It's A Miracle!!!

Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

Just curious. How does anyone know these numbers are accurate? Where are these people dying? Everyone reports hospitals empty! In PA, a representative checked with the coroner after his state reported a jump of 10 more deaths in the state. The coroner whom all deaths go through hadn't even heard of them.

Other people I've heard from working in hospitals RIGHT WHERER SHIT IS HAPPENING say they get an update every day on the number of new deaths. Then they go home that night and hear a much higher different number reported on the evening news.

Besides, wasn't this month SUPPOSED to be when we saw things peak?

And if you blame Trump, then why is this happening over much of the world? Did Trump do that too?
“Statistics are like bikinis: What they reveal is suggestive but what they conceal is vital.”
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
Thanks, Obama!
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
Trump tried to put forth an optimistic view.
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.
and if you exclude all areas where people died, then you have zero deaths. i like those numbers.
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.
and if you exclude all areas where people died, then you have zero deaths. i like those numbers.
I list NYC becuase it practically accounts for half the cases in the country. The China travel ban worked on the west coast, but NYC, who sees 60 flights a day incoming from Europe alone, was infected from Europe. NYC is also the most densely populated city and is really one of the only ones that relies on public transportation in the way many European cities do. I am an RN at a very large healthcare network in a state close to NYC outside of that whole clusterfuck. We’re taking on non covid patients from NYC. NYC was very late to the prep game for hospitals, as well as late for their shutdown. At our hospital we were freaking out about covid in early March once we found out how contagious this was. NYC didn’t even shut down or start hospital prep until late March. We’re less freaked out now then we were then, just because our hospital is weirdly pretty empty, empty to the point we’re furloughing staff. But we’re still concerned.

Despite NYC failures to take this seriously, they have a handle on the situation. You can check my posts, I was screaming for them to send the medical ships to NYC a week before they got there. They just sent those ships away. I think we as a country can handle a Swedish type of reopening and go for herd immunity, with the exception of densely populated cities like NYC. But even then still lighter common sense restrictions. Yes this disease is very contagious, but it is less deadly than we previously thought. Sounds like it’s only going to be a few more times deadly than the flu, which sounds bad, but really not a lot considering the flu is .1-.2%. We just need to protect our at risk pop. If you’re under 65 and fairly healthy the odds of you dying from this are astronomically low. As long as you don’t live with someone who is at risk, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to return to work with very minor commen sense restrictions.
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Ugh look, I’m on the front lines of this. Where I work specifically is fucking packed because we’re getting cancer patients from NYC, which is like a 2 hour drive. The parts of the hospital dealing with COVID are ghost towns. Yes, we do have patients half dead of covid, but it’s more than under control, and far less worse than what we expected even with all the social distancing measures. I understand that is just a snapshot of what is to come. But the only place we have a full blown outbreak in, NYC, is able to handle it despite being late to the game. When this really started to go down, we were comparing what was going to happen to us with what was happening in Europe at the time. Turns out we have many more advantages to Europe despite our population being wildly unhealthy compared to Europeans. Per capita we have almost double the amount of ICU beds many European countries do. Socialized medicine in general is kind of good at treating the majority of the population, that majority being mostly healthy people with colds. We on the other hand a very good at treating very sick people. We also have plenty of resources and a wide abundance of specialists to treat every condition or ailment imaginable compared to Europe. We’re also able to do so in a very timely manner unlike many socialized systems in Europe. The only comparable system to us in Europe is Switzerland which is a free market system, with a universal mandate that all must be covered health insurance, like all our drivers must be covered by car insurance. I question the amount of what US hospitals consider standard equipment countries like Italy and Spain had on hand. One of the things we picked up on right away with equipment we hook up patients to immediately as part of SOPs, is that the patients having bad reactions to covid had O2 sats way lower than normal, even though many seemed to be breathing pretty normally. We’re able to spot that immediately and we have an abundance of MD’s, RN’s, and respiratory therapist specifically trained to handle these events. The people we have dying of this are the type of people who have things like type II diabetes along with congestive heart failure that’s already slowly drowning them in their own fluids. I’m not trying to make light of this. I am one of the ones on here ringing the bell loud and early about this. I am trying to convey, this isn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. The media on the other hand is squeezing this eye catching gold for all it’s worth. Which is how they make money. Snowpocolypse, swine flu, Ebola, serial killers, penn state and Sandusky. This is their business models cash cow, we all need to understand this principle and recognize it for what it is.
Agreed, but Biden might actually be worse.

How could he possibly be worse? 1 million people sick, 30 million unemployed. The GDP contracting more than it grew the past two years. It's not just that Trump has botched the response, but his every decision has been the wrong one, starting with rejecting the WHO test.

Trump was so busy trying to profit off the virus, he forgot that as President, his primary function is to save the American people from it. The decision not to use the WHO test is all about money. Trump wanted an American test owned by an American company, which would then profit by being superior to the WHO test, and which could then be sold to the world.

Telling Big Pharma to make and certify their own tests to "speed up testing" has created a patchwork quilt of testing with labs selling tests they have no way of processing, with highly suspect degrees of accuracy. The much touted Abbot "instant" test, is only 80% accurate. Not a good thing when each infectious person can infect up to 6 others.
Agreed, but Biden might actually be worse.

How could he possibly be worse? 1 million people sick, 30 million unemployed. The GDP contracting more than it grew the past two years. It's not just that Trump has botched the response, but his every decision has been the wrong one, starting with rejecting the WHO test.

Trump was so busy trying to profit off the virus, he forgot that as President, his primary function is to save the American people from it. The decision not to use the WHO test is all about money. Trump wanted an American test owned by an American company, which would then profit by being superior to the WHO test, and which could then be sold to the world.

Telling Big Pharma to make and certify their own tests to "speed up testing" has created a patchwork quilt of testing with labs selling tests they have no way of processing, with highly suspect degrees of accuracy. The much touted Abbot "instant" test, is only 80% accurate. Not a good thing when each infectious person can infect up to 6 others.
Yes I know, Trump is worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined. There can’t possibly be anyone worse.
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?

This the problem with right wing fools. They only deal with absolutes. They cannot adapt to changing information or admit that information may have been missing, incomplete, or that things change. They leave out qualifiying statement, or anything that negates their profounding held feelings.

The WHO did not say there was no person to person transmission. Donald Trump lied about this. Here is the WHO Statement on January 23rd - one week BEFORE Donald Trump recalled all Americans from China, and brought the virus to the USA.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.


It's no accident that the countries with the most flatfooted responses to the outbreak, all have conservative governments with strongman, authoritarian style leaders. Italy, Great Britain and the USA, worst of all. Fools like Frank will not fucking listen.

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