It will be 4 long years

It will be 4 long years of regression, back to the Obama years.

1. Empowering China, Iran, and ISIS.

2. Fostering economic decline of America

3. Destruction of the Middle Class.

4. Further socializing medical care that government officials will opt out of as the rest of us will have no choice.

5. And the further suppression of free speech among Biden's billionaire fan club in Big Tech.

View attachment 430663
Trump is gone, thankfully; the next four years will be a considerable improvement over the last four.
If only we could all see the future as clearly as Trumpsters.

Yes, if only.

As a hack, you only seek power for you party. What you lack the intellect to grasp is the misery you cheer for those you hate, will be visited upon you in equal measure.

But as you said, you're far too stupid to see what's coming.

They are blind to the truth. If they manage to see the list of what Biden wants to do they will regret voting for his stupid ass.
Da Troof.

It sure is a good thing that you Trumpsters have a vice-like grip on it. Just you.


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize a carbon tax will drive the price of everything through the roof.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Biden's green shit will put some small businesses out of business.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize his tax stamp for all guns and magazines will make all gun owners, millions of them, unhappy.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize his path to amnesty for 22 million illegals will make Americans mad since most Americans want all illegals out of the country.

The truff, you bet and you and all idiots that voted for that man will be regretting it big time once your wallet is empty.

Hope you enjoy cause the rest of America sure won't. dumbass.
Look at all the simplistic, shallow assumptions you're making.

I'm afraid I can't help you with your paranoia. Sorry.

Not assumptions idiot. All are on his list. Look it up and then tell me all about assumptions. Dumbass.
Please try to calm down. Perhaps you don't know what the term "assumption" means.

When the actual bills are actually presented to Congress, let me know. Then we'll see.

If you think you can calm down and act like an adult.

I'm more of an adult than you are. I can see what's coming as I've seen his list. Of course the Dems would have to take the Senate and even if they Don't Biden can write EO's as fast as Barry and Trump.

Now how bout you acting like and adult. You're pretty stupid but should be able to pull it off.
You can see what's coming. A Trumpster.

Okay, got it.

Anyone who doesn't see what's coming is a fuckin' idiot. You voted for a dumb schmuck who has far more baggage and corruption as he enters the next four years, than Donald Trump ever had.

It's going be a long four years, but it's also going to a long, fun four years for most of us. Because that supreme idiot you voted for, is going to get unmercifully hammered at every opportunity.

If only we could all see the future as clearly as Trumpsters.

Yes, if only.

As a hack, you only seek power for you party. What you lack the intellect to grasp is the misery you cheer for those you hate, will be visited upon you in equal measure.

But as you said, you're far too stupid to see what's coming.

They are blind to the truth. If they manage to see the list of what Biden wants to do they will regret voting for his stupid ass.
Da Troof.

It sure is a good thing that you Trumpsters have a vice-like grip on it. Just you.


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize a carbon tax will drive the price of everything through the roof.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Biden's green shit will put some small businesses out of business.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize his tax stamp for all guns and magazines will make all gun owners, millions of them, unhappy.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize his path to amnesty for 22 million illegals will make Americans mad since most Americans want all illegals out of the country.

The truff, you bet and you and all idiots that voted for that man will be regretting it big time once your wallet is empty.

Hope you enjoy cause the rest of America sure won't. dumbass.
Look at all the simplistic, shallow assumptions you're making.

I'm afraid I can't help you with your paranoia. Sorry.

Not assumptions idiot. All are on his list. Look it up and then tell me all about assumptions. Dumbass.
Please try to calm down. Perhaps you don't know what the term "assumption" means.

When the actual bills are actually presented to Congress, let me know. Then we'll see.

If you think you can calm down and act like an adult.

I'm more of an adult than you are. I can see what's coming as I've seen his list. Of course the Dems would have to take the Senate and even if they Don't Biden can write EO's as fast as Barry and Trump.

Now how bout you acting like and adult. You're pretty stupid but should be able to pull it off.
You can see what's coming. A Trumpster.

Okay, got it.

Anyone who doesn't see what's coming is a fuckin' idiot. You voted for a dumb schmuck who has far more baggage and corruption as he enters the next four years, than Donald Trump ever had.

