the only way he should even consider it is if the questions are focused solely on the 2016 election and not things that might have happened ten years or more ago. Our legal system is far from prefect innocent people go to jail and guilty people go free if Trump and his legal team feel it is not in his best interest to sit down with Mueller he shouldn't

blackhawk Brilliant summation...

So you trust Trump to always tell the truth?

I don't trust anyone to always tell the truth...
I don't know why some folks can't fathom a better way to treat citizens, or discard them like so much rubbish.

It's not up to government to treat it's citizens in any way. The job of government is to govern--not take care of people. Charities take care of people, family takes care of their people, churches take care of it's people, but not government.
As every Social Security and Medicare recipient looks on with incredulity. Every bank that got bailed out, every farmer receiving subsidies, every Pell Grant recipient wonders what country you're living in.
Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.

The only thing simple is your mind. Eye witness testimony is unreliable, yet all you need is one person remember an event differently than Trump and Mueller has cause to claim Trump lied. Trumps version could be totally accurate, but it boils down to who Mueller chooses to believe. So nothing is as simple as your simple mind might see it.

Last edited:
Is "pissing off Liberals" an article of governance?

And I don't follow you 'racist' slam. Are you trying to dilute racism in order to make a clumsy political point?
Liberals are racists because they believe the underclass can’t get their act together.
I wonder how Trump would react as you are calling him a member of an underclass? What is an underclass? Is there a superior class? And how is that determined? Who determines it? What part of American justice litigates an underclass and a superior class?
That’s the retard post of the day.
Your hatred of Trump stems from his desire to MAGA and you simply want to give away our country with open borders, welfare and food stamps.
No. My hatred of Trump stems from his highly flawed character. His loose connection with truth and facts. His comportment that is embarrassing to everyone who was brought up with a moral compass.

And policy is not a zero sum game. I want immigrants treated as human beings, but that does not mean open borders. I want the disadvantaged cared for because A,erican citizens should not have to chose between starvation or not, maintaining life or dying.

I don't know why some folks can't fathom a better way to treat citizens, or discard them like so much rubbish.

It's that division, deepened by Trump, his hatful rhetoric and the inability of his supporters to think beyond bumper sticker thinking that drives my hate for the current occupant of the White House.

How is he mistreating citizens?
He calls out private citizens in his reckless tweets. He wants to take healthcare from folks like me with pre-existing conditions. He uses moral equivalence when talking about racist, white nationalist and hate monger so. He insults private citizens for sport, or punchlines or glee.
Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.

The only thing simple is your mind. Eye witness testimony is unreliable, yet all you need is one person remember an event differently than Trump and Mueller has cause to claim Trump lied. Trumps version could be totally accurate, but it boils down to who Mueller chooses to believe. So nothing is as simple as you simple mind might see it.

There is this invention called email. Paper trails. Tangible proof.

And you call me simple. What gall!
Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Absent charges there is no case.
So it's up to Mueller to go to the grand jury and indict the president in order to make a case? Couldn't Trump clear everything up by laying out his side to Mueller, thereby closing down the whole thing?

No, he couldn’t. No competent legal expert would advice Trump to ‘cooperate ‘. You started a thread based on faulty legal logic.
Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.

The only thing simple is your mind. Eye witness testimony is unreliable, yet all you need is one person remember an event differently than Trump and Mueller has cause to claim Trump lied. Trumps version could be totally accurate, but it boils down to who Mueller chooses to believe. So nothing is as simple as you simple mind might see it.

There is this invention called email. Paper trails. Tangible proof.

And you call me simple. What gall!

LMAO, Trump and the Campaign have already turned over about a million documents. So simple mind, if Mueller already has the answers, there's no need to ask the questions again, is there? Well unless Mueller is laying a trap.

Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.
His side of the story? What story? The one created by Kremlin agents paid by the DNC and Clinton?
Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Absent charges there is no case.
So it's up to Mueller to go to the grand jury and indict the president in order to make a case? Couldn't Trump clear everything up by laying out his side to Mueller, thereby closing down the whole thing?

No, he couldn’t. No competent legal expert would advice Trump to ‘cooperate ‘. You started a thread based on faulty legal logic.
Why would lawyers advise against cooperation?
Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.

The only thing simple is your mind. Eye witness testimony is unreliable, yet all you need is one person remember an event differently than Trump and Mueller has cause to claim Trump lied. Trumps version could be totally accurate, but it boils down to who Mueller chooses to believe. So nothing is as simple as you simple mind might see it.

There is this invention called email. Paper trails. Tangible proof.

And you call me simple. What gall!

LMAO, Trump and the Campaign have already turned over about a million documents. So simple mind, if Mueller already has the answers, there's no need to ask the questions again, is there? Well unless Mueller is laying a trap.

It's only a trap if he lied.
Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.

The only thing simple is your mind. Eye witness testimony is unreliable, yet all you need is one person remember an event differently than Trump and Mueller has cause to claim Trump lied. Trumps version could be totally accurate, but it boils down to who Mueller chooses to believe. So nothing is as simple as you simple mind might see it.

There is this invention called email. Paper trails. Tangible proof.

And you call me simple. What gall!

LMAO, Trump and the Campaign have already turned over about a million documents. So simple mind, if Mueller already has the answers, there's no need to ask the questions again, is there? Well unless Mueller is laying a trap.

It's only a trap if he lied.

Bullshit, all it takes is one person remembering an event differently. Have you ever been in a meeting with 8-12 people and then had them compare notes afterward? You can easily get several versions of the topics of the meeting and what priorities people came away with, and everyone would swear they were telling the truth.

Let's go along with the notion that Mueller's investigation is indeed a witch hunt. Let's go along with the notion that there was no collusion, no obstruction and nothing was done that was illegal.

Let's accept all that for the purpose of this simple question: Why wouldn't Trump, or anyone so 'framed' not run to the offices of the Special Counsel and lay out everything so the investigation could be shown as illegitimate? Why not clear everything up by laying forth your case?

Some say that would be a perjury trap. Well, isn't the best way to avoid perjury is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It's really that simple.

So it boils down to this speculation that is not too tough to arrive at. Do you trust Trump to tell the truth?

He has a casual acquaintance with telling the truth. He is loquacious, hyperbolic and tends to exaggerate his accomplishments and qualities.

If you trust Trump to meet secretly with the likes of Putin and Kim without a written record, why can't he be trusted to tell his side of the story to Robert Mueller?

Pretty damn simple, for almost any other president.
Prosecutors always get their target...for something.

They got Manafort for something entirely unrelated to Russian collusion.

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