It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -

" When Arrogance Trumps Science "

* Cranial Capacity And Neuron Density *

Says the dumb guy that thinks a test can measure how intelligent he is. :laughing0301:
Are you actually that stupid ?

Obviously youre the stupid one. That was written in 2005. There is no test that can measure your intelligence. There definitely isnt a test a white boy can come up with that can measure my intelligence. Let me ask you a question. If white people were so intelligent why were they last to civilization?

" A new study of more than 100,000 participants suggests that there may be at least three distinct components of intelligence. So you could not give a single, unified score for all of them. "
Last edited:
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
If nothing else the last 2 months is proof that the wrong side won the Civil War
You got your asses kicked. Deal with it. Bring that traitor flag around me and I am going to make you swallow it.

What people will say anonymously on the Internet!
You can always find out in person. i will even pick you up from the airport. You down?
The bottom line is to stop being a racist.

So youre saying that there is no racism in the US?

So you're saying everyone is racist?

Statically, only about seventeen percent of white Americans have little or no automatic preference to whites or blacks. Only twelve percent show a slight to strong preference of blacks to whites. This is part of the results and explained at the test. It is free and you can choose to register or not. It’s fun, but I have also seen people go off the handle which is why it comes with a warning.

Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT) Here is a tool that allows each of us to discover hidden cognitive biases. Most people are aware of their own overt biases, but it is very difficult for us to become aware of our covert biases. This is a test that can be taken by each individual for their own benefit.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.

It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit

You have selected the Race Task. In this study, you will complete an Implicit Association Test (IAT) in which you will be asked to sort pictures and words into groups as fast as you can. In addition to the IAT, there are some questions about your beliefs, attitudes, and opinions, and some standard demographic questions. This study should take about 10 minutes to complete. At the end, you will receive your IAT result along with information about what it means.

We thank you for being here!
No. I'm saying most whites are racist. We know this because of several key indicators. So individual whites claiming that being accused of racism sucks is irrelevant. I already took the test. I have a strong preference for Black people.

I dont know where you got that 17% figure but its very wrong.

The figure comes from the Harvard study. I've taken the test several times. My results placed me in that 17% bracket. Good to see that without taking the test you acknowledge being a serious racist.
OK. I misread your claim. Only 17% of americans show no bias either way. That proves my point that most whites are racist. I already said I took the test before. I guess you misread like I did.

Nonsense. Simply having a bias does not make one a racist.

Everyone has a bias. It would be impossible to NOT have biases.
That's true. Generalizing our experiences is automatic, how our brains organize information to make sense of the barrage of stimuli coming at it all the time. The trick is being aware of those biases and how they unconsciously steer our thinking. Once they are conscious, they can be managed.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
If nothing else the last 2 months is proof that the wrong side won the Civil War
You got your asses kicked. Deal with it. Bring that traitor flag around me and I am going to make you swallow it.

What people will say anonymously on the Internet!
You can always find out in person. i will even pick you up from the airport. You down?
Well apparently you people cannot live in a civilized society and follow the laws of that society, so it is you that don;t belong here
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
"It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -"
How do you figure? In Atlanta, they shot a drunk black guy after they rousted him out of his car, asleep in the drive thu lane at Wendy's, gave him a field sobiety test (failed it) tried to cuff him, he took a taser from one of them and tried to run away on foot with nothing but the cop's non lethal tazer in his hands, stopped and started to point their tazer at them then turned and tried to run away again, I guess to drunk to know he couldn't outrun the bullets about to hit him in the back and they shot him down with real bullets, just last night, and all caught on video again. Is that what you call imposing real law upon black individuals? He's not going to be screaming about racism. He's dead and I guess Wendy's went back to serving doubles and triples at the drive through. Of course the cop has been fired. The Police chief has resigned and tonight they burned down the Wendy's. What are you whining about? You and I are not black.
He shot it straight at the cop, drunk or not; the cop had to dodge it. The cop was doing his job arresting the guy for DUI. Brooks fought them. He certainly wasn't just running away. He shot at the cop with the weapon he had available; he wasn't going to let them get near. And then he ran again, but there is no reason to think he wouldn't fire it again in ten seconds. Until I saw the parking lot video, I thought the same thing--the guy was running and why not just catch up with him later? But he was doing more than that. Maybe a tazer won't kill you (usually anyway) but it will incapacitate you and Brooks would not have shrunk from that, clearly.
It would be great if cops never pointed a gun at an "unarmed" man, but Brooks was armed and ready to use it. Not so lethal, but close enough.
I think this was a righteous shoot. A very suck rotten bitch of an outcome all around, but not a bad shoot.

I've read similar thoughts on the taser as yours.
Here's the thing. A taser is only good for one shot,it then has to be reloaded with another cartridge before you can fire it again.
Although it still has touch capability.
Okay. Now THAT makes sense. All the hunting around I've done, I couldn't find anything on that "one shot" thing. It doesn't really make sense to have a tazer that will only fire one time before you have to run to find an electrical outlet. The situations where you need one usually are pretty hairy.