It's going be a long four years, but it's also going to a long, fun four years for most of us. Because that supreme idiot you voted for, is going to get unmercifully hammered at every opportunity.

Okie dokie Kreskin!
If only we could all see the future as clearly as Trumpsters.

Yes, if only.

As a hack, you only seek power for you party. What you lack the intellect to grasp is the misery you cheer for those you hate, will be visited upon you in equal measure.

But as you said, you're far too stupid to see what's coming.

They are blind to the truth. If they manage to see the list of what Biden wants to do they will regret voting for his stupid ass.
Da Troof.

It sure is a good thing that you Trumpsters have a vice-like grip on it. Just you.


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize a carbon tax will drive the price of everything through the roof.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Biden's green shit will put some small businesses out of business.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize his tax stamp for all guns and magazines will make all gun owners, millions of them, unhappy.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize his path to amnesty for 22 million illegals will make Americans mad since most Americans want all illegals out of the country.

The truff, you bet and you and all idiots that voted for that man will be regretting it big time once your wallet is empty.

Hope you enjoy cause the rest of America sure won't. dumbass.
Look at all the simplistic, shallow assumptions you're making.

I'm afraid I can't help you with your paranoia. Sorry.

Not assumptions idiot. All are on his list. Look it up and then tell me all about assumptions. Dumbass.
Please try to calm down. Perhaps you don't know what the term "assumption" means.

When the actual bills are actually presented to Congress, let me know. Then we'll see.

If you think you can calm down and act like an adult.

I'm more of an adult than you are. I can see what's coming as I've seen his list. Of course the Dems would have to take the Senate and even if they Don't Biden can write EO's as fast as Barry and Trump.

Now how bout you acting like and adult. You're pretty stupid but should be able to pull it off.
You can see what's coming. A Trumpster.

Okay, got it.

Anyone who doesn't see what's coming is a fuckin' idiot. You voted for a dumb schmuck who has far more baggage and corruption as he enters the next four years, than Donald Trump ever had.

It's going be a long four years, but it's also going to a long, fun four years for most of us. Because that supreme idiot you voted for, is going to get unmercifully hammered at every opportunity.


In politics, offense is easier than defense.
These Useful Idiot Moon Bats who voted for the Biden piece of shit sold our country in three ways in order to make America a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff:

1. They support someone that blatantly stole an election with fraudulent ballots. Our Republic has ended. It doesn't exist anymore because the filthy Democrats know how to and are willing to create as many false ballots as they need to win an election. Only an idiot would vote for somebody that achieved his office through blatant ballot tampering.

2. The Obama/Biden had a terrible economic record where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared and economic growth was dismal. This is in addition to that disastrous Obamacare that increased the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles. Only an idiot would vote for somebody with a record like that.

3. Biden is owned by foreign interest, big time. He received payoffs from China, Russia and the Ukraine and those are only the ones we know about. God only knows who else bought him. Probably the Iranians also because he is already talking about kissing their Muslim ass and bringing in hundred of thousands Muslim refugees every year. Only an Useful Idiot would vote for somebody owned by foreign interest.

I will address each of your contentions.
1. Stole an election. Who told you the election was stolen? Oh yeah, the poor loser Trump. Meanwhile, his department of Homeland Security, his very own Attorney General, and literally dozens of failed court cases, have consistently confirmed what most people all ready knew. Election fraud is as rare as hen's teeth and, as the head of election security said, this election was the most secure election in American history.

Here is the thing. Trumpsters worship the mighty Trump. He can do know wrong. Well, except he could not maintain the integrity of the American electoral process. Nope, he can cure Covid, bring China to their knees, single handedly lift the nation out of a depression that he had nothing to do with, but he can't maintain the integrity of an election. Is it not easier to believe he is not a totally incompetent fool, that he knows the election was secure, and that he simply cannot accept the fact that his sorry fat ass lost, and all this is little more than another means of grifting the American public from some more of their hard earned dollars and maintain his stranglehold on the former Republican party.

2. The Economy. When it comes to the economic record the reality is, if you toss out the Covid pandemic, the first three years of Obama and the first three years of Trump are close to the same. From increase in median income to expansion of GDP, the numbers are virtually identical.

