It's a "win" for Trump just to declare his emergency and sign every funding bill to reopen the gummi

Dems will win...just like they did with Kavanaugh.
Trump has already lost.

3 Republican senators want to reopen government without a border deal

A fourth came out last night.
The majority of Congress now want the govt open before wall deal.

Trump is still like....
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Trump's lost only if his actual endgame is getting full funding for his wall.

I agree. Politically he's already won credit for the fight. He just did it at the expense of nearly a million fellow Americans.

Well, he's also got to back out (and not down) from the shut down. And I just don't see how he gets there (without the gop senate helping him) without declaring his phony emergency that in the end won't actually do anything.

It would probably be good for America if the gop Senate told him "we're going to reopen the gummit with a veto proof vote, but we're going to include a couple of billion for more infrastructure around Texas points of entry."

Edit: But he's lied to McConnell at least twice saying he'd sign some bill if it passed, and then after McConnell moved the bill, Trump stabbed him in the back and wouldn't sign it. So .... McConnell may just sit this out.

Mitch may be screwed. If he has an exit strategy, he should use it before the fallout from furloughed workers gets really ugly. He's losing Senators already.

If I were him, I'd work with Pelosi behind the scenes and tell Trump he's got to take their deal.

I don't think the Turtle cares if he loses Senators. His silence is pretty deafening that Trump's on his own after twice backstabbing the Careful Turtle twice on funding.

If he has 20 gop senators wanting to vote on reopening the gummit without a wall, he's got to give them a vote. They can use a discharge petition or something to force it. But The Turtle isn't gonna stiff his own party in the Senate.

Pelosi is not giving him a wall. She's calculated Trump will be blamed, and he's proud to own it.

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