It's all about poor, poor, abused, unfairly set-upon ME

Trump is right; I've never seen anything like it, either. On the other hand, I've never seen a President who lies and screws up as much he does, either. So maybe there's a reason for some of it, Pussy Grabber?

You telling us you never had your nana grabbed and liked it? ;)

Tell the truth now. :p
What, pray tell, does that have to do with anything, Marion? You drinkin?
Wow, what a snowflake...

Obama got abused every fucking day by you cocksuckers and didn't bitch about it for 8 years...This pussy whines daily like he is being fucked in the ass by a black dude.

Hey moron!!!
It doesnt matter what we say on USMB.
The press is in cahoots with the DNC and is doing everything they can to bring down Trump at an unprecedented level.
The pile of excrement in the whitehouse is the whiny little bitch. Just like you!

Lefties haven't stopped whining about the election for the last six freaking months but they find yet another editorial by Politico to reinforce their incoherent hatred and anger. No surprises here.
Maybe those Presidents got trashed here, but in the "real" world of just minding your business and watching the news at 6 p.m., Trump shark feed is definitely the worst. People marching in streets by the thousands? Did that happen before (after the Vietnam War, I mean)?

Not since the marches in 2003 protesting the Iraq War. The Women's March and the March for Science saw hundreds of thousands, millions, take to the streets in protest. The Women's March was larger than the marches against the Iraq War in 2003.
I totally missed that. Up to my ears in a new and demanding job at the time, and a sick mother. I do remember all the arguing about WMD's, but not protests.

Well he must have forgotten how Bill, George jr. and Barack were treated.

Until the House files impeachment against him, well fuck him and his crybaby ways...
Maybe those Presidents got trashed here, but in the "real" world of just minding your business and watching the news at 6 p.m., Trump shark feed is definitely the worst. People marching in streets by the thousands? Did that happen before (after the Vietnam War, I mean)?

George W. Bush had it bad and Obama was not liked much. The news on Bush was negative all the damn time and talking heads on talk radio would mental rape each other daily over Obama. Trump was part of the damn birther movement and fueled the nonsense for years, so I have no sympathy for him at all!
That's really not true. The dems didn't really go to the mat over his tax cuts and even supported no child left behind. Despite the election, there was a willingness to do what was best for the country. Post-Iraq invasion ... well,. how can you be for the clusterfuck.

The gop initially supported hillarycare.

Generally potuses come in with good will. Obama passed his signature legislation with 60 dems and no gopers. After that, there was no good will. Now Trump and the racist birther shit was a whole different animal. But in the beginning there was no no compromise.

If Hillary or some other goper had been elected, I think we'd have seen some cooperation, although she would have been hounded by the Trey Gowdy's, and not without some justification. Trump started calling Schumer names on day one. Trump's never passed legislation before. He got HC through the House first by caving to the moderates, and then throwing them under the bus to cave to the Freedom Caucus. And the end result is a bill that will never become law. It's very possible that the gop could never pass comprehensive healthcare reform because they can't agree with themselves. But that begs the question of why Trump didn't take the advice to start with taxes and leave HC for another day.

The gop's problem is that it is a party of no that cannot govern, and they elected a narcissist who's chief aim is for the story to be about him.

When Bush was elected in 2000 there were many that hated him and some still today hate him and believe his brother help him steal the election from Gore. 9-11 happen and had it not then Bush would have been treated like the red headed child no one wanted.

So I am being factual Bush was hated by the left media.

As for politicians, well that is because Pelosi and company were willing to lend enough rope to allow Bush to hang himself while the GOP could not believe Obama won and refused to even support him on anything.

As for Hillarycare, well Nixoncare was supported by the GOP of that day, but you have to remember Reagancrats are not the same GOP that Nixon won with...
I totally missed that. Up to my ears in a new and demanding job at the time, and a sick mother. I do remember all the arguing about WMD's, but not protests.

On the eve of the Iraq War, 1 million people marched in NYC. I was among them.
Trump is right; I've never seen anything like it, either. On the other hand, I've never seen a President who lies and screws up as much he does, either. So maybe there's a reason for some of it, Pussy Grabber?

You telling us you never had your nana grabbed and liked it? ;)

Tell the truth now. :p
What, pray tell, does that have to do with anything, Marion? You drinkin?

Absolutely! :cheers2: You didn't answer the question. You don't have to. :D
Tapper Slams Trump for ‘Self-Pity’

Jake Tapper took exception on CNN at President Trump’s claim that he’s been treated more unfairly than any other president in history.

Said Tapper: “Every single one of the president’s wounds is self-inflicted. Every single one. I don’t really understand the propensity for self-pity at a time like this.”

