IT WAS INEVITABLE: Speech control moves from the campus to the workplace

Ah, but what about the politics of those that run those companies? Chik-fil-A or say, Google. Go woke go broke? Why is politics even part of this equation? Because its the elephant in the room now. It's insane how much reach liberal politics has.

Only because we allow the wealthy to have as much influence in our politics as they do. The thing is, a lot of companies have the good sense to shy away from politics. Chik-fil-Hate realized their homophobia wasn't playing well, even if a bunch of rednecks came out to clog their arteries for a day for them, so they backed off.
Ah. My stalker is still posting to me and about me. He's been on ignore for a long time.

This is the kind of person he is.

Meh, I'm used to it. No harm, no foul.

Yes, we know you are a pussy who doesn't like getting slapped around.

Do you have experience writing code?


Then you're a racist. Not at all surprising for a Commie.

Again, you tell that's a program, not a person. Don't need to be able to write code to tell those are computer generated responses. It's too dumb to even realize it's being insulted.

It's simple: I find the Republican Party to be just as repulsive as the Democratic Party.

Which is what you do when you are self-righteous... but you are still kind of a bore.
No, it hasn't. Policing "inclusiveness" is a new PC/Identity Politics phenomenon.

As I predicted, you're downplaying and dismissing it.

Try this on someone else.

Um, yes, it has. 25 years ago, they were firing guys for sexual harassment for such petty things as telling dirty jokes in the office. heck 40 years ago when I went to College, the College kids were just as "woke" as they are now. This really isn't anything new.
It's hardly something new. The world is full of stories of subordinates being ignored to quit and move on somewhere else where they are highly successful. This idea is nothing more than making sure that doesn't happen.

As an employer I have a lot invested in an employee. That asset should be utilized as opposed to marginalized.

Vichy Mac misses the good old days of Mad Men. When women and those people knew their place.

To absolutely no surprise, and as I predicted, we're seeing the hardcore Left here downplay, dismiss and deflect away from the larger picture.

And their favored tactic is what we're seeing: Isolating the story from the FLOOD of other stories and examples of how PC and Identity Politics have been weaponized to control communication and the conversation from coast to coast. Isolate it from the big picture, pretend it's a one-off, make it as small as possible, drown it in the bathtub. Make it so that the only REAL freedom of expression is that with which you agree. Otherwise, control it, manipulate it, intimidate it, punish it.

This one small story is indicative of how the hardcore Left operates. As is the type of response we're seeing here.

Big Business isn't the hardcore left, Stormy.

Big business doesn't do a fucking thing unless they've run a cost-benefit analysis to determine that something is going to make them money.

This isn't so much about PC as it is about power. They have yet another tool to intimidate, control and oppress workers. Ho-hum.

The PC Police are not hiding under your bed. Honestly, I've seen more racists and misogynists in positions of authority than I've seen woke liberals. If someone has developed this kind of software to weed them out, I just can't see that as being a bad thing.
I'm more in awe of the power of ideology every day
I bet you are. I bet you can quote long excerpts from Das Kapital...comrade.
Well, you are a Democrat and therefore must be a commie.

Yes, things have gotten that polarized.
No......just being a Democrat doesn't mean you're a commie.
Voting for commies makes you a communist simpathizer.
I have as yet been unable to get most conservatives here and on FB to agree that there is a difference between these three things; democratic -NON-Marxist Socialism (me) vrs Marxist democratic Socialism (Sanders) vrs Marxist Leninism (communism).
To most conservatives one equates to the other and that equates to the other as well.
It reminds me of the days when Hubert Humphrey was described as a 'pinko-commie queer'.

I am a progressive (little 'p') who wants to leave a better world for my kids, and right now I think that is more achievable through the Republican Party rather than a leftwing Democratic Party obsessed with Identity Politics.

But I am dismissed often as a confused person or a fellow traveler when I am not. Marxism is intellectual poison, and I know that, which is why I will not vote for Sanders.

