It's all about Republican voter suppression and packing districts where your vote doesn't count.

They already did. They blocked them out all together to cheat. Republicans can no longer win elections without gerrymandering and suppression. Everyone knows this.
Fun, ain't it?
I don't know, is it? If you hate Democracy and your country so much that you would steal fair elections away from legal voters, then you are not a patriot to this country, and your disrespect for the millions who fought and died to establish the sacred right to free and fair elections proves you really do not love this country. You can't even cherish those who died for that cause. It only shows that you are in it for yourself. As long as I got mine, fuck everyone else, especially those who died to have those free and fair elections.

So, is it "fun"? You tell me. You brought it up.

Spoken like a true idiot who never served in uniform a day in their lives.

Cute, spoken like a true coward who has to distract from the thread topic, because you're too unprepared to deal with the truth.
Oh, folks who are not on the same page you are, are not cowards.

They're merely more interested in preserving the Republic than they are letting your Unwashed Minority run rampant.

The truth is, most Americans are far too busy with their families and mortgages and hobbies and investment accounts for this whiny $hit.

But you go right ahead and keep banging your head against the wall, child... it won't bother the rest of us in the slightest. :21:
A Republic is not a Republic if it does not include "we the people". It is part of our founding. And minorities having the same rights to vote who are not subjected to gerrymandering, suppression, illegal purges, and poll closings in their areas, is hardly "minorities running rampant." Sounds like you have a problem with equality in this country?

And, another thing, if you believe in the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, there is no other "page" if you are a true American. There is only one "page."

The "whiny shit" you refer to is a direct result of the "counter intuitive" shit Republicans manufacture, in order to isolate minorities. Most Republicans aren't just worried about their mortgage, they're worried about shutting minorities down. You can piss all day in someone's ear and tell them its raining, but minorities have been onto the game from the beginning.
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12th district was created in 1990. North Carolina's 12th congressional district - Wikipedia

The republicans only won both houses of NC Government in 2010.
Why do you think they adopted the strictest voting rules in the country? They have to cheat, in order to win.

Keep them coming. All you are doing is boxing yourself in. I noticed you were not able to refute my links I posted for you either. Got any counter arguments about those? Did I get anything wrong?
12th district was created in 1990. North Carolina's 12th congressional district - Wikipedia

The republicans only won both houses of NC Government in 2010.
Why do you think they adopted the strictest voting rules in the country? They have to cheat, in order to win.

Keep them coming. All you are doing is boxing yourself in. I noticed you were not able to refute my links I posted for you either. Got any counter arguments about those? Did I get anything wrong?
LOL you got nothing every single Black district was created by Democrats gerrymandering, in every State where democrats control the legislature there is gerrymandering by them. Your whining about republicans doing it and it being bad while pretending democrats don't do it is hilarious.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.

Republicans know voting demographics are changing to their disadvantage – America continues to become more diverse and inclusive, and those voters are rejecting the fear, ignorance, and hate that is the GOP’s agenda.

In a desperate effort to oppose that change, Republicans are doing all they can to suppress votes, violate voters’ rights, and disenfranchise minority voters.
Republicans absolutely ARE working to suppress votes (of ILLEGAL aliens), and Democrats should be doing that too, but instead they are cheating and destroying democracy, by RECRUITING illegals to vote.

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote
Remember the good ole days when their lying issue with voting was about voter ID? :auiqs.jpg:It's just about suppression now. This last election with the massive amount of suppression proved it. And Clinton still won the popular vote, after the Right stole millions of votes away from legal voters.
The left ADDED millions of votes to illegal voters (and they're still doing it.)

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote
By the way it is FEDERAL law that a State MUST purge their rolls but when ever a State does that the democrats whine like little babies.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.

Republicans know voting demographics are changing to their disadvantage – America continues to become more diverse and inclusive, and those voters are rejecting the fear, ignorance, and hate that is the GOP’s agenda.