He added: “My second reaction is, four U.S. presidents have been actually literally assassinated and killed. But more broadly speaking, when it comes to a president that has been treated unfairly, I mean that president led the charge claiming that the first African-American president was born in Africa. Which is not only a charge that is false, but is not a little bit racist.”
Holy crow. Sorry it didn't work.

My hope was that people would have learned their lesson from the Iraq War and wouldn't bother to take anything the right-wing said seriously ever again. Clearly, that was a fantasy and people are much dumber than we give them credit for.
Are you sure that wasn't a rush to welfare offices? Were their a lot of blacks and Hispanics there by any chance?

There were people of all races there, and funny you bring up welfare...every single red state uses welfare to pay for tax cuts. Every. Single. One. There is not one red state that doesn't use money from the welfare block grant to plug deficit holes caused by dumb fiscal policy. So that would make you and your fellow morons the biggest welfare queens of all time. Your fiscal policy can't work without welfare. It's wholly dependent on it. So you can mock people for taking welfare, but just know that everything you believe is dependent on welfare, full stop. There is not one single Conservative budget that doesn't rely on welfare to fill the gaps caused by poor fiscal policy.
Are you sure that wasn't a rush to welfare offices? Were their a lot of blacks and Hispanics there by any chance?

There were people of all races there, and funny you bring up welfare...every single red state uses welfare to pay for tax cuts. Every. Single. One. There is not one red state that doesn't use money from the welfare block grant to plug deficit holes caused by dumb fiscal policy. So that would make you and your fellow morons the biggest welfare queens of all time. Your fiscal policy can't work without welfare. It's wholly dependent on it. So you can mock people for taking welfare, but just know that everything you believe is dependent on welfare, full stop. There is not one single Conservative budget that doesn't rely on welfare to fill the gaps caused by poor fiscal policy.
So it was a rush to the welfare offices after all and you confused it for an anti-war rally. Understandable, since it is New York, New York after all.
Tapper Slams Trump for ‘Self-Pity’

Jake Tapper took exception on CNN at President Trump’s claim that he’s been treated more unfairly than any other president in history.

Said Tapper: “Every single one of the president’s wounds is self-inflicted. Every single one. I don’t really understand the propensity for self-pity at a time like this.”

He added: “My second reaction is, four U.S. presidents have been actually literally assassinated and killed. But more broadly speaking, when it comes to a president that has been treated unfairly, I mean that president led the charge claiming that the first African-American president was born in Africa. Which is not only a charge that is false, but is not a little bit racist.”
Good one, Jake. God, he hates Trump. LOL
]So it was a rush to the welfare offices after all and you confused it for an anti-war rally. Understandable, since it is New York, New York after all.

I like how you just ignore what was written so you can preserve your fragile ego. What a snowflake!
]So it was a rush to the welfare offices after all and you confused it for an anti-war rally. Understandable, since it is New York, New York after all.

I like how you just ignore what was written so you can preserve your fragile ego. What a snowflake!
There is no reason to get upset again. I did give you some wiggle room for your mistake after all.

Don't worry, President Trump has not said he'd cut off your welfare benefits, but I can't guarantee he won't offend you since he doesn't mince his words.
Actually, within my many years I have never seen a President treated so badly from day one with so many false accusations hour after hour.

Nor have I and I'm 77.

The MSM has no shame. They distort the truth and outright lie in an effort to discredit Trump. They will print anything that they think furthers their agenda with total disregard for the truth. They slobbered over Obama and ignored all his faults, but they make up things about Trump in an attempt to destroy him. Anyone who thinks the press has been fair to Trump is an ignorant, uniformed fool.
Trump is right; I've never seen anything like it, either. On the other hand, I've never seen a President who lies and screws up as much he does, either. So maybe there's a reason for some of it, Pussy Grabber?

Payback for the Obama illegitimate claims in his young presidency. What goes around comes around.
Trump is right; I've never seen anything like it, either. On the other hand, I've never seen a President who lies and screws up as much he does, either. So maybe there's a reason for some of it, Pussy Grabber?

Well he must have forgotten how Bill, George jr. and Barack were treated.

Until the House files impeachment against him, well fuck him and his crybaby ways...
Maybe those Presidents got trashed here, but in the "real" world of just minding your business and watching the news at 6 p.m., Trump shark feed is definitely the worst. People marching in streets by the thousands? Did that happen before (after the Vietnam War, I mean)?

George W. Bush had it bad and Obama was not liked much. The news on Bush was negative all the damn time and talking heads on talk radio would mental rape each other daily over Obama. Trump was part of the damn birther movement and fueled the nonsense for years, so I have no sympathy for him at all!
Today he is crying that no president has ever been treated so unfairly.

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