IT WAS INEVITABLE: Speech control moves from the campus to the workplace

The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left will downplay, minimize, and/or dismiss criticism of any measure that allows for the control, intimidation or punishment of speech they don't like.

Whether it's on a college campus, a rally or a workplace, they want control. That's how authoritarians are.

They'll also try to downplay this story, pretending it's not just another drop in the hurricane, just another example of a much larger picture.

Stormy, if you've failed so bad at life some college girl is a threat to you, that's on you.

Last time I checked, businesses weren't democracies..
Not everyone shares your racism.

Nothing to do with racism... her posts are obviously programmed by computer, I doubt she actually reads anything she responds to. You can clearly see the disconnect between responses, along with the bullet-pointed cut and paste.

SO they create a program, they put an attractive picture next to it, and you guys are fooled.
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left will downplay, minimize, and/or dismiss criticism of any measure that allows for the control, intimidation or punishment of speech they don't like.

Whether it's on a college campus, a rally or a workplace, they want control. That's how authoritarians are.

They'll also try to downplay this story, pretending it's not just another drop in the hurricane, just another example of a much larger picture.

Stormy, if you've failed so bad at life some college girl is a threat to you, that's on you.

Last time I checked, businesses weren't democracies..

For fucks sake, you're super tedious. Would you mind just... ...going away?
Okay, let's get past the Mac-sterics of the OP.

There actually is a concern here, just not the one he thinks. Yes, the fact that technology is being used in place of human judgement IS a problem.

But it's pervasive across the whole spectrum.

Resumes aren't read by people anymore, they are sorted by Applicant Tracking Software and on-line proficiency testing.

When you get the job, they rate you through charts and analytics..

The problem with any data system is, of course - garbage in, garbage out.

So a technology itself isn't that bad, it's how it is being used. If it is being used to be the PC thought Police that Mac seems to think are hiding under his bed, that's not a reflection on the technology, it's a reflection on corporate culture.

If someone is using this kind of technology to get rid of you as an employee, they were probably looking for an excuse, anyway, and would have found one sooner or later.

And the solution is pretty simple. Stronger workers rights, unions, etc.

Somehow, I don't think Wall Street Mac is keen on that.
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left will downplay, minimize, and/or dismiss criticism of any measure that allows for the control, intimidation or punishment of speech they don't like.

Whether it's on a college campus, a rally or a workplace, they want control. That's how authoritarians are.

They'll also try to downplay this story, pretending it's not just another drop in the hurricane, just another example of a much larger picture.

Stormy, if you've failed so bad at life some college girl is a threat to you, that's on you.

Last time I checked, businesses weren't democracies..
Ah, but what about the politics of those that run those companies? Chik-fil-A or say, Google. Go woke go broke? Why is politics even part of this equation? Because its the elephant in the room now. It's insane how much reach liberal politics has.
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left will downplay, minimize, and/or dismiss criticism of any measure that allows for the control, intimidation or punishment of speech they don't like.

Whether it's on a college campus, a rally or a workplace, they want control. That's how authoritarians are.

They'll also try to downplay this story, pretending it's not just another drop in the hurricane, just another example of a much larger picture.

Stormy, if you've failed so bad at life some college girl is a threat to you, that's on you.

Last time I checked, businesses weren't democracies..

For fucks sake, you're super tedious. Would you mind just... ...going away?
Ah. My stalker is still posting to me and about me. He's been on ignore for a long time.

This is the kind of person he is.

Meh, I'm used to it. No harm, no foul.
Wait one red hot minute, pardner. They want to snoop on conversations using electronic devices...Are these the same people that are also AGAINST using facial recognition software? Because (ding!) You guessed, it's "unconstitutional"! Just one more example of the leftist inconstancy. George Carlin could make a routine about these meatheads foibles and foolishness.
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left will downplay, minimize, and/or dismiss criticism of any measure that allows for the control, intimidation or punishment of speech they don't like.