I had a client who got tazed 14 times in a confrontation with police. He was high on PCP and the tazer wires were getting all tangled up they shot him with so many. Now, I know where this happened and there aren't even 14 cops on the force, so I know there weren't 14 "one shot" stun guns in use that night. But having to put in a new cartridge? And since Brooks got the gun but not more cartridges, his tazer was a one shot deal, then, right? Is that what you're saying? That makes sense. However, I've read on Google hits that there are two shot models. They probably hold two cartridges.

But this is all a side issue, sorta. The more critical question is why Rourke switched from the tazer to the gun. Maybe because HE ran out of cartridges--the reports are that they had tazed--or attempted to taze--Brooks multiple times already.

I know police are trained that self protection is paramount. If they're dead or injured they can't help anyone. So Rourke's self preservation instinct kicked in when Brooks fired at him. If it's true the tazer only holds one cartridge, Rourke would have known there could be no more shots fired from the tazer. But we don't know, for sure, any of this. We don't know what type of tazers these policemen were using, how many shots they'd already fired (witnesses say at least three) or any other specifics about cartridges, battery charge, etc.
He was pissed off that his taser got taken from him and he was too weak to stop it. Like one of the police chiefs said on the news. If a suspect is fleeing you have the option to either get some exercise or call for back up. Shooting him in the back is going to result in SOB being charged probably around Wed.
He shot him when brooks shot at him ,, the strong race won
The weak race had a gun. Thats the only way they can win.
Smart and powerful
The cops were weak and needy.
You saw avid the choke hold twice, could have been choked out easy
Two cops against 1 guy?. They were weak. :)
By that operational definition George Floyd was weak too. Thanks.
They had 4 cops on him so no.
I mean when he pointed a gun at a pregnant woman’s stomach, had his crew rob her and then pistol whip her. Pretty cowardly by my definition but not by yours it seems.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
"It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -"
How do you figure? In Atlanta, they shot a drunk black guy after they rousted him out of his car, asleep in the drive thu lane at Wendy's, gave him a field sobiety test (failed it) tried to cuff him, he took a taser from one of them and tried to run away on foot with nothing but the cop's non lethal tazer in his hands, stopped and started to point their tazer at them then turned and tried to run away again, I guess to drunk to know he couldn't outrun the bullets about to hit him in the back and they shot him down with real bullets, just last night, and all caught on video again. Is that what you call imposing real law upon black individuals? He's not going to be screaming about racism. He's dead and I guess Wendy's went back to serving doubles and triples at the drive through. Of course the cop has been fired. The Police chief has resigned and tonight they burned down the Wendy's. What are you whining about? You and I are not black.
He shot it straight at the cop, drunk or not; the cop had to dodge it. The cop was doing his job arresting the guy for DUI. Brooks fought them. He certainly wasn't just running away. He shot at the cop with the weapon he had available; he wasn't going to let them get near. And then he ran again, but there is no reason to think he wouldn't fire it again in ten seconds. Until I saw the parking lot video, I thought the same thing--the guy was running and why not just catch up with him later? But he was doing more than that. Maybe a tazer won't kill you (usually anyway) but it will incapacitate you and Brooks would not have shrunk from that, clearly.
It would be great if cops never pointed a gun at an "unarmed" man, but Brooks was armed and ready to use it. Not so lethal, but close enough.
I think this was a righteous shoot. A very suck rotten bitch of an outcome all around, but not a bad shoot.

I've read similar thoughts on the taser as yours.
Here's the thing. A taser is only good for one shot,it then has to be reloaded with another cartridge before you can fire it again.
Although it still has touch capability.
Okay. Now THAT makes sense. All the hunting around I've done, I couldn't find anything on that "one shot" thing. It doesn't really make sense to have a tazer that will only fire one time before you have to run to find an electrical outlet. The situations where you need one usually are pretty hairy.

I had a client who got tazed 14 times in a confrontation with police. He was high on PCP and the tazer wires were getting all tangled up they shot him with so many. Now, I know where this happened and there aren't even 14 cops on the force, so I know there weren't 14 "one shot" stun guns in use that night. But having to put in a new cartridge? And since Brooks got the gun but not more cartridges, his tazer was a one shot deal, then, right? Is that what you're saying? That makes sense. However, I've read on Google hits that there are two shot models. They probably hold two cartridges.

But this is all a side issue, sorta. The more critical question is why Rourke switched from the tazer to the gun. Maybe because HE ran out of cartridges--the reports are that they had tazed--or attempted to taze--Brooks multiple times already.

