It's all about poor, poor, abused, unfairly set-upon ME

Actually, within my many years I have never seen a President treated so badly from day one with so many false accusations hour after hour.

Nor have I and I'm 77.

The MSM has no shame. They distort the truth and outright lie in an effort to discredit Trump. They will print anything that they think furthers their agenda with total disregard for the truth. They slobbered over Obama and ignored all his faults, but they make up things about Trump in an attempt to destroy him. Anyone who thinks the press has been fair to Trump is an ignorant, uniformed fool.

You remember when it wasn't like that, huh?

It's crazy. Gone are the days of Clark Kent.
We've never had a pathological liar as president. We've had presidents that stretch the truth a bit but we have never had a president that creates his own facts as needed then denies his own words, not occasional but routinely. I really don't know how the media can be fair to Trump and still do their jobs.

Bill Clinton, Barack Robert Mubabe Obama....

Get the fuck out of here, moron.
Rather amusing reaction from the same people who claimed every criticism of Obama was racism and everyone of Hillary was sexist. President Obama got very positive press for the most part yet he still complained endlessly about FOX and any negative press coverage of Hillary was either sexism or part of a vast right wing consiparcy. All politicans bitch about their press coverage some more than others but they all do it it didn't start with Trump and won't end with him.
Actually, within my many years I have never seen a President treated so badly from day one with so many false accusations hour after hour.

Nor have I and I'm 77.

The MSM has no shame. They distort the truth and outright lie in an effort to discredit Trump. They will print anything that they think furthers their agenda with total disregard for the truth. They slobbered over Obama and ignored all his faults, but they make up things about Trump in an attempt to destroy him. Anyone who thinks the press has been fair to Trump is an ignorant, uniformed fool.

You remember when it wasn't like that, huh?

It's crazy. Gone are the days of Clark Kent.
And like Clark Kent, most of the Make America Great Again ideas are about returning to something that never existed.
And like Clark Kent, most of the Make America Great Again ideas are about returning to something that never existed.

Then why did it work, Commie moron?

Mugabe-Obama, that corrupt and treasonous pile of shit, said that we had to be used to 2% GDP growth as the "new normal."

The Fed admitted that sluggish growth that caps out at 2 percent is with us for as far as the eye can see, or at least through the next two years. Is this a declaration of the last rites for Obamanomics? It should be. Throw it in the dustbin of history alongside all the other failed liberal economic experiments.

The previously bullish Fed finally and openly acknowledged that sluggish growth is the long term new normal for America. Secular stagnation is here to stay. The growth rate has limped out of the 2008-09 recession at a 2 percent pace now for seven years. The Joint Economic Committee of Congress tells us a normal recovery gives us about 3.5 percent growth and the Reagan and JFK booms were closer to 4 percent. So the GDP today thanks to President Obama is about $2 to $3 trillion smaller than it should be. This is roughly the equivalent of losing the entire annual output of every business and worker in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana combined.}

America’s sluggish economic growth the new normal

Trump more than doubled that.

Corrupt traitor Mugabe never saw U6 drop below 7%, it's dipped below 5% with our great President Trump.

Obama Unemployment Statistics Make 'Fuzzy' Math

He renegotiated the disaster of NAFTA, putting $140 billion a year into federal coffers, not to mention revenue to private businesses.
You know, it's really easy to catch Trump in his lies. Wait for him to say some outrageous crap, and then when he is called out on it, he claims he never said that or that he said something else.

Remember when he was sitting with Schumer and Pelosi, and told both of them that he would take responsibility for the shutdown, and this time it would be done right as Schumer didn't know how to do it last time.

Then, just a couple of days later, he's trying to blame the Democrats and others for shutting down the government he had said just a couple of days prior, that he would be proud to take responsibility for the shutdown.
All this bitching about Trump is not going to work.

We're still getting a wall.

Deal with it.
With slats in it. Won’t be hard getting drugs thru that
It's purpose is stop people from crossing. Drugs will be another 50 billion dollar project.
and what's to stop the moron from blackmailing america again?
If he can get congress to give him 5 billion dollars to build a wall that take years to complete to solve an emergency that doesn't exist, then he should be able to blackmail them into paying for some Trump Towers.
All this bitching about Trump is not going to work.

We're still getting a wall.

Deal with it.
With slats in it. Won’t be hard getting drugs thru that
It's purpose is stop people from crossing. Drugs will be another 50 billion dollar project.
and what's to stop the moron from blackmailing america again?
If he can get congress to give him 5 billion dollars to build a wall that take years to complete to solve an emergency that doesn't exist, then he should be able to blackmail them into paying for some Trump Towers.


You fucking traitor democrats.
All this bitching about Trump is not going to work.

We're still getting a wall.

Deal with it.
With slats in it. Won’t be hard getting drugs thru that
It's purpose is stop people from crossing. Drugs will be another 50 billion dollar project.
and what's to stop the moron from blackmailing america again?
If he can get congress to give him 5 billion dollars to build a wall that take years to complete to solve an emergency that doesn't exist, then he should be able to blackmail them into paying for some Trump Towers.


You fucking traitor democrats.
May all republicans drown in their own feces
May all republicans drown in their own feces

May all democrats live in the gulag they are creating.


Democrats goal for America

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