Whether it's on a college campus, a rally or a workplace, they want control. That's how authoritarians are.

They'll also try to downplay this story, pretending it's not just another drop in the hurricane, just another example of a much larger picture.


Again, what you are condemning has been happening in business for decades. It doesn't take some electronic instrument to do it either.
Wait one red hot minute, pardner. They want to snoop on conversations using electronic devices...Are these the same people that are also AGAINST using facial recognition software? Because (ding!) You guessed, it's "unconstitutional"! Just one more example of the leftist inconstancy. George Carlin could make a routine about these meatheads foibles and foolishness.
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left will downplay, minimize, and/or dismiss criticism of any measure that allows for the control, intimidation or punishment of speech they don't like.

Whether it's on a college campus, a rally or a workplace, they want control. That's how authoritarians are.

They'll also try to downplay this story, pretending it's not just another drop in the hurricane, just another example of a much larger picture.


Again, what you are condemning has been happening in business for decades. It doesn't take some electronic instrument to do it either.
No, it hasn't. Policing "inclusiveness" is a new PC/Identity Politics phenomenon.

As I predicted, you're downplaying and dismissing it.

Try this on someone else.
I'm more in awe of the power of ideology every day
I bet you are. I bet you can quote long excerpts from Das Kapital...comrade.
Well, you are a Democrat and therefore must be a commie.

Yes, things have gotten that polarized.
No......just being a Democrat doesn't mean you're a commie.
Voting for commies makes you a communist simpathizer.
I have as yet been unable to get most conservatives here and on FB to agree that there is a difference between these three things; democratic -NON-Marxist Socialism (me) vrs Marxist democratic Socialism (Sanders) vrs Marxist Leninism (communism).
To most conservatives one equates to the other and that equates to the other as well.
It reminds me of the days when Hubert Humphrey was described as a 'pinko-commie queer'.

I am a progressive (little 'p') who wants to leave a better world for my kids, and right now I think that is more achievable through the Republican Party rather than a leftwing Democratic Party obsessed with Identity Politics.

But I am dismissed often as a confused person or a fellow traveler when I am not. Marxism is intellectual poison, and I know that, which is why I will not vote for Sanders.

There are worse things though, like continuing the current Federali Tammany Hall Deep Swamp we have now.
Not everyone shares your racism.

Nothing to do with racism... her posts are obviously programmed by computer, I doubt she actually reads anything she responds to. You can clearly see the disconnect between responses, along with the bullet-pointed cut and paste.

SO they create a program, they put an attractive picture next to it, and you guys are fooled.
Do you have experience writing code?


Then you're a racist. Not at all surprising for a Commie.
Not everyone shares your racism.
Nothing to do with racism... her posts are obviously programmed by computer, I doubt she actually reads anything she responds to. You can clearly see the disconnect between responses, along with the bullet-pointed cut and paste.
SO they create a program, they put an attractive picture next to it, and you guys are fooled.
Do you have experience writing code?
Then you're a racist. Not at all surprising for a Commie.
To NPCs, everyone else looks like an NPC or a Fascist dupe.
Wait one red hot minute, pardner. They want to snoop on conversations using electronic devices...Are these the same people that are also AGAINST using facial recognition software? Because (ding!) You guessed, it's "unconstitutional"! Just one more example of the leftist inconstancy. George Carlin could make a routine about these meatheads foibles and foolishness.
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left will downplay, minimize, and/or dismiss criticism of any measure that allows for the control, intimidation or punishment of speech they don't like.

Whether it's on a college campus, a rally or a workplace, they want control. That's how authoritarians are.

They'll also try to downplay this story, pretending it's not just another drop in the hurricane, just another example of a much larger picture.


Again, what you are condemning has been happening in business for decades. It doesn't take some electronic instrument to do it either.
No, it hasn't. Policing "inclusiveness" is a new PC/Identity Politics phenomenon.

As I predicted, you're downplaying and dismissing it.

Try this on someone else.

