It's a Freak Show Folks

And conservatives wonder why women hate them. Right wing constantly uses derogatory names for women.

Was it necessary to refer to them as cows ?
I tuned in and Michael Moore was talking. If you can call it that. Cow was perfectly appropriate.
Its like a tea party rally...a bunch of freaks. Only tea parties shout down middle and lower class people
Ashley Judd is just freaky… I bet you she likes some S&M
Men like you, Meathead, are why they're there.

I'm a woman and these women are freaks of nature, observe the placards in the below picture. They're bedwetting for the continued right to murder the unborn in the womb, to continue the funding of an evil and wicked organisation Planned Parenthood that rips apart and sells the body parts of murdered babies.

I'm anti-abortion with the exceptions for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger, I do not support abortion on demand, abortion as a form of contraception, if you don't want to get pregnant then that's a woman's choice and there are a variety of contraceptives you can use.

They demand Choice, they demand to be in charge of their own uterus, yes it's my body so yes I'm in charge of what happens to my own body just like they are and if you don't want to get pregnant you make the CHOICE to use contraception, that's the CHOICE, the choice ISN'T to have sex sans contraception and find out you are pregnant and then go and have your own baby murdered in the womb and then have it's body parts ripped apart and sold to ghouls by Planned Parenthood.

Look at these freak women mixed in with random Cucked men, and probably in there are faggots and lesbians, who by their very nature have no say in anything regarding reproduction as two men cannot produce a baby and two women cannot produce a baby.

These are the women who don't have anything better to do with their time. I hope they have a good time in DC.

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