IT WAS INEVITABLE: Speech control moves from the campus to the workplace

If that has actually happened to you (which I don't believe), then you have serious problems in how you select employees. Should that ridiculous scenario play out in one of your meetings, you simply tell them to turn it off or you can kick them out of the meeting room. You are management, thus, you control the meeting. Is that so hard?

Why would you do that. Some people use recordings to take notes.

Some people take recordings because they know their managers are fucking weasels and are covering their asses. You know, the kind who tell you to do something and then claim that they never told you to do that when the shit hits the fan.
I love the way you guys (nutters on both ends) just deny everything. It's all nonsense, it's all fake news, I don't see a thing, no way.

Just one of your many shared behaviors.

Only nutter we see here is you, Stormy.

How in the world would I know that? There's no way for me to know.


Guy, if you work for such a bunch of weasels that you don't know what they are going to fire you for, then Alexa isn't the problem here. They are... or you are.
That is unbelievable :(

Yes, it is.

If you read his article, not only does the article admit that the technology doesn't exist, but the people designing it aren't designing it for that purpose. And not one company has actually decided that it really wants to use this technology or is funding it, it is being funded by a Defense Department Grant.
Tumbles, leftards like you, Joe Blowhard, etc, etc simply amuse me. You certainly offer no challenge in the way of meaningful dialogue or debate. You are out of your element/comfort zone to even attempt to debate me.

Uh, Tumbles is a conservative, I think. But never mind.

Punkinpuss, I didn't vote for Trump because I am not a U.S citizen beholding to the corporate entity as a de-facto employee that is USA.INC. that provides the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution in a for "profit" venture. I opted out of the system and reclaimed my pre 14th amendment status as a state nationalist as it pertains to the state I was born order to vote, I would have to make a cohesion contract claiming to be a de-facto employee of USA.INC. You are one of the sheeple and you love being sheared......just the fact of the matter.

Okay, you go with that.

So did you let the IRS know yet that you refuse to pay your taxes?
Just so I'm clear: You're framing Mac's argument as he is a blatant misogynist?

The OP article specifically refers to women's voices suppressed in team meetings, and how that might impede a team's creativity or problem solving capacity. The device is, at least in part, specifically being developed to remedy that.

Answer me this, TT: Did Mac so much as acknowledge, in passing, that the routine sidelining of women's voices might be a problem? That solutions might be subpar because their voices are routinely not heard? If not initially, at least after it was pointed out?

As far as I remember, that did not happen.

Now, think it over in light of the fact that Mac did whine about how debates / solutions might be subpar because not all voices are being heard. So, Mac is in fact aware of the problems arising from suppressed voices, and working toward inclusion would cause them - in Mac's world.

Make of it what you will.
Yes. Watch every last fucking word you say, when you say it, where you say it, how you say it, and to whom you say it. After all, this is America.
What would come out if you didn't watch what you say that you believe would get you in trouble?
How in the world would I know that? There's no way for me to know.

Seriously? You don't know what is considered appropriate or inappropriate conversations or comments for a workplace? We are still discussing implicit bias right? Although I will admit I was thinking in terms of what is lawful under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

And as an aside, it's not clear, at least not to me if your objection is to an employer seeking to discover if implicit bias exists among any of it's workers or if it's the use of AI to do the determination.

None of you have ever sat at a conference room table for a meeting and one of the attendees pulls out a hand-held recorder, turns it on and places on the table where everyone can see it? An AI device of this nature would simply scan and evaluate the content of the recorded conversation, looking for key words I imagine (I am not an AI developer so I'm just speculating here), the frequency with which they occur, which attendee uttered them, and a bunch of other things that I can not think of at the moment, and then analyze the compiled data and compare it to a set of measures. In other words, the same things we humans do, just faster and possibly more efficiently however there should be standards in place to ensure than there is no bias inadvertently progrmmed into the device's software. If there are not diverse members on the development team to catch and flag things that may not be apparant to the average software developer who have traditionally been white males, this could occur.
I'm very serious. This tiny story is one more example of how some people want to exert more and more control over freedom of expression, the most liberal of American values.