There are worse things though, like continuing the current Federali Tammany Hall Deep Swamp we have now.
All Communists should be rounded up by the government and executed. It worked for Suharto.
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
Unfortunately this doesn't surprise me. Just dreadful.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
Unfortunately this doesn't surprise me. Just dreadful.

Stormy Mac left this part out of the article he quoted.

This device doesn’t yet exist, but Northeastern associate professors Christoph Riedl and Brooke Foucault Welles are preparing to embark on a three-year project that could yield such a gadget. The researchers will be studying from a social science perspective how teams communicate with each other as well as with smart devices while solving problems together.

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

Oh my God, equal inclusion? That's HORRIBLE. Decisions should only be made by the boss and his drinking buddies!
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.

"This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA."

we also get conservatives like trump trying to silence the MSM by suing them for printing OPINIONS.

twill be a great day for freedom of speech when the left is finally silenced and only conservatives get to speak
It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.

"This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA."

we also get conservatives like trump trying to silence the MSM by suing them for printing OPINIONS.

twill be a great day for freedom of speech when the left is finally silenced and only conservatives get to speak
Trumpsters would probably agree with you on that.

The fact remains.
1. If you want to keep your job, you must at least pretend to be woke.

2. So it is necessary to nod in agreement with all woke opinions that are expressed and to show enthusiastic support for all woke actions.

3. And be careful what you say to your "friends" at work.
1. If you want to keep your job, you must at least pretend to be woke.

2. So it is necessary to nod in agreement with all woke opinions that are expressed and to show enthusiastic support for all woke actions.

3. And be careful what you say to your "friends" at work.

as a (proud) WOKE person....(wokee?)

i would have no problems with what I say at work.
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left will downplay, minimize, and/or dismiss criticism of any measure that allows for the control, intimidation or punishment of speech they don't like.

Whether it's on a college campus, a rally or a workplace, they want control. That's how authoritarians are.

They'll also try to downplay this story, pretending it's not just another drop in the hurricane, just another example of a much larger picture.

Stormy, if you've failed so bad at life some college girl is a threat to you, that's on you.

Last time I checked, businesses weren't democracies..
Ah, but what about the politics of those that run those companies? Chik-fil-A or say, Google. Go woke go broke? Why is politics even part of this equation? Because its the elephant in the room now. It's insane how much reach liberal politics has.

"Ah, but what about the politics of those that run those companies? Chik-fil-A or say, Google. Go woke go broke? Why is politics even part of this equation? Because its the elephant in the room now. It's insane how much reach liberal politics has."

I'm sure it bothers you that non-right wing fascists have the same rights as you....

but they do.....

so they can (just like you and your friends) BOYCOTT any business for any reason.

List of liberal, progressive companies that you should boycott

Chrysler - United Auto Workers own 55% of the company. This union fights to elect liberal democrats. NOT buying a Chrysler car may be one the biggest ways you can help fight liberals.

Chic-Fil-A - Donated to the far left organization the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Nike - Virtue signaling advertisements, racist Kaepernick ads.

TD AmeriTrade - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson. Use E Trade instead. E Trade gives you a security token to access your account, making E Trade a better choice anyway. - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson. There are numerous other companies that do DNA testing and for probably much cheaper. - The CEO Matt Maloney had a tantrum after Trump won, asking Trump-supporting employees who did not support a "culture of support and inclusiveness" to quit, falsely implying that Trump is exclusive. And, perpetuating more mainstream media lies, he said he rejected “nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump.” Instead use DoorDash, UberEats, Munchery, or Postmates.

Starbucks - CEO called Trump campaign "vitriolic display of bigotry and hate and divisiveness.”

Progressive Insurance - Chairman has poured tens of millions of dollars into alt-left organizations such as the ACLU, America Coming Together, and MoveOn.

NetFlix - CEO said "Trump would destroy much of what is great about America.” Created a racist "Dear white people" SJW video attacking white people for being white.

Sonic - SEO of Sonic is a long-time democrat donor who obsesses over diversity.

Ben & Jerry's - Supports the racist hate group black lives matter. Supported the "women's march" AKA the "DEMOCRAT women's march".

