It's all about Republican voter suppression and packing districts where your vote doesn't count.

I love how people only complain about gerrymandering when it doesn't work in their favor. The party that controls a states legislature gets to draw up the districts as someone famously said elections have consquences someone also said you don't like it win some elections.
Redraw the lines.

Split the Minority Vote across district boundaries.

Time to thin-out those multi-generational Democratic voting blocs.

It's the only way to turn-around some of those Inner City $hitholes.
They already did. They blocked them out all together to cheat. Republicans can no longer win elections without gerrymandering and suppression. Everyone knows this.
Fun, ain't it? :21:
I don't know, is it? If you hate Democracy and your country so much that you would steal fair elections away from legal voters, then you are not a patriot to this country, and your disrespect for the millions who fought and died to establish the sacred right to free and fair elections proves you really do not love this country. You can't even cherish those who died for that cause. It only shows that you are in it for yourself. As long as I got mine, fuck everyone else, especially those who died to have those free and fair elections.

So, is it "fun"? You tell me. You brought it up.

Spoken like a true idiot who never served in uniform a day in their lives.

Requiring an ID is not voter suppression. And if you are too stupid to follow the 3rd grade level instructions on how to register and how to vote, then guess what? You don't vote. Look at it as a natural selection process.
Gerrymandering, purging, and closing down polls in minority areas has nothing to do with ID. It has everything to do with cheating and destroying Democracy.

Polling places are not permanent locations. Many are private locations where owners change or the buildings become unusable for election purposes.

Every voter is assigned to a polling location. You make it sound like there is nowhere for them to vote.
They closed 868 polling places in the south in mostly minority areas. There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act Are you going to try and tell us that Republicans weren't trying to take away the Black vote? They stole it from millions. They have to cheat. They have no other choice. They are destroying Democracy.

So you're saying blacks can't find their way to new locations? Talk about the bigotry of low expectations. Are you aware of the supreme court case concerning gerrymandering? They said the federal courts have no roll in States political decisions on drawing district maps.

Prove it or you are a liar. Vegetative debate on this forum isn't going to help you much.
Cool story
Thanks! You are a liar who says nothing and debates the same.
Only voter suppression is the FAKE news media that works for the DNC

Are you more dumb or stupid?
These folks in the Republican party have adopted such a vegetative state for debate, I'm afraid their evolution has regressed much faster than expected;

The media does more to suppress the Republican vote than any other entity in America.
Negative coverage.
Imagine how much happier this country would be if ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, AND NPR closed shop and moved to Europe.

So you condone the actions in Texas... To be anti democracy is to be anti America...

Why do you hate America?
What actions in Texas?
And what is anti-American about this?
Why don't you say something about what the Democrats are doing in California?
Vote harvesting
Shutting out Republican candidates
Allowing illegals to vote
Stealing elections after election night by generating fake votes
The media does more to suppress the Republican vote than any other entity in America.
Negative coverage.
Imagine how much happier this country would be if ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, AND NPR closed shop and moved to Europe.

Blaming the media is just reserving your spot at the republic trough for the daily slop.

Yeah....noticing the advocacy of the media in favor of Democrats means I'M one of the sheeple.....not you.
Requiring an ID is not voter suppression. And if you are too stupid to follow the 3rd grade level instructions on how to register and how to vote, then guess what? You don't vote. Look at it as a natural selection process.
Gerrymandering, purging, and closing down polls in minority areas has nothing to do with ID. It has everything to do with cheating and destroying Democracy.

Polling places are not permanent locations. Many are private locations where owners change or the buildings become unusable for election purposes.

Every voter is assigned to a polling location. You make it sound like there is nowhere for them to vote.
They closed 868 polling places in the south in mostly minority areas. There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act Are you going to try and tell us that Republicans weren't trying to take away the Black vote? They stole it from millions. They have to cheat. They have no other choice. They are destroying Democracy.

So you're saying blacks can't find their way to new locations? Talk about the bigotry of low expectations. Are you aware of the supreme court case concerning gerrymandering? They said the federal courts have no roll in States political decisions on drawing district maps.