I know there are many people like you who agree with that. I'm not trying to change your mind.
I'm very serious. This tiny story is one more example of how some people want to exert more and more control over freedom of expression, the most liberal of American values.

I know there are many people like you who agree with that. I'm not trying to change your mind.

The sad thing is, Mac really is serious. He really thinks the PC Police are hiding under his bed waiting to arrest him.

This "tiny story" isn't anything close to what you are representing it as.

The technology doesn't exist yet.
It's not being designed to suppress speech, just track member participation in meetings.
No one is really clamoring for this technology if it did exist, which is why they need a government grant to develop it.

Now, is some point-haired boss at some point going to use this technology and make bad decisions.


Probably. Welcome to the business world, where bad ideas never stop coming. And some consultant will be overpaid to suggest them.

The reason why Dilbert is so funny? We've all worked in that office.
Make of it what you will.

Were this a 2nd issue, we'd be hammered with fools who think a gun equates to freedom Olde one

Too bad we don't monitor other amendments that well , eh?

I will tell you this, fascism is extremely insidious , it creeps into a society slowly over time ,baby steps, to the point where the even the subjugated are voting it all in upon themselves.

Are you upset that you might have to actually listen to the female engineers ideas as opposed to just dismissing her by commenting on her skirt? What are you going to miss the most?
And there it is, the misogyny angle, as I predicted in post 196:
And anyone who dares to disagree with any of that will immediately labeled a sexist, homophobe, racist, Nazi, and whatever else the PC zealots can come up with.But controlling the conversation is more important to them. Anyone who supports that is not liberal, they're authoritarian.

I described this game of making one story seem absurd in post 196:
To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture. And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, manipulate it, intimidate it, punish it.

And an answer to your question, also from post 196:

"First we allowed this to happen in our colleges, the last fucking place on the planet we want to control speech and ideas. Now it has, predictably, metastasized to our businesses. The 'safe spaces', 'trigger warnings' and 'micro-aggressions' have officially gone corporate."

"What these people refuse to admit is that, when you intimidate and control and manipulate and punish expression, the ideas you end up with -- if you get them at all -- are reduced, damaged, distorted, perverted."

So, to make this AS CLEAR AS I CAN: This tiny little story is just the latest example, just one more small drop in the hurricane, of how the most liberal of American values -- freedom of expression -- is being perverted by illiberal leftist authoritarians who want to control, manipulate, intimidate and punish other Americans for expressing themselves. It is ALL AROUND US now. That is NOT liberal, that is AUTHORITARIAN.


I suspect that any remaining confusion will be nothing more than transparent attempts at being obtuse.
Last edited:
Are you upset that you might have to actually listen to the female engineers ideas as opposed to just dismissing her by commenting on her skirt? What are you going to miss the most?
And there it is, the misogyny angle, as I predicted in post 196:
And anyone who dares to disagree with any of that will immediately labeled a sexist, homophobe, racist, Nazi, and whatever else the PC zealots can come up with.But controlling the conversation is more important to them. Anyone who supports that is not liberal, they're authoritarian.

I described this game of making one story seem absurd in post 196:
To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture. And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, manipulate it, intimidate it, punish it.

And an answer to your question, also from post 196:

"First we allowed this to happen in our colleges, the last fucking place on the planet we want to control speech and ideas. Now it has, predictably, metastasized to our businesses. The 'safe spaces', 'trigger warnings' and 'micro-aggressions' have officially gone corporate."

"What these people refuse to admit is that, when you intimidate and control and manipulate and punish expression, the ideas you end up with -- if you get them at all -- are reduced, damaged, distorted, perverted."

So, to make this AS CLEAR AS I CAN: This tiny little story is just the latest example, just one more small drop in the hurricane, of how the most liberal of American values -- freedom of expression -- is being perverted by illiberal leftist authoritarians who want to control, manipulate, intimidate and punish other Americans for expressing themselves. It is ALL AROUND US now. That is NOT liberal, that is AUTHORITARIAN.


I suspect that any remaining confusion will be nothing more than transparent attempts at being obtuse.