I know police are trained that self protection is paramount. If they're dead or injured they can't help anyone. So Rourke's self preservation instinct kicked in when Brooks fired at him. If it's true the tazer only holds one cartridge, Rourke would have known there could be no more shots fired from the tazer. But we don't know, for sure, any of this. We don't know what type of tazers these policemen were using, how many shots they'd already fired (witnesses say at least three) or any other specifics about cartridges, battery charge, etc.
He was pissed off that his taser got taken from him and he was too weak to stop it. Like one of the police chiefs said on the news. If a suspect is fleeing you have the option to either get some exercise or call for back up. Shooting him in the back is going to result in SOB being charged probably around Wed.
He shot him when brooks shot at him ,, the strong race won
The weak race had a gun. Thats the only way they can win.
Smart and powerful
The cops were weak and needy.
You saw avid the choke hold twice, could have been choked out easy
Two cops against 1 guy?. They were weak. :)
Who’s sitting back having a margarita tonight?
Not the cop that got fired. Why do you ask?
He probably has a million dollar pension lol
That will go to the guys family after its all said and done. That will change the families trajectory. Tell him thanks for the donation. :)
May change the trajectory not “will” you don’t know that. You don’t have ESP.
It will change the trajectory. Wealth is the great equalizer. I know that for a fact.
For some not for all. So the answer is “may”. You would not know a fact if it hit you on your racist ass.
The answer is will. Not much you can do to change that fact.
According to Sports Illustrated, 78% of NFL playerswho are retired for only two years file for bankruptcy, and after five years of retirement, 60% of NBA players suffer the same fate

May....204-0. This is too easy. You should put me on ignore like Marc and IM2Stupid. You’re embarrassing yourself.
White agents ripping them off. 0-205 for you. Sorry but I gotta put you on the bench dude. Youre no competition at all.
There you go again blaming whites for your many failings
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
If nothing else the last 2 months is proof that the wrong side won the Civil War
You got your asses kicked. Deal with it. Bring that traitor flag around me and I am going to make you swallow it.

What people will say anonymously on the Internet!
You can always find out in person. i will even pick you up from the airport. You down?
Well apparently you people cannot live in a civilized society and follow the laws of that society, so it is you that don;t belong here
We created civilization for you so of course we can live in one. Its whites with their bellicose beliefs and emphasis on war and genocide which has caused the planets problems.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
If nothing else the last 2 months is proof that the wrong side won the Civil War
You got your asses kicked. Deal with it. Bring that traitor flag around me and I am going to make you swallow it.

What people will say anonymously on the Internet!
Why are you upset that Im expressing a personal opinion?
That opinion is no more racist than the opinions expressed by Black Lies Matter
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
"It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -"
How do you figure? In Atlanta, they shot a drunk black guy after they rousted him out of his car, asleep in the drive thu lane at Wendy's, gave him a field sobiety test (failed it) tried to cuff him, he took a taser from one of them and tried to run away on foot with nothing but the cop's non lethal tazer in his hands, stopped and started to point their tazer at them then turned and tried to run away again, I guess to drunk to know he couldn't outrun the bullets about to hit him in the back and they shot him down with real bullets, just last night, and all caught on video again. Is that what you call imposing real law upon black individuals? He's not going to be screaming about racism. He's dead and I guess Wendy's went back to serving doubles and triples at the drive through. Of course the cop has been fired. The Police chief has resigned and tonight they burned down the Wendy's. What are you whining about? You and I are not black.
He shot it straight at the cop, drunk or not; the cop had to dodge it. The cop was doing his job arresting the guy for DUI. Brooks fought them. He certainly wasn't just running away. He shot at the cop with the weapon he had available; he wasn't going to let them get near. And then he ran again, but there is no reason to think he wouldn't fire it again in ten seconds. Until I saw the parking lot video, I thought the same thing--the guy was running and why not just catch up with him later? But he was doing more than that. Maybe a tazer won't kill you (usually anyway) but it will incapacitate you and Brooks would not have shrunk from that, clearly.
It would be great if cops never pointed a gun at an "unarmed" man, but Brooks was armed and ready to use it. Not so lethal, but close enough.
I think this was a righteous shoot. A very suck rotten bitch of an outcome all around, but not a bad shoot.

I've read similar thoughts on the taser as yours.
Here's the thing. A taser is only good for one shot,it then has to be reloaded with another cartridge before you can fire it again.
Although it still has touch capability.
Okay. Now THAT makes sense. All the hunting around I've done, I couldn't find anything on that "one shot" thing. It doesn't really make sense to have a tazer that will only fire one time before you have to run to find an electrical outlet. The situations where you need one usually are pretty hairy.

I had a client who got tazed 14 times in a confrontation with police. He was high on PCP and the tazer wires were getting all tangled up they shot him with so many. Now, I know where this happened and there aren't even 14 cops on the force, so I know there weren't 14 "one shot" stun guns in use that night. But having to put in a new cartridge? And since Brooks got the gun but not more cartridges, his tazer was a one shot deal, then, right? Is that what you're saying? That makes sense. However, I've read on Google hits that there are two shot models. They probably hold two cartridges.

But this is all a side issue, sorta. The more critical question is why Rourke switched from the tazer to the gun. Maybe because HE ran out of cartridges--the reports are that they had tazed--or attempted to taze--Brooks multiple times already.

