It's A Miracle!!!

Biden is what they tried to claim Reagan was all along.. One can only assume they are as impaired as Biden is
Good point. All we’ve heard from the left for decades about Reagan, is he was a babbling senile old fool at the end of his term. Yet now they want to elect a babbling senile old fool.
That is because you only listen to GOP propaganda which only discusses stupid crap like this. Reganism has ruined the middle class and been a ridiculous incompetent covert action garbage propaganda catastrophe.
Biden is what they tried to claim Reagan was all along.. One can only assume they are as impaired as Biden is
Good point. All we’ve heard from the left for decades about Reagan, is he was a babbling senile old fool at the end of his term. Yet now they want to elect a babbling senile old fool.
That is because you only listen to GOP propaganda which only discusses stupid crap like this. Reganism has ruined the middle class and been a ridiculous incompetent covert action garbage propaganda catastrophe.
LOL. You deny that the left has done this? If so, you haven’t paid attention.

As far Reagan negatively affecting the middle class, we are in agreement.

You need to stop thinking everyone here is either with you or against you. Grow up.
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?

This the problem with right wing fools. They only deal with absolutes. They cannot adapt to changing information or admit that information may have been missing, incomplete, or that things change. They leave out qualifiying statement, or anything that negates their profounding held feelings.

The WHO did not say there was no person to person transmission. Donald Trump lied about this. Here is the WHO Statement on January 23rd - one week BEFORE Donald Trump recalled all Americans from China, and brought the virus to the USA.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.


It's no accident that the countries with the most flatfooted responses to the outbreak, all have conservative governments with strongman, authoritarian style leaders. Italy, Great Britain and the USA, worst of all. Fools like Frank will not fucking listen.

Xi is happy with your performance! You are a good and useful worker
You posted the fo
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?

This the problem with right wing fools. They only deal with absolutes. They cannot adapt to changing information or admit that information may have been missing, incomplete, or that things change. They leave out qualifiying statement, or anything that negates their profounding held feelings.

The WHO did not say there was no person to person transmission. Donald Trump lied about this. Here is the WHO Statement on January 23rd - one week BEFORE Donald Trump recalled all Americans from China, and brought the virus to the USA.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.


It's no accident that the countries with the most flatfooted responses to the outbreak, all have conservative governments with strongman, authoritarian style leaders. Italy, Great Britain and the USA, worst of all. Fools like Frank will not fucking listen.

Do you bother reading the thins you post?

"Make no mistake. This is an emergency in China, but it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one....Let me talk about what we know.

We know that this virus can cause severe disease, and that it can kill, although for most people it causes milder symptoms.

We know that among those infected, one quarter of patients have experienced severe disease.

We know that most of those who have died had underlying health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular disease that weakened their immune systems.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.

At this time, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen."

What's the missing context, Komrade?
Demwit dems: Trump didn't shut down the country fast enough!!!!
Republicans: Trump can't shut the country down, that's up to the state's governors.
Demwit dems: Trump doesn't have the power to restart the economy!!
Republicans: But you just said Trump didn't shut the country down fast enough. But now he doesn't have the power to restart it?
Demwit dems: Trump is responsible for covid19 deaths!!

How can he be responsible for something he has no control over? Every death in every state is on the governor of that state. Not trump.
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?

This the problem with right wing fools. They only deal with absolutes. They cannot adapt to changing information or admit that information may have been missing, incomplete, or that things change. They leave out qualifiying statement, or anything that negates their profounding held feelings.

The WHO did not say there was no person to person transmission. Donald Trump lied about this. Here is the WHO Statement on January 23rd - one week BEFORE Donald Trump recalled all Americans from China, and brought the virus to the USA.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.


It's no accident that the countries with the most flatfooted responses to the outbreak, all have conservative governments with strongman, authoritarian style leaders. Italy, Great Britain and the USA, worst of all. Fools like Frank will not fucking listen.
Fool? STFU Canuck twat. You're not even from America. Your ancestors embraced the Loyalists and English slavery like the pussies they were and ran North. Fuck you! :fu:

