It's A Peaceful Protest!!!

How is speaking out feeling trapped? I speak my mind and Im against what is going on with covid. I post facts and you dont like that.

What is going on is Wrong. And ill speak out against it when and where I please.
It just seems like you feel oppressed. There's no need for all that.
It just seems like you feel oppressed. There's no need for all that.
If I lived in New York i pribably would be. Or yiu didnt notice what has happened there?? Huh.

Its not in my state and It needs ti stsy that way.
Oh this is a fine way to start my birthday all ticked off!! I must have missed the part where violence broke out. I mean from the protesters, not the police. :mad:

At least it's a very short birthday, as has been previously noted in another thread—only half a minute.

It's your thirty-second birthday.
Lol, yeah if you had your way. We would still be a part of the queens rule.
A lot of people suffered and died to perfect the art of mass protest just for these people to act totally clueless. It's embarrassing.
Yeah innocent people from your parties summer of love protesting. Cost hundreds of lives and billions in damage. That's embarrassing.
It's always embarrassing when a protest gets out of hand. This one was designed from day one to be a miserable shit show that will turn violent before it ends. With no one to step up to a microphone and tell these people it's over it's going to have to be ended. Not sure any of them recognize the peril inherent in fighting the powers that be.
I made the decision long ago to act as if I live in a free country. So far it's worked pretty well. Not sure why you feel so trapped. If you talked long enough you would tell me exactly how many chains you signed up for. Marriage, mortgage, kids, crappy job living in a crappy town you name it. It's a free country where you are free to live in a cage if you want to.
Calling you out for your support of what is going down is a cage huh.?? You are the virus
It's always embarrassing when a protest gets out of hand. This one was designed from day one to be a miserable shit show that will turn violent before it ends. With no one to step up to a microphone and tell these people it's over it's going to have to be ended. Not sure any of them recognize the peril inherent in fighting the powers that be.

So far, what violence has been brought into this protest has been brought into it by the government.

In very sharp contrast to the Black LIES Matter, riots here, it's the government troops that we've seen assaulting and murdering people, and engaging in acts of looting and destruction.
It's always embarrassing when a protest gets out of hand. This one was designed from day one to be a miserable shit show that will turn violent before it ends. With no one to step up to a microphone and tell these people it's over it's going to have to be ended. Not sure any of them recognize the peril inherent in fighting the powers that be.
Your guys did this for the entire summer. Without one of your leaders stepping up and trying to stop it. Just pray that Biden doesn't try the same here next month.
So far, what violence has been brought into this protest has been brought into it by the government.

In very sharp contrast to the Black LIES Matter, riots here, it's the government troops that we've seen assaulting and murdering people, and engaging in acts of looting and destruction.
This thing isn't over yet. There are too many anti-government militia types involved in this thing for it to just end. They couldn't care less about vaccine mandates.
I will say one thing here since I said my very own quote (unless somebody else said it first that I don't know about) that I would rather die with honor than to live a coward. It could mean either physically or figuratively as I don't care which. Right now in this case it's figuratively, but either way I give mad respect for the people who are continuing to stand there and for there right to have their own say in the matter and risking prison for it and not backing down from it. For as Americans in this country we know that if we always rolled over like dogs and obeyed the government constantly this country wouldn't even exist.

This thing isn't over yet. There are too many anti-government militia types involved in this thing for it to just end. They couldn't care less about vaccine mandates.
I'm glad that you believe that. The more outlandish your beliefs, the easier it is to keep you harmlessly occupied -- ahem -- in the corner while we work.
Your guys did this for the entire summer. Without one of your leaders stepping up and trying to stop it. Just pray that Biden doesn't try the same here next month.
You probably do think the organizers of various protests never condemned violence and looting. Your garbage news doesn't show you that part.
Oh this is a fine way to start my birthday all ticked off!! I must have missed the part where violence broke out. I mean from the protesters, not the police. :mad:

Happy Birthday, FJB :party:

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