Lyft - Gave 1 million to ACLU in response to Trump's travel ban.

Trip Advisor - Pulled advertising from conservative Laura Ingram's show because she dared challenge David Hogg.

JP Morgan Chase - Pulled ads because Megyn Kelly interviewed Alex Jones - Pulled their advertising from Hannity for talking about Seth Rich.

NFL - Anti-American. If you watch then don't pay for NFL Network or buy NFL clothing. If you insist on going to games then sneak in your own food and drink. Put less money in their pockets.

Macy's - Pulled Ivanka Trump's line after Trump won.

Wayfair - Pulled advertising from conservative Laura Ingram's show

PepsiCo - CEO, Indra Nooyi said that people were in mourning after the election.

Google - CEO was a member of the Democratic Victory Task Force. Google news cherry picks liberal links like NY Times, Wash Post, Huff Post, LA Times, etc, and fact checks with the mouthpiece of the left Snoopes. Created $4 million crisis fund to resist Trump's immigration ban.

Best Buy - CEO signed an open letter in support of DACA. Best Buy is also expensive! Sometimes you can find new merchandise on Ebay that is 50% cheaper.

WalMart - The Walmart Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation supported the Clinton Foundation.

Hertz - Attacked NRA members by ending discount programs

United Airlines - Attacked NRA members by ending discount programs

Avis Budget Group - Attacked NRA members by ending discount programs

Enterprise rental cars - Dropped business with NRA.

First National Bank of Omaha - Dropped business with NRA.

MetLife - Attacked NRA members by ending discount programs

REI Mountain Equipment - Dropped business with NRA.

Bank of America - Won't loan money to gun makers.

Symantec - Dropped business with NRA. Anti-virus software is free these days. And unless you're a really stupid computer user, Windows 10 almost doesn't even need anti-virus software.

Nordstrom - Dropped Ivanka Trump's line. - Dropped Ivanka Trump's line. Now bankrupt!

Bed, Bath & Beyond - Removed Ivanka Trump's products from their website

Neiman Marcus - Removed Ivanka Trump's products from their website

Belk - Removed Ivanka Trump's products from their website

Marshall's - Removed Ivanka Trump signs inside their stores

TJ Maxx - Removed Ivanka Trump signs inside their stores

K-Mart - Stopped selling Trump products.

Sears - Stopped selling Trump products. Thankfully on the verge of going under.

Burlington Coat factory - Removed Ivanka Trump products from their website

Gucci - Donated half a million dollars to a gun control rally - Jeff Bezos has resisted Trump's Muslim immigration ban, putting our country at risk. Amazon has also banned products that may be deemed offensive to Muslims and LBGTQ people (example: "No Dress for Timmy" book was banned). Amazon is also actively removing films from Amazon Prime without explanation.

Lifeway Foods - CEO Julie Smolyansky trashed President Trump. Trash Julie Smolyansky by boycotting her company.

Audi - Commercial promotes wage gap myth

Camping World - Told fans who agree with Donald Trump to shop elsewhere

Celebrity Cruises - Anti-Trump ad.

Coca Cola - Against Trump's travel ban.

Delta Airlines - Ended business with NRA.

Deisel - Took stand against Trump's wall.

Disney - Left-wing propagandists. Own leftist TV network ABC. Supports race-baiter Jemele Hill.

Dove soap - Ran anti-Trump ad in UK.

Kellogs - Stopped advertising on Breitbart.


ShopStyle -

T.J. Maxx -

Levi Strauss - Donates millions to leftist groups.

Time Warner - Owns CNN, bundles CNN with basic cable. May block emails from

Marriott Hotels - CEO and co-founder have both voiced opposition to Trump.

84 Lumber - Promoted illegal immigration.

Guggenheim Museum - Disrespected Melania Trump.

Heineken - Supports open borders

Insomniac Games - Against Trump's travel ban.

Marvel - PC / Social justice warrior agenda.