Pussies that ran north and embraced being enslaved have no business telling Americans about any damn thing.
Last edited:
How could he possibly be worse? 1 million people sick, 30 million unemployed. The GDP contracting more than it grew the past two years. It's not just that Trump has botched the response, but his every decision has been the wrong one, starting with rejecting the WHO test.
Trump was so busy trying to profit off the virus, he forgot that as President, his primary function is to save the American people from it. The decision not to use the WHO test is all about money. Trump wanted an American test owned by an American company, which would then profit by being superior to the WHO test, and which could then be sold to the world.
Telling Big Pharma to make and certify their own tests to "speed up testing" has created a patchwork quilt of testing with labs selling tests they have no way of processing, with highly suspect degrees of accuracy. The much touted Abbot "instant" test, is only 80% accurate. Not a good thing when each infectious person can infect up to 6 others.
How could any one else have done any better? Trump banned flights from China. Trump has come up with possible cures.
How could he possibly be worse? 1 million people sick, 30 million unemployed. The GDP contracting more than it grew the past two years. It's not just that Trump has botched the response, but his every decision has been the wrong one, starting with rejecting the WHO test.
Trump was so busy trying to profit off the virus, he forgot that as President, his primary function is to save the American people from it. The decision not to use the WHO test is all about money. Trump wanted an American test owned by an American company, which would then profit by being superior to the WHO test, and which could then be sold to the world.
Telling Big Pharma to make and certify their own tests to "speed up testing" has created a patchwork quilt of testing with labs selling tests they have no way of processing, with highly suspect degrees of accuracy. The much touted Abbot "instant" test, is only 80% accurate. Not a good thing when each infectious person can infect up to 6 others.
How could any one else have done any better?

Gee Wally, I dunno, maybe he coulda taken action right away instead of holding worship services, declaring "we're doing a great job', and "it will magically go away" and "we're doing a great job" and "it's a hoax" and "we're doing a great job" and "it'll be gone by April" and "did I mention we're doing a great job?"

You know, like this country did

Kor dailies.jpg
Or like this country did

Island Active 0419.jpg

Or how 'bout this country:

Tie One Active 0501.jpg

Trump banned flights from China. Trump has come up with possible cures.

Fat lot of good that did for NYC with flights bringing it in from Europe, Way to shut the barn door after the horses are gone. Besides which the virus was already on the west coast where the first case came up.

And no, injecting sunlight and/or disinfectants and lying about Chloroquine being "approved" isn't "coming up with possible cures". It's fucking up with possible poisons.
Last edited:
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037

TDS thread 1,469
How could he possibly be worse? 1 million people sick, 30 million unemployed. The GDP contracting more than it grew the past two years. It's not just that Trump has botched the response, but his every decision has been the wrong one, starting with rejecting the WHO test.
Trump was so busy trying to profit off the virus, he forgot that as President, his primary function is to save the American people from it. The decision not to use the WHO test is all about money. Trump wanted an American test owned by an American company, which would then profit by being superior to the WHO test, and which could then be sold to the world.
Telling Big Pharma to make and certify their own tests to "speed up testing" has created a patchwork quilt of testing with labs selling tests they have no way of processing, with highly suspect degrees of accuracy. The much touted Abbot "instant" test, is only 80% accurate. Not a good thing when each infectious person can infect up to 6 others.
How could any one else have done any better?

Gee Wally, I dunno, maybe he coulda taken action right away instead of holding worship services, declaring "we're doing a great job', and "it will magically go away" and "we're doing a great job" and "it's a hoax" and "we're doing a great job" and "it'll be gone by April" and "did I mention we're doing a great job?"

You know, like this country did

Or like this country did

Or how 'bout this country:

Trump banned flights from China. Trump has come up with possible cures.

Fat lot of good that did for NYC with flights bringing it in from Europe, Way to shut the barn door after the horses are gone. Besides which the virus was already on the west coast where the first case came up.

And no, injecting sunlight and/or disinfectants and lying about Chloroquine being "approved" isn't "coming up with possible cures". It's fucking up with possible poisons.

Oh, I know!!! Let's put infected people BACK INTO THEIR NURSING HOMES!!!
Agreed, but Biden might actually be worse.

How could he possibly be worse? 1 million people sick, 30 million unemployed. The GDP contracting more than it grew the past two years. It's not just that Trump has botched the response, but his every decision has been the wrong one, starting with rejecting the WHO test.

Trump was so busy trying to profit off the virus, he forgot that as President, his primary function is to save the American people from it. The decision not to use the WHO test is all about money. Trump wanted an American test owned by an American company, which would then profit by being superior to the WHO test, and which could then be sold to the world.

Telling Big Pharma to make and certify their own tests to "speed up testing" has created a patchwork quilt of testing with labs selling tests they have no way of processing, with highly suspect degrees of accuracy. The much touted Abbot "instant" test, is only 80% accurate. Not a good thing when each infectious person can infect up to 6 others.

Everything is about money with trump and conservatives.

Which is why America is in such a total mess it's in today.

The purpose of politicians isn't to fill theirs or their friends pockets with money.

It's to serve the public. Which is why they're called public servants. They are there to serve us, the public. Not for the public to serve them.

Their never ending greed has done so much damage to our nation.
Agreed, but Biden might actually be worse.

How could he possibly be worse? 1 million people sick, 30 million unemployed. The GDP contracting more than it grew the past two years. It's not just that Trump has botched the response, but his every decision has been the wrong one, starting with rejecting the WHO test.

