IT WAS INEVITABLE: Speech control moves from the campus to the workplace

Nobody is doing any of this.
Holy shit.

Okay. Never mind.

That should have been your reply pages ago.

On another thread, I have a Trumpster telling me that racism no longer exists.

I'm not bothering any more with him, either.

If you were able to explain what kind of speech you are worried about being squashed you might have had an argument.
I have an argument. You're choosing not to see it, because it goes against your core beliefs.

When someone says something like "Nobody is doing any of this", I know what I'm dealing with.

I'm done with this conversation. If you want to confuse that with capitulation, feel free.

Your article notes that the technology doesn't even exist. Hence, no one is doing it.
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
But his is why the Left has subverted the college campus. Those that create AI and implement it have already been indoctrinated into hating free speech.

In fact, today about half of Americans want to repeal the First Amendment.

Really with the Left, it is a race to see if the First or Second Amendment can be repealed, then maybe they tackle the Third.

This is why the Left is far more of a threat than the right ever could be.
They've made great strides over the last couple of generations.

As a result, we have "cancel culture", a decay in race relations, safe spaces, trigger warnings, and people from coast to coast are afraid to express what they're thinking.

Until they get in the ballot box.
Were this a 2nd issue, we'd be hammered with fools who think a gun equates to freedom Olde one

Too bad we don't monitor other amendments that well , eh?

I will tell you this, fascism is extremely insidious , it creeps into a society slowly over time ,baby steps, to the point where the even the subjugated are voting it all in upon themselves.

Wild stuff.

There is no 1st Amendment issue arising from a gadget dealing with group dynamics in team sessions. Monitoring amendments, whatever that is supposed to mean, is also not an issue. Why gun nuts and their misconceptions would shed some light on the the issue under debate here escapes me.

Finally, fascism doesn't just "creep[] into a society". It is purposely designed and brought about by an alliance of corporate, moneyed and militaristic forces coagulating around a populist figure, taking advantage of the most wide-spread, virulent resentments to be found among the (majority) population and of the weakness of democratic institutions. How research for a tool to help team development fits into that, I am not able to figure out.
So, to make this AS CLEAR AS I CAN: This tiny little story is just the latest example, just one more small drop in the hurricane, of how the most liberal of American values -- freedom of expression -- is being perverted by illiberal leftist authoritarians who want to control, manipulate, intimidate and punish other Americans for expressing themselves. It is ALL AROUND US now. That is NOT liberal, that is AUTHORITARIAN.

Yawn, you can keep saying it, Stormy, but it isn't true.

The workplace is NOT a democracy. It's is not a bastion of freedom. You are totally free to tell your boss he's a jerk, but you shouldn't expect to still have a job that afternoon.

So I just can't get worked up that maybe some day, some technology that doesn't exist yet might tell a manager that he's not considering all points of view during a meeting. If that was the worst thing I ever encountered in my work life, I wouldn't be as bitter about some of my experiences as I am.
They've made great strides over the last couple of generations.

As a result, we have "cancel culture", a decay in race relations, safe spaces, trigger warnings, and people from coast to coast are afraid to express what they're thinking.

Until they get in the ballot box.

Uh, yeah, if the last place they have to be happy racist pieces of shit is the ballot box, I'm not that worried. They'll still be outvoted.

So who was a victim of the Cancel Culture who didn't have it coming? Name a name, buddy. This isn't like the 1950's, where your career could be ruined because you showed up at Communist rally once in the 1930's. Nothing new under the sun.

Mac spends way too much time worried about the feelings of racists.
But his is why the Left has subverted the college campus. Those that create AI and implement it have already been indoctrinated into hating free speech.

In fact, today about half of Americans want to repeal the First Amendment.

Do you have a link to that?

This isn't a first amendment issue, anyway. The first Amendment says Congress shall pass no law limiting what you can say. Your school, your employer, whatever still can. In some circumstances they should.

Really with the Left, it is a race to see if the First or Second Amendment can be repealed, then maybe they tackle the Third.

This is why the Left is far more of a threat than the right ever could be.

again, your Orange Fuhrer is the one out there calling the Press "The enemy of the people". Not sure why you aren't upset about that.
By that criteria, YOU are a bot.

But then, being intelligent is a non-starter for Communists.

Run along, racist.

No, I specifically respond to statements and don't use pre-canned responses with number pointed crazy like she does.

But do go on with your fantasy bot..
What you're doing to an attempt at justification of your utter inability to counter any of her points.

Face it, Iosef -- she's way smarter than you.
What you're doing to an attempt at justification of your utter inability to counter any of her points.