Under Armour - Pulled out of the Trump manufacturing group

Papa Johns - Fired its CEO for criticizing the NFL.

Patagonia clothing - CEO is rabidly anti-Trump.

Penzey's Spices - Called Trump voters "racists"

Simon & Shuster - Dropped Milo's book deal.

Facebook - Closing conservative accounts, run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Tumblr - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Apple - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s). Facilitates donations to Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-wing organization

Yelp - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Twitter -Closing conservative accounts, run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

YouTube - Removing conservative videos, is run by anti-Trump propagandist(s), censorship.

Tinder - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Reddit - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Instagram - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Flickr - CEO is anti-Trump.

Imgr - Staff full of SJW's.

Trulia - CEO is anti-Trump

Meetup - CEO is anti-Trump

Mastercard - Blacklisted Robert Spencer

Gillette - Virtue signaling intersectionality commercial depicting 42 out of 43 white males as having undesirable behavior. 5 of 7 males depicted as showing desirable behavior were black.

Harry's razors - Harry's is no better than Gillette. Harry's gives anti-men morality lectures.

Salesforce - Supported Hillary Clinton campaign

Soundcloud - Took down anti-mass migration podcasts, insanely calling them "hate speech"

Volvo - Pulled advertising from Sean Hannity.

IHOP - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Samsung - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Robitussin (Pfizer) - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

SanDisk - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

CareerBuilder - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Takeda Pharmaceuticals (makers of Entyvio) - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

United Explorer credit card - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Just For Men - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Jaguar - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Land Rover - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

SCOTTeVEST - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Zenni Optical - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Voya Financial - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Bowflex - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

SmileDirectClub - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

NerdWallet - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Minted - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Pacific Life insurance - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Nestle - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Office Depot - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Hulu - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Rachel Ray - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Ruby Tuesday - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Nutrish - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

WayFair - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Blue Apron - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

TripAdvisor - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

IBM - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Jenny Craig - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Johnson & Johnson - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Liberty Mutual Insurance - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Miracle-Ear - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Stitch Fix - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Dr. Bronner's soap - Supports ILLEGAL immigration

First National Bank of Omaha - Anti NRA

Gucci - Donated a half million dollars to fight guns. - Alt-left site that created #Resist meetup groups to resist Trump.

Patagonia - All out anti-Trump resistance company.

Salesforce - Blocked service to customers who sell firearms.

Red Hen Restaurant, Lexington, VA - Bigotted co-owner Stephanie Wilkinson refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Even other employees felt "unfomfortable" with Sanders being there. Boycott these bigots.

Safeway? Vons? Albertsons? - Someone brought to our attention this flyer that suggests that these grocery stores might be supporting activists who want to prevent the US from enforcing immigration laws.

Aside from the obvious CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc there are less blatantly leftist networks with leftist agendas:

ESPN - Now taking left-wing political stands instead of just doing sports.

NatGeo - Air propaganda shows with one-sided global warming agendas, virtue signaling shows.

HBO - No longer a movie channel but a democrat party propaganda channel.

Comedy Central - No longer comedy -- Now "Democrat Central"

Information websites that might fool you: - Self-promoted as a "fact-checking site" is actually a liberal mouth piece.

Politifact - Self-promoted as a "fact-checking site" is actually a liberal mouth piece.

Wikipedia - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s) pushing global warming hysteria, etc.

Google - Search for "Trump" then click news. Most if not all of the results will be from leftist outlets. Google employees hate Trump. Use ConservativeSearch instead.

YouTube - Run by Google. Controls searches to promote their left-wing agenda. Also demonetizes or limits monetization of conservative videos. Hopefully BitChute catches on.

Yahoo News / Sports - Mouthpiece of the left.

Market Watch - Has anti-Trump bias.
1. If you want to keep your job, you must at least pretend to be woke.

2. So it is necessary to nod in agreement with all woke opinions that are expressed and to show enthusiastic support for all woke actions.

3. And be careful what you say to your "friends" at work.

1) Uh, where have you been? It's been like that for quite some time now. If you are openly racist or misogynist, you probably won't last long in your job.