Trump vs. Obama: Who has the better record on the economy? - Los Angeles Times (

But funny you should mention Obamacare. All the complaints about the ACA miss out on the reality, that the ACA decreased the spiraling increase in cost of health care by 2.3 TRILLION dollars. Yes, that is TRILLON, with a "T". 2.3 trillion dollars LESS was spent on Health Care through the Trump presidency than was projected prior to the ACA. A prime example. The doughnut hole. The ACA closed the doughnut hole for seniors. That resulted in millions and millions of dollars in the hands of seniors instead of in the hands of the drug companies. They took that money and bought groceries, gifts for their grandchildren, and probably took a vacation or two. The sum of all that savings is more than enough to cover the entire growth of the GDP under Trump. Without the ACA, Trump's economy would have sucked ass and had negative GDP growth.

The Affordable Care Act has saved billions in health care costs - STAT (

3. This one shows you have completely gone off the deep end. Biden has not been bought by China, or Iran, or any other government. Meanwhile, there is hard evidence that Trump has been bought, by Russia, by Israel, and who knows who else. His refusal to say anything negative about Putin, despite the fact of the greatest cyber attack on the US in history, speaks volumes. And I give the man credit, he sold himself to Israel and yet he also sold himself to Saudi Arabia. Both countries have free reign to assassinate whomever they please, violate international law, and dictate the terms of trade agreements. I mean spend some time on some real news sights. Read a book or two.

I guess the real problem is that Trumpsters are just too damn stupid, and too damn lazy, to do anything other than what their masters tell them. They all have their head so far up their ass that they refuse to pull it out and even attempt to verify a single thing their stupid propaganda so called "news" sources tell them. At this point, it is becoming dangerous with the fools on FOX News telling people to have those family gatherings at Christmas and be suspicious of the Coronavirus vaccine. Make America Great again turned in to a total shitshow that has robbed America of decades worth of growth, an infinite loss of international reputation from which we might never recover, and fractured this country more than anytime since the Civil War. The Trump presidency will stand alone in history as the worst tenure of any American president EVER. And those that continue to support him will be seen as enablers, just as responsible for the mess we are in as the orange man itself.
These Useful Idiot Moon Bats who voted for the Biden piece of shit sold our country in three ways in order to make America a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff:

1. They support someone that blatantly stole an election with fraudulent ballots. Our Republic has ended. It doesn't exist anymore because the filthy Democrats know how to and are willing to create as many false ballots as they need to win an election. Only an idiot would vote for somebody that achieved his office through blatant ballot tampering.

2. The Obama/Biden had a terrible economic record where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared and economic growth was dismal. This is in addition to that disastrous Obamacare that increased the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles. Only an idiot would vote for somebody with a record like that.

3. Biden is owned by foreign interest, big time. He received payoffs from China, Russia and the Ukraine and those are only the ones we know about. God only knows who else bought him. Probably the Iranians also because he is already talking about kissing their Muslim ass and bringing in hundred of thousands Muslim refugees every year. Only an Useful Idiot would vote for somebody owned by foreign interest.

I will address each of your contentions.
1. Stole an election. Who told you the election was stolen? Oh yeah, the poor loser Trump. Meanwhile, his department of Homeland Security, his very own Attorney General, and literally dozens of failed court cases, have consistently confirmed what most people all ready knew. Election fraud is as rare as hen's teeth and, as the head of election security said, this election was the most secure election in American history.

Here is the thing. Trumpsters worship the mighty Trump. He can do know wrong. Well, except he could not maintain the integrity of the American electoral process. Nope, he can cure Covid, bring China to their knees, single handedly lift the nation out of a depression that he had nothing to do with, but he can't maintain the integrity of an election. Is it not easier to believe he is not a totally incompetent fool, that he knows the election was secure, and that he simply cannot accept the fact that his sorry fat ass lost, and all this is little more than another means of grifting the American public from some more of their hard earned dollars and maintain his stranglehold on the former Republican party.

2. The Economy. When it comes to the economic record the reality is, if you toss out the Covid pandemic, the first three years of Obama and the first three years of Trump are close to the same. From increase in median income to expansion of GDP, the numbers are virtually identical.

