It takes about $1000 more per month to live now

The typical American household has to spend an extra $11,434 a year to maintain the same quality of life they had in 2021, new data has revealed.
According to analysis from Republican members of the US Senate Joint Economic Committee, Colorado residents are being forced to fork out an extra $14,995 a year in order to afford the same quality of life as two years ago - the highest of any state.
The figures compare the prices of everyday essentials including food, housing, energy and transportation in October this year and January 2021 - before inflation began to soar.
View attachment 866057
The greedy corrupt Democrats looted the Taxpayers and caused this inflation crisis.
They have wasted $trillions$ on Climate Change boondoggle kickback schemes.
They are spending $billions$ on their illegal alien voters.
They are spending $billions$ on paying off student loans aka vote buying.
The greedy corrupt Democrat Party treats the Taxpayers like their slaves who they can load an infinite amount of debt upon.
You pay, they play.

What is the owner of Home Depot going to do about it? Chances are he jacked up his prices during the pandemic. Have his prices come back down? Is wood still expensive af?

Who do you want to talk about? George Santos? Clarence Thomas? DeSantis is debating Newsom tonight right? Even DeSantis blames Trump for the inflation. If even they are admitting it, what more can us liberals say?
The leader of your cult ran up debt faster than any president in American history, but you already knew that. And no, it was not because of Covid.
More TDS. Broken record on Cult.

Did he do it by himself??? Or did the whole world shut down too??

Did they send everone home for the Pause and then hand out money to do it??

It is an area then and now that said DONT DO IT. It will Economically destroy us...And it was Endemic from day 1.

Your TDS doesnt change the whole world shut down for the damned Chinese Flu.
More TDS. Broken record on Cult.

Did he do it by himself??? Or did the whole world shut down too??

Did they send everone home for the Pause and then hand out money to do it??

It is an area then and now that said DONT DO IT. It will Economically destroy us...And it was Endemic from day 1.

Your TDS doesnt change the whole world shut down for the damned Chinese Flu.
Don't be fooled, he is more than aware that those budgets were created in and forced on the American public by an overwhelmingly democrat congress.
The typical American household has to spend an extra $11,434 a year to maintain the same quality of life they had in 2021, new data has revealed.
According to analysis from Republican members of the US Senate Joint Economic Committee, Colorado residents are being forced to fork out an extra $14,995 a year in order to afford the same quality of life as two years ago - the highest of any state.
The figures compare the prices of everyday essentials including food, housing, energy and transportation in October this year and January 2021 - before inflation began to soar.
View attachment 866057
The greedy corrupt Democrats looted the Taxpayers and caused this inflation crisis.
They have wasted $trillions$ on Climate Change boondoggle kickback schemes.
They are spending $billions$ on their illegal alien voters.
They are spending $billions$ on paying off student loans aka vote buying.
The greedy corrupt Democrat Party treats the Taxpayers like their slaves who they can load an infinite amount of debt upon.
You pay, they play.
That is a fact. My husband and I are on a fairly low fixed retirement income and we are able to have food on the table, pay our mortgage and bills, but we buy groceries as cheaply as we can now for like depression era meals, drive only when necessary, don't go to concerts or movies any more. Some 'needs' are now luxuries that we pass up to economize.

We feel blessed that we are able to keep our honor by paying our bills and aren't having to go into debt to do that, but our quality of life is significantly diminished with no light obvious at the end of the tunnel.

I sincerely hurt for those at the grocery store who pick up an item and you can see how badly they want it, but they put it back and move on because they can no longer afford it.
The leader of your cult ran up debt faster than any president in American history, but you already knew that. And no, it was not because of Covid.
That is a fact. My husband and I are on a fairly low fixed retirement income and we are able to have food on the table, pay our mortgage and bills, but we buy groceries as cheaply as we can now for like depression era meals, drive only when necessary, don't go to concerts or movies any more. Some 'needs' are now luxuries that we pass up to economize.

We feel blessed that we are able to keep our honor by paying our bills and aren't having to go into debt to do that, but our quality of life is significantly diminished with no light obvious at the end of the tunnel.

