It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

You have no Constitutional right to shoot up a school
We the People have no obligation to help you
We the People have a Bill of Rights.

You the Fascists have the right to dream about eliminating it.
Yes we do
You have no right to help those who want to shoot up a school
Here we go again

Not all people are the same person.

No law abiding gun owner has ever helped anyone shoot up a school
wrong-Virginia Tech shooting
What law abiding gun owners helped the VA tech shooter?
the shooter himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was stated no one needs a ---etc--you know--a high capacity weapon--and this is very hard to argue
...why don't you state why you need it?

I don't have an Ar 15 because I have no use for a small caliber rodent gun.

That said I don't have to justify anything I do to you or anyone else as long as I am not breaking any laws or harming anyone in the process.
as stated, no need for it
I had some idiot that said we don't need cars--hahahaha
comparing cars/POOLS/knives/etc to firearms = hahahahhahhaaha

No I think the question was "Why do you need a car that can exceed the posted speed limits?"

And even that question is irrelevant.

No one has to justify their choice of automobile to you or anyone else.
There are restrictions on cars being “street legal”

And that has nothing to do with the top speed does it?

Why do you need a car than can do 66 MPH?
cars needed--weapons not..this is plain and simple
The way the rest of the civilized world does it

You know what eventually happens to "civilized" places that fail to keep government in check?


And about a hundred more......
List of genocides by death toll - Wikipedia
Some people REALLY love Genocide...

The US has never needed an armed population to fight tyranny in over 200 years

We use the First Amendment and the vote
Nobody needs the second

You don't need something until you need it.
We the People have a Bill of Rights.

You the Fascists have the right to dream about eliminating it.
Yes we do
You have no right to help those who want to shoot up a school
Here we go again

Not all people are the same person.

No law abiding gun owner has ever helped anyone shoot up a school
wrong-Virginia Tech shooting
What law abiding gun owners helped the VA tech shooter?
the shooter himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you think a murderer is a law abiding citizen?
I don't have an Ar 15 because I have no use for a small caliber rodent gun.

That said I don't have to justify anything I do to you or anyone else as long as I am not breaking any laws or harming anyone in the process.
as stated, no need for it
I had some idiot that said we don't need cars--hahahaha
comparing cars/POOLS/knives/etc to firearms = hahahahhahhaaha

No I think the question was "Why do you need a car that can exceed the posted speed limits?"

And even that question is irrelevant.

No one has to justify their choice of automobile to you or anyone else.
There are restrictions on cars being “street legal”

And that has nothing to do with the top speed does it?

Why do you need a car than can do 66 MPH?
cars needed--weapons not..this is plain and simple

CArs don't "need" to be able to travel faster than the posted speed limit
Ahhhh... but I don't... I merely advocate for nationwide uniformity of gun-control so that guns from Easy Purchase states don't find their way into gun-runners' trunks.

Then why don't you Nazis pass a law making it illegal to illegally sell guns from the trunk of a car? :dunno:

Nah, you only want to attack LAW ABIDING gun owners.
By Dennis A. Henigan

The American people can overcome the gun lobby, but only if we confront, and expose, three myths that have long dominated the gun debate and given the politicians a ready excuse for inaction.

First, we must not let the opponents of reform get away with the empty bromide that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Does any rational person really believe that the Sandy Hook killer could have murdered twenty-seven people in minutes with a knife or a baseball bat? Guns enable people to kill, more effectively and efficiently than any other widely available weapon.

Second, we must challenge the idea that no law can prevent violent people from getting guns. This canard is refuted by the experience of every other western industrialized nation. Their violent crime rates are comparable to ours. But their homicide rates are exponentially lower because their strong gun laws make it harder for violent individuals to get guns.

Third, we must not accept the notion that our Constitution condemns us to the continued slaughter of our children. It is true that the Supreme Court has expanded gun rights in recent years; it is equally true that the Court has insisted that the right allows for reasonable restrictions. In his opinion in the Heller Second Amendment case, Justice Scalia listed restrictions on "dangerous and unusual weapons" among the kinds of gun laws that are still "presumptively lawful." Assault weapons that fire scores of rounds without reloading surely are "dangerous and unusual."