Nobody is doing any of this.
Are you upset that you might have to actually listen to the female engineers ideas as opposed to just dismissing her by commenting on her skirt? What are you going to miss the most?
And there it is, the misogyny angle, as I predicted in post 196:
And anyone who dares to disagree with any of that will immediately labeled a sexist, homophobe, racist, Nazi, and whatever else the PC zealots can come up with.But controlling the conversation is more important to them. Anyone who supports that is not liberal, they're authoritarian.

I described this game of making one story seem absurd in post 196:
To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture. And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, manipulate it, intimidate it, punish it.

And an answer to your question, also from post 196:

"First we allowed this to happen in our colleges, the last fucking place on the planet we want to control speech and ideas. Now it has, predictably, metastasized to our businesses. The 'safe spaces', 'trigger warnings' and 'micro-aggressions' have officially gone corporate."

"What these people refuse to admit is that, when you intimidate and control and manipulate and punish expression, the ideas you end up with -- if you get them at all -- are reduced, damaged, distorted, perverted."

So, to make this AS CLEAR AS I CAN: This tiny little story is just the latest example, just one more small drop in the hurricane, of how the most liberal of American values -- freedom of expression -- is being perverted by illiberal leftist authoritarians who want to control, manipulate, intimidate and punish other Americans for expressing themselves. It is ALL AROUND US now. That is NOT liberal, that is AUTHORITARIAN.


I suspect that any remaining confusion will be nothing more than transparent attempts at being obtuse.

Nobody is doing any of this.
Holy shit.

Okay. Never mind.
Are you upset that you might have to actually listen to the female engineers ideas as opposed to just dismissing her by commenting on her skirt? What are you going to miss the most?
And there it is, the misogyny angle, as I predicted in post 196:
And anyone who dares to disagree with any of that will immediately labeled a sexist, homophobe, racist, Nazi, and whatever else the PC zealots can come up with.But controlling the conversation is more important to them. Anyone who supports that is not liberal, they're authoritarian.

I described this game of making one story seem absurd in post 196:
To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture. And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, manipulate it, intimidate it, punish it.

And an answer to your question, also from post 196:

"First we allowed this to happen in our colleges, the last fucking place on the planet we want to control speech and ideas. Now it has, predictably, metastasized to our businesses. The 'safe spaces', 'trigger warnings' and 'micro-aggressions' have officially gone corporate."

"What these people refuse to admit is that, when you intimidate and control and manipulate and punish expression, the ideas you end up with -- if you get them at all -- are reduced, damaged, distorted, perverted."

So, to make this AS CLEAR AS I CAN: This tiny little story is just the latest example, just one more small drop in the hurricane, of how the most liberal of American values -- freedom of expression -- is being perverted by illiberal leftist authoritarians who want to control, manipulate, intimidate and punish other Americans for expressing themselves. It is ALL AROUND US now. That is NOT liberal, that is AUTHORITARIAN.


I suspect that any remaining confusion will be nothing more than transparent attempts at being obtuse.

Nobody is doing any of this.
Holy shit.

Okay. Never mind.

That should have been your reply pages ago.
Are you upset that you might have to actually listen to the female engineers ideas as opposed to just dismissing her by commenting on her skirt? What are you going to miss the most?
And there it is, the misogyny angle, as I predicted in post 196:
And anyone who dares to disagree with any of that will immediately labeled a sexist, homophobe, racist, Nazi, and whatever else the PC zealots can come up with.But controlling the conversation is more important to them. Anyone who supports that is not liberal, they're authoritarian.

I described this game of making one story seem absurd in post 196:
To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture. And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, manipulate it, intimidate it, punish it.

And an answer to your question, also from post 196:

"First we allowed this to happen in our colleges, the last fucking place on the planet we want to control speech and ideas. Now it has, predictably, metastasized to our businesses. The 'safe spaces', 'trigger warnings' and 'micro-aggressions' have officially gone corporate."

"What these people refuse to admit is that, when you intimidate and control and manipulate and punish expression, the ideas you end up with -- if you get them at all -- are reduced, damaged, distorted, perverted."

