It looks like Trump reads USMB and looking into my advice..

Trump's job is safe. Why? He is increasing defense spending. He is dropping lots and lots of bombs. He is a great friend to the Military/Security complex. Ya know, the people that actually run this country! So yeah, he has nothing to worry about.

The investigation is to distract the sheeple.

It is working!!
I thought dropping bombs was bad, all those civilians killed.

I doesn't matter what you or I think.
Ha I have been saying it for a long time

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


Just pardon every one and dare Congress to impeach you.. perfect strategy..and to think I am just a little o' janitor from Chicago :)

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons
So where are you a janitor? In Moscow?

No I am just still a janitor at...Maine North high desplanes Illinois..You know that place Rderp..

Ha I have been saying it for a long time

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


Just pardon every one and dare Congress to impeach you.. perfect strategy..and to think I am just a little o' janitor from Chicago :)

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons
So where are you a janitor? In Moscow?

No I am just still a janitor at...Maine North high desplanes Illinois..You know that place Rderp..


Maybe you need to learn how to spell Des Plaines? Every employee should know that.
Ha I have been saying it for a long time

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


Just pardon every one and dare Congress to impeach you.. perfect strategy..and to think I am just a little o' janitor from Chicago :)

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons
Don't you have to be convicted of something before you can get pardoned? Are you saying Trump is going to be arrested, charged and convicted of something?
nope. it's why no one on the right couldn't figure out why obummer didn't just do that for hitlrey.
Ha I have been saying it for a long time

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


Just pardon every one and dare Congress to impeach you.. perfect strategy..and to think I am just a little o' janitor from Chicago :)

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons

I hope someone is investigating schiff is all I can say, that dude is as dirty as they come.
there's a stench that comes off my tv when he's on tv.
Ha I have been saying it for a long time

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


Just pardon every one and dare Congress to impeach you.. perfect strategy..and to think I am just a little o' janitor from Chicago :)

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons
Don't you have to be convicted of something before you can get pardoned? Are you saying Trump is going to be arrested, charged and convicted of something?

Trump can't be arrested. He would have to be impeached first, and then he could be arrested.
Okay. Still seems strange to pardon someone before they've been convicted of anything, but if that's the case, I guess he can go for it. Why would anyone anticipate that, though, since every conservative is pretty convinced the whole thing is a nothing burger?
Ha I have been saying it for a long time

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


Just pardon every one and dare Congress to impeach you.. perfect strategy..and to think I am just a little o' janitor from Chicago :)

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons

You are a janitor?

That's not what you told me before.

Which is true?
Ha I have been saying it for a long time

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


Just pardon every one and dare Congress to impeach you.. perfect strategy..and to think I am just a little o' janitor from Chicago :)

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons
Don't you have to be convicted of something before you can get pardoned? Are you saying Trump is going to be arrested, charged and convicted of something?

Don't you have to be convicted of something before you can get pardoned?


Accepting a pardon requires an admission of guilt.
Ha I have been saying it for a long time

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


Just pardon every one and dare Congress to impeach you.. perfect strategy..and to think I am just a little o' janitor from Chicago :)

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons

I hope someone is investigating schiff is all I can say, that dude is as dirty as they come.

What are you basing that assertion on? Is this an example of your level-headed fair outlook on life?

Holy shit. You are in it deep.
Ha I have been saying it for a long time

Since Trump is not a target of any investigation...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.

... there is no executive level crime to appoint a special counsel...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will make that determination once his own discovery process is further along.


Special Counsel's charter runs far beyond Herr Drumpf.

Special Counsel's charter extends to the campaign, and those managing the campaign, as well as members of the White House staff and the Administration.

...The special counsel should step aside and nobody should replace him...
Absolutely not.

Special Counsel is needed now more than ever.

Not to worry.

If there is no evidence of wrongdoing, then Special Counsel will come up empty.

However, Special Counsel Robert Mueller WILL be given AMPLE opportunity to make that determination.


Free of restraint.

And there's not a goddamned thing that He Who Must Not Be Named can do about it.

Other than sweat.

Enjoy the ride.

He can , Trump can pardon everyone and fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach him


Just pardon every one and dare Congress to impeach you.. perfect strategy..and to think I am just a little o' janitor from Chicago :)

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons
Don't you have to be convicted of something before you can get pardoned? Are you saying Trump is going to be arrested, charged and convicted of something?

Ford pardon Nixon


Of course Trump reads USMB

That is where he gets most of his information

I remember about 10 years ago on another site I started a thread called "what you dream about before you go to sleep"

Four months later a commercial comes out on the same theme

I got ripped off and didn't get a dollar off of my ideas..


When I was a kid, I wrote a short story about a huge furry dog and a surfer kid saving the world from space aliens. Didn't get a nickel in royalties.

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