I know police are trained that self protection is paramount. If they're dead or injured they can't help anyone. So Rourke's self preservation instinct kicked in when Brooks fired at him. If it's true the tazer only holds one cartridge, Rourke would have known there could be no more shots fired from the tazer. But we don't know, for sure, any of this. We don't know what type of tazers these policemen were using, how many shots they'd already fired (witnesses say at least three) or any other specifics about cartridges, battery charge, etc.
He was pissed off that his taser got taken from him and he was too weak to stop it. Like one of the police chiefs said on the news. If a suspect is fleeing you have the option to either get some exercise or call for back up. Shooting him in the back is going to result in SOB being charged probably around Wed.
He shot him when brooks shot at him ,, the strong race won
The weak race had a gun. Thats the only way they can win.
Smart and powerful
The cops were weak and needy.
You saw avid the choke hold twice, could have been choked out easy
Two cops against 1 guy?. They were weak. :)
By that operational definition George Floyd was weak too. Thanks.
They had 4 cops on him so no.
I mean when he pointed a gun at a pregnant woman’s stomach, had his crew rob her and then pistol whip her. Pretty cowardly by my definition but not by yours it seems.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
"It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -"
How do you figure? In Atlanta, they shot a drunk black guy after they rousted him out of his car, asleep in the drive thu lane at Wendy's, gave him a field sobiety test (failed it) tried to cuff him, he took a taser from one of them and tried to run away on foot with nothing but the cop's non lethal tazer in his hands, stopped and started to point their tazer at them then turned and tried to run away again, I guess to drunk to know he couldn't outrun the bullets about to hit him in the back and they shot him down with real bullets, just last night, and all caught on video again. Is that what you call imposing real law upon black individuals? He's not going to be screaming about racism. He's dead and I guess Wendy's went back to serving doubles and triples at the drive through. Of course the cop has been fired. The Police chief has resigned and tonight they burned down the Wendy's. What are you whining about? You and I are not black.
He shot it straight at the cop, drunk or not; the cop had to dodge it. The cop was doing his job arresting the guy for DUI. Brooks fought them. He certainly wasn't just running away. He shot at the cop with the weapon he had available; he wasn't going to let them get near. And then he ran again, but there is no reason to think he wouldn't fire it again in ten seconds. Until I saw the parking lot video, I thought the same thing--the guy was running and why not just catch up with him later? But he was doing more than that. Maybe a tazer won't kill you (usually anyway) but it will incapacitate you and Brooks would not have shrunk from that, clearly.
It would be great if cops never pointed a gun at an "unarmed" man, but Brooks was armed and ready to use it. Not so lethal, but close enough.
I think this was a righteous shoot. A very suck rotten bitch of an outcome all around, but not a bad shoot.

I've read similar thoughts on the taser as yours.
Here's the thing. A taser is only good for one shot,it then has to be reloaded with another cartridge before you can fire it again.
Although it still has touch capability.
Okay. Now THAT makes sense. All the hunting around I've done, I couldn't find anything on that "one shot" thing. It doesn't really make sense to have a tazer that will only fire one time before you have to run to find an electrical outlet. The situations where you need one usually are pretty hairy.

I had a client who got tazed 14 times in a confrontation with police. He was high on PCP and the tazer wires were getting all tangled up they shot him with so many. Now, I know where this happened and there aren't even 14 cops on the force, so I know there weren't 14 "one shot" stun guns in use that night. But having to put in a new cartridge? And since Brooks got the gun but not more cartridges, his tazer was a one shot deal, then, right? Is that what you're saying? That makes sense. However, I've read on Google hits that there are two shot models. They probably hold two cartridges.

But this is all a side issue, sorta. The more critical question is why Rourke switched from the tazer to the gun. Maybe because HE ran out of cartridges--the reports are that they had tazed--or attempted to taze--Brooks multiple times already.

I know police are trained that self protection is paramount. If they're dead or injured they can't help anyone. So Rourke's self preservation instinct kicked in when Brooks fired at him. If it's true the tazer only holds one cartridge, Rourke would have known there could be no more shots fired from the tazer. But we don't know, for sure, any of this. We don't know what type of tazers these policemen were using, how many shots they'd already fired (witnesses say at least three) or any other specifics about cartridges, battery charge, etc.
He was pissed off that his taser got taken from him and he was too weak to stop it. Like one of the police chiefs said on the news. If a suspect is fleeing you have the option to either get some exercise or call for back up. Shooting him in the back is going to result in SOB being charged probably around Wed.
He shot him when brooks shot at him ,, the strong race won
The weak race had a gun. Thats the only way they can win.
Smart and powerful
The cops were weak and needy.
You saw avid the choke hold twice, could have been choked out easy
Two cops against 1 guy?. They were weak. :)
Who’s sitting back having a margarita tonight?
Not the cop that got fired. Why do you ask?
He probably has a million dollar pension lol
That will go to the guys family after its all said and done. That will change the families trajectory. Tell him thanks for the donation. :)
May change the trajectory not “will” you don’t know that. You don’t have ESP.
It will change the trajectory. Wealth is the great equalizer. I know that for a fact.
For some not for all. So the answer is “may”. You would not know a fact if it hit you on your racist ass.
The answer is will. Not much you can do to change that fact.
According to Sports Illustrated, 78% of NFL playerswho are retired for only two years file for bankruptcy, and after five years of retirement, 60% of NBA players suffer the same fate

May....204-0. This is too easy. You should put me on ignore like Marc and IM2Stupid. You’re embarrassing yourself.
White agents ripping them off. 0-205 for you. Sorry but I gotta put you on the bench dude. Youre no competition at all.
There you go again blaming whites for your many failings
Nope. All my failings are on me. People that dont fail never achieve. Its part of the process. Thats a free life tip for you.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
If nothing else the last 2 months is proof that the wrong side won the Civil War
You got your asses kicked. Deal with it. Bring that traitor flag around me and I am going to make you swallow it.