She doesn't have any points. She just repeats utter fucking nonsense she cuts and pastes from other people's website.

I do remember having a discussion with "her" that there were 80 million undocumented immigrants in the country. When called on it, she double down and insisted that was the case.
What you're doing to an attempt at justification of your utter inability to counter any of her points.

She doesn't have any points. She just repeats utter fucking nonsense she cuts and pastes from other people's website.

I do remember having a discussion with "her" that there were 80 million undocumented immigrants in the country. When called on it, she double down and insisted that was the case.
*shrug* You're routinely intellectually beaten by a woman, so you invent this asinine claim she's a bot.

Okay, have it your way. You're routinely intellectually beaten by a bot.

Feel better now?
shrug* You're routinely intellectually beaten by a woman, so you invent this asinine claim she's a bot.

Okay, have it your way. You're routinely intellectually beaten by a bot.

Guy, just because you have wank fantasies about her doesn't mean she actually making a point.

Frankly, I have more respect for right wingers like Ray From Cleveland, who don't put on psuedo intellectual airs...
shrug* You're routinely intellectually beaten by a woman, so you invent this asinine claim she's a bot.

Okay, have it your way. You're routinely intellectually beaten by a bot.

Guy, just because you have wank fantasies about her doesn't mean she actually making a point.

Frankly, I have more respect for right wingers like Ray From Cleveland, who don't put on psuedo intellectual airs...
There is nothing at all sexual about this, other than what you bring to it.

Do you have a thing for dominant Asian females?

And Communists have no business condemning anyone's intelligence. We've discussed this before. Apparently, you were too stupid to get it, proving my point.
None of you have ever sat at a conference room table for a meeting and one of the attendees pulls out a hand-held recorder, turns it on and places on the table where everyone can see it?

If that has actually happened to you (which I don't believe), then you have serious problems in how you select employees. Should that ridiculous scenario play out in one of your meetings, you simply tell them to turn it off or you can kick them out of the meeting room. You are management, thus, you control the meeting. Is that so hard?
Oh boy. These conversations have been very enlightening while at the same time confusing for me but at least I have an inkling of why in this instance.

The work I do for my own company is different than the work I do when I am an employee. The meetings I was referring to are meetings where I am an employee and not management but honestly, none of my co-workers have ever had issues that I'm aware of with our meetings being recorded, especially for training purposes.

Honestly I'm suprised by how strongly you all feel about the recording aspect. I've worked in corporate America pretty much my entire career. Is it that different elsewhere?
There is nothing at all sexual about this, other than what you bring to it.

Do you have a thing for dominant Asian females?

And Communists have no business condemning anyone's intelligence. We've discussed this before. Apparently, you were too stupid to get it, proving my point.

Sorry, guy, not everyone who thinks you are a moron is a communist... that would be most of the population.
There is nothing at all sexual about this, other than what you bring to it.

Do you have a thing for dominant Asian females?

And Communists have no business condemning anyone's intelligence. We've discussed this before. Apparently, you were too stupid to get it, proving my point.

Sorry, guy, not everyone who thinks you are a moron is a communist... that would be most of the population.
YOU, personally, are a Communist. At least make an effort to keep up.

Ooops, sorry. You're too stupid to keep up.
There is nothing at all sexual about this, other than what you bring to it.

Do you have a thing for dominant Asian females?

And Communists have no business condemning anyone's intelligence. We've discussed this before. Apparently, you were too stupid to get it, proving my point.

Sorry, guy, not everyone who thinks you are a moron is a communist... that would be most of the population.
YOU, personally, are a Communist. At least make an effort to keep up.

Ooops, sorry. You're too stupid to keep up.
Why are you white supremacist christian cultists always so whiny? You're not inspiring much fear, either of god or of White supremacists.
Liberals don't believe you should be able to say anything you want to another person at work with no repercussions.

More importantly, the free-speech wusses were meant to face the repercussions they generated, even being disinvited from the parties they hoped to attend. That's part of growing up and taking responsibility for one's behavior. If they need a safe space while standing on the podium, they better carefully choose their audience.

Also, notice how they go from the pretend legalistic ("punished", while none went to jail) to the completely mendacious, as in, all voices must be heard. Nope, they must not. After all, the 50th iteration of the same hate-filled pap by the same benighted hate-monger is unlikely to add anything to the conversation. It goes without saying, even on Constitutional grounds, the right to free speech does not imply a right to be heard. No one is required to make available a platform to any and all attempts at normalizing hate speech.

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