The tobacco control movement overcame some equally powerful mythology to fundamentally alter American attitudes toward tobacco products. The tobacco industry's effort to sow confusion and uncertainty about the link between smoking and disease eventually was exposed as a fraud. The entrenched view that smoking was simply a bad habit that individuals can choose to break was destroyed by evidence that the tobacco companies knew that nicotine was powerfully addictive and engineered their cigarettes to ensure that people got hooked and stayed hooked. The assumption that smoking harms only the smoker was contradicted by the overwhelming evidence of the danger of second-hand smoke.

Once these myths were exposed, attitudes changed, policies changed and we started saving countless lives. Since youth smoking peaked in the mid-1990s, smoking rates have fallen by about three-fourths among 8th graders, two-thirds among 10th graders and half among 12th graders. A sea change has occurred on the tobacco issue.

Similarly fundamental change can come to the gun issue as well. The myths about gun control, however, still have a hold on too many of our political leaders and their constituents. We will hear them repeated again and again in the coming weeks of intense debate. Every time we hear them, we must respond and we must persuade.

There is too much at stake to be silent.

More: Dennis A. Henigan: It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns

Totally and completely wrong on all ways.

First, sure one could not kill that many at one time with a knife or baseball bat, but one could easily kill many more at one time with flammables, fertilizer, or poisons. Or with a silent killer like a knife or baseball bat, one could easily just keep repeating killing one at a time, with very little chance of being caught because there is no noise to alert anyone like there is with a firearm. The idea firearms are inherently evil is just insane. Firearms are the equalizing liberator that is the basis of all democratic republics, without which any society has to revert back into feudalism.

Second is the lie that other countries have lower murder rates because they have lower gun ownership rates. That is clearly false because in ALL countries, even those with strict gun laws like the UK or Japan, criminals can and do get all the guns they want, easily. The reason there is less gun violence in those countries is because they have better health care and social safety nets that prevents the stress and violence of the US. Countries with more guns than the US, like Israel and Switzerland do not have the violence of the US either. Guns have nothing at all to do with causing violence, and those that claim it does, are just obviously lying.

Third is that the Constitution absolutely and completely makes any federal weapons laws totally illegal. There is a need for some reasonable weapons laws, but they should not and can not legally be federal. There should be no involvement at all by the federal government in something that obviously needs to be totally local.

But the forth point that this article tries to falsely imply and is lying about, is that the way tobacco was dealt with was totally and completely voluntary. There were never any laws based for controlling tobacco. People simply changed what they did once they were properly informed. There was no central, illegal, draconian attempt to force people to act any particular way by the government. Tobacco shows that absolutely NO legislation at all is ever necessary in order to make a better society, and every single law actually makes society worse, but incarcerating more people and making this less of a democratic republic.
Hardcore NRA wingnuts need to be thinking about two words: "Compromise" and "Consensus"...

When it comes to the Constitution there is no such thing as "Compromise" and "Consensus".

Sure there is. Even the original Constitution was built on compromise and consensus.

The original Constitution had to be built on compromise and consensus because otherwise the states would not all have signed on, and the country would have failed. But clearly the compromise and consensus was incredibly evil, like slavery.
The fact the country needed the wealthy slave owners to join caused massive human rights violations for almost 75 years, and over a million had to die in the Civil War, to correct that horrendous compromise and consensus. So you should NOT at all be so proud of it. The proper way a constitution works is for all individual rights to be absolutely protected regardless of what a poll may show, without any compromise. The whole point of a democratic republic is to protect the inherent rights of any one single individual, above the desires of all others.
firearms cause over 60% of murders....we want to try to keep down murders, yes?
...humans will always murder....why allow them ''tools'' that make murder VERY easy?
..common sense tells you a ''tool'' designed to only kill and kill many very fast should be more regulated than a car
Saying "firearms cause over 60% or murders" proves you're not an intelligent, rational, mature adult.

