It Took A Freshman GOP Congresswoman To Pull The Mask From Perjurer Comey At Wiretap Hearing

Clapper Obama's Head of National Intelligence Perjured himself in front of congress, so what would stop Comey from doing the same? These people have no shame and no honor. But worse of all, they have NO ACCOUNTABILITY, because the people supposed to be watching the people who watch the people are corrupt too.
Great Point!

James, Clapper, John Koskinen, Eric holder, etc... they all sat before Congress and (proven) lied their asses off under oath...and the Obama administration protected them from prosecution. Holder, the man who sent Scooter Libby to jail for perjury, perjured himself before Congress 3 times, and Obama and his DOJ made sure he never saw the inside of a prison cell. Despite Obama's protection, a unified, bi-partisan Congress still Censured holder for his crimes, making Holder the 1st US AG to ever be Censured (also part of Obama's Lawless Legacy).

When Democrats get sworn in, they see telling the truth as 'Optional' / 'Conditional'.
Comey was part of all those cover ups, as well as helping Clinton who was obviously guilty escape prosecution. I still do not understand why President Trump did not fire this rat yet.
If there was collusion, Trump will go away and Pence will be our president. What's so hard to understand about that? If, OTOH, we can trace the illegal leaks back to Obama, he'll get in trouble. Again, what's so hard to understand about that?

At this point, there is no evidence of either one. We'll identify the leaker(s), and they'll be dealt with appropriately.
So you think Daniel Elsberg should have gone to jail?
Clapper Obama's Head of National Intelligence Perjured himself in front of congress, so what would stop Comey from doing the same? These people have no shame and no honor. But worse of all, they have NO ACCOUNTABILITY, because the people supposed to be watching the people who watch the people are corrupt too.
Great Point!

James, Clapper, John Koskinen, Eric holder, etc... they all sat before Congress and (proven) lied their asses off under oath...and the Obama administration protected them from prosecution. Holder, the man who sent Scooter Libby to jail for perjury, perjured himself before Congress 3 times, and Obama and his DOJ made sure he never saw the inside of a prison cell. Despite Obama's protection, a unified, bi-partisan Congress still Censured holder for his crimes, making Holder the 1st US AG to ever be Censured (also part of Obama's Lawless Legacy).

When Democrats get sworn in, they see telling the truth as 'Optional' / 'Conditional'.
Comey was part of all those cover ups, as well as helping Clinton who was obviously guilty escape prosecution. I still do not understand why President Trump did not fire this rat yet.

Comet screwd Hillary over ! You had no problem with that.

Now the jackboot turns on you and suddenly he's a bad guy ?
:rofl: "Perjurer" huh? Link?

Gated McRacist doesn't like the answers, starts crying "waaah"

More like the non-answers.

Funny how you losers claim we're the crying Snowflakes that are butthurt. We're simply wise to your little tricks and we're shining a spotlight on them.
There was no evidence of wiretapping; but there's enough evidence regarding collusion with the Russians, to keep an investigation open.

How can you say that? Both the FBI and NSA conducted investigation on Trump, and the NSA's files - as revealed - mentions 'electronic surveillance'.

And I beg to differ on the 'collusion'. The FBI has already stated there was no evidence found to prove it. They are not the only ones. The case against Flynn - nothing. No Crime. The case against Sessions - No crime. Evidence against Trump - none. As pointed out yesterday, 'circumstantial' AT BEST, and that is thin.

The only crime, again, proven committed has been by the Democrats who have tried to take Trump down because of political partisanship. Democrats engaged in ESPIONAGE against their own country for purely political gain.

This is a new record low for the Democratic party....what a banner election / year:
Physical assault
Terrorism (firebombed a GOP HQ)
Stopped Freedom of Speech
Threatened Electoral College Voters
Calls for Impeachment before the Oath of Office was taken
Calls for Military Coups
Calls for the President's assassination
The EX-President illegally collecting personal info on Trump and his team during an election - giving it to 16 Intel agencies
and finally ESPIONAGE!