So, to make this AS CLEAR AS I CAN: This tiny little story is just the latest example, just one more small drop in the hurricane, of how the most liberal of American values -- freedom of expression -- is being perverted by illiberal leftist authoritarians who want to control, manipulate, intimidate and punish other Americans for expressing themselves. It is ALL AROUND US now. That is NOT liberal, that is AUTHORITARIAN.


I suspect that any remaining confusion will be nothing more than transparent attempts at being obtuse.

Nobody is doing any of this.
Holy shit.

Okay. Never mind.

That should have been your reply pages ago.

On another thread, I have a Trumpster telling me that racism no longer exists.

I'm not bothering any more with him, either.
Are you upset that you might have to actually listen to the female engineers ideas as opposed to just dismissing her by commenting on her skirt? What are you going to miss the most?
And there it is, the misogyny angle, as I predicted in post 196:
And anyone who dares to disagree with any of that will immediately labeled a sexist, homophobe, racist, Nazi, and whatever else the PC zealots can come up with.But controlling the conversation is more important to them. Anyone who supports that is not liberal, they're authoritarian.

I described this game of making one story seem absurd in post 196:
To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture. And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, manipulate it, intimidate it, punish it.

And an answer to your question, also from post 196:

"First we allowed this to happen in our colleges, the last fucking place on the planet we want to control speech and ideas. Now it has, predictably, metastasized to our businesses. The 'safe spaces', 'trigger warnings' and 'micro-aggressions' have officially gone corporate."

"What these people refuse to admit is that, when you intimidate and control and manipulate and punish expression, the ideas you end up with -- if you get them at all -- are reduced, damaged, distorted, perverted."

So, to make this AS CLEAR AS I CAN: This tiny little story is just the latest example, just one more small drop in the hurricane, of how the most liberal of American values -- freedom of expression -- is being perverted by illiberal leftist authoritarians who want to control, manipulate, intimidate and punish other Americans for expressing themselves. It is ALL AROUND US now. That is NOT liberal, that is AUTHORITARIAN.


I suspect that any remaining confusion will be nothing more than transparent attempts at being obtuse.

Nobody is doing any of this.
Holy shit.

Okay. Never mind.

That should have been your reply pages ago.

On another thread, I have a Trumpster telling me that racism no longer exists.

I'm not bothering any more with him, either.

If you were able to explain what kind of speech you are worried about being squashed you might have had an argument.
And there it is, the misogyny angle, as I predicted in post 196:
I described this game of making one story seem absurd in post 196:
And an answer to your question, also from post 196:

"First we allowed this to happen in our colleges, the last fucking place on the planet we want to control speech and ideas. Now it has, predictably, metastasized to our businesses. The 'safe spaces', 'trigger warnings' and 'micro-aggressions' have officially gone corporate."

"What these people refuse to admit is that, when you intimidate and control and manipulate and punish expression, the ideas you end up with -- if you get them at all -- are reduced, damaged, distorted, perverted."

So, to make this AS CLEAR AS I CAN: This tiny little story is just the latest example, just one more small drop in the hurricane, of how the most liberal of American values -- freedom of expression -- is being perverted by illiberal leftist authoritarians who want to control, manipulate, intimidate and punish other Americans for expressing themselves. It is ALL AROUND US now. That is NOT liberal, that is AUTHORITARIAN.


I suspect that any remaining confusion will be nothing more than transparent attempts at being obtuse.

Nobody is doing any of this.
Holy shit.

Okay. Never mind.

That should have been your reply pages ago.

On another thread, I have a Trumpster telling me that racism no longer exists.

I'm not bothering any more with him, either.

If you were able to explain what kind of speech you are worried about being squashed you might have had an argument.
I have an argument. You're choosing not to see it, because it goes against your core beliefs.

When someone says something like "Nobody is doing any of this", I know what I'm dealing with.

I'm done with this conversation. If you want to confuse that with capitulation, feel free.
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
But his is why the Left has subverted the college campus. Those that create AI and implement it have already been indoctrinated into hating free speech.

In fact, today about half of Americans want to repeal the First Amendment.

Really with the Left, it is a race to see if the First or Second Amendment can be repealed, then maybe they tackle the Third.

This is why the Left is far more of a threat than the right ever could be.

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