What people will say anonymously on the Internet!
You can always find out in person. i will even pick you up from the airport. You down?
Well apparently you people cannot live in a civilized society and follow the laws of that society, so it is you that don;t belong here
We created civilization for you so of course we can live in one. Its whites with their bellicose beliefs and emphasis on war and genocide which has caused the planets problems.
What fantasy world do you live in? So what happened to your great society.. Never mind I already know your answer, the whites ruined it.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
If nothing else the last 2 months is proof that the wrong side won the Civil War
You got your asses kicked. Deal with it. Bring that traitor flag around me and I am going to make you swallow it.

What people will say anonymously on the Internet!
You can always find out in person. i will even pick you up from the airport. You down?
Well apparently you people cannot live in a civilized society and follow the laws of that society, so it is you that don;t belong here
We created civilization for you so of course we can live in one. Its whites with their bellicose beliefs and emphasis on war and genocide which has caused the planets problems.
What fantasy world do you live in? So what happened to your great society.. Never mind I already know your answer, the whites ruined it.
I dont live in a fantasy world. Its you that live in one. Yes whites over ran and colonized Africa. Are you denying this because you are living in a fantasy world?
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
If nothing else the last 2 months is proof that the wrong side won the Civil War
You got your asses kicked. Deal with it. Bring that traitor flag around me and I am going to make you swallow it.

What people will say anonymously on the Internet!
You can always find out in person. i will even pick you up from the airport. You down?
Well apparently you people cannot live in a civilized society and follow the laws of that society, so it is you that don;t belong here
We created civilization for you so of course we can live in one. Its whites with their bellicose beliefs and emphasis on war and genocide which has caused the planets problems.
What fantasy world do you live in? So what happened to your great society.. Never mind I already know your answer, the whites ruined it.
I dont live in a fantasy world. Its you that live in one. Yes whites over ran and colonized Africa. Are you denying this because you are living in a fantasy world?
Not denying it, but mud huts do not make up a civilization even if they are made out of elephant dung to keep the lions away
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
The bottom line?
  • Fewer cops.
  • More daring, belligerent people, especially blacks, during cop stops.
  • Fewer police patrols less willing to pursue crime.
  • Crime goes way up.
By the time authorities run out of excuses that this will lead to better public relations, et al., things will get so bad that the only recourse is a public lockdown, curfews and martial law, with meaner, bigger troops sent in with take no prisoner assault weapons to bust heads.

In the end, liberalism always achieves the exact opposite its stated intent.
" Making Excuses For Reality "

* Mistaking Testosterone And Brawn For Intelligence *

Obviously youre the stupid one. That was written in 2005. There is no test that can measure your intelligence. There is definitely isnt a test a white boy can come up with that can measure my intelligence.
Not much has changed since then and intelligence can be gauged and more articles are available .

Odd Man Out test - Wikipedia
The Odd-Man-Out Reaction Time test (OMO RT) is a test of reaction times that uses Arthur Jensen's testing apparatus, the Jensen box. The box is normally used for measuring choice reaction times in which the participant in the experiment is tested on their ability to recognize which of the eight lights of the Jensen box is illuminated, as quickly as possible.[1]

The Odd-Man-Out RT test correlates with "Intelligent Quotients (IQ) in the range of 0.30 to 0.60, a reliable and substantial effect."[1] This correlation range is typically higher than the correlations to IQ in other reaction time tests.[1]
The Progressive Matrices were given as a nonverbal test of intelligence, along with the simple, choice, and odd-man-out tasks. Reaction times and variabilities were measured by computer and hence were not subject to any human error in recording.

The medians for simple reaction time, choice reaction time, and odd-man-out reaction time follow the same descending order as the IQs. Because all the tasks take less than 1 s, all children found them easy. The variabilities in the three reaction time measures for the three groups follow the same general descending trend.

* Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention *

Let me ask you a question. If white people were so intelligent why were they last to civilization?
One theory of human evolution argues that the farther north the ancestral human populations migrated out of Africa, about 100,000 years ago, the more they encountered the cognitively demanding problems of gathering and storing food, gaining shelter, making clothes, and raising children successfully during prolonged winters. (This is not the only theory of human evolution, nor do all who endorse it concur with our interpretation.) Ecological pressures selected for larger brains, slower rates of maturation, lower levels of sex hormone, and all the other life-history characteristics.
Last edited:
I realize math is hard, but if 99.5% of the cops are good cops who don't kill blacks, that leaves just a meager 0.005% who are questionable.

So, do go look up the number of cops -- local, state, and federal, and multiply that by 0.005.

That would be a rough estimate of how many bad cops that like to kill people there are, statistically speaking.

