It's a Freak Show Folks

Wow if this is the future of the democrat party then they have no future at all.....

No they have no future because half of them are now batshit insane, like this one in the below video.

It's only 26 seconds in duration, I had this on repeat yesterday because it's so funny, I laughed so much at this ugly madcow yesterday I literally thought I might have a seizure at one point :omg:

They had better have put a casserole in the oven before they left.

Now that I take exception to, men should share kitchen duty, if you want a sammich or something then make it yourself.

Yea, but I am talking about a casserole.

Well men can make a casserole as well.

I am a decent chef, but my better half is positively amazing in the kitchen. It's like eating art. lol
Do you do any canvas work when it exits?
The EC is an obsolete abomination.
Even POTUS agrees
A woman's right to choose is one of the pillars of Women's Rights. I am sure there are women there who would not choose an abortion, but protesting against abortion is contrary to their platform.
The "Stake Holders" in Patriarchy were Rocked by the dawn of Birth control pills...they do not want to give up the "entitlements" of the Patriarchy to control females
The GOP's Plot To Convince You They Support Birth Control
A woman's right to choose is one of the pillars of Women's Rights. I am sure there are women there who would not choose an abortion, but protesting against abortion is contrary to their platform.
The "Stake Holders" in Patriarchy were Rocked by the dawn of Birth control pills...they do not want to give up the "entitlements" of the Patriarchy to control females
The GOP's Plot To Convince You They Support Birth Control

Nobody is against Birth Control you fool, if more used Birth Control then there wouldn't be Abortion On Demand would there.
Interesting wing Nut freak want sparsely populated states with mostly white folks to have three times the influence of more populous States like California ...
Interestingly it is a federation with equal state rights. Look at the Senate you low IQ propagandist. Two senators from each state. That's how a federation works.
A woman's right to choose is one of the pillars of Women's Rights. I am sure there are women there who would not choose an abortion, but protesting against abortion is contrary to their platform.
The "Stake Holders" in Patriarchy were Rocked by the dawn of Birth control pills...they do not want to give up the "entitlements" of the Patriarchy to control females
The GOP's Plot To Convince You They Support Birth Control

Nobody is against Birth Control you fool, if more used Birth Control then there wouldn't be Abortion On Demand would there.
you would think so Eh LOL but then you would have to have the ability to think ain't got that are lined up with the old school southern patriarchy ...them guys with beards on Duck Dynasty..:2up:
hey're only there because Trump won. Their 'protest' isn't going to change that.

True....again.....BUT, those Trump lapdogs in congress who may want to get reelected in 2018 may keep the dissent from women somewhere in back of their minds......LOL
Women benefit from Obamacare because the law prevents insurance companies from labeling them as a pre-existing condition just for being a woman. Women can also keep their children on their insurance plan until they reach the age of 26 and get easier access to birth control, which insurance companies are required to cover.

One would think Republicans would be all for this last benefit, especially since better access to contraception prevents unwanted pregnancies, therefore reducing the abortion rate.

But during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, the current Speaker of the House literally refused to confirm whether or not the birth control mandate in Obamacare is safe.

“I’m not going to get into all the little nitty-gritty details of these things,” Ryan said,
WATCH: Paul Ryan Basically Admits Republicans Will Kill Birth Control Coverage For Women | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave
Let's not turn this into an abortion thread.
Women in the military = discussion of rape and pregnancy
Women's Rights = discussion of abortion

See any pattern there? Women also have minds, not just wombs.
Then why do all their issues have to do with birth control and abortion?
They don't. But I have a feeling you're not real interested in what issues they have with Trump & Co.
Not at all. Their issues are all idiotic.
A woman's right to choose is one of the pillars of Women's Rights. I am sure there are women there who would not choose an abortion, but protesting against abortion is contrary to their platform.
The "Stake Holders" in Patriarchy were Rocked by the dawn of Birth control pills...they do not want to give up the "entitlements" of the Patriarchy to control females
The GOP's Plot To Convince You They Support Birth Control
Thanks. I kinda figured that out, though, when they started slipping "Defund Planned Parenthood" language into every crucial bill they could.
This is the point......that women are being called "freaks" by the RW.
No, we only call the hideously ugly, man hating feminazis "freaks" because that's what they are.
you are a hideous self Important pompous hater a fucking Right wing Rube a pseudo male Punk ass bitch boy :2up: and that is on the best Day of your "so called life"...:badgrin:
Coming from you, I take that as a compliment.
here are more complements "you little whinny Right wing screamer":2up:
Let's not turn this into an abortion thread.
Women in the military = discussion of rape and pregnancy
Women's Rights = discussion of abortion

See any pattern there? Women also have minds, not just wombs.

You should tell some of your sisters to act like it then. Many carry on like mindless boobs who can't control themselves.
Actually, folks, we "need" morons like the O/P to point out WHO constitutes the trump base......What would be needed but lacking, is some right wingers to call out the sexism and misogyny of some of these "deplorables?....but, alas, such courage is hard to find among right wingers.

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