I sincerely hurt for those at the grocery store who pick up an item and you can see how badly they want it, but they put it back and move on because they can no longer afford it.
I had to go through that for forty years raising four kids and a wife.
The typical American household has to spend an extra $11,434 a year to maintain the same quality of life they had in 2021, new data has revealed.
According to analysis from Republican members of the US Senate Joint Economic Committee, Colorado residents are being forced to fork out an extra $14,995 a year in order to afford the same quality of life as two years ago - the highest of any state.
The figures compare the prices of everyday essentials including food, housing, energy and transportation in October this year and January 2021 - before inflation began to soar.
View attachment 866057
The greedy corrupt Democrats looted the Taxpayers and caused this inflation crisis.
They have wasted $trillions$ on Climate Change boondoggle kickback schemes.
They are spending $billions$ on their illegal alien voters.
They are spending $billions$ on paying off student loans aka vote buying.
The greedy corrupt Democrat Party treats the Taxpayers like their slaves who they can load an infinite amount of debt upon.
You pay, they play.
#### Inflation in America and its Causes

On Thursday, November 30, 2023, the United States is experiencing inflation. Inflation refers to the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services over time. It erodes the purchasing power of money and can have various causes.

According to economists, there are several factors contributing to the current inflation in America. These factors include:

1. Demand and Supply Imbalances: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global supply chains and caused supply shortages in various industries. At the same time, there has been a surge in demand for goods and services as the economy recovers. These imbalances between supply and demand have put upward pressure on prices.

2. Monetary Policy: The actions taken by the Federal Reserve to manage the money supply and interest rates can influence inflation. Expansionary monetary policies, such as lowering interest rates and increasing the money supply, can stimulate economic growth but may also contribute to inflation.

3. Labor Market Dynamics: As the labor market tightens and the ratio of job vacancies to unemployment increases, wages tend to rise. This can lead to higher production costs for businesses, which may be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices.

4. Government Policies: Government policies, such as fiscal stimulus measures and changes in taxation, can impact inflation. For example, pandemic relief packages and increased government spending can inject more money into the economy, potentially contributing to inflation.

5. Global Factors: Global events and trends can also influence inflation in the United States. For instance, supply chain disruptions, geopolitical tensions, and changes in commodity prices can affect the cost of imported goods and raw materials, which can then impact domestic prices.

These factors interact with each other and can have complex and interconnected effects on inflation. Economists continue to analyze and debate the specific contributions of each factor to the current inflationary environment.

You just focused on the govt spending, but forgot something very unusual. It's the Pentagon! The largest budgets always flied to the Pentagon. And this organization keeps failing the audits! Why didn't you mention anything about it? Or Are you, just like the Fox News, supporting the Military-industrial-congressional complex? lol. :)

Sources :

1. Why is inflation so high? An economist explains why everyday essentials cost more

2. What caused inflation to spike after 2020? : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

3. What causes inflation? | Stanford News

4. Pentagon fails audit for sixth year in a row
#### Inflation in America and its Causes

On Thursday, November 30, 2023, the United States is experiencing inflation. Inflation refers to the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services over time. It erodes the purchasing power of money and can have various causes.

According to economists, there are several factors contributing to the current inflation in America. These factors include:

1. Demand and Supply Imbalances: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global supply chains and caused supply shortages in various industries. At the same time, there has been a surge in demand for goods and services as the economy recovers. These imbalances between supply and demand have put upward pressure on prices.

2. Monetary Policy: The actions taken by the Federal Reserve to manage the money supply and interest rates can influence inflation. Expansionary monetary policies, such as lowering interest rates and increasing the money supply, can stimulate economic growth but may also contribute to inflation.

3. Labor Market Dynamics: As the labor market tightens and the ratio of job vacancies to unemployment increases, wages tend to rise. This can lead to higher production costs for businesses, which may be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices.

4. Government Policies: Government policies, such as fiscal stimulus measures and changes in taxation, can impact inflation. For example, pandemic relief packages and increased government spending can inject more money into the economy, potentially contributing to inflation.

5. Global Factors: Global events and trends can also influence inflation in the United States. For instance, supply chain disruptions, geopolitical tensions, and changes in commodity prices can affect the cost of imported goods and raw materials, which can then impact domestic prices.

These factors interact with each other and can have complex and interconnected effects on inflation. Economists continue to analyze and debate the specific contributions of each factor to the current inflationary environment.

You just focused on the govt spending, but forgot something very unusual. It's the Pentagon! The largest budgets always flied to the Pentagon. And this organization keeps failing the audits! Why didn't you mention anything about it? Or Are you, just like the Fox News, supporting the Military-industrial-congressional complex? lol. :)

Sources :

1. Why is inflation so high? An economist explains why everyday essentials cost more

2. What caused inflation to spike after 2020? : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

3. What causes inflation? | Stanford News

4. Pentagon fails audit for sixth year in a row
And the Pentagon doesn't even come close to passing an audit.. they don't even attempt to.
And - keeping in mind - MOST of the money that goes through the Pentagon is to private companies that have special rules that keep them from having to show where the money goes.

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