Trump was so busy trying to profit off the virus, he forgot that as President, his primary function is to save the American people from it. The decision not to use the WHO test is all about money. Trump wanted an American test owned by an American company, which would then profit by being superior to the WHO test, and which could then be sold to the world.

Telling Big Pharma to make and certify their own tests to "speed up testing" has created a patchwork quilt of testing with labs selling tests they have no way of processing, with highly suspect degrees of accuracy. The much touted Abbot "instant" test, is only 80% accurate. Not a good thing when each infectious person can infect up to 6 others.

Everything is about money with trump and conservatives.

Which is why America is in such a total mess it's in today.

The purpose of politicians isn't to fill theirs or their friends pockets with money.

It's to serve the public. Which is why they're called public servants. They are there to serve us, the public. Not for the public to serve them.

Their never ending greed has done so much damage to our nation.
States and cities and local areas in may areas of this nation, do what you say. And they have massive buildup of financial issues. The taxes need to increase in more and more ways of living.
Agreed, but Biden might actually be worse.

How could he possibly be worse? 1 million people sick, 30 million unemployed. The GDP contracting more than it grew the past two years. It's not just that Trump has botched the response, but his every decision has been the wrong one, starting with rejecting the WHO test.

Trump was so busy trying to profit off the virus, he forgot that as President, his primary function is to save the American people from it. The decision not to use the WHO test is all about money. Trump wanted an American test owned by an American company, which would then profit by being superior to the WHO test, and which could then be sold to the world.

Telling Big Pharma to make and certify their own tests to "speed up testing" has created a patchwork quilt of testing with labs selling tests they have no way of processing, with highly suspect degrees of accuracy. The much touted Abbot "instant" test, is only 80% accurate. Not a good thing when each infectious person can infect up to 6 others.

Everything is about money with trump and conservatives.

Which is why America is in such a total mess it's in today.

The purpose of politicians isn't to fill theirs or their friends pockets with money.

It's to serve the public. Which is why they're called public servants. They are there to serve us, the public. Not for the public to serve them.

Their never ending greed has done so much damage to our nation.
Thinking Ds are different isn’t smart. The duopoly reigns supreme.
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?

This the problem with right wing fools. They only deal with absolutes. They cannot adapt to changing information or admit that information may have been missing, incomplete, or that things change. They leave out qualifiying statement, or anything that negates their profounding held feelings.

The WHO did not say there was no person to person transmission. Donald Trump lied about this. Here is the WHO Statement on January 23rd - one week BEFORE Donald Trump recalled all Americans from China, and brought the virus to the USA.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.


It's no accident that the countries with the most flatfooted responses to the outbreak, all have conservative governments with strongman, authoritarian style leaders. Italy, Great Britain and the USA, worst of all. Fools like Frank will not fucking listen.
I’m blown away. You broke my brain
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?

This the problem with right wing fools. They only deal with absolutes. They cannot adapt to changing information or admit that information may have been missing, incomplete, or that things change. They leave out qualifiying statement, or anything that negates their profounding held feelings.

The WHO did not say there was no person to person transmission. Donald Trump lied about this. Here is the WHO Statement on January 23rd - one week BEFORE Donald Trump recalled all Americans from China, and brought the virus to the USA.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.


It's no accident that the countries with the most flatfooted responses to the outbreak, all have conservative governments with strongman, authoritarian style leaders. Italy, Great Britain and the USA, worst of all. Fools like Frank will not fucking listen.
How much PineSol have you snorted?
You posted the fo
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?

This the problem with right wing fools. They only deal with absolutes. They cannot adapt to changing information or admit that information may have been missing, incomplete, or that things change. They leave out qualifiying statement, or anything that negates their profounding held feelings.

The WHO did not say there was no person to person transmission. Donald Trump lied about this. Here is the WHO Statement on January 23rd - one week BEFORE Donald Trump recalled all Americans from China, and brought the virus to the USA.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.


It's no accident that the countries with the most flatfooted responses to the outbreak, all have conservative governments with strongman, authoritarian style leaders. Italy, Great Britain and the USA, worst of all. Fools like Frank will not fucking listen.

Do you bother reading the thins you post?

"Make no mistake. This is an emergency in China, but it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one....Let me talk about what we know.

We know that this virus can cause severe disease, and that it can kill, although for most people it causes milder symptoms.

We know that among those infected, one quarter of patients have experienced severe disease.

We know that most of those who have died had underlying health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular disease that weakened their immune systems.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.

At this time, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen."

What's the missing context, Komrade?
Here’s the crazy part, China knew six days before this statement was released that this was way more contagious, and still tried to cover it up. Which is bonkers, it’s like an only child alone at home eating all of the cookies, and saying they don’t know who ate them. But as evidenced by dragonlady, they know the propaganda works.
You posted the fo
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?