2) Not sure how many "Woke" opinions there are at the workplace, exactly. Since most businesses are about selling widgets, there's not a woke way to sell a widget.

3) Don't delude yourself into thinking your coworkers are your "friends". Rarely have I seen anyone quit because they dislike how their coworker is being treated.

Frankly, my experience has been that the system favors white straight males. I've seen a black woman fired from a job so that the boss could create a position for his drinking buddy who had no qualifications. I've seen people fired for being gay.

Yes, I've also seen the other end of it, people hired to fill an Affirmative Action Quota who had no business ever being hired to start with.

I've told this story before, but it illustrates the point well.

A company I worked for had three people leave my department over a five month period in 2012.

A Chinese-American woman who had been with the company for 9 years and had established many of our vendor relationships with Asian vendors.
An African American woman who had been with the company for two years.
A Pretty young white intern who spent about three months with us in the summer filing paperwork.

NOW- All three of these gals got a going away lunch on the company's dime.

Guess which one the White, Male General Manager took time out of his busy schedule (not really) to attend?

Yup. You guessed it, the INTERN. because she was white and pretty.

Now, I'm not sure if the WokeAlexa is the solution, but let's not pretend that bias doesn't exist in the workplace, and it generally tends to favor people based on race, age, gender and looks.
1. If you want to keep your job, you must at least pretend to be woke.

2. So it is necessary to nod in agreement with all woke opinions that are expressed and to show enthusiastic support for all woke actions.

3. And be careful what you say to your "friends" at work.

1) Uh, where have you been? It's been like that for quite some time now. If you are openly racist or misogynist, you probably won't last long in your job.

2) Not sure how many "Woke" opinions there are at the workplace, exactly. Since most businesses are about selling widgets, there's not a woke way to sell a widget.

3) Don't delude yourself into thinking your coworkers are your "friends". Rarely have I seen anyone quit because they dislike how their coworker is being treated.

Frankly, my experience has been that the system favors white straight males. I've seen a black woman fired from a job so that the boss could create a position for his drinking buddy who had no qualifications. I've seen people fired for being gay.

Yes, I've also seen the other end of it, people hired to fill an Affirmative Action Quota who had no business ever being hired to start with.

I've told this story before, but it illustrates the point well.

A company I worked for had three people leave my department over a five month period in 2012.

A Chinese-American woman who had been with the company for 9 years and had established many of our vendor relationships with Asian vendors.
An African American woman who had been with the company for two years.
A Pretty young white intern who spent about three months with us in the summer filing paperwork.

NOW- All three of these gals got a going away lunch on the company's dime.

Guess which one the White, Male General Manager took time out of his busy schedule (not really) to attend?

Yup. You guessed it, the INTERN. because she was white and pretty.

Now, I'm not sure if the WokeAlexa is the solution, but let's not pretend that bias doesn't exist in the workplace, and it generally tends to favor people based on race, age, gender and looks.

Well, in a few more decades, there will no longer be any more Caucasian bosses.

Problem solved!
Well, in a few more decades, there will no longer be any more Caucasian bosses.

Problem solved!

Wouldn't bother me in the least. Frankly, every dickhead boss I have had was a white dude.

The best boss I had was a Lesbian.
1. If you want to keep your job, you must at least pretend to be woke.
2. So it is necessary to nod in agreement with all woke opinions that are expressed and to show enthusiastic support for all woke actions.
3. And be careful what you say to your "friends" at work.
Yes. Watch every last fucking word you say, when you say it, where you say it, how you say it, and to whom you say it. After all, this is America.

And anyone who dares to disagree with any of that will immediately labeled a sexist, homophobe, racist, Nazi, and whatever else the PC zealots can come up with.

First we allowed this to happen in our colleges, the last fucking place on the planet we want to control speech and ideas. Now it has, predictably, metastasized to our businesses. The "safe spaces", "trigger warnings" and "micro-aggressions" have officially gone corporate.