Democrats should be stripped of their title as a political party and be branded a 'terrorist' group or 'domestic enemy'.
I personally find it interesting that when the FBI and NSA state there is no evidence of collusion against Trump, Snowflakes ignore it as if it were never said, and the 'fishing expedition' continues....but when Mr. Cover-up Comey states there is no evidence that there is no evidence of wire-tapping Trump all the Snowflakes shriek, 'The matter is concluded - no need to continue to look into this.'


Recent news reports have revealed multiple investigations of Trump, his family, and his close associates, by both the FBI and NSA. An article yesterday had a member of the NSA revealing that Trump had been under 'electronic surveillance'...but we are to believe, that in this matter of 'national security', at no time did the administration that illegally spy on citizens, reporters, the media, and even CONGRESS listen in on Trump's conversations / utilize the surveillance technique of 'wire-tapping'.

Sorry, based on the history of the Obama administration, based on Tapper testifying before Congress and declaring citizens were not spied upon - only to be allowed to change his testimony to avoid prosecution after it was revealed they HAD illegally spied on Americans....the claim that they never listened in on Trump defies common sense and the historical 'BS' test.


In the end, the ONLY PROVEN criminal act committed by US citizens that damaged our national security was NOT committed by Donald Trump or his family/team - it was the Democrats / Obama holdovers / Snowflakes that committed ESPIONAGE against the United States for purely partisan political reasons.
There was no evidence of wiretapping; but there's enough evidence regarding collusion with the Russians, to keep an investigation open.

I like how know one on the right wants to deal with the fact that Trump made a very irresponsible statement about Obama with no evidence to back it up. The world is watching this and you fuckers make us look like a 3 ring circus.
That's Trump. He's not a career politician with every word focus group tested and ultimately meaningless.
This is American patriot Steve McGarrett. I have to say I'm extremely proud of this young smart Congresswoman who ensnared Comey through tactical questioning that clearly upset the FBI Director. She ventured where the other congresscritters feared to tread. This woman is not part of the swamp and it clearly showed. Comey was exposed as a deceptive liar at the hearing all by this young woman. Find out how below.

It Took a Freshman GOP Congresswoman To Pull The Mask From FBI Director Comey…

You are no patriot. You are not America First, you are Trump First and you put Trump above the country. You quote a kook website to support your claims. Worth noting that Clapper works with the Intelligence Community and Comey with law enforcement. They are 2 different animals. Comey looks for evidence that will stand up publicly in court. Intelligence uses classified information that may never be publicly released.
If there was collusion, Trump will go away and Pence will be our president. What's so hard to understand about that? If, OTOH, we can trace the illegal leaks back to Obama, he'll get in trouble. Again, what's so hard to understand about that?

At this point, there is no evidence of either one. We'll identify the leaker(s), and they'll be dealt with appropriately.
So you think Daniel Elsberg should have gone to jail?
What part of "dealt with appropriately" is hard to understand? If someone breaks a law, we don't just ignore it, we deal with it. There's a very wide range of results, you know, including total clemency.

I do find your phrasing interesting, though. It sounds like something that would come out of a 10 year old on the playground.
Clapper Obama's Head of National Intelligence Perjured himself in front of congress, so what would stop Comey from doing the same? These people have no shame and no honor. But worse of all, they have NO ACCOUNTABILITY, because the people supposed to be watching the people who watch the people are corrupt too.
Great Point!

James, Clapper, John Koskinen, Eric holder, etc... they all sat before Congress and (proven) lied their asses off under oath...and the Obama administration protected them from prosecution. Holder, the man who sent Scooter Libby to jail for perjury, perjured himself before Congress 3 times, and Obama and his DOJ made sure he never saw the inside of a prison cell. Despite Obama's protection, a unified, bi-partisan Congress still Censured holder for his crimes, making Holder the 1st US AG to ever be Censured (also part of Obama's Lawless Legacy).