Trump vs. Obama: Who has the better record on the economy? - Los Angeles Times (

But funny you should mention Obamacare. All the complaints about the ACA miss out on the reality, that the ACA decreased the spiraling increase in cost of health care by 2.3 TRILLION dollars. Yes, that is TRILLON, with a "T". 2.3 trillion dollars LESS was spent on Health Care through the Trump presidency than was projected prior to the ACA. A prime example. The doughnut hole. The ACA closed the doughnut hole for seniors. That resulted in millions and millions of dollars in the hands of seniors instead of in the hands of the drug companies. They took that money and bought groceries, gifts for their grandchildren, and probably took a vacation or two. The sum of all that savings is more than enough to cover the entire growth of the GDP under Trump. Without the ACA, Trump's economy would have sucked ass and had negative GDP growth.

The Affordable Care Act has saved billions in health care costs - STAT (

3. This one shows you have completely gone off the deep end. Biden has not been bought by China, or Iran, or any other government. Meanwhile, there is hard evidence that Trump has been bought, by Russia, by Israel, and who knows who else. His refusal to say anything negative about Putin, despite the fact of the greatest cyber attack on the US in history, speaks volumes. And I give the man credit, he sold himself to Israel and yet he also sold himself to Saudi Arabia. Both countries have free reign to assassinate whomever they please, violate international law, and dictate the terms of trade agreements. I mean spend some time on some real news sights. Read a book or two.

I guess the real problem is that Trumpsters are just too damn stupid, and too damn lazy, to do anything other than what their masters tell them. They all have their head so far up their ass that they refuse to pull it out and even attempt to verify a single thing their stupid propaganda so called "news" sources tell them. At this point, it is becoming dangerous with the fools on FOX News telling people to have those family gatherings at Christmas and be suspicious of the Coronavirus vaccine. Make America Great again turned in to a total shitshow that has robbed America of decades worth of growth, an infinite loss of international reputation from which we might never recover, and fractured this country more than anytime since the Civil War. The Trump presidency will stand alone in history as the worst tenure of any American president EVER. And those that continue to support him will be seen as enablers, just as responsible for the mess we are in as the orange man itself.

You are confused Moon Bat and your "analysis" is nothing more than uneducated low information denial that we constantly see out of you morons.

The Obama/Biden administration was a disaster for the US every way that it can be measured and the Biden administration will be as bad or worse.

The filthy ass Democrats used the pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies as the mechanism to steal the election with untold number of fraudulent mail in ballots with no voter verification and that has destroyed our Republic. The shithead Democrat know how to steal elections now and they are quite willing to do it so we don't have a Democracy anymore.

You Useful Idiots have destroyed our country for your Socialist greed and it is despicable. I hope you enjoy the increase in your welfare check that you are expecting to get from Biden but you may be disappointed because the Illegals and Mulsim refugees will probably get it first.
Last edited:
It will be 4 long years of regression, back to the Obama years.

1. Empowering China, Iran, and ISIS.

2. Fostering economic decline of America

3. Destruction of the Middle Class.

4. Further socializing medical care that government officials will opt out of as the rest of us will have no choice.

5. And the further suppression of free speech among Biden's billionaire fan club in Big Tech.

View attachment 430663

For you. For the rest of us, it will be a welcome return to some kind of normalcy and competency in our government officials.
We survived (barely) the last four years. We can only go up from here. :)
Yes, so important for lazy dregs to have nice, normal career lifers stealing the working class blind while you sit on your pelosis at home.
These Useful Idiot Moon Bats who voted for the Biden piece of shit sold our country in three ways in order to make America a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff:

1. They support someone that blatantly stole an election with fraudulent ballots. Our Republic has ended. It doesn't exist anymore because the filthy Democrats know how to and are willing to create as many false ballots as they need to win an election. Only an idiot would vote for somebody that achieved his office through blatant ballot tampering.

2. The Obama/Biden had a terrible economic record where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared and economic growth was dismal. This is in addition to that disastrous Obamacare that increased the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles. Only an idiot would vote for somebody with a record like that.

3. Biden is owned by foreign interest, big time. He received payoffs from China, Russia and the Ukraine and those are only the ones we know about. God only knows who else bought him. Probably the Iranians also because he is already talking about kissing their Muslim ass and bringing in hundred of thousands Muslim refugees every year. Only an Useful Idiot would vote for somebody owned by foreign interest.

