It Might Be A Good Time To Talk About That 3 AM Phone Call..


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?
this backlash against Romney that you and the left is trying to created just ain't happening
this is just another thread to take peoples mind off the terrible economic news today
gas up, jobless claims up, food prices up.

...but that Romney guy blah blah blah.
Ahhh.. the 'My Pet Goat' criticism again... yawn... like he was supposed to jump up and freak out a bunch of 6 year olds... :rolleyes:
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romeny is not ready for prime time.

He proved it by his response to this current attack
The 3am call to Barack Obama would be his friends the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood.. Ahh yes, the ARAB SPRING, where this Appeasement President turned on our ally, MUBARAK and is personally responsible for the terror-tied Muslim Brothehood who governs Egypt today... In that phone call, we have an Appeasement President who won't set deadlines to stop a nuclear Iran.. Obama reassures his Muslim friends of this.. Israel is on it's own.. In fact, this Appeaser-N-Chief will invite the terror-tied Muslim Brotherhood to the WH, but slam the door on our ally, Israel... Yes, let's talk about the 3am call that HILLARY CLINTON herself MOCKED, "Would you want Obama on the end of that line?"
I don't know where the MSM and Huggy are getting this idea that Obama is good at foreign policy.........he and Hillary both suck at it.

Look where his apologizing and "leading from behind" have gotten us. I can't believe anyone is that unbelievably stupid to believe Obama has done a good job with this.

Our embassies are being attacked because this twerp is a complete idiot.

Anyone but Obama, however I think Romney will be an awesome President.
dear fucking idiot.

Robmoney doesnt even know anything about foriegn policy.

Hes unfit for president
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?
The idiot lefty commies hate Bush for doing what had to be done knowing their choice would still be cowering in the corner. Lame thread from a lame libtard. Fail.
The world now knows how uninformed and unfit in charactor robmoney is to deal with an international emergency
romeny is not ready for prime time.

He proved it by his response to this current attack

And Obama proves he is worse than 'not ready'.. he was not ready when he took the job and has steadily declined...

Hence why I am not a supporter of either
If your bush was so great in comparison why did you not allow him to go to the convention or even once speak his name?
Ahhh.. the 'My Pet Goat' criticism again... yawn... like he was supposed to jump up and freak out a bunch of 6 year olds... :rolleyes:

THAT is your concern???.. the sensitivities of a few 6 year olds when thousands of Americans are being smashed into buildings at that very moment? No sir THAT is the responsibility of the teacher of the class. AND the parents of the children to consol their little brats when they get home. The president has MUCH BIGGER fish to fry at that moment and if you or BUSH or OBAMA or ROMNEY doesn't get that then they need to find some other form of employment.

I expect MY president to immediately get his ass up and into Air Force One and start to take care of business. Period...end of story.
[ame=]Hillary Clinton Ad - 3 AM White House Ringing Phone - YouTube[/ame]

Hillary Clinton KNEW what would happen if Barack Obama was the one on the other end of that phone.. She was hauntingly correct.. We ALL remember that ad.. Hillary, the gift that keeps on giving.. :)

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