When Democrats get sworn in, they see telling the truth as 'Optional' / 'Conditional'.
Comey was part of all those cover ups, as well as helping Clinton who was obviously guilty escape prosecution. I still do not understand why President Trump did not fire this rat yet.

Comet screwd Hillary over ! You had no problem with that.

Now the jackboot turns on you and suddenly he's a bad guy ?

The Moammar Ghaddafi doll. Dress him up for the occasion. Good guy, bad guy, whatever you need.
Clapper Obama's Head of National Intelligence Perjured himself in front of congress, so what would stop Comey from doing the same? These people have no shame and no honor. But worse of all, they have NO ACCOUNTABILITY, because the people supposed to be watching the people who watch the people are corrupt too.
Great Point!

James, Clapper, John Koskinen, Eric holder, etc... they all sat before Congress and (proven) lied their asses off under oath...and the Obama administration protected them from prosecution. Holder, the man who sent Scooter Libby to jail for perjury, perjured himself before Congress 3 times, and Obama and his DOJ made sure he never saw the inside of a prison cell. Despite Obama's protection, a unified, bi-partisan Congress still Censured holder for his crimes, making Holder the 1st US AG to ever be Censured (also part of Obama's Lawless Legacy).

When Democrats get sworn in, they see telling the truth as 'Optional' / 'Conditional'.
Comey was part of all those cover ups, as well as helping Clinton who was obviously guilty escape prosecution. I still do not understand why President Trump did not fire this rat yet.

Comet screwd Hillary over ! You had no problem with that.

Now the jackboot turns on you and suddenly he's a bad guy ?

The Moammar Ghaddafi doll. Dress him up for the occasion. Good guy, bad guy, whatever you need.
Snuff him when you need to traffic some refugees to the states.
How can you say that? Both the FBI and NSA conducted investigation on Trump, and the NSA's files - as revealed - mentions 'electronic surveillance'.

And I beg to differ on the 'collusion'. The FBI has already stated there was no evidence found to prove it. They are not the only ones. The case against Flynn - nothing. No Crime. The case against Sessions - No crime. Evidence against Trump - none. As pointed out yesterday, 'circumstantial' AT BEST, and that is thin.

The only crime, again, proven committed has been by the Democrats who have tried to take Trump down because of political partisanship. Democrats engaged in ESPIONAGE against their own country for purely political gain.

This is a new record low for the Democratic party....what a banner election / year:
Physical assault
Terrorism (firebombed a GOP HQ)
Stopped Freedom of Speech
Threatened Electoral College Voters
Calls for Impeachment before the Oath of Office was taken
Calls for Military Coups
Calls for the President's assassination
The EX-President illegally collecting personal info on Trump and his team during an election - giving it to 16 Intel agencies
and finally ESPIONAGE!

Democrats should be stripped of their title as a political party and be branded a 'terrorist' group or 'domestic enemy'.
The investigation is still ongoing.

Flynn is a registered lobbyiest for Turkey.

Sessions thinks the worst thing about the KKK, is smoking pot.

You post is a good example of why the right are mentally incapable of holding public office. There has been zero evidence of Obama wiretapping Trump, yet you keep insisting on believe this nonsense. You people are the last thing this country needs representing us to the world.
Yeah, and Comey is not a good liar, when confronted.
I find it interesting no one on the right wants to talk about the bombshell moment of the hearing, when Director Comey said there was no evidence of wiretapping by the Obama Administration.

I find it mysterious that democrats don't realize the US "intelligence" has widespread tapping programs throughout the USA, not just the Trump Tower.

I find it disturbing that no Republican would address the issue of possible collusion between the sitting President and an adversary. The leaks aren't the problem; what was leaked is the problem.

I find it fascinating anyone in their right mind believes the FAKE NEWS hoax of Russia Hacking or the conspiracy theory of "possible collusion."

Trey was in the zone exposing the confused FBI dude who seems to be in over his head.

The investigation is still ongoing.
The Snowflake 'fishing expedition' continues....because they have no evidence of criminal activity.

Flynn is a registered lobbyiest for Turkey.
Turkey is a US ALLY...meanwhile Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary's campaign manager, worked as an illegal Foreign operative for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC e-mails.