What these people refuse to admit is that, when you intimidate and control and manipulate and punish expression, the ideas you end up with -- if you get them at all -- are reduced, damaged, distorted, perverted.

But controlling the conversation is more important to them. Anyone who supports that is not liberal, they're authoritarian.
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It has been BAD ENOUGH that the Regressive Left has enabled the control of freedom of expression on AMERICAN college campuses (of all fucking places on the planet), and it has already spread into the workplace. But now we're looking at having an "artificial intelligence" device that LISTENS TO WORKPLACE CONVERSATIONS to be sure that we are being "inclusive" and "equal".

I am not making this up.

Could a smart device catch implicit bias in the workplace?

“The vision that we have [for this project] is that you would have a device, maybe something like Amazon Alexa, that sits on the table and observes the human team members while they are working on a problem, and supports them in various ways,” says Riedl, an associate professor who studies crowdsourcing, open innovation, and network science. “One of the ways in which we think we can support that team is by ensuring equal inclusion of all team members.”

The fact that this is even AN IDEA shows how far this has gone.

Enjoy. This is what happens we start controlling, intimidating and punishing freedom of expression. IN AMERICA.
Two sides to this:

First, it seems a bit of a stretch that someone would come in after the fact and say something about "equal time". There are people in the meetings already.

Second, what would worry me is not so much squashing of any free speech, but the "teach to the test" phenomenon that could end up being its own, implicit bias. Now, instead of one bias, you have two.

The origin of this idea is that the widest range of propositions will always result in a better model or solution than otherwise. Not that it can't be bastardized, but the first intent is to get better solutions and models.

I think it was Smolin that wrote about this, extrapolating this idea from forming hypotheses for testing in science to more general applications in problem solving. I read it long ago. If I can recall the title of the book, I will post it.
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The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left will downplay, minimize, and/or dismiss criticism of any measure that allows for the control, intimidation or punishment of speech they don't like.

Whether it's on a college campus, a rally or a workplace, they want control. That's how authoritarians are.

They'll also try to downplay this story, pretending it's not just another drop in the hurricane, just another example of a much larger picture.

Stormy, if you've failed so bad at life some college girl is a threat to you, that's on you.

Last time I checked, businesses weren't democracies..
Ah, but what about the politics of those that run those companies? Chik-fil-A or say, Google. Go woke go broke? Why is politics even part of this equation? Because its the elephant in the room now. It's insane how much reach liberal politics has.

"Ah, but what about the politics of those that run those companies? Chik-fil-A or say, Google. Go woke go broke? Why is politics even part of this equation? Because its the elephant in the room now. It's insane how much reach liberal politics has."

I'm sure it bothers you that non-right wing fascists have the same rights as you....

but they do.....

so they can (just like you and your friends) BOYCOTT any business for any reason.

List of liberal, progressive companies that you should boycott

Chrysler - United Auto Workers own 55% of the company. This union fights to elect liberal democrats. NOT buying a Chrysler car may be one the biggest ways you can help fight liberals.

Chic-Fil-A - Donated to the far left organization the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Nike - Virtue signaling advertisements, racist Kaepernick ads.

TD AmeriTrade - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson. Use E Trade instead. E Trade gives you a security token to access your account, making E Trade a better choice anyway. - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson. There are numerous other companies that do DNA testing and for probably much cheaper. - The CEO Matt Maloney had a tantrum after Trump won, asking Trump-supporting employees who did not support a "culture of support and inclusiveness" to quit, falsely implying that Trump is exclusive. And, perpetuating more mainstream media lies, he said he rejected “nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump.” Instead use DoorDash, UberEats, Munchery, or Postmates.

Starbucks - CEO called Trump campaign "vitriolic display of bigotry and hate and divisiveness.”

Progressive Insurance - Chairman has poured tens of millions of dollars into alt-left organizations such as the ACLU, America Coming Together, and MoveOn.

NetFlix - CEO said "Trump would destroy much of what is great about America.” Created a racist "Dear white people" SJW video attacking white people for being white.

