It's all about Republican voter suppression and packing districts where your vote doesn't count.

The media does more to suppress the Republican vote than any other entity in America.
Negative coverage.
Imagine how much happier this country would be if ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, AND NPR closed shop and moved to Europe.
Negative coverage on Trump because Trump does negative shit.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

What the hell do districts have to do with Presidential elections?
Tying Presidential Electors to Gerrymandered Congressional Districts will Sabotage Elections
Cute. Your link is from 2013.
When did Maryland DEMs gerrymander the districts?
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

The electoral college is not wrong, it is provided for in the Constitution. If you don't like it commie, see Article 5. People like you are the very reason the founders included the electoral college.

If there was an electoral college you mean? Gerrymandering districts is not synonymous with the electoral college. The Constitution does not provide for that, just so it can suppress the vote.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

What the hell do districts have to do with Presidential elections?
Tying Presidential Electors to Gerrymandered Congressional Districts will Sabotage Elections
Cute. Your link is from 2013.
When did Maryland DEMs gerrymander the districts?
2013 is going on today. Nothing has changed as my OP pointed out. If you have a problem in Maryland that needs fixing, then let's fix it fairly. I'm for fairness. What are you for?
Want bet on that?

How much?


Once again I ask you how much?

Because I know the last two republican mayor's of both cities.

What's that got to do with a gerrymandered map that is right there for everyone to see? That is a map to make sure the Democrat vote is irrelevant.

So you telling us it's just a coincidence that no republican mayor of Chicago or Atlanta hasn't happened in almost a 100 years?

And Atlanta is in a Red State

It's all about Gerrymandering.

LOl! A hundred years ago, a Republican was a Democrat.
And the LIB media claim George Wallace was a REP.
Which political party birthed the KKK?
Which political party fought for slavery? Which party fought against slavery?
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

What the hell do districts have to do with Presidential elections?
The number of electoral votes are based on the number of districts plus 2. That is why Republicans tried to cheat with their citizenship question on the Census. Republicans cheat, it is what they do.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

What the hell do districts have to do with Presidential elections?
Tying Presidential Electors to Gerrymandered Congressional Districts will Sabotage Elections
Cute. Your link is from 2013.
When did Maryland DEMs gerrymander the districts?
2013 is going on today. Nothing has changed as my OP pointed out. If you have a problem in Maryland that needs fixing, then let's fix it fairly. I'm for fairness. What are you for?
I do not believe you.
I believe you would do anything to get a DEM elected.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

What the hell do districts have to do with Presidential elections?
The number of electoral votes are based on the number of districts plus 2. That is why Republicans tried to cheat with their citizenship question on the Census. Republicans cheat, it is what they do.
And they fool no one. They've always cheated.
How much?


Once again I ask you how much?

Because I know the last two republican mayor's of both cities.

What's that got to do with a gerrymandered map that is right there for everyone to see? That is a map to make sure the Democrat vote is irrelevant.

So you telling us it's just a coincidence that no republican mayor of Chicago or Atlanta hasn't happened in almost a 100 years?

And Atlanta is in a Red State

It's all about Gerrymandering.

LOl! A hundred years ago, a Republican was a Democrat.
And the LIB media claim George Wallace was a REP.
Which political party birthed the KKK?
Which political party fought for slavery? Which party fought against slavery?

The KKK was formed to fight against Republicans.

Both parties in the South fought for slavery & both parties outside the Souih fought against it.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.

Republicans know voting demographics are changing to their disadvantage – America continues to become more diverse and inclusive, and those voters are rejecting the fear, ignorance, and hate that is the GOP’s agenda.

In a desperate effort to oppose that change, Republicans are doing all they can to suppress votes, violate voters’ rights, and disenfranchise minority voters.
Hey dipshit. did you watch the debates? Every Democrat wants to decriminalize illegally crossing the border and provide them with a path to citizenship, free healthcare and free college. Any idea why they want to do that? To change the demographics artificially to their favor. Let's create new voters and give them free shit.
Requiring an ID is not voter suppression. And if you are too stupid to follow the 3rd grade level instructions on how to register and how to vote, then guess what? You don't vote. Look at it as a natural selection process.
Gerrymandering, purging, and closing down polls in minority areas has nothing to do with ID. It has everything to do with cheating and destroying Democracy.

Polling places are not permanent locations. Many are private locations where owners change or the buildings become unusable for election purposes.

Every voter is assigned to a polling location. You make it sound like there is nowhere for them to vote.
They closed 868 polling places in the south in mostly minority areas. There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act Are you going to try and tell us that Republicans weren't trying to take away the Black vote? They stole it from millions. They have to cheat. They have no other choice. They are destroying Democracy.

So you're saying blacks can't find their way to new locations? Talk about the bigotry of low expectations. Are you aware of the supreme court case concerning gerrymandering? They said the federal courts have no roll in States political decisions on drawing district maps.

