It looks like Donald Trump is inviting terrorists to attack this country. Is it working?

This reminds me of how Bubba was wailing that Bush was talking down the economy. The most powerful man in the world couldn't do anything to make the economy better, but a mere citizen with no power at all could, with a word, create a recession. Likewise, the democrat talking points creators seem to have forgotten that Obama is POTUS while Trump is a mere citizen. Trump can say anything he wants, but has no power to do anything about anything. IOW, If the country is weak, it's not Trump's doing. I'm surprised the talking points creators still get paid if that's the best they can do.
Except the country's not weak and the economy is strong.
You just answered the question you posed in your OP.
rdean has sobered up enough to begin his daily posting of ten to fifteen Trump bashing threads. Rdean is one really sick puppy. Had he a brain at all, he'd be labeled a half-wit.
Trump bashes himself. I just quote him. Feel free to point out any lies.

I prefer to make a mockery of you. That is so easy to do. You are one sick sick little feeble-minded Liberal who is about to see his little world come crashing down all around him. I'm enjoying pointing out the fool you are.
So, the foreign Anti-American Muslim asshole in there now, get's another from free pass from y'all. It's all Trump's fault. Ha, go figure? :laugh:
Trump's making the invitations, not me.

Yes we know. Your dumbass in the White House gets another free pass from ya. It's all that mean ole Trump's fault. Y'all are so damn dumb and disingenuous. Whatever. Movin on...
rdean has sobered up enough to begin his daily posting of ten to fifteen Trump bashing threads. Rdean is one really sick puppy. Had he a brain at all, he'd be labeled a half-wit.
Trump bashes himself. I just quote him. Feel free to point out any lies.

I prefer to make a mockery of you. That is so easy to do. You are one sick sick little feeble-minded Liberal who is about to see his little world come crashing down all around him. I'm enjoying pointing out the fool you are.
In other words, you can't point out any lies. Don't you understand? Bashing the truth is why people laugh at you.
This reminds me of how Bubba was wailing that Bush was talking down the economy. The most powerful man in the world couldn't do anything to make the economy better, but a mere citizen with no power at all could, with a word, create a recession. Likewise, the democrat talking points creators seem to have forgotten that Obama is POTUS while Trump is a mere citizen. Trump can say anything he wants, but has no power to do anything about anything. IOW, If the country is weak, it's not Trump's doing. I'm surprised the talking points creators still get paid if that's the best they can do.
Except the country's not weak and the economy is strong.
You just answered the question you posed in your OP.
If Trump was inviting terrorists? I know. His constant rhetoric that the country is weak. That our soldiers are few. That our ships are old. Our leaders are stupid and he knows more than the generals. The terrorists know Trump know's nothing. That's why they want him as leader.
He loves despot Putin. In fact, Trump invited Putin to hack our computer systems. It's been on the news.

Trump is a walking invitation.
Inviting - to welcome in.

Obama and Hillary have brought in thousands of un-vetted 'refugees' from war-torn, Islamic Extremist terrorist-infested America-hating regions / nations...some of them have already been proven to have killed Americans.

So WHO is inviting terrorist attacks?

ONCE AGAIN we are seeing yet ANOTHER demonstration of Libs accusing others of doing what THEY are doing.
It looks like Donald Trump is inviting terrorists to attack this country.

Have you noticed how many liberal-fanatic threads start with a lie about a Republican, followed by bashing him as though he had done what the liberal was lying about?

It's all they seem to have.

Even stranger, they almost never start their threads by praising their own candidate or party. Unless it's another lie such as "While Hillary was Secretary of State, our relations with other countries got better and the Middle East got more peaceful".

Do these people EVER say anything that's actually true?

What does it say about these people that the only way they can make their opponents look bad, is by lying? And the only way they can make themselves look good, is also by lying?
Trump is constantly saying our country is weak and our leaders are stupid.

He knows nothing about Isis and yet says he knows more than the Generals.

He says our army is tired and weak and undermanned.

Our ships are old and few.

He even invited Russia to hack our computer systems.

Sounds like an invitation to me.
Of course it sounds like an invitation to YOU. You're beliefs are already traitorous to our nation.
rdean has sobered up enough to begin his daily posting of ten to fifteen Trump bashing threads. Rdean is one really sick puppy. Had he a brain at all, he'd be labeled a half-wit.
Trump bashes himself. I just quote him. Feel free to point out any lies.

I prefer to make a mockery of you. That is so easy to do. You are one sick sick little feeble-minded Liberal who is about to see his little world come crashing down all around him. I'm enjoying pointing out the fool you are.
In other words, you can't point out any lies. Don't you understand? Bashing the truth is why people laugh at you.

From the looks of your responses on all your many threads, I'd say far more people are making fun of you.
This reminds me of how Bubba was wailing that Bush was talking down the economy. The most powerful man in the world couldn't do anything to make the economy better, but a mere citizen with no power at all could, with a word, create a recession. Likewise, the democrat talking points creators seem to have forgotten that Obama is POTUS while Trump is a mere citizen. Trump can say anything he wants, but has no power to do anything about anything. IOW, If the country is weak, it's not Trump's doing. I'm surprised the talking points creators still get paid if that's the best they can do.
Except the country's not weak and the economy is strong.
You just answered the question you posed in your OP.
If Trump was inviting terrorists? I know. His constant rhetoric that the country is weak. That our soldiers are few. That our ships are old. Our leaders are stupid and he knows more than the generals. The terrorists know Trump know's nothing. That's why they want him as leader.
He loves despot Putin. In fact, Trump invited Putin to hack our computer systems. It's been on the news.

Trump is a walking invitation.

Actually, it is the active duty military of this nation who want him as Commander-in-Chief. It is also the police and law enforcement officers who want him as President.
This reminds me of how Bubba was wailing that Bush was talking down the economy. The most powerful man in the world couldn't do anything to make the economy better, but a mere citizen with no power at all could, with a word, create a recession. Likewise, the democrat talking points creators seem to have forgotten that Obama is POTUS while Trump is a mere citizen. Trump can say anything he wants, but has no power to do anything about anything. IOW, If the country is weak, it's not Trump's doing. I'm surprised the talking points creators still get paid if that's the best they can do.
Except the country's not weak and the economy is strong.
You just answered the question you posed in your OP.
If Trump was inviting terrorists? I know. His constant rhetoric that the country is weak. That our soldiers are few. That our ships are old. Our leaders are stupid and he knows more than the generals. The terrorists know Trump know's nothing. That's why they want him as leader.
He loves despot Putin. In fact, Trump invited Putin to hack our computer systems. It's been on the news.

Trump is a walking invitation.
No, that was the statement part of the title. The question was, is it working? Obviously, it is not, according to you. The natural followup question then is, why bother with the thread?
It looks like Donald Trump is inviting terrorists to attack this country. Is it working?

You just make shit up, don't you? Why don't you take a minute away from your masturbatorial Dump bashing and address the failures of law enforcement, local and federal?

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