Sessions thinks the worst thing about the KKK, is smoking pot. Hillary's husband working for Vlad's Ex-KGB buddies, giving speeches for them for $50k a speech... How much more 'connected to Vladimir Putin and the Russians does a liberal candidate need to be to be in trouble?

You post is a good example of why the right are mentally incapable of holding public office.
Your post is a good example of the hypocritical, opinionated hyper-partisan, butt-hurt snowflake mentality behind attempting to 'overthrow' the newly elected govt based on ZERO facts and more than that involving their own people.

There has been zero evidence of Obama wiretapping Trump

There has been NO evidence presented proving the Russians ever 'hacked the election'.

There has been NO evidence presented proving Trump has done anything illegal.
- After investigations began reportedly LAST JUNE by both the NSA and FBI, there has been ZERO evidence proving collusion. The FBI has even already come out and declared they have found no evidence of collusion.

There has been no evidence found Flynn committed a crime.

There has been no evidence proving Sessions committed a crime.


CNN reported Obama broke the law by gathering / acquiring personal information on Trump and his team and giving that information to holdovers in 16 Intel agencies ... who later illegally released that information.

Obama's part in giving them the illegally-obtained information is a crime, and the fact that they released that information later means Obama facilitated not only the release of classified information...since Comey declared that act to be an act of ESPIONAGE, that means Obama could be tied to / could have facilitated and be charged with being part of that ESPIONAGE.

ONCE AGAIN, in the end, snowflakes continue their 'fishing expedition' to try to FIND and / or MANUFACTURE evidence of a non-existent crime that has NOT been committed by Trump while THE ONLY CRIME THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED IS THE CRIME OF ESPIONAGE COIMMITTED BY DEMOCRATS WHO SOUGHT TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP.
The Snowflake 'fishing expedition' continues....because they have no evidence of criminal activity.
There's enough evidence to open an official investigation.

Turkey is a US ALLY...meanwhile Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary's campaign manager, worked as an illegal Foreign operative for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC e-mails.
I don't care if their the Pope. Flynn lied to the FBI. He had conversations with the Russians about lifting sanctions and don't give me this shit about he didn't, because they have all the conversations on tape. Hillary's husband working for Vlad's Ex-KGB buddies, giving speeches for them for $50k a speech... How much more 'connected to Vladimir Putin and the Russians does a liberal candidate need to be to be in trouble?
At least she doesn't bring her daughter into Cabinet meetings like Donald Romanoff.

Your post is a good example of the hypocritical, opinionated hyper-partisan, butt-hurt snowflake mentality behind attempting to 'overthrow' the newly elected govt based on ZERO facts and more than that involving their own people.
You can't overthrow the government, until it starts ACTING like a government. So far, all we're getting is some sick reality show.

"The Presentice"

There has been NO evidence presented proving the Russians ever 'hacked the election'.
I'll agree to that.

There has been NO evidence presented proving Trump has done anything illegal.
Not yet.

- After investigations began reportedly LAST JUNE by both the NSA and FBI, there has been ZERO evidence proving collusion. The FBI has even already come out and declared they have found no evidence of collusion.
If that was true, they would've closed the investigation.

There has been no evidence found Flynn committed a crime.

"[Flynn's] calls were not just monitored, they were recorded and transcribed. Federal officials told the Times that they read the transcript and Flynn did discuss lifting sanctions."

There has been no evidence proving Sessions committed a crime.
Who wants a racist Attorney General?


CNN reported Obama broke the law by gathering / acquiring personal information on Trump and his team and giving that information to holdovers in 16 Intel agencies ... who later illegally released that information.
You got that ass-backwards. Intel agencies give the President information, not the other way around. Stop reading so much Brietbart; the more you read, the farther you get from reality.

