It's all about poor, poor, abused, unfairly set-upon ME

Another Trump hate thread by the's the punch line libs Trump is still the president, Hillary is still a loser, and your Trump hate threads are still meaningless :laugh:

Well he must have forgotten how Bill, George jr. and Barack were treated.

Until the House files impeachment against him, well fuck him and his crybaby ways...
Maybe those Presidents got trashed here, but in the "real" world of just minding your business and watching the news at 6 p.m., Trump shark feed is definitely the worst. People marching in streets by the thousands? Did that happen before (after the Vietnam War, I mean)?
Well from his Grabbinesses perspective it's true.

Like his view on Healthcare being simple, Korea.......

Meh "Who Knew"


Well he must have forgotten how Bill, George jr. and Barack were treated.

Until the House files impeachment against him, well fuck him and his crybaby ways...
Maybe those Presidents got trashed here, but in the "real" world of just minding your business and watching the news at 6 p.m., Trump shark feed is definitely the worst. People marching in streets by the thousands? Did that happen before (after the Vietnam War, I mean)?

George W. Bush had it bad and Obama was not liked much. The news on Bush was negative all the damn time and talking heads on talk radio would mental rape each other daily over Obama. Trump was part of the damn birther movement and fueled the nonsense for years, so I have no sympathy for him at all!

Well he must have forgotten how Bill, George jr. and Barack were treated.

Until the House files impeachment against him, well fuck him and his crybaby ways...
Maybe those Presidents got trashed here, but in the "real" world of just minding your business and watching the news at 6 p.m., Trump shark feed is definitely the worst. People marching in streets by the thousands? Did that happen before (after the Vietnam War, I mean)?

George W. Bush had it bad and Obama was not liked much. The news on Bush was negative all the damn time and talking heads on talk radio would mental rape each other daily over Obama. Trump was part of the damn birther movement and fueled the nonsense for years, so I have no sympathy for him at all!
No sympathy from this quarter either.
I guess I knew everyone laughed at GW, but he is so good about it. A truly humble guy.
Trump is right; I've never seen anything like it, either. On the other hand, I've never seen a President who lies and screws up as much he does, either. So maybe there's a reason for some of it, Pussy Grabber?

You telling us you never had your nana grabbed and liked it? ;)

Tell the truth now. :p

Well he must have forgotten how Bill, George jr. and Barack were treated.

Until the House files impeachment against him, well fuck him and his crybaby ways...
Maybe those Presidents got trashed here, but in the "real" world of just minding your business and watching the news at 6 p.m., Trump shark feed is definitely the worst. People marching in streets by the thousands? Did that happen before (after the Vietnam War, I mean)?

George W. Bush had it bad and Obama was not liked much. The news on Bush was negative all the damn time and talking heads on talk radio would mental rape each other daily over Obama. Trump was part of the damn birther movement and fueled the nonsense for years, so I have no sympathy for him at all!
No sympathy from this quarter either.
I guess I knew everyone laughed at GW, but he is so good about it. A truly humble guy.

George rolls with it and just does not care. His skin is thick and can take a beating like a man. Trump is the typical New Yorker that can not take any form of criticism and feel everyone is picking on him!
Wow, what a snowflake...

Obama got abused every fucking day by you cocksuckers and didn't bitch about it for 8 years...This pussy whines daily like he is being fucked in the ass by a black dude.
Maybe those Presidents got trashed here, but in the "real" world of just minding your business and watching the news at 6 p.m., Trump shark feed is definitely the worst. People marching in streets by the thousands? Did that happen before (after the Vietnam War, I mean)?

Not since the marches in 2003 protesting the Iraq War. The Women's March and the March for Science saw hundreds of thousands, millions, take to the streets in protest. The Women's March was larger than the marches against the Iraq War in 2003.
Wow, what a snowflake...

Obama got abused every fucking day by you cocksuckers and didn't bitch about it for 8 years...This pussy whines daily like he is being fucked in the ass by a black dude.

We don't care about your fantasies, leave them out of this, k?
Cry me a river Trump! What a losers...After what you did to Hillary you deserve it asshole.

And no, you're not as Hillary is the most unfairly treated. A lot of this shit coming out at you is of your own doing asshole and I hope you're impeached for it.

Lol, that's awesome. Cry those tears. The only ones that will be better are the ones you cry after TRUMP 2020!

Here ,this music will sloth your butthurt.

Actually, no it won't I just know sweaty Teady pisses you libtards off.
Wow, what a snowflake...

Obama got abused every fucking day by you cocksuckers and didn't bitch about it for 8 years...This pussy whines daily like he is being fucked in the ass by a black dude.

Don't lie Obama and his staff did not like Fox News nor the talking heads on talk radio, so Obama and his staff were not as bad as Trump but they were not the wonderful sportsman as you write about!
Cry me a river Trump! What a losers...After what you did to Hillary you deserve it asshole.

And no, you're not as Hillary is the most unfairly treated. A lot of this shit coming out at you is of your own doing asshole and I hope you're impeached for it.

All I can picture in my head when Matthew gets mad these days is a fag swinging a purse.

Well he must have forgotten how Bill, George jr. and Barack were treated.

Until the House files impeachment against him, well fuck him and his crybaby ways...
Maybe those Presidents got trashed here, but in the "real" world of just minding your business and watching the news at 6 p.m., Trump shark feed is definitely the worst. People marching in streets by the thousands? Did that happen before (after the Vietnam War, I mean)?

George W. Bush had it bad and Obama was not liked much. The news on Bush was negative all the damn time and talking heads on talk radio would mental rape each other daily over Obama. Trump was part of the damn birther movement and fueled the nonsense for years, so I have no sympathy for him at all!
That's really not accurate historically. The dems didn't really go to the mat over W's tax cuts and even supported no child left behind. Despite the election, there was a willingness to do what was best for the country. Post-Iraq invasion ... well,. how can you be for the clusterfuck? Even I voted for the libertarian in 04.

The gop initially supported hillarycare.

Generally potuses come in with good will. Obama passed his signature legislation with 60 dems and no gopers. After that, there was no good will. Now Trump and the racist birther shit was a whole different animal. But in the beginning there was no no compromise. The gop did see Obama as more left of center economically than he really governed, but ... Obama did not cultivate friends in the gop.

If Hillary or some other goper had been elected, I think we'd have seen some cooperation, although she would have been hounded by the Trey Gowdy's, and not without some justification. Trump started calling Schumer names on day one. Trump's never passed legislation before. He got HC through the House first by caving to the moderates, and then throwing them under the bus to cave to the Freedom Caucus. And the end result is a bill that will never become law. It's very possible that the gop could never pass comprehensive healthcare reform because they can't agree with themselves. But that begs the question of why Trump didn't take the advice to start with taxes and leave HC for another day.

The gop's problem is that it is a party of no that cannot govern, and they elected a narcissist who's chief aim is for the story to be about him.

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