It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money.

If you don’t have kids it’s almost understandable that you just wanna rip off the country for whatever you can get whenever you can. That is just a greedy person. If you have kids, what is it you’re gonna leave them? What’s your legacy?

Some people say that is stupid. We don’t want to leave a dirty planet to our kids. But the EPA is too expensive. And there’s plenty of air and water. We don’t need to fine companies for making them dirty.

There seems to be people who want to leave their children starving to death.
You don't need to eat if you already die from living in diseased pig poop.
San Fancisco is run by dems. you should be voting out those dems allowing kids to live in shit.
Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.
That is your left-wing party man.

I leave the partisanship to the rest of you. It's not my party.

Andy, nobody is stupid enough to want to ban fossil fuels before an alternative is in place. Maybe some people don't think all of the details through, but come on dude.
I guess you watch eyes full shut then. too fking funny. Do us all a favor and grow the fk up and act like an adult.
from: Creatures in the deepest trenches of the sea are eating plastic

"A British research team captured amphipods, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that scavenge on the seabed, from six of the world's deepest ocean trenches and took them back to their lab. There, they discovered that more than 80 percent of the amphipods had plastic fibers and particles in their digestive systems, known as the hindgut. The deeper the trench, the more fibers they found. In the Mariana Trench, the deepest at more than seven miles beneath the waves in the western Pacific, the scientists found fibers in 100 percent of the samples–in every amphipod collected. Prior studies of plastic particles ingested by marine organisms caught near the surface have found far smaller percentages."
from: Creatures in the deepest trenches of the sea are eating plastic

"A British research team captured amphipods, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that scavenge on the seabed, from six of the world's deepest ocean trenches and took them back to their lab. There, they discovered that more than 80 percent of the amphipods had plastic fibers and particles in their digestive systems, known as the hindgut. The deeper the trench, the more fibers they found. In the Mariana Trench, the deepest at more than seven miles beneath the waves in the western Pacific, the scientists found fibers in 100 percent of the samples–in every amphipod collected. Prior studies of plastic particles ingested by marine organisms caught near the surface have found far smaller percentages."
It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money.

If you don’t have kids it’s almost understandable that you just wanna rip off the country for whatever you can get whenever you can. That is just a greedy person. If you have kids, what is it you’re gonna leave them? What’s your legacy?

Some people say that is stupid. We don’t want to leave a dirty planet to our kids. But the EPA is too expensive. And there’s plenty of air and water. We don’t need to fine companies for making them dirty.

It's worse that some people would leave a country in the grips of a powerful hypocritical elite using the excuse of fighting a change in the weather.

Because we all know the real end game of the watermelons, and that is control.
from: Creatures in the deepest trenches of the sea are eating plastic

"A British research team captured amphipods, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that scavenge on the seabed, from six of the world's deepest ocean trenches and took them back to their lab. There, they discovered that more than 80 percent of the amphipods had plastic fibers and particles in their digestive systems, known as the hindgut. The deeper the trench, the more fibers they found. In the Mariana Trench, the deepest at more than seven miles beneath the waves in the western Pacific, the scientists found fibers in 100 percent of the samples–in every amphipod collected. Prior studies of plastic particles ingested by marine organisms caught near the surface have found far smaller percentages."
so when are you going to the other countries that throw the shit into the oceans? when are you planning those trips? all the ocean liners that allow people to traverse our oceans for fun? when, please tell us old spirit of the earth!!!
For 20 years, the climate hysterical have been making hysterical claims like this and what has it gotten them? Ummm.....its gotten them dick.:bye1: Just not sure what the thinking is here? I think part of the problem is this lack of credibility......the same people defend public policy in places like SanFrancisco where you cant walk ten feet without stepping in a pile of human poop. It doesn't square with voters. The perception of being routinely hipocritical routinely bites progressives in the ass but they don't seem to realize it.....not to mention this arrogant presentation like they care more than the rest of us. IDK....time to change the strategy?:dunno:
For 20 years, the climate hysterical have been making hysterical claims like this and what has it gotten them? Ummm.....its gotten them dick.:bye1: Just not sure what the thinking is here? I think part of the problem is this lack of credibility......the same people defend public policy in places like SanFrancisco where you cant walk ten feet without stepping in a pile of human poop. It doesn't square with voters. The perception of being routinely hipocritical routinely bites progressives in the ass but they don't seem to realize it.....not to mention this arrogant presentation like they care more than the rest of us. IDK....time to change the strategy?:dunno:
like perhaps put up or shut up politics? until any of these leftists kooks abandon all of their wealth, toys and power, I refuse to believe anything from their lips. I didn't believe them anyway, thought it would be nice to offer up how they could actually make people believe they themselves are actually committed to their stupidity.
from: Creatures in the deepest trenches of the sea are eating plastic

"A British research team captured amphipods, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that scavenge on the seabed, from six of the world's deepest ocean trenches and took them back to their lab. There, they discovered that more than 80 percent of the amphipods had plastic fibers and particles in their digestive systems, known as the hindgut. The deeper the trench, the more fibers they found. In the Mariana Trench, the deepest at more than seven miles beneath the waves in the western Pacific, the scientists found fibers in 100 percent of the samples–in every amphipod collected. Prior studies of plastic particles ingested by marine organisms caught near the surface have found far smaller percentages."
so when are you going to the other countries that throw the shit into the oceans? when are you planning those trips? all the ocean liners that allow people to traverse our oceans for fun? when, please tell us old spirit of the earth!!!

Oh, so since we can't stop it all at once, we just say "Fuck it" and keep dumping?