What new locations? There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act They got rid of them.

Poor thing, that's an average reduction of about .25 polling places per county in the US.

BTW if one polling place is closed, the folks would need to go to a different new location, at least for them, wouldn't they? Why do you think the folks are too stupid to find the new location?

New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.

Republicans know voting demographics are changing to their disadvantage – America continues to become more diverse and inclusive, and those voters are rejecting the fear, ignorance, and hate that is the GOP’s agenda.

In a desperate effort to oppose that change, Republicans are doing all they can to suppress votes, violate voters’ rights, and disenfranchise minority voters.
Correct. It's all about population replacement. Democrsts are systematically replacing independent Americans with a more obedient third world population. The votes Republicans would suppress are the votes from invaders that aren't here yet. Democrats want replacement as fast as possible.
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

What the hell do districts have to do with Presidential elections?
Tying Presidential Electors to Gerrymandered Congressional Districts will Sabotage Elections
Cute. Your link is from 2013.
When did Maryland DEMs gerrymander the districts?
2013 is going on today. Nothing has changed as my OP pointed out. If you have a problem in Maryland that needs fixing, then let's fix it fairly. I'm for fairness. What are you for?
I do not believe you.
I believe you would do anything to get a DEM elected.
Believe what you want to. I have no reason to lie, because I myself am not involved in gerrymandering, nor would I ever do such a thing. I'm principled. If I can't win on my own merits, skills, and honesty, I won't participate, or get involved with such a scheme. My life has more meaning than to let some cheating scheme rob me of my own self worth.

In life, we all have two choices. We either live a life of lying and cheating, or we stand on our own two feet, head held high, and be the best we can be. And each one of us knows who we already are right now. I'm content with who I am. Are you?
Cute. Your link is from 2013.
When did Maryland DEMs gerrymander the districts?
2013 is going on today. Nothing has changed as my OP pointed out. If you have a problem in Maryland that needs fixing, then let's fix it fairly. I'm for fairness. What are you for?
I do not believe you.
I believe you would do anything to get a DEM elected.
Believe what you want to. I have no reason to lie, because I myself am not involved in gerrymandering, nor would I ever do such a thing. I'm principled. If I can't win on my own merits, skills, and honesty, I won't participate, or get involved with such a scheme. My life has more meaning than to let some cheating scheme rob me of my own self worth.

In life, we all have two choices. We either live a life of lying and cheating, or we stand on our own two feet, head held high, and be the best we can be. And each one of us knows who we already are right now. I'm content with who I am. Are you?
Meanwhile just about every black district in the US is a gerrymandered monster created supported and redone by democrats. Remind me how you complain about that?
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

What the hell do districts have to do with Presidential elections?
Tying Presidential Electors to Gerrymandered Congressional Districts will Sabotage Elections

ROFLMFAO, that's not done in 48 States and DC, they are winner takes all in presidential elections. You really have no fucking clue what's really going on, do you?

Gerrymandering, purging, and closing down polls in minority areas has nothing to do with ID. It has everything to do with cheating and destroying Democracy.

Polling places are not permanent locations. Many are private locations where owners change or the buildings become unusable for election purposes.

Every voter is assigned to a polling location. You make it sound like there is nowhere for them to vote.
They closed 868 polling places in the south in mostly minority areas. There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act Are you going to try and tell us that Republicans weren't trying to take away the Black vote? They stole it from millions. They have to cheat. They have no other choice. They are destroying Democracy.

So you're saying blacks can't find their way to new locations? Talk about the bigotry of low expectations. Are you aware of the supreme court case concerning gerrymandering? They said the federal courts have no roll in States political decisions on drawing district maps.

What new locations? There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act They got rid of them.

Poor thing, that's an average reduction of about .25 polling places per county in the US.

BTW if one polling place is closed, the folks would need to go to a different new location, at least for them, wouldn't they? Why do you think the folks are too stupid to find the new location?

"Stupid?" That's a loaded statement that you aren't prepared to handle. You might want to leave that one alone.

New location you say? Yea, when you have no car, but used to be able to walk to the polling station, the game just changed boss. Do you think folks are so naive, that they do not realize Republicans have already figured out where Joe Brown lives, who doesn't own a car, and that if we locate the poll out of town or eliminate the one where Joe Brown lives, then there is a better than average chance Joe Brown isn't going to vote.

Let's see, a quarter you say? Hmm, just the right amount to steal an election and keep that population from voting. It's never been a mystery for me how Trump got elected. You just confirmed it for me.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

What the hell do districts have to do with Presidential elections?
Tying Presidential Electors to Gerrymandered Congressional Districts will Sabotage Elections

ROFLMFAO, that's not done in 48 States and DC, they are winner takes all in presidential elections. You really have no fucking clue what's really going on, do you?