I'm sure that on any given year, the numbers are smaller or larger.

The one thing that is clearly certain.

There is no slaughter of blacks being perpetrated by cops against blacks. There is no systemic racism in the police force and what racism you find is predominately in Democrat-held strongholds.

Obviously, arithmetic is beyond your capabilities. Saying math is hard, is a gross understatement for you.


- 99.50%
000.50% NOT 000.005%

That isn't a rounding error it is the difference between a ripple on a pond and a tsunami!

Apparently, you never learned to convert decimals to a percentage and back.

- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
If nothing else the last 2 months is proof that the wrong side won the Civil War
You got your asses kicked. Deal with it. Bring that traitor flag around me and I am going to make you swallow it.

What people will say anonymously on the Internet!
You can always find out in person. i will even pick you up from the airport. You down?
Well apparently you people cannot live in a civilized society and follow the laws of that society, so it is you that don;t belong here
We created civilization for you so of course we can live in one. Its whites with their bellicose beliefs and emphasis on war and genocide which has caused the planets problems.
That's a pretty idealized view of things. War and genocide are HUMAN problems going back to instincts from our less evolved days. I am not a historian, so I'm not gonna get into a huge debate about it with you, but I know enough to know that the black dynasties and empires in Africa surely had the same urge to dominate and expand for the sake of power and wealth. So did the Native Americans. So did the Asians.

Right now the white European culture is on top. But it's not exclusively a "white" attribute, any more than intelligence is.
I realize math is hard, but if 99.5% of the cops are good cops who don't kill blacks, that leaves just a meager 0.005% who are questionable.

So, do go look up the number of cops -- local, state, and federal, and multiply that by 0.005.

That would be a rough estimate of how many bad cops that like to kill people there are, statistically speaking.

I'm sure that on any given year, the numbers are smaller or larger.

The one thing that is clearly certain.

There is no slaughter of blacks being perpetrated by cops against blacks. There is no systemic racism in the police force and what racism you find is predominately in Democrat-held strongholds.

Obviously, arithmetic is beyond your capabilities. Saying math is hard, is a gross understatement for you.


- 99.50%
000.50% NOT 000.005%

That isn't a rounding error it is the difference between a ripple on a pond and a tsunami!

Apparently, you never learned to convert decimals to a percentage and back.

I wondered if anyone was going to pick up on that. I figured it wasn't worth trying.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
"It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -"
How do you figure? In Atlanta, they shot a drunk black guy after they rousted him out of his car, asleep in the drive thu lane at Wendy's, gave him a field sobiety test (failed it) tried to cuff him, he took a taser from one of them and tried to run away on foot with nothing but the cop's non lethal tazer in his hands, stopped and started to point their tazer at them then turned and tried to run away again, I guess to drunk to know he couldn't outrun the bullets about to hit him in the back and they shot him down with real bullets, just last night, and all caught on video again. Is that what you call imposing real law upon black individuals? He's not going to be screaming about racism. He's dead and I guess Wendy's went back to serving doubles and triples at the drive through. Of course the cop has been fired. The Police chief has resigned and tonight they burned down the Wendy's. What are you whining about? You and I are not black.
He shot it straight at the cop, drunk or not; the cop had to dodge it. The cop was doing his job arresting the guy for DUI. Brooks fought them. He certainly wasn't just running away. He shot at the cop with the weapon he had available; he wasn't going to let them get near. And then he ran again, but there is no reason to think he wouldn't fire it again in ten seconds. Until I saw the parking lot video, I thought the same thing--the guy was running and why not just catch up with him later? But he was doing more than that. Maybe a tazer won't kill you (usually anyway) but it will incapacitate you and Brooks would not have shrunk from that, clearly.
It would be great if cops never pointed a gun at an "unarmed" man, but Brooks was armed and ready to use it. Not so lethal, but close enough.
I think this was a righteous shoot. A very suck rotten bitch of an outcome all around, but not a bad shoot.

I've read similar thoughts on the taser as yours.
Here's the thing. A taser is only good for one shot,it then has to be reloaded with another cartridge before you can fire it again.
Although it still has touch capability.
Okay. Now THAT makes sense. All the hunting around I've done, I couldn't find anything on that "one shot" thing. It doesn't really make sense to have a tazer that will only fire one time before you have to run to find an electrical outlet. The situations where you need one usually are pretty hairy.

I had a client who got tazed 14 times in a confrontation with police. He was high on PCP and the tazer wires were getting all tangled up they shot him with so many. Now, I know where this happened and there aren't even 14 cops on the force, so I know there weren't 14 "one shot" stun guns in use that night. But having to put in a new cartridge? And since Brooks got the gun but not more cartridges, his tazer was a one shot deal, then, right? Is that what you're saying? That makes sense. However, I've read on Google hits that there are two shot models. They probably hold two cartridges.

But this is all a side issue, sorta. The more critical question is why Rourke switched from the tazer to the gun. Maybe because HE ran out of cartridges--the reports are that they had tazed--or attempted to taze--Brooks multiple times already.