Sonic - SEO of Sonic is a long-time democrat donor who obsesses over diversity.

Ben & Jerry's - Supports the racist hate group black lives matter. Supported the "women's march" AKA the "DEMOCRAT women's march".

Lyft - Gave 1 million to ACLU in response to Trump's travel ban.

Trip Advisor - Pulled advertising from conservative Laura Ingram's show because she dared challenge David Hogg.

JP Morgan Chase - Pulled ads because Megyn Kelly interviewed Alex Jones - Pulled their advertising from Hannity for talking about Seth Rich.

NFL - Anti-American. If you watch then don't pay for NFL Network or buy NFL clothing. If you insist on going to games then sneak in your own food and drink. Put less money in their pockets.

Macy's - Pulled Ivanka Trump's line after Trump won.

Wayfair - Pulled advertising from conservative Laura Ingram's show

PepsiCo - CEO, Indra Nooyi said that people were in mourning after the election.

Google - CEO was a member of the Democratic Victory Task Force. Google news cherry picks liberal links like NY Times, Wash Post, Huff Post, LA Times, etc, and fact checks with the mouthpiece of the left Snoopes. Created $4 million crisis fund to resist Trump's immigration ban.

Best Buy - CEO signed an open letter in support of DACA. Best Buy is also expensive! Sometimes you can find new merchandise on Ebay that is 50% cheaper.

WalMart - The Walmart Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation supported the Clinton Foundation.

Hertz - Attacked NRA members by ending discount programs

United Airlines - Attacked NRA members by ending discount programs

Avis Budget Group - Attacked NRA members by ending discount programs

Enterprise rental cars - Dropped business with NRA.

First National Bank of Omaha - Dropped business with NRA.

MetLife - Attacked NRA members by ending discount programs

REI Mountain Equipment - Dropped business with NRA.

Bank of America - Won't loan money to gun makers.

Symantec - Dropped business with NRA. Anti-virus software is free these days. And unless you're a really stupid computer user, Windows 10 almost doesn't even need anti-virus software.

Nordstrom - Dropped Ivanka Trump's line. - Dropped Ivanka Trump's line. Now bankrupt!

Bed, Bath & Beyond - Removed Ivanka Trump's products from their website

Neiman Marcus - Removed Ivanka Trump's products from their website

Belk - Removed Ivanka Trump's products from their website

Marshall's - Removed Ivanka Trump signs inside their stores

TJ Maxx - Removed Ivanka Trump signs inside their stores

K-Mart - Stopped selling Trump products.

Sears - Stopped selling Trump products. Thankfully on the verge of going under.

Burlington Coat factory - Removed Ivanka Trump products from their website

Gucci - Donated half a million dollars to a gun control rally - Jeff Bezos has resisted Trump's Muslim immigration ban, putting our country at risk. Amazon has also banned products that may be deemed offensive to Muslims and LBGTQ people (example: "No Dress for Timmy" book was banned). Amazon is also actively removing films from Amazon Prime without explanation.

Lifeway Foods - CEO Julie Smolyansky trashed President Trump. Trash Julie Smolyansky by boycotting her company.

Audi - Commercial promotes wage gap myth

Camping World - Told fans who agree with Donald Trump to shop elsewhere

Celebrity Cruises - Anti-Trump ad.

Coca Cola - Against Trump's travel ban.

Delta Airlines - Ended business with NRA.

Deisel - Took stand against Trump's wall.

Disney - Left-wing propagandists. Own leftist TV network ABC. Supports race-baiter Jemele Hill.

Dove soap - Ran anti-Trump ad in UK.

Kellogs - Stopped advertising on Breitbart.


ShopStyle -

T.J. Maxx -

Levi Strauss - Donates millions to leftist groups.

Time Warner - Owns CNN, bundles CNN with basic cable. May block emails from

Marriott Hotels - CEO and co-founder have both voiced opposition to Trump.

84 Lumber - Promoted illegal immigration.

Guggenheim Museum - Disrespected Melania Trump.

Heineken - Supports open borders

Insomniac Games - Against Trump's travel ban.