I will address each of your contentions.
1. Stole an election. Who told you the election was stolen? Oh yeah, the poor loser Trump. Meanwhile, his department of Homeland Security, his very own Attorney General, and literally dozens of failed court cases, have consistently confirmed what most people all ready knew. Election fraud is as rare as hen's teeth and, as the head of election security said, this election was the most secure election in American history.

Here is the thing. Trumpsters worship the mighty Trump. He can do know wrong. Well, except he could not maintain the integrity of the American electoral process. Nope, he can cure Covid, bring China to their knees, single handedly lift the nation out of a depression that he had nothing to do with, but he can't maintain the integrity of an election. Is it not easier to believe he is not a totally incompetent fool, that he knows the election was secure, and that he simply cannot accept the fact that his sorry fat ass lost, and all this is little more than another means of grifting the American public from some more of their hard earned dollars and maintain his stranglehold on the former Republican party.

2. The Economy. When it comes to the economic record the reality is, if you toss out the Covid pandemic, the first three years of Obama and the first three years of Trump are close to the same. From increase in median income to expansion of GDP, the numbers are virtually identical.

Trump vs. Obama: Who has the better record on the economy? - Los Angeles Times (

But funny you should mention Obamacare. All the complaints about the ACA miss out on the reality, that the ACA decreased the spiraling increase in cost of health care by 2.3 TRILLION dollars. Yes, that is TRILLON, with a "T". 2.3 trillion dollars LESS was spent on Health Care through the Trump presidency than was projected prior to the ACA. A prime example. The doughnut hole. The ACA closed the doughnut hole for seniors. That resulted in millions and millions of dollars in the hands of seniors instead of in the hands of the drug companies. They took that money and bought groceries, gifts for their grandchildren, and probably took a vacation or two. The sum of all that savings is more than enough to cover the entire growth of the GDP under Trump. Without the ACA, Trump's economy would have sucked ass and had negative GDP growth.

The Affordable Care Act has saved billions in health care costs - STAT (

3. This one shows you have completely gone off the deep end. Biden has not been bought by China, or Iran, or any other government. Meanwhile, there is hard evidence that Trump has been bought, by Russia, by Israel, and who knows who else. His refusal to say anything negative about Putin, despite the fact of the greatest cyber attack on the US in history, speaks volumes. And I give the man credit, he sold himself to Israel and yet he also sold himself to Saudi Arabia. Both countries have free reign to assassinate whomever they please, violate international law, and dictate the terms of trade agreements. I mean spend some time on some real news sights. Read a book or two.

I guess the real problem is that Trumpsters are just too damn stupid, and too damn lazy, to do anything other than what their masters tell them. They all have their head so far up their ass that they refuse to pull it out and even attempt to verify a single thing their stupid propaganda so called "news" sources tell them. At this point, it is becoming dangerous with the fools on FOX News telling people to have those family gatherings at Christmas and be suspicious of the Coronavirus vaccine. Make America Great again turned in to a total shitshow that has robbed America of decades worth of growth, an infinite loss of international reputation from which we might never recover, and fractured this country more than anytime since the Civil War. The Trump presidency will stand alone in history as the worst tenure of any American president EVER. And those that continue to support him will be seen as enablers, just as responsible for the mess we are in as the orange man itself.

You are confused Moon Bat and your "analysis" is nothing more than uneducated low information denial that we constantly see out of you morons.

The Obama/Biden administration was a disaster for the US every way that it can be measured and the Biden administration will be as bad or worse.

The filthy ass Democrats used the pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies as the mechanism to steal the election with untold number of fraudulent mail in ballots with no voter verification and that has destroyed our Republic. The shithead Democrat know how to steal elections now and they are quite willing to do it so we don't have a Democracy anymore.

You Useful Idiots have destroyed our country for your Socialist greed and it is despicable. I hope you enjoy the increase in your welfare check that you are expecting to get from Biden but you may be disappointed because the Illegals and Mulsim refugees will probably get it first.

