It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?
I guess his intelligence is at such a level that he doesn't know about disease from feces in the street and those used needles when it rains.

So you think shit and needles on the streets in SF is the worst example of pollution on the planet?

Talk about low intelligence.
yes I do. I feel disease killed many on this planet over the centuries. the fact that you post what you post and are ok with famine and disease, tells me all I need to know about ignorance like yours. How many cities have sewers in today's world?

What I have posted is simply talking about the worst issues for the long term damage to the environment.

What you want to talk about is whatever you can blame the opposing party for.
Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?
I guess his intelligence is at such a level that he doesn't know about disease from feces in the street and those used needles when it rains.

So you think shit and needles on the streets in SF is the worst example of pollution on the planet?

Talk about low intelligence.
yes I do. I feel disease killed many on this planet over the centuries. the fact that you post what you post and are ok with famine and disease, tells me all I need to know about ignorance like yours. How many cities have sewers in today's world?

What I have posted is simply talking about the worst issues for the long term damage to the environment.

What you want to talk about is whatever you can blame the opposing party for.
I did, it's obvious the dems are ok with disease and famine. chaos and death. so what is it I'm supposed to be concerned with? plastics from third world countries? What do you think our pull is there? You think China will listen, or India, Africa? tell me how that is going today? the US is only responsible for 5% of plastic in the oceans. So, let's say for fking grins, we eliminate the 5%, how does that save the planet exactly? But let's start trending back to feces on the streets with bad needles and get our diseases back growing. Yep, that's a good targeted goal.
Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?

Let me know when research shows animals in the farthest reaches being effected by people shitting on the streets.

I'm more concerned with humans in cities than tiny sea creatures in deep sea trenches.
So you are saying you support dirty air and dirty water.

I bet for others and not for yourself, right?

You haven 't answered my question? What exactly has the billions upon billions upon billions flushed down the toilet on climate science cleaned up?
What am I supposed to answer? Flush the toilet? Makes no sense.
Going through all these threads, it's easy to get the impression that Republicans are defending poop and disease.

What kind of people are these?
I guess that this is what the Right refers to as "trade off" when the discussion turns to pollution:

Picher, Oklahoma - Wikipedia

The entire town is uninhabitable for the foreseeable future.
I heard about this town but couldn't remember the name.

Visiting Picher, Oklahoma, a ghost town full of toxic waste

As recently as 2006, Picher, Oklahoma was a normal American small town, with more than 1,000 residents and a school district of 340 students. Just three years later, every resident had received a buyout check from the federal government, along with a warning that they’d better high tail it out of town ASAP because Picher was a toxic dump affected by lead contamination.


That's a problem. We can't just pick up an move everywhere. And being in Oklahoma, wanna bet most there were Republican? Think people are still living there because they don't believe the lying government?
So you are saying you support dirty air and dirty water.

I bet for others and not for yourself, right?

You haven 't answered my question? What exactly has the billions upon billions upon billions flushed down the toilet on climate science cleaned up?
What am I supposed to answer? Flush the toilet? Makes no sense.
well perhaps what has been done with money used on climate. where is the reward for the fiscal effort? let's see it. you wish to go on and on about funding shit, show the rewards from the previous forty years. Cause your argument remains the same as the previous forty years. ignoramuses like you never have any actual solution or behavioral change to accommodate your insane posts.
It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money.

If you don’t have kids it’s almost understandable that you just wanna rip off the country for whatever you can get whenever you can. That is just a greedy person. If you have kids, what is it you’re gonna leave them? What’s your legacy?

Some people say that is stupid. We don’t want to leave a dirty planet to our kids. But the EPA is too expensive. And there’s plenty of air and water. We don’t need to fine companies for making them dirty.
If Americans are working it will be dirty, and nothing wrong with that
Going through all these threads, it's easy to get the impression that Republicans are defending poop and disease.

What kind of people are these?
hly fk. the gaslighting just lit up!!!!!
So you are saying you support dirty air and dirty water.

I bet for others and not for yourself, right?

You haven 't answered my question? What exactly has the billions upon billions upon billions flushed down the toilet on climate science cleaned up?
What am I supposed to answer? Flush the toilet? Makes no sense.

Yep...makes no sense to waste money on a non problem like climate change when we have so many real issues that we could be dealing with.
I guess that this is what the Right refers to as "trade off" when the discussion turns to pollution:

Picher, Oklahoma - Wikipedia

The entire town is uninhabitable for the foreseeable future.
I heard about this town but couldn't remember the name.

Visiting Picher, Oklahoma, a ghost town full of toxic waste

As recently as 2006, Picher, Oklahoma was a normal American small town, with more than 1,000 residents and a school district of 340 students. Just three years later, every resident had received a buyout check from the federal government, along with a warning that they’d better high tail it out of town ASAP because Picher was a toxic dump affected by lead contamination.


That's a problem. We can't just pick up an move everywhere. And being in Oklahoma, wanna bet most there were Republican? Think people are still living there because they don't believe the lying government?