Firearms cause nothing. Period.

Do you also think forks cause obesity? Bottles cause alcoholism? Ropes cause hangings?

Let's see if you really care about mass shootings....

We know many mass shooters want to be famous.

Would you support Trump banning news coverage of mass shootings?

Yes or no?
Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
Govt took actions limiting cigarettes banning smoking in workplaces and public spaces. Did a lot to reduce smoking
A clear example of a blind squirrel finding a berry. Once in a great while gov't actions make sense and are of real value to most Americans. I would guess that 80% of Americans concur that smoking in public buildings is not a good thing.

OTOH, while I can still smoke a cigar on my deck I cannot on the beach just beyond the bulkhead … a matter of 2 feet. There is no authority that gov't will not abuse and none that lefties would not cede to them.
you sound like the '''leftists''' [******] who argue with emotion and not common sense
Liberty is common sense.

The Bill of Rights is common sense.

Fascists trying to eliminate weapons that cause less than 1% of murders while ignoring inner city murders is an emotional response.

Keep digging
Now you got it!

To really impact our murder rate, you need to go after handguns which account for 2/3 of all gun deaths

But handguns are a sacred cow and can’t be touched. So we have to nibble at the edges and go after weapons that are used in mass shootings
Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
We DO need to stop crazy citizens , henceforth called republicans,,,,,,How many deer do you need to kill with your automatic weapon of war??
You missed a few talking points.
Get with it, or you won't get paid.
I used an M 14 on the range at Ft Bliss Completely unnecessary to have one in my home
And you have the right to your belief but not to impose it on other Americans, Comrade Eddie.

"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - 2nd A
Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
Govt took actions limiting cigarettes banning smoking in workplaces and public spaces. Did a lot to reduce smoking
A clear example of a blind squirrel finding a berry. Once in a great while gov't actions make sense and are of real value to most Americans. I would guess that 80% of Americans concur that smoking in public buildings is not a good thing.

OTOH, while I can still smoke a cigar on my deck I cannot on the beach just beyond the bulkhead … a matter of 2 feet. There is no authority that gov't will not abuse and none that lefties would not cede to them.

Smoke on your deck
Your wife will not allow you to smoke in the house
You have no Constitutional right to shoot up a school
We the People have no obligation to help you
We the People have a Bill of Rights.

You the Fascists have the right to dream about eliminating it.
Yes we do
You have no right to help those who want to shoot up a school
Here we go again

Not all people are the same person.

No law abiding gun owner has ever helped anyone shoot up a school
You help when you do nothing to stop them from buying their weapon of choice. You help when you allow them to load that gun with a magazine that has no use other than kill lots of people without reloading

There is no way to stop anyone from getting what they want to kill lots of people, if that is what they are intent upon doing.
The only way to stop massive deaths is to understand what pressures are causing people to want to kill and commit suicide, and help them choose better alternatives earlier.
Thinking one can instead create a nerf safe world, is insanely unrealistic, and evil because it forces more and more people to live in unendurable agony that they would prefer to die.

The point of a weapon with a large magazine is that is can defend lots of people, like the Korean grocers during the LA riots.
These weapons have saved many more lives than have been murdered by them, and the way to stop murders is never to try to restrict weapons, because that can never possibly succeed.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it...
Lawnmowers kill more people every year than people using ARs.... fact

That's interesting, but my question wasn't about lawn mowers. I'm sure you have a very reasonable answer to my question. What is that answer?
Passing frivolous gun control laws only keeps firearms out of law abiding peoples possession... fact

Perhaps you can answer. None of the other gun nuts even tried. Are the laws restricting fully automatic machine gun ownership and use constitutional, and are they examples of a laws that prevents bad guys from obtaining guns they should not have?
Most firearms are semi-auto, pull the trigger once it fires once. Political correctness should never dictate the laws. Legislating with emotion is a No-go.
And can apply for a FFL license to own fully auto arms....

Semi-auto is like the M-16 where it goes off as a three round burst.

No. Semi-auto means you don't have to manually reload. You still get one shot for every pull out the trigger.

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