Oh, STFU. You insult General Lee by using his picture. I sourced everything I contended. Unlike the OP, which was just a diatribe. The "uneducated low information", project much? I mean I know you could not possibly have a diverse source for news, instead relying on right wing propaganda. And don't even try to blow smoke up my ass and claim you are educated. You are not even educated enough to understand spellcheck. Obama and Biden did a pretty good job, especially considering the unpatriotic and obstructive House and Senate. Trump had two years, two years to make an impact, and he pissed it away tweeting and watching television. Some president. His accomplishments. Well, there is the tax cuts, which resulted in more rent seeking and little to nothing to trickle down to the American worker. He slashed regulations, allowing corporations to externalize their costs, and to whom? Why that same American worker. His trade work, great, propped up a few chosen winners and the rest of America got a tax increase that easily eclipsed any savings they may have derived from his top heavy tax cuts.

Nope, you and the rest of your Trumpsters, are a testament to the idiocy of the American public.
These Useful Idiot Moon Bats who voted for the Biden piece of shit sold our country in three ways in order to make America a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff:

1. They support someone that blatantly stole an election with fraudulent ballots. Our Republic has ended. It doesn't exist anymore because the filthy Democrats know how to and are willing to create as many false ballots as they need to win an election. Only an idiot would vote for somebody that achieved his office through blatant ballot tampering.

2. The Obama/Biden had a terrible economic record where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared and economic growth was dismal. This is in addition to that disastrous Obamacare that increased the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles. Only an idiot would vote for somebody with a record like that.

3. Biden is owned by foreign interest, big time. He received payoffs from China, Russia and the Ukraine and those are only the ones we know about. God only knows who else bought him. Probably the Iranians also because he is already talking about kissing their Muslim ass and bringing in hundred of thousands Muslim refugees every year. Only an Useful Idiot would vote for somebody owned by foreign interest.

I will address each of your contentions.
1. Stole an election. Who told you the election was stolen? Oh yeah, the poor loser Trump. Meanwhile, his department of Homeland Security, his very own Attorney General, and literally dozens of failed court cases, have consistently confirmed what most people all ready knew. Election fraud is as rare as hen's teeth and, as the head of election security said, this election was the most secure election in American history.

Here is the thing. Trumpsters worship the mighty Trump. He can do know wrong. Well, except he could not maintain the integrity of the American electoral process. Nope, he can cure Covid, bring China to their knees, single handedly lift the nation out of a depression that he had nothing to do with, but he can't maintain the integrity of an election. Is it not easier to believe he is not a totally incompetent fool, that he knows the election was secure, and that he simply cannot accept the fact that his sorry fat ass lost, and all this is little more than another means of grifting the American public from some more of their hard earned dollars and maintain his stranglehold on the former Republican party.

2. The Economy. When it comes to the economic record the reality is, if you toss out the Covid pandemic, the first three years of Obama and the first three years of Trump are close to the same. From increase in median income to expansion of GDP, the numbers are virtually identical.

Trump vs. Obama: Who has the better record on the economy? - Los Angeles Times (

But funny you should mention Obamacare. All the complaints about the ACA miss out on the reality, that the ACA decreased the spiraling increase in cost of health care by 2.3 TRILLION dollars. Yes, that is TRILLON, with a "T". 2.3 trillion dollars LESS was spent on Health Care through the Trump presidency than was projected prior to the ACA. A prime example. The doughnut hole. The ACA closed the doughnut hole for seniors. That resulted in millions and millions of dollars in the hands of seniors instead of in the hands of the drug companies. They took that money and bought groceries, gifts for their grandchildren, and probably took a vacation or two. The sum of all that savings is more than enough to cover the entire growth of the GDP under Trump. Without the ACA, Trump's economy would have sucked ass and had negative GDP growth.

The Affordable Care Act has saved billions in health care costs - STAT (

3. This one shows you have completely gone off the deep end. Biden has not been bought by China, or Iran, or any other government. Meanwhile, there is hard evidence that Trump has been bought, by Russia, by Israel, and who knows who else. His refusal to say anything negative about Putin, despite the fact of the greatest cyber attack on the US in history, speaks volumes. And I give the man credit, he sold himself to Israel and yet he also sold himself to Saudi Arabia. Both countries have free reign to assassinate whomever they please, violate international law, and dictate the terms of trade agreements. I mean spend some time on some real news sights. Read a book or two.

