It's A Peaceful Protest!!!

I'm glad that you believe that. The more outlandish your beliefs, the easier it is to keep you harmlessly occupied -- ahem -- in the corner while we work.
You really should be worried. There is frighteningly high probability that this might be a trigger for just one dangerously paranoid guy looking to be famous. Remember the Nashville RV bomber? Did anyone ever figure out what his problem was? Does it matter?
You really should be worried. There is frighteningly high probability that this might be a trigger for just one dangerously paranoid guy looking to be famous. Remember the Nashville RV bomber? Did anyone ever figure out what his problem was? Does it matter?
You like thinking about bombs? Have fantasies about being famous?

We know you tend towards autocracy -- just part of the profile.
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It's always embarrassing when a protest gets out of hand. This one was designed from day one to be a miserable shit show that will turn violent before it ends. With no one to step up to a microphone and tell these people it's over it's going to have to be ended. Not sure any of them recognize the peril inherent in fighting the powers that be.
It is always telling to see the hard left here complain about POSSIBLE violence in a utterly peaceful protest right after pretending the most destructive protest in history was 'mostly peaceful.'

The double think here is astounding and willful. This is one of those things that you would think impossible until you actually see it...
It is always telling to see the hard left here complain about POSSIBLE violence in a utterly peaceful protest right after pretending the most destructive protest in history was 'mostly peaceful.'

The double think here is astounding and willful. This is one of those things that you would think impossible until you actually see it...

Especially true, since this recent protest, that genuinely has been peaceful, finally turned violent, not because of the protesters but because of the authorities.

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