And if you want to blow off serious environmental issues by calling people "hippies", you are simply too ignorant to deal with.
from: Creatures in the deepest trenches of the sea are eating plastic

"A British research team captured amphipods, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that scavenge on the seabed, from six of the world's deepest ocean trenches and took them back to their lab. There, they discovered that more than 80 percent of the amphipods had plastic fibers and particles in their digestive systems, known as the hindgut. The deeper the trench, the more fibers they found. In the Mariana Trench, the deepest at more than seven miles beneath the waves in the western Pacific, the scientists found fibers in 100 percent of the samples–in every amphipod collected. Prior studies of plastic particles ingested by marine organisms caught near the surface have found far smaller percentages."
so when are you going to the other countries that throw the shit into the oceans? when are you planning those trips? all the ocean liners that allow people to traverse our oceans for fun? when, please tell us old spirit of the earth!!!

Oh, so since we can't stop it all at once, we just say "Fuck it" and keep dumping?

And if you want to blow off serious environmental issues by calling people "hippies", you are simply too ignorant to deal with.
too fking funny. you must be thinking you are earthman out to clean up the earth by bitching at the one country that has done something and telling them bad bad people. hey, do me a favor and hop on your broomstick and fk off.
Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?
from: Creatures in the deepest trenches of the sea are eating plastic

"A British research team captured amphipods, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that scavenge on the seabed, from six of the world's deepest ocean trenches and took them back to their lab. There, they discovered that more than 80 percent of the amphipods had plastic fibers and particles in their digestive systems, known as the hindgut. The deeper the trench, the more fibers they found. In the Mariana Trench, the deepest at more than seven miles beneath the waves in the western Pacific, the scientists found fibers in 100 percent of the samples–in every amphipod collected. Prior studies of plastic particles ingested by marine organisms caught near the surface have found far smaller percentages."
so when are you going to the other countries that throw the shit into the oceans? when are you planning those trips? all the ocean liners that allow people to traverse our oceans for fun? when, please tell us old spirit of the earth!!!

Oh, so since we can't stop it all at once, we just say "Fuck it" and keep dumping?

And if you want to blow off serious environmental issues by calling people "hippies", you are simply too ignorant to deal with.

Nah man.....its a different way of thinking. Conservatives are just more adept at thinking on the other words, they get that there are necessary tradeoffs in life and there is no perfect solution to most problems. The progressive mind believes that if you change the institutions enough, you can remedy all eradicating pollution.

Too......if people are worrying about fibers in the Mariana Trench which is 10 miles deep, they really need some real responsibilities in their life. That's the problem with most climate hysterics.......they don't navigate in the world like the rest of society. Fringe sentiments are ghey. I applaud the level of idealism.......just doesn't resonate with most people.
Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?
I guess his intelligence is at such a level that he doesn't know about disease from feces in the street and those used needles when it rains.
from: Creatures in the deepest trenches of the sea are eating plastic

"A British research team captured amphipods, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that scavenge on the seabed, from six of the world's deepest ocean trenches and took them back to their lab. There, they discovered that more than 80 percent of the amphipods had plastic fibers and particles in their digestive systems, known as the hindgut. The deeper the trench, the more fibers they found. In the Mariana Trench, the deepest at more than seven miles beneath the waves in the western Pacific, the scientists found fibers in 100 percent of the samples–in every amphipod collected. Prior studies of plastic particles ingested by marine organisms caught near the surface have found far smaller percentages."
so when are you going to the other countries that throw the shit into the oceans? when are you planning those trips? all the ocean liners that allow people to traverse our oceans for fun? when, please tell us old spirit of the earth!!!

Oh, so since we can't stop it all at once, we just say "Fuck it" and keep dumping?

And if you want to blow off serious environmental issues by calling people "hippies", you are simply too ignorant to deal with.
too fking funny. you must be thinking you are earthman out to clean up the earth by bitching at the one country that has done something and telling them bad bad people. hey, do me a favor and hop on your broomstick and fk off.

Spare me the bullshit. I bitch because there is pollution. Period. Yes, we do and have done something. But still tons of plastic gets dumped.

Quit trying to make it sound as though I am selecting any one country.

And as far as fucking off? Not gonna happen, junior. You can ignore me or get used to me. Your choice.
Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?

Let me know when research shows animals in the farthest reaches being effected by people shitting on the streets.
Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?
I guess his intelligence is at such a level that he doesn't know about disease from feces in the street and those used needles when it rains.

So you think shit and needles on the streets in SF is the worst example of pollution on the planet?

Talk about low intelligence.
Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?
I guess his intelligence is at such a level that he doesn't know about disease from feces in the street and those used needles when it rains.

So you think shit and needles on the streets in SF is the worst example of pollution on the planet?

Talk about low intelligence.
yes I do. I feel disease killed many on this planet over the centuries. the fact that you post what you post and are ok with famine and disease, tells me all I need to know about ignorance like yours. How many cities have sewers in today's world?
It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money.

If you don’t have kids it’s almost understandable that you just wanna rip off the country for whatever you can get whenever you can. That is just a greedy person. If you have kids, what is it you’re gonna leave them? What’s your legacy?

Some people say that is stupid. We don’t want to leave a dirty planet to our kids. But the EPA is too expensive. And there’s plenty of air and water. We don’t need to fine companies for making them dirty.

They're mostly in China
It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money.

If you don’t have kids it’s almost understandable that you just wanna rip off the country for whatever you can get whenever you can. That is just a greedy person. If you have kids, what is it you’re gonna leave them? What’s your legacy?

Some people say that is stupid. We don’t want to leave a dirty planet to our kids. But the EPA is too expensive. And there’s plenty of air and water. We don’t need to fine companies for making them dirty.

They're mostly in China
I don't know, India and the middle east are in the qualifying.

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