No kidding. Show me where I got it wrong;
Recently Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Virginia introduced legislation to make the distribution of electoral votes for president dependent on the votes in each congressional districts instead of statewide results. Legislation to that effect has been introduced in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Virginia, and there are serious discussions in Pennsylvania. Legislators in states like Florida and Ohio also may introduce similar legislation. Currently, only Maine and Nebraska (a state with a unicameral, bipartisan legislature) allocate their electoral votes in a similar fashion.

Most critics of this plan identify it as a scheme by the GOP to rig the election to improve its chances to elect a president. But there are a number of reasons to object to this proposal beyond its partisan intent or impact. Significantly, it would import into the presidential election process the dysfunction that plagues the congressional districting process. The problems with redistricting include not only partisan gerrymandering but also citizen exclusion from the redistricting process, imbalanced districts based on prison-based gerrymandering, and chronic problems with Census undercounts.

An increasing number of congressional districts also reflect calculations by those in power about how they can best preserve their power. Incumbents carve the citizens of their state into districts for maximum personal and partisan advantage. Democracy suffers while neighborhoods are split, competing candidates are drawn out of districts, and groups of voters are ‘cracked' or ‘packed' to manipulate their voting power. Most recently we saw single party legislative control of the redistricting process in most states – Democrats controlled redistricting in 6 states and Republicans controlled redistricting in 17 states. Some of the most egregious plans came from Republicans in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Michigan; and Democrats in Illinois and Maryland. In all of those states, partisans manipulated districts to disproportionately benefit the party drawing the lines; it would be an injustice to use those same district lines to determine the allocation of electoral votes in a presidential election.

Proponents of this change assert that since presidential candidates do not win 100 percent of the votes in a state, awarding electors based upon the results in congressional district is more representative of how voters voted. This would only be true if congressional districts were drawn to fairly represent citizens, rather than to protect political parties.

The Cook Political Report tells us that despite already having a majority of the popular vote, the current district lines make it almost impossible for the Democrats to win control of the House of Representatives. Specifically, “Democrats might need to win nearly 55 percent of all House votes cast in order to win a majority at any point in the coming decade. In 13 of the last 15 cycles, neither party has hit 55 percent of the vote.”

In the 2012 election, President Obama won both the popular vote and the Electoral College. Yet the GOP maintained control of the House in spite of the fact that the popular vote went to Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives. While 2012 is the most extreme example of partisan redistricting control – it is not the only example.

Redistricting prevents the true voice of the people from being heard time and time again. In 1980, Republicans broke even, winning 49% of the popular vote, while Democrats won 56% of the seats. Similarly, there was an especially large gap between the Republican percentage of the vote in 1990 with Republicans winning 46% of the popular vote, but only 38% of the House seats. These examples demonstrate that time and again, allocating electoral votes based upon congressional districts is not necessarily reflective of the national popular vote.

Unquestionably, redistricting processes are desperate for reform. We like to think that voters choose their politicians, but in the redistricting process politicians often choose their voters. States like Arizona, California, Florida and others are adopting more independent and transparent redistricting processes, but the mechanisms remain vulnerable to partisan machinations. Certainly, well-designed redistricting systems can help ensure that the voices of voters are heard and can inspire public confidence in both a process and an outcome recognized as fair. Until that happens, however, we should not permit the problems that infect redistricting to contaminate our presidential elections.

In the 2012 election, President Obama won both the popular vote and the Electoral College. Yet the GOP maintained control of the House in spite of the fact that the popular vote went to Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives. While 2012 is the most extreme example of partisan redistricting control – it is not the only example. Show us specifically how presidential elections are not influenced by gerrymandering
Last edited:
2013 is going on today. Nothing has changed as my OP pointed out. If you have a problem in Maryland that needs fixing, then let's fix it fairly. I'm for fairness. What are you for?
I do not believe you.
I believe you would do anything to get a DEM elected.
Believe what you want to. I have no reason to lie, because I myself am not involved in gerrymandering, nor would I ever do such a thing. I'm principled. If I can't win on my own merits, skills, and honesty, I won't participate, or get involved with such a scheme. My life has more meaning than to let some cheating scheme rob me of my own self worth.

In life, we all have two choices. We either live a life of lying and cheating, or we stand on our own two feet, head held high, and be the best we can be. And each one of us knows who we already are right now. I'm content with who I am. Are you?
Meanwhile just about every black district in the US is a gerrymandered monster created supported and redone by democrats. Remind me how you complain about that?
But not in their favor. Just ask North Carolina, and Texas. You know, the one from my OP.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.

The electoral college is not wrong, it is provided for in the Constitution. If you don't like it commie, see Article 5. People like you are the very reason the founders included the electoral college.

If there was an electoral college you mean? Gerrymandering districts is not synonymous with the electoral college. The Constitution does not provide for that, just so it can suppress the vote.

Do you have an english translation for that gibberish?


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