I guess the real problem is that Trumpsters are just too damn stupid, and too damn lazy, to do anything other than what their masters tell them. They all have their head so far up their ass that they refuse to pull it out and even attempt to verify a single thing their stupid propaganda so called "news" sources tell them. At this point, it is becoming dangerous with the fools on FOX News telling people to have those family gatherings at Christmas and be suspicious of the Coronavirus vaccine. Make America Great again turned in to a total shitshow that has robbed America of decades worth of growth, an infinite loss of international reputation from which we might never recover, and fractured this country more than anytime since the Civil War. The Trump presidency will stand alone in history as the worst tenure of any American president EVER. And those that continue to support him will be seen as enablers, just as responsible for the mess we are in as the orange man itself.

You are confused Moon Bat and your "analysis" is nothing more than uneducated low information denial that we constantly see out of you morons.

The Obama/Biden administration was a disaster for the US every way that it can be measured and the Biden administration will be as bad or worse.

The filthy ass Democrats used the pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies as the mechanism to steal the election with untold number of fraudulent mail in ballots with no voter verification and that has destroyed our Republic. The shithead Democrat know how to steal elections now and they are quite willing to do it so we don't have a Democracy anymore.

You Useful Idiots have destroyed our country for your Socialist greed and it is despicable. I hope you enjoy the increase in your welfare check that you are expecting to get from Biden but you may be disappointed because the Illegals and Mulsim refugees will probably get it first.

Oh, STFU. You insult General Lee by using his picture. I sourced everything I contended. Unlike the OP, which was just a diatribe. The "uneducated low information", project much? I mean I know you could not possibly have a diverse source for news, instead relying on right wing propaganda. And don't even try to blow smoke up my ass and claim you are educated. You are not even educated enough to understand spellcheck. Obama and Biden did a pretty good job, especially considering the unpatriotic and obstructive House and Senate. Trump had two years, two years to make an impact, and he pissed it away tweeting and watching television. Some president. His accomplishments. Well, there is the tax cuts, which resulted in more rent seeking and little to nothing to trickle down to the American worker. He slashed regulations, allowing corporations to externalize their costs, and to whom? Why that same American worker. His trade work, great, propped up a few chosen winners and the rest of America got a tax increase that easily eclipsed any savings they may have derived from his top heavy tax cuts.

Nope, you and the rest of your Trumpsters, are a testament to the idiocy of the American public.
Its the responsibility of Congress to shut down anything America hating socialists try to push through to harm US citizens. As for idiocy, we are still working our jobs, not hiding in our basements with facediapers from the leftysniffles.
These Useful Idiot Moon Bats who voted for the Biden piece of shit sold our country in three ways in order to make America a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff:

1. They support someone that blatantly stole an election with fraudulent ballots. Our Republic has ended. It doesn't exist anymore because the filthy Democrats know how to and are willing to create as many false ballots as they need to win an election. Only an idiot would vote for somebody that achieved his office through blatant ballot tampering.

2. The Obama/Biden had a terrible economic record where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared and economic growth was dismal. This is in addition to that disastrous Obamacare that increased the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles. Only an idiot would vote for somebody with a record like that.

3. Biden is owned by foreign interest, big time. He received payoffs from China, Russia and the Ukraine and those are only the ones we know about. God only knows who else bought him. Probably the Iranians also because he is already talking about kissing their Muslim ass and bringing in hundred of thousands Muslim refugees every year. Only an Useful Idiot would vote for somebody owned by foreign interest.

I will address each of your contentions.
1. Stole an election. Who told you the election was stolen? Oh yeah, the poor loser Trump. Meanwhile, his department of Homeland Security, his very own Attorney General, and literally dozens of failed court cases, have consistently confirmed what most people all ready knew. Election fraud is as rare as hen's teeth and, as the head of election security said, this election was the most secure election in American history.

Here is the thing. Trumpsters worship the mighty Trump. He can do know wrong. Well, except he could not maintain the integrity of the American electoral process. Nope, he can cure Covid, bring China to their knees, single handedly lift the nation out of a depression that he had nothing to do with, but he can't maintain the integrity of an election. Is it not easier to believe he is not a totally incompetent fool, that he knows the election was secure, and that he simply cannot accept the fact that his sorry fat ass lost, and all this is little more than another means of grifting the American public from some more of their hard earned dollars and maintain his stranglehold on the former Republican party.