In a desperate effort to oppose that change, Republicans are doing all they can to suppress votes, violate voters’ rights, and disenfranchise minority voters.
Remember the good ole days when their lying issue with voting was about voter ID? :auiqs.jpg:It's just about suppression now. This last election with the massive amount of suppression proved it. And Clinton still won the popular vote, after the Right stole millions of votes away from legal voters.

You obviously never heard of the electoral college. If anyone suppressed Votes it’s the Democrats.
Nixon won the first time but Joe Kennedy made sure his Son got it
With Bush: Gore a “ swing” state they called it for Gore BEFORE the Poles were closed
Requiring an ID is not voter suppression. And if you are too stupid to follow the 3rd grade level instructions on how to register and how to vote, then guess what? You don't vote. Look at it as a natural selection process.

Absolutely, people have years to get an ID, well in advance of an election.... what seems to be the problem with them if they cant even do that?
Not if their vote is purged illegally while trying to claim they voted twice and didn't. Kris Kobach illegally purged millions. Voter ID does them no good. And when 868 polls are closed in the south, it definitely does them no good.
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach requires people prove their citizenship in order to vote. That is not "illegally purging millions of votes". That is enforcing the law.
Republicans suppress, Democrats get the illegal and dead vote-it washes.
I have asked for that to be proven on this thread, and all I get are coward (really?)Republicans who can't deliver with that proof. All they do is lie.
The word ALL should not be used-there are shades of gray everywhere. Sometimes common knowledge is better than numerical data-figures don't lie, but liars figure.
How much?


Once again I ask you how much?

Because I know the last two republican mayor's of both cities.

What's that got to do with a gerrymandered map that is right there for everyone to see? That is a map to make sure the Democrat vote is irrelevant.

So you telling us it's just a coincidence that no republican mayor of Chicago or Atlanta hasn't happened in almost a 100 years?

And Atlanta is in a Red State

It's all about Gerrymandering.

LOl! A hundred years ago, a Republican was a Democrat.
And the LIB media claim George Wallace was a REP.
Which political party birthed the KKK?
Which political party fought for slavery? Which party fought against slavery?

And which party still keeps blacks in chains?
Want bet on that?

How much?


Once again I ask you how much?

Because I know the last two republican mayor's of both cities.

What's that got to do with a gerrymandered map that is right there for everyone to see? That is a map to make sure the Democrat vote is irrelevant.

So you telling us it's just a coincidence that no republican mayor of Chicago or Atlanta hasn't happened in almost a 100 years?

And Atlanta is in a Red State

It's all about Gerrymandering.

LOl! A hundred years ago, a Republican was a Democrat.

Got to love your ignorance ...

Big Bill was also corrupt.

New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

There would be no United States as it exist today with out the EC so you are arguing about nothing.

New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

There would be no United States as it exist today with out the EC so you are arguing about nothing.

A gerrymandered country is a country without a Democracy. And without a Democracy, there is no EC. Because there is no real election.
Once again I ask you how much?

Because I know the last two republican mayor's of both cities.

What's that got to do with a gerrymandered map that is right there for everyone to see? That is a map to make sure the Democrat vote is irrelevant.

So you telling us it's just a coincidence that no republican mayor of Chicago or Atlanta hasn't happened in almost a 100 years?

And Atlanta is in a Red State

It's all about Gerrymandering.

LOl! A hundred years ago, a Republican was a Democrat.
And the LIB media claim George Wallace was a REP.
Which political party birthed the KKK?
Which political party fought for slavery? Which party fought against slavery?

The KKK was formed to fight against Republicans.

Both parties in the South fought for slavery & both parties outside the Souih fought against it.

Quit revising history the north had like a half a million slaves at the start of the civil war, Lincoln only freed the southern slaves to disrupt them internally.


New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

There would be no United States as it exist today with out the EC so you are arguing about nothing.

A gerrymandered country is a country without a Democracy. And without a Democracy, there is no EC. Because there is no real election.

That would be true if we were a democracy we are not. Seeeeee California voting no to gay marriage.


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