Marvel - PC / Social justice warrior agenda.

Under Armour - Pulled out of the Trump manufacturing group

Papa Johns - Fired its CEO for criticizing the NFL.

Patagonia clothing - CEO is rabidly anti-Trump.

Penzey's Spices - Called Trump voters "racists"

Simon & Shuster - Dropped Milo's book deal.

Facebook - Closing conservative accounts, run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Tumblr - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Apple - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s). Facilitates donations to Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-wing organization

Yelp - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Twitter -Closing conservative accounts, run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

YouTube - Removing conservative videos, is run by anti-Trump propagandist(s), censorship.

Tinder - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Reddit - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Instagram - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s)

Flickr - CEO is anti-Trump.

Imgr - Staff full of SJW's.

Trulia - CEO is anti-Trump

Meetup - CEO is anti-Trump

Mastercard - Blacklisted Robert Spencer

Gillette - Virtue signaling intersectionality commercial depicting 42 out of 43 white males as having undesirable behavior. 5 of 7 males depicted as showing desirable behavior were black.

Harry's razors - Harry's is no better than Gillette. Harry's gives anti-men morality lectures.

Salesforce - Supported Hillary Clinton campaign

Soundcloud - Took down anti-mass migration podcasts, insanely calling them "hate speech"

Volvo - Pulled advertising from Sean Hannity.

IHOP - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Samsung - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Robitussin (Pfizer) - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

SanDisk - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

CareerBuilder - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Takeda Pharmaceuticals (makers of Entyvio) - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

United Explorer credit card - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Just For Men - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Jaguar - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Land Rover - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

SCOTTeVEST - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Zenni Optical - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Voya Financial - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Bowflex - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

SmileDirectClub - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

NerdWallet - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Minted - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Pacific Life insurance - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson - Pulled advertising from Tucker Carlson

Nestle - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Office Depot - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Hulu - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Rachel Ray - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Ruby Tuesday - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Nutrish - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

WayFair - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Blue Apron - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

TripAdvisor - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

IBM - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Jenny Craig - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Johnson & Johnson - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Liberty Mutual Insurance - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Miracle-Ear - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Stitch Fix - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram

Dr. Bronner's soap - Supports ILLEGAL immigration

First National Bank of Omaha - Anti NRA

Gucci - Donated a half million dollars to fight guns. - Alt-left site that created #Resist meetup groups to resist Trump.

Patagonia - All out anti-Trump resistance company.

Salesforce - Blocked service to customers who sell firearms.

Red Hen Restaurant, Lexington, VA - Bigotted co-owner Stephanie Wilkinson refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Even other employees felt "unfomfortable" with Sanders being there. Boycott these bigots.

Safeway? Vons? Albertsons? - Someone brought to our attention this flyer that suggests that these grocery stores might be supporting activists who want to prevent the US from enforcing immigration laws.

Aside from the obvious CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc there are less blatantly leftist networks with leftist agendas:

ESPN - Now taking left-wing political stands instead of just doing sports.

NatGeo - Air propaganda shows with one-sided global warming agendas, virtue signaling shows.

HBO - No longer a movie channel but a democrat party propaganda channel.

Comedy Central - No longer comedy -- Now "Democrat Central"

Information websites that might fool you: - Self-promoted as a "fact-checking site" is actually a liberal mouth piece.

Politifact - Self-promoted as a "fact-checking site" is actually a liberal mouth piece.

Wikipedia - Run by anti-Trump propagandist(s) pushing global warming hysteria, etc.

Google - Search for "Trump" then click news. Most if not all of the results will be from leftist outlets. Google employees hate Trump. Use ConservativeSearch instead.

YouTube - Run by Google. Controls searches to promote their left-wing agenda. Also demonetizes or limits monetization of conservative videos. Hopefully BitChute catches on.

Yahoo News / Sports - Mouthpiece of the left.

Market Watch - Has anti-Trump bias.
Wow, it's almost like they think they are in a country where they can express their opinions of the head of state without fear.

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