They will say they can't find it or that it is too far away as they drive past it every day to get to the liquor store...
I love how people only complain about gerrymandering when it doesn't work in their favor. The party that controls a states legislature gets to draw up the districts as someone famously said elections have consquences someone also said you don't like it win some elections.

Yup and both parties gerrymander. Of course when the DNC does it its okay. When the GOP does it, its a crime.

Gotta laugh at the idiots.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
You mean like what the DEMs did in Maryland?
The impact of gerrymandering in Maryland
Thank you! Republicans are always a great help in making my point. That drawing districts for presidential elections are idiotic and unfair, no matter where you go. Therefore, paper ballots are in order and the electoral College is wrong. It always has been. Majority rule. That has always been the predicate for a fair election. No one can deny fairness when the majority vote a candidate in. It's common sense.
I love how people only complain about gerrymandering when it doesn't work in their favor. The party that controls a states legislature gets to draw up the districts as someone famously said elections have consquences someone also said you don't like it win some elections.

Yup and both parties gerrymander. Of course when the DNC does it its okay. When the GOP does it, its a crime.

Gotta laugh at the idiots.
Get rid of the districts and go to paper ballots. One vote, one count! Anyone who is against that, is against fair elections.
Requiring an ID is not voter suppression. And if you are too stupid to follow the 3rd grade level instructions on how to register and how to vote, then guess what? You don't vote. Look at it as a natural selection process.
Gerrymandering, purging, and closing down polls in minority areas has nothing to do with ID. It has everything to do with cheating and destroying Democracy.

Polling places are not permanent locations. Many are private locations where owners change or the buildings become unusable for election purposes.

Every voter is assigned to a polling location. You make it sound like there is nowhere for them to vote.
They closed 868 polling places in the south in mostly minority areas. There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act Are you going to try and tell us that Republicans weren't trying to take away the Black vote? They stole it from millions. They have to cheat. They have no other choice. They are destroying Democracy.

So you're saying blacks can't find their way to new locations? Talk about the bigotry of low expectations. Are you aware of the supreme court case concerning gerrymandering? They said the federal courts have no roll in States political decisions on drawing district maps.


They will say they can't find it or that it is too far away as they drive past it every day to get to the liquor store...
Or they don't exist, while you push your racist agenda. There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Requiring an ID is not voter suppression. And if you are too stupid to follow the 3rd grade level instructions on how to register and how to vote, then guess what? You don't vote. Look at it as a natural selection process.
Gerrymandering, purging, and closing down polls in minority areas has nothing to do with ID. It has everything to do with cheating and destroying Democracy.

Polling places are not permanent locations. Many are private locations where owners change or the buildings become unusable for election purposes.

Every voter is assigned to a polling location. You make it sound like there is nowhere for them to vote.
They closed 868 polling places in the south in mostly minority areas. There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act Are you going to try and tell us that Republicans weren't trying to take away the Black vote? They stole it from millions. They have to cheat. They have no other choice. They are destroying Democracy.

So you're saying blacks can't find their way to new locations? Talk about the bigotry of low expectations. Are you aware of the supreme court case concerning gerrymandering? They said the federal courts have no roll in States political decisions on drawing district maps.

What new locations? There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act They got rid of them.
This discussion is why gerrymandering is antithetical to elections. Both the democrats and GOP complain about it until their party gains a majority. Its another example of partisan outrage.
New Documentary ‘Rigged’ Spotlights Voter Suppression Tactics in Texas

Republicans are not just cheating, but they are destroying Democracy.
List of African-American United States Representatives - Wikipedia
As stated most black districts are Gerrymandered and MOST were gerrymandered by Democrats.
The documentary proves how Republicans have rigged the elections. I say get rid of districts all together in presidential elections, do paper ballots and one vote one count. You have a problem with that? A president represents the country, not districts anyway.
This discussion is why gerrymandering is antithetical to elections. Both the democrats and GOP complain about it until their party gains a majority. Its another example of partisan outrage.
One vote, one count. What are Republicans scared of? Fairness? I'm not. You want to label both parties? Fine! Then go to one vote one count. Problem solved. Now, who's afraid to do what's right I ask you?

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