You are a lazy ass idiot who thinks in partisan speak ALL THE TIME, the reality is very different:

Picher mayor defends land purchase



"From the late 1880s to 1960s, the Tar Creek site consisted of 300 miles of tunnels where lead was mined. After the mining companies shut down in 1970, the lead and zinc-rich underground area became more than 800 acres polluted with mill and sludge ponds, contaminated groundwater and surface water and countless other environmental problems."

Or this,which has NOTHING to do with Republicans, it was a many decades problem in the making:


Picher, Oklahoma

"More than a century of unrestricted subsurface excavation dangerously undermined most of Picher's town buildings and left giant piles of toxic metal-contaminated mine tailings (known as chat) heaped throughout the area. The discovery of the cave-in risks, groundwater contamination, and health effects associated with the chat piles and subsurface shafts resulted in the site being included in 1980 in the Tar Creek Superfund Site by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The state collaborated on mitigation and remediation measures, but a 1996 study found that 34% of the children in Picher suffered from lead poisoning due to these environmental effects, which could result in lifelong neurological problems.[4] Eventually the EPA and the state of Oklahoma agreed to a mandatory evacuation and buyout of the entire township. The similarly contaminated satellite towns of Treece, Kansas and Cardin, Oklahoma were included in the Tar Creek Superfund site."

Stop your stupid partisan bashing!
The world is a much cleaner place than when I was a kid. We do need clean, but we don't need pristine, and thats what the treehuggers are shooting for.

It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money.

If you don’t have kids it’s almost understandable that you just wanna rip off the country for whatever you can get whenever you can. That is just a greedy person. If you have kids, what is it you’re gonna leave them? What’s your legacy?

We believe in responsible regulations not pie in the sky commit suicide regulations that you fucking idiots want.

Some people say that is stupid. We don’t want to leave a dirty planet to our kids. But the EPA is too expensive. And there’s plenty of air and water. We don’t need to fine companies for making them dirty.
You are keeping your ignorant dupe status up...

You folks and this lie.. Same left wing bull shit talking points over and over again.. Time to get a new sctick..
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Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?

Let me know when research shows animals in the farthest reaches being effected by people shitting on the streets.

I'm more concerned with humans in cities than tiny sea creatures in deep sea trenches.

I'm concerned with environmental problems in general. The OP talked about people who want a dirty planet, and defined them (partially) as those who think the EPA should be closed. There are 1,200 to 1,300 Superfund sites being cleaned now. Those pollutants are hazardous and long term.
Could you dumbasses start by cleaning up LA and San Fran? Your children are shitting in the streets and leaving hypodermic syringes lying about. They are bringing in rats, their friends, and contacting thypus Please send a cleaning crew!

Compared to the tons of plastic we have dumped in the ocean, the toxic chemicals left behind when industries close, and the pollutants dumped in our water ways and underground water supplies, the shit on the streets and syringes matter little.

Oh, so since we can't stop plastics in the ocean, we just say "Fuck it" and keep shitting on the street?

Let me know when research shows animals in the farthest reaches being effected by people shitting on the streets.

I'm more concerned with humans in cities than tiny sea creatures in deep sea trenches.

I'm concerned with environmental problems in general. The OP talked about people who want a dirty planet, and defined them (partially) as those who think the EPA should be closed. There are 1,200 to 1,300 Superfund sites being cleaned now. Those pollutants are hazardous and long term.

Yeah, the OP is a moron.
If you are saying we have to end all fossil fuels

I didn't say that.

and you are saying if we don't that the world will end in 12 years

Didn't say that either.

we don't have currently available replacement for fossil fuels, and there isn't one on the horizon now, that is even mythical close to being implemented in 12 years.


The only CO2-free replacement for fossil fuels is Nuclear power, which AOC laughably suggests we don't use.

Anybody that doesn't want to make nuclear part of the plan is naive.

Even if we did use Nuclear, it would take a heck of a lot longer than 12 years to replace all fossil fuel power plants with Nuclear ones. It would take years just to setup those projects, and decades to complete, even with unlimited government backing.

Yeah, probably.

I'd love to hear how this works.

How this works is AOC is a 29 year old populist that doesn't singularly represent the views and reasoning of everybody on the left wing. The left is not advocating for a ban on oil before we're ready for an actual transition. AOC is young, idealistic and apparently likes to exaggerate.

When alternative energy sources become economically feasible, the private market will shift to those energy sources without the need for any ban on fossil fuels.
It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

I don’t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet?

There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money.

If you don’t have kids it’s almost understandable that you just wanna rip off the country for whatever you can get whenever you can. That is just a greedy person. If you have kids, what is it you’re gonna leave them? What’s your legacy?

Some people say that is stupid. We don’t want to leave a dirty planet to our kids. But the EPA is too expensive. And there’s plenty of air and water. We don’t need to fine companies for making them dirty.


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