2. The Economy. When it comes to the economic record the reality is, if you toss out the Covid pandemic, the first three years of Obama and the first three years of Trump are close to the same. From increase in median income to expansion of GDP, the numbers are virtually identical.

Trump vs. Obama: Who has the better record on the economy? - Los Angeles Times (

But funny you should mention Obamacare. All the complaints about the ACA miss out on the reality, that the ACA decreased the spiraling increase in cost of health care by 2.3 TRILLION dollars. Yes, that is TRILLON, with a "T". 2.3 trillion dollars LESS was spent on Health Care through the Trump presidency than was projected prior to the ACA. A prime example. The doughnut hole. The ACA closed the doughnut hole for seniors. That resulted in millions and millions of dollars in the hands of seniors instead of in the hands of the drug companies. They took that money and bought groceries, gifts for their grandchildren, and probably took a vacation or two. The sum of all that savings is more than enough to cover the entire growth of the GDP under Trump. Without the ACA, Trump's economy would have sucked ass and had negative GDP growth.

The Affordable Care Act has saved billions in health care costs - STAT (

3. This one shows you have completely gone off the deep end. Biden has not been bought by China, or Iran, or any other government. Meanwhile, there is hard evidence that Trump has been bought, by Russia, by Israel, and who knows who else. His refusal to say anything negative about Putin, despite the fact of the greatest cyber attack on the US in history, speaks volumes. And I give the man credit, he sold himself to Israel and yet he also sold himself to Saudi Arabia. Both countries have free reign to assassinate whomever they please, violate international law, and dictate the terms of trade agreements. I mean spend some time on some real news sights. Read a book or two.

I guess the real problem is that Trumpsters are just too damn stupid, and too damn lazy, to do anything other than what their masters tell them. They all have their head so far up their ass that they refuse to pull it out and even attempt to verify a single thing their stupid propaganda so called "news" sources tell them. At this point, it is becoming dangerous with the fools on FOX News telling people to have those family gatherings at Christmas and be suspicious of the Coronavirus vaccine. Make America Great again turned in to a total shitshow that has robbed America of decades worth of growth, an infinite loss of international reputation from which we might never recover, and fractured this country more than anytime since the Civil War. The Trump presidency will stand alone in history as the worst tenure of any American president EVER. And those that continue to support him will be seen as enablers, just as responsible for the mess we are in as the orange man itself.

You are confused Moon Bat and your "analysis" is nothing more than uneducated low information denial that we constantly see out of you morons.

The Obama/Biden administration was a disaster for the US every way that it can be measured and the Biden administration will be as bad or worse.

The filthy ass Democrats used the pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies as the mechanism to steal the election with untold number of fraudulent mail in ballots with no voter verification and that has destroyed our Republic. The shithead Democrat know how to steal elections now and they are quite willing to do it so we don't have a Democracy anymore.

You Useful Idiots have destroyed our country for your Socialist greed and it is despicable. I hope you enjoy the increase in your welfare check that you are expecting to get from Biden but you may be disappointed because the Illegals and Mulsim refugees will probably get it first.

Oh, STFU. You insult General Lee by using his picture. I sourced everything I contended. Unlike the OP, which was just a diatribe. The "uneducated low information", project much? I mean I know you could not possibly have a diverse source for news, instead relying on right wing propaganda. And don't even try to blow smoke up my ass and claim you are educated. You are not even educated enough to understand spellcheck. Obama and Biden did a pretty good job, especially considering the unpatriotic and obstructive House and Senate. Trump had two years, two years to make an impact, and he pissed it away tweeting and watching television. Some president. His accomplishments. Well, there is the tax cuts, which resulted in more rent seeking and little to nothing to trickle down to the American worker. He slashed regulations, allowing corporations to externalize their costs, and to whom? Why that same American worker. His trade work, great, propped up a few chosen winners and the rest of America got a tax increase that easily eclipsed any savings they may have derived from his top heavy tax cuts.

Nope, you and the rest of your Trumpsters, are a testament to the idiocy of the American public.
Its the responsibility of Congress to shut down anything America hating socialists try to push through to harm US citizens. As for idiocy, we are still working our jobs, not hiding in our basements with facediapers from the leftysniffles.
Who are you kidding. Four thousand plus posts in less than six months. If you got a job it is being paid by some rightwing group to post bullshit on a messageboard.

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