I know police are trained that self protection is paramount. If they're dead or injured they can't help anyone. So Rourke's self preservation instinct kicked in when Brooks fired at him. If it's true the tazer only holds one cartridge, Rourke would have known there could be no more shots fired from the tazer. But we don't know, for sure, any of this. We don't know what type of tazers these policemen were using, how many shots they'd already fired (witnesses say at least three) or any other specifics about cartridges, battery charge, etc.
He was pissed off that his taser got taken from him and he was too weak to stop it. Like one of the police chiefs said on the news. If a suspect is fleeing you have the option to either get some exercise or call for back up. Shooting him in the back is going to result in SOB being charged probably around Wed.
He shot him when brooks shot at him ,, the strong race won
The weak race had a gun. Thats the only way they can win.
Smart and powerful
The cops were weak and needy.
You saw avid the choke hold twice, could have been choked out easy
Two cops against 1 guy?. They were weak. :)
By that operational definition George Floyd was weak too. Thanks.
They had 4 cops on him so no.
I mean when he pointed a gun at a pregnant woman’s stomach, had his crew rob her and then pistol whip her. Pretty cowardly by my definition but not by yours it seems.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
"It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -"
How do you figure? In Atlanta, they shot a drunk black guy after they rousted him out of his car, asleep in the drive thu lane at Wendy's, gave him a field sobiety test (failed it) tried to cuff him, he took a taser from one of them and tried to run away on foot with nothing but the cop's non lethal tazer in his hands, stopped and started to point their tazer at them then turned and tried to run away again, I guess to drunk to know he couldn't outrun the bullets about to hit him in the back and they shot him down with real bullets, just last night, and all caught on video again. Is that what you call imposing real law upon black individuals? He's not going to be screaming about racism. He's dead and I guess Wendy's went back to serving doubles and triples at the drive through. Of course the cop has been fired. The Police chief has resigned and tonight they burned down the Wendy's. What are you whining about? You and I are not black.
He shot it straight at the cop, drunk or not; the cop had to dodge it. The cop was doing his job arresting the guy for DUI. Brooks fought them. He certainly wasn't just running away. He shot at the cop with the weapon he had available; he wasn't going to let them get near. And then he ran again, but there is no reason to think he wouldn't fire it again in ten seconds. Until I saw the parking lot video, I thought the same thing--the guy was running and why not just catch up with him later? But he was doing more than that. Maybe a tazer won't kill you (usually anyway) but it will incapacitate you and Brooks would not have shrunk from that, clearly.
It would be great if cops never pointed a gun at an "unarmed" man, but Brooks was armed and ready to use it. Not so lethal, but close enough.
I think this was a righteous shoot. A very suck rotten bitch of an outcome all around, but not a bad shoot.

I've read similar thoughts on the taser as yours.
Here's the thing. A taser is only good for one shot,it then has to be reloaded with another cartridge before you can fire it again.
Although it still has touch capability.
Okay. Now THAT makes sense. All the hunting around I've done, I couldn't find anything on that "one shot" thing. It doesn't really make sense to have a tazer that will only fire one time before you have to run to find an electrical outlet. The situations where you need one usually are pretty hairy.

I had a client who got tazed 14 times in a confrontation with police. He was high on PCP and the tazer wires were getting all tangled up they shot him with so many. Now, I know where this happened and there aren't even 14 cops on the force, so I know there weren't 14 "one shot" stun guns in use that night. But having to put in a new cartridge? And since Brooks got the gun but not more cartridges, his tazer was a one shot deal, then, right? Is that what you're saying? That makes sense. However, I've read on Google hits that there are two shot models. They probably hold two cartridges.

But this is all a side issue, sorta. The more critical question is why Rourke switched from the tazer to the gun. Maybe because HE ran out of cartridges--the reports are that they had tazed--or attempted to taze--Brooks multiple times already.

I know police are trained that self protection is paramount. If they're dead or injured they can't help anyone. So Rourke's self preservation instinct kicked in when Brooks fired at him. If it's true the tazer only holds one cartridge, Rourke would have known there could be no more shots fired from the tazer. But we don't know, for sure, any of this. We don't know what type of tazers these policemen were using, how many shots they'd already fired (witnesses say at least three) or any other specifics about cartridges, battery charge, etc.
He was pissed off that his taser got taken from him and he was too weak to stop it. Like one of the police chiefs said on the news. If a suspect is fleeing you have the option to either get some exercise or call for back up. Shooting him in the back is going to result in SOB being charged probably around Wed.
He shot him when brooks shot at him ,, the strong race won
The weak race had a gun. Thats the only way they can win.
Smart and powerful
The cops were weak and needy.
You saw avid the choke hold twice, could have been choked out easy
Two cops against 1 guy?. They were weak. :)
Who’s sitting back having a margarita tonight?
Not the cop that got fired. Why do you ask?
He probably has a million dollar pension lol
That will go to the guys family after its all said and done. That will change the families trajectory. Tell him thanks for the donation. :)
May change the trajectory not “will” you don’t know that. You don’t have ESP.
It will change the trajectory. Wealth is the great equalizer. I know that for a fact.
For some not for all. So the answer is “may”. You would not know a fact if it hit you on your racist ass.
The answer is will. Not much you can do to change that fact.
According to Sports Illustrated, 78% of NFL playerswho are retired for only two years file for bankruptcy, and after five years of retirement, 60% of NBA players suffer the same fate

