It Just Occurred to Me What's Happening With The Trump Trial

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Of course they're going to have his trail date in the beginning of March,.. that's when the primary election is!! If that doesn't tell you that this is just a plot to get him off the ballot then I don't know what is. Maybe this has been mentioned before, but I didn't see it and I'm just now connecting the dots even more than I was before. 😡
Of course they're going to have his trail date in the beginning of March,.. that's when the primary election is!! If that doesn't tell you that this is just a plot to get him off the ballot then I don't know what is. Maybe this has been mentioned before, but I didn't see it and I'm just now connecting the dots even more than I was before. 😡
Uh, duh.
Of course they're going to have his trail date in the beginning of March,.. that's when the primary election is!! If that doesn't tell you that this is just a plot to get him off the ballot then I don't know what is. Maybe this has been mentioned before, but I didn't see it and I'm just now connecting the dots even more than I was before. 😡
Trump is a criminal and should be treated as one.
And more nervous laughter from Hellbilly as usual because he knows that I'm onto his party.

Well I knew that they didn't want him to run, get him off the ballot, and that they scheduled his trial for next year, I just didn't think about the fact that that's when the primaries are going on until now.
Of course they're going to have his trail date in the beginning of March,.. that's when the primary election is!! If that doesn't tell you that this is just a plot to get him off the ballot then I don't know what is. Maybe this has been mentioned before, but I didn't see it and I'm just now connecting the dots even more than I was before. 😡
Inspector Clouseau is connecting the dots
sigh .. yet .. individuals like you can't even provide context on fascism .. kind of like describing what a women is .. you can't do it.
You poor thing.

You can't debate any issue with any liberal on any topic, so your little brain has been programmed to auto-deflect with "DERP! DERP! DUH LIBRULS DON'T KNOW WHAT A WOMAN IS!".

Yes, it is that obvious.

Does the conservative exist who doesn't always run using that excuse? Not on this board.
You poor thing.

You can't debate any issue with any liberal on any topic, so your little brain has been programmed to auto-deflect with "DERP! DERP! DUH LIBRULS DON'T KNOW WHAT A WOMAN IS!".

Yes, it is that obvious.

Does the conservative exist who doesn't always run using that excuse? Not on this board.
Not really .. I "DERP DERP" on individuals who use big terms and then can't tell what they mean. This is what sheeple do .. prove me wrong.
Trump should be treated like Clinton and / or Biden .. who have committed similar "crimes" and they continue to be ignored.
I see lying openly is also going to be one of your staple tactics.

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone except your fellow cult imbeciles. We're in touch with reality, so we know you're lying. The only interesting question is why you lie, and why you suck so badly at it. Given the years of training you've been given, you should be much better at it.
I see lying openly is also going to be one of your staple tactics.

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone except your fellow cult imbeciles. We're in touch with reality, so we know you're lying. The only interesting question is why you lie, and why you suck so badly at it. Given the years of training you've been given, you should be much better at it.
What do you mean by fascist? How is Trump fascist? Educate us .. since you're the expert.

Asking a question is lying? What a lame, sheeple response.
Trump is welcome to insist on speedy trials that don’t interfere with his campaign schedule
Maybe this has been mentioned before, but I didn't see it and I'm just now connecting the dots even more than I was before.
I would say that talk radio described it immediately, within the past week. I would not have known if not for the talking heads. How did you figure it out?
Trump is welcome to insist on speedy trials that don’t interfere with his campaign schedule
From what I have heard - the judge claimed the people have a right to a speedy trial, and the defense lawyers have to accommodate. Which is odd, because the defendant is supposed to be allowed the benefit of preparing for trial.
Trump is a criminal and should be treated as one.
Ninety-some charges - have you ever heard of someone ever being charged with that many, before?

It is just absurd.

Have you heard anything about Alex Baldwin's case - how' that going?
Ninety-some charges - have you ever heard of someone ever being charged with that many, before?

It is just absurd.

Have you heard anything about Alex Baldwin's case - how' that going?

Wahl, you gotta admit, Rump has been busy doing criminal things.

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