Obama's part in giving them the illegally-obtained information is a crime, and the fact that they released that information later means Obama facilitated not only the release of classified information...since Comey declared that act to be an act of ESPIONAGE, that means Obama could be tied to / could have facilitated and be charged with being part of that ESPIONAGE.
Who is "them"? And at least Obama sanctioned the Russians, he didn't promise to lift them like Flynn did.

ONCE AGAIN, in the end, snowflakes continue their 'fishing expedition' to try to FIND and / or MANUFACTURE evidence of a non-existent crime that has NOT been committed by Trump while THE ONLY CRIME THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED IS THE CRIME OF ESPIONAGE COIMMITTED BY DEMOCRATS WHO SOUGHT TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP.
Get back on your meds, you're talking like a lunatic.
The Snowflake 'fishing expedition' continues....because they have no evidence of criminal activity.
There's enough evidence to open an official investigation.

Turkey is a US ALLY...meanwhile Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary's campaign manager, worked as an illegal Foreign operative for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC e-mails.
I don't care if their the Pope. Flynn lied to the FBI. He had conversations with the Russians about lifting sanctions and don't give me this shit about he didn't, because they have all the conversations on tape. Hillary's husband working for Vlad's Ex-KGB buddies, giving speeches for them for $50k a speech... How much more 'connected to Vladimir Putin and the Russians does a liberal candidate need to be to be in trouble?
At least she doesn't bring her daughter into Cabinet meetings like Donald Romanoff.

Your post is a good example of the hypocritical, opinionated hyper-partisan, butt-hurt snowflake mentality behind attempting to 'overthrow' the newly elected govt based on ZERO facts and more than that involving their own people.
You can't overthrow the government, until it starts ACTING like a government. So far, all we're getting is some sick reality show.

"The Presentice"

There has been NO evidence presented proving the Russians ever 'hacked the election'.
I'll agree to that.

There has been NO evidence presented proving Trump has done anything illegal.
Not yet.

- After investigations began reportedly LAST JUNE by both the NSA and FBI, there has been ZERO evidence proving collusion. The FBI has even already come out and declared they have found no evidence of collusion.
If that was true, they would've closed the investigation.

There has been no evidence found Flynn committed a crime.

"[Flynn's] calls were not just monitored, they were recorded and transcribed. Federal officials told the Times that they read the transcript and Flynn did discuss lifting sanctions."

There has been no evidence proving Sessions committed a crime.
Who wants a racist Attorney General?


CNN reported Obama broke the law by gathering / acquiring personal information on Trump and his team and giving that information to holdovers in 16 Intel agencies ... who later illegally released that information.
You got that ass-backwards. Intel agencies give the President information, not the other way around. Stop reading so much Brietbart; the more you read, the farther you get from reality.

Obama's part in giving them the illegally-obtained information is a crime, and the fact that they released that information later means Obama facilitated not only the release of classified information...since Comey declared that act to be an act of ESPIONAGE, that means Obama could be tied to / could have facilitated and be charged with being part of that ESPIONAGE.
Who is "them"? And at least Obama sanctioned the Russians, he didn't promise to lift them like Flynn did.

ONCE AGAIN, in the end, snowflakes continue their 'fishing expedition' to try to FIND and / or MANUFACTURE evidence of a non-existent crime that has NOT been committed by Trump while THE ONLY CRIME THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED IS THE CRIME OF ESPIONAGE COIMMITTED BY DEMOCRATS WHO SOUGHT TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP.
Get back on your meds, you're talking like a lunatic.
Opinion, bullshit, and justification.

The NSA and FBI have investigated Trump since June 2016 - no evidence of crime.

Comey made it clear before Congress that the only crime perpetrated to date is the ESPIONAGE Democrats have done.
This is American patriot Steve McGarrett. I have to say I'm extremely proud of this young smart Congresswoman who ensnared Comey through tactical questioning that clearly upset the FBI Director. She ventured where the other congresscritters feared to tread. This woman is not part of the swamp and it clearly showed. Comey was exposed as a deceptive liar at the hearing all by this young woman. Find out how below.

It Took a Freshman GOP Congresswoman To Pull The Mask From FBI Director Comey…

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