It's hardly something new. The world is full of stories of subordinates being ignored to quit and move on somewhere else where they are highly successful. This idea is nothing more than making sure that doesn't happen.

As an employer I have a lot invested in an employee. That asset should be utilized as opposed to marginalized.
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
I'm thinking they don't have to listen in, they can just analyze existing email and other content (Skype, Lync, MS Teams, Zoom, etc.) Preferably with the communication participants' permission however since it's their machines (the company's) and they are only to be used to perform the tasks that their employer needs (the reason(s) for which they were hired) AND depending on if they have a warning when the user logs into their machine indicating that all computer activity may be monitored, they may not even need permission.

A lot can be determined and revealed by examining a person's email communications, including whether there are indicators that show a propensity for discrimination and/or bias.
I believe in freedom of expression.

Clearly that right is in decay.

No. It isn't.
Funny that businesses are suppose to be the social justice and homogenization police
No. It isn't.

That one made me chuckle.

Seriously, I'd say that depends on context, and on what you understand freedom of speech to be.

If you interpret it in terms of Constitution and law, that obviously didn't change that much. Congress still "shall make no law...", as the 1st proclaims. In this perspective, quite right: "No. It isn't."

If you want to be a misogynist, racist, or otherwise obnoxious lout in public, and expect to get away with it without public opprobrium, you have carefully to choose the context in which to let your innermost self out. At a Trump rally, you might earn cheers. Pretty much everywhere else, you better prepare to earn jeers. At your job, you may well be redundant, soon. That's marked change compared to, say, the 1950s most reactionary louts long for, and that's part of what they mean demanding "their country back." Because, quite famously, starting in the 1960s, "you can no longer say n*****, n*****, n*****. That backfires." (Atwater)

So, yeah, I agree. Freedom of expression, the right to free speech didn't change. The privilege of being a lout and a racist asshole, and getting away with it, that privilege is coming to an end. Or rather, it was, until Trump endeavored to save it, for now. It remains to be seen whether that endeavor is "successful".
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.

Start? It's been going on for decades. Another "the sky is falling" thread from Mac. Usually you're better than this.
Not difficult to imagine future conversations with the Human Resource department:

HR: We notice that in your meeting yesterday on distribution from our Newark hub, you only allowed Tammy to speak for 7 total minutes, while Dave was allowed to speak for 10 total minutes.

Manager: Well yes, Dave has a bit more experience with Newark, and had more valuable and pertinent input.

HR: From now on, we want you to make sure that Tammy gets equal time in all meetings regarding distribution from our Newark hub. We do not want her feeling that her opinions are of less importance than other meeting participants.

Manager: This is ridiculous. I'm not going to hold a stopwatch to people when they're speaking just to please Alexa. I run my meetings in a way that I know is most effective and most efficient. I'm trying to run my department here.

HR: If you don't allow proper time for Tammy, you will written up. Three write-ups are cause for immediate termination.

You think I'm kidding, gang?

Is Tammy hot? What does she look like? Who gives shit what Dave thinks anyway. If Tammy is hot and wears short skirts and high heals she can talk for an hour. Dave can sit at his cube and ponder Newark by himself. In fact, Dave can take a business trip to Newark while I hang at the office with Tammy.
To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture.

And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, manipulate it, intimidate it, punish it.

This one small story is indicative of how the hardcore Left operates. As is the type of response we're seeing here.
To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture.

And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, intimidate it, punish it.

This one small story is indicative of how the hardcore Left operates. As is the type of response we're seeing here.
Dude, I dont understand why dont just become a Republican and abandon that dying old heffer aka the Dimocratic Party.
To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture.

And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, intimidate it, punish it.

This one small story is indicative of how the hardcore Left operates. As is the type of response we're seeing here.
Dude, I dont understand why dont just become a Republican and abandon that dying old heffer aka the Dimocratic Party.
It's simple: I find the Republican Party to be just as repulsive as the Democratic Party.

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