This the problem with right wing fools. They only deal with absolutes. They cannot adapt to changing information or admit that information may have been missing, incomplete, or that things change. They leave out qualifiying statement, or anything that negates their profounding held feelings.

The WHO did not say there was no person to person transmission. Donald Trump lied about this. Here is the WHO Statement on January 23rd - one week BEFORE Donald Trump recalled all Americans from China, and brought the virus to the USA.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.


It's no accident that the countries with the most flatfooted responses to the outbreak, all have conservative governments with strongman, authoritarian style leaders. Italy, Great Britain and the USA, worst of all. Fools like Frank will not fucking listen.

Do you bother reading the thins you post?

"Make no mistake. This is an emergency in China, but it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one....Let me talk about what we know.

We know that this virus can cause severe disease, and that it can kill, although for most people it causes milder symptoms.

We know that among those infected, one quarter of patients have experienced severe disease.

We know that most of those who have died had underlying health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular disease that weakened their immune systems.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.

At this time, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen."

What's the missing context, Komrade?
Here’s the crazy part, China knew six days before this statement was released that this was way more contagious, and still tried to cover it up. Which is bonkers, it’s like an only child alone at home eating all of the cookies, and saying they don’t know who ate them. But as evidenced by dragonlady, they know the propaganda works.

It doesn't matter what China did or did not tell you. It doesn't matter what China did or did not do. What matters is what Trump did and did not do when he learned about this virus in December - which is NOTHING.

When Trump was told this virus was a danger to the world by his security agencies, in January, he did NOTHING. He told the WHO he didn't want their tests, and he told 40,000 Americans to come home from China without testing any of them.

Trump encouraged American companies to sell all of their PPE's to China in January, and didn't buy any for the USA.

The USA still has no effective tests.

The hospitals still don't have PPE'S.


You posted the fo
Yes that's what trump said. A miracle would happen and the virus would disappear by the end of April.

Well it's April 30th. We have over 1 million known infected with the number growing by the minute.

We have over 60 thousand dead with that number growing by the minute.

The man lied or was wrong. Either way, this man doesn't belong in our White House and has no business being president of a dog club much less our nation.

I guess that miracle is in the same place as that check from Mexico paying for trump's wall.

View attachment 330037
I’m amazed by the ability to delete old memories and replace them with new ones. A month ago the administration was saying there would be 200,000 deaths. We’re right in the middle of the pack of deaths per capita with Europe, and if you exclude NYC were at the top of the pack.

Would be or could be?

We already hit their model of deaths expected by August. It's May.

Sorry, which model are we using this time? Is it Fauci's 2,000,000 death model? Is it the WHO no human to human transmission model?

This the problem with right wing fools. They only deal with absolutes. They cannot adapt to changing information or admit that information may have been missing, incomplete, or that things change. They leave out qualifiying statement, or anything that negates their profounding held feelings.

The WHO did not say there was no person to person transmission. Donald Trump lied about this. Here is the WHO Statement on January 23rd - one week BEFORE Donald Trump recalled all Americans from China, and brought the virus to the USA.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.


It's no accident that the countries with the most flatfooted responses to the outbreak, all have conservative governments with strongman, authoritarian style leaders. Italy, Great Britain and the USA, worst of all. Fools like Frank will not fucking listen.

Do you bother reading the thins you post?

"Make no mistake. This is an emergency in China, but it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one....Let me talk about what we know.

We know that this virus can cause severe disease, and that it can kill, although for most people it causes milder symptoms.

We know that among those infected, one quarter of patients have experienced severe disease.

We know that most of those who have died had underlying health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular disease that weakened their immune systems.

We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients.

At this time, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen."

What's the missing context, Komrade?
Here’s the crazy part, China knew six days before this statement was released that this was way more contagious, and still tried to cover it up. Which is bonkers, it’s like an only child alone at home eating all of the cookies, and saying they don’t know who ate them. But as evidenced by dragonlady, they know the propaganda works.

It doesn't matter what China did or did not tell you. It doesn't matter what China did or did not do. What matters is what Trump did and did not do when he learned about this virus in December - which is NOTHING.

When Trump was told this virus was a danger to the world by his security agencies, in January, he did NOTHING. He told the WHO he didn't want their tests, and he told 40,000 Americans to come home from China without testing any of them.

Trump encouraged American companies to sell all of their PPE's to China in January, and didn't buy any for the USA.

The USA still has no effective tests.

The hospitals still don't have PPE'S.


It doesn't matter what China did or did not tell you. It doesn't matter what China did or did not do.

Yes, it does you raving lunatic. Keep defending your Chicom handlers

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