May....204-0. This is too easy. You should put me on ignore like Marc and IM2Stupid. You’re embarrassing yourself.
White agents ripping them off. 0-205 for you. Sorry but I gotta put you on the bench dude. Youre no competition at all.
There you go again blaming whites for your many failings
Nope. All my failings are on me. People that dont fail never achieve. Its part of the process. Thats a free life tip for you.
Of course they are on you. You’re a giant failure and that’s why you demand reparations. You’re a parasite.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
"It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -"
How do you figure? In Atlanta, they shot a drunk black guy after they rousted him out of his car, asleep in the drive thu lane at Wendy's, gave him a field sobiety test (failed it) tried to cuff him, he took a taser from one of them and tried to run away on foot with nothing but the cop's non lethal tazer in his hands, stopped and started to point their tazer at them then turned and tried to run away again, I guess to drunk to know he couldn't outrun the bullets about to hit him in the back and they shot him down with real bullets, just last night, and all caught on video again. Is that what you call imposing real law upon black individuals? He's not going to be screaming about racism. He's dead and I guess Wendy's went back to serving doubles and triples at the drive through. Of course the cop has been fired. The Police chief has resigned and tonight they burned down the Wendy's. What are you whining about? You and I are not black.
He shot it straight at the cop, drunk or not; the cop had to dodge it. The cop was doing his job arresting the guy for DUI. Brooks fought them. He certainly wasn't just running away. He shot at the cop with the weapon he had available; he wasn't going to let them get near. And then he ran again, but there is no reason to think he wouldn't fire it again in ten seconds. Until I saw the parking lot video, I thought the same thing--the guy was running and why not just catch up with him later? But he was doing more than that. Maybe a tazer won't kill you (usually anyway) but it will incapacitate you and Brooks would not have shrunk from that, clearly.
It would be great if cops never pointed a gun at an "unarmed" man, but Brooks was armed and ready to use it. Not so lethal, but close enough.
I think this was a righteous shoot. A very suck rotten bitch of an outcome all around, but not a bad shoot.

I've read similar thoughts on the taser as yours.
Here's the thing. A taser is only good for one shot,it then has to be reloaded with another cartridge before you can fire it again.
Although it still has touch capability.
Okay. Now THAT makes sense. All the hunting around I've done, I couldn't find anything on that "one shot" thing. It doesn't really make sense to have a tazer that will only fire one time before you have to run to find an electrical outlet. The situations where you need one usually are pretty hairy.

I had a client who got tazed 14 times in a confrontation with police. He was high on PCP and the tazer wires were getting all tangled up they shot him with so many. Now, I know where this happened and there aren't even 14 cops on the force, so I know there weren't 14 "one shot" stun guns in use that night. But having to put in a new cartridge? And since Brooks got the gun but not more cartridges, his tazer was a one shot deal, then, right? Is that what you're saying? That makes sense. However, I've read on Google hits that there are two shot models. They probably hold two cartridges.

But this is all a side issue, sorta. The more critical question is why Rolfe switched from the tazer to the gun. Maybe because HE ran out of cartridges--the reports are that they had tazed--or attempted to taze--Brooks multiple times already.

I know police are trained that self protection is paramount. If they're dead or injured they can't help anyone. So Rolfe's self preservation instinct kicked in when Brooks fired at him. If it's true the tazer only holds one cartridge, Rolfe would have known there could be no more shots fired from the tazer. But we don't know, for sure, any of this. We don't know what type of tazers these policemen were using, how many shots they'd already fired (witnesses say at least three) or any other specifics about cartridges, battery charge, etc.

After looking apparently there are multi shot tasers now. Learn something new everyday.
Of course we'd need to know if the officer was carrying one or not.
If he only fired one and there was another still available that makes the shooting even more justified.
I realize math is hard, but if 99.5% of the cops are good cops who don't kill blacks, that leaves just a meager 0.005% who are questionable.

So, do go look up the number of cops -- local, state, and federal, and multiply that by 0.005.

That would be a rough estimate of how many bad cops that like to kill people there are, statistically speaking.

I'm sure that on any given year, the numbers are smaller or larger.

The one thing that is clearly certain.

There is no slaughter of blacks being perpetrated by cops against blacks. There is no systemic racism in the police force and what racism you find is predominately in Democrat-held strongholds.

Obviously, arithmetic is beyond your capabilities. Saying math is hard, is a gross understatement for you.


- 99.50%
000.50% NOT 000.005%

That isn't a rounding error it is the difference between a ripple on a pond and a tsunami!

Apparently, you never learned to convert decimals to a percentage and back.

I didn't put 000.005.

100% - 99.5% = 0.005 or 1 - 0.995 = 0.005

In case you flunked math...

Give it a try. Hit your windows key, then type calc and hit enter.

When you calculator appears, put in the formula.

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