It's always called "Gun Violence".......sorry "Guns" don't commit crimes

I suppose but we all know the 2nd is just for white people.

You can always tell the true racists....they ALWAYS play the race card even when noone else has.
This is me laughing in your fearful, pasty face. Youtube is rife with open carry stunts that no sane black man would attempt in a million years because they know they would die. The double standard of gun ownership/possession is not even debatable.
The Left is ALWAYS sneaking in subconscious implications that serve to make the weak minded public outraged over the wrong things while oblivious to the REAL underlying problems. Snowflakes are perfect targets for this propaganda as they have no mental defenses to help them see beyond the BS.

Here's an article on Fox News (and just stop saying it's right wing ok? isn't anymore...and if you can't say why, you're out of touch)
Baltimore's 'nobody kill anybody' weekend leaves at least 2 people dead

Now here's the part that sharp people pick up on......

Baltimore has been marred by gun violence for years. The city has seen 204 murders by the end of July, a record number in the city's history, the Baltimore Sun reported.

Why not call it "THUG VIOLENCE"? It's as if there would be no violence but for those evil Guns.

I get sick of it. The brazen avoidance of placing responsibility where it belongs in order to push a Progressive agenda! The blame belongs on the thugs and the "Regressive" policies that encourage Thug Life!!

Don't let them continue to do them out every chance you get.
It's called gun violence because they use guns. If they were abusing their right to bear sticks, rocks or forks, we might focus on that. I am told knives do more harm than guns, but then again, the second amendment isn't defending the right to bear butter knives. And you can actually run away or stand a better chance of defending yourself against knives, forks, spoons, axes, or big rocks someone just picked up. Guns Now aren't what our founding fathers had in mind, they we all about muzzle loading flintlock rifles, as apposed to the high powered rifles with a high round capacity that mows down defenseless children in a pre -school. our fore fathers never envisioned THAT, They would stand against such abuses of our Constitution that would lead to that.

stand a better chance of defending yourself against knives, forks, spoons, axes, or big rocks someone just picked up

yeah more so if you have a gun to protect yourself with

Now aren't what our founding fathers had in mind,

that is such a lame and stale argument

when the 2nd was written for the time they had several rifles that would be advanced for the day

like the Girardoni which could fire twenty 46 caliber balls in a minute
Which was an air rifle by the way...

indeed it was

however it was a weapon useful to the military

lewis and clark had one

it really freaked the natives out

I'm an avid air rifle collector... The air rifle has come a long way in the past decades; and what they are capable of would give the gun grabbers the vapors.
The Left is ALWAYS sneaking in subconscious implications that serve to make the weak minded public outraged over the wrong things while oblivious to the REAL underlying problems. Snowflakes are perfect targets for this propaganda as they have no mental defenses to help them see beyond the BS.

Here's an article on Fox News (and just stop saying it's right wing ok? isn't anymore...and if you can't say why, you're out of touch)
Baltimore's 'nobody kill anybody' weekend leaves at least 2 people dead

Now here's the part that sharp people pick up on......

Baltimore has been marred by gun violence for years. The city has seen 204 murders by the end of July, a record number in the city's history, the Baltimore Sun reported.

Why not call it "THUG VIOLENCE"? It's as if there would be no violence but for those evil Guns.

I get sick of it. The brazen avoidance of placing responsibility where it belongs in order to push a Progressive agenda! The blame belongs on the thugs and the "Regressive" policies that encourage Thug Life!!

Don't let them continue to do them out every chance you get.
It's called gun violence because they use guns. If they were abusing their right to bear sticks, rocks or forks, we might focus on that. I am told knives do more harm than guns, but then again, the second amendment isn't defending the right to bear butter knives. And you can actually run away or stand a better chance of defending yourself against knives, forks, spoons, axes, or big rocks someone just picked up. Guns Now aren't what our founding fathers had in mind, they we all about muzzle loading flintlock rifles, as apposed to the high powered rifles with a high round capacity that mows down defenseless children in a pre -school. our fore fathers never envisioned THAT, They would stand against such abuses of our Constitution that would lead to that.

stand a better chance of defending yourself against knives, forks, spoons, axes, or big rocks someone just picked up

yeah more so if you have a gun to protect yourself with

Now aren't what our founding fathers had in mind,

that is such a lame and stale argument

when the 2nd was written for the time they had several rifles that would be advanced for the day

like the Girardoni which could fire twenty 46 caliber balls in a minute
Which was an air rifle by the way...

indeed it was

however it was a weapon useful to the military

lewis and clark had one

it really freaked the natives out

I'm an avid air rifle collector... The air rifle has come a long way in the past decades; and what they are capable of would give the gun grabbers the vapors.

indeed i am become a fan of high powered air rifles
This is me laughing in your fearful, pasty face. Youtube is rife with open carry stunts that no sane black man would attempt in a million years because they know they would die. The double standard of gun ownership/possession is not even debatable.

First of all, you have no idea what my face looks could be darker than yours for all you know.

Your second point may have merit. I'll have to look into that to see if there have been instances where a black man or group of black men open carried and what happened. Since more white people are actually shot and killed by Police annually, I'm not sure your argument is valid or not.

If you are saying that many white cops are racist.....that might be the case. However, as far as gun ownership is concerned.....if you think it's just a "white"'d be grossly mistaken.
This is me laughing in your fearful, pasty face. Youtube is rife with open carry stunts that no sane black man would attempt in a million years because they know they would die. The double standard of gun ownership/possession is not even debatable.

First of all, you have no idea what my face looks could be darker than yours for all you know.

Your second point may have merit. I'll have to look into that to see if there have been instances where a black man or group of black men open carried and what happened. Since more white people are actually shot and killed by Police annually, I'm not sure your argument is valid or not.

If you are saying that many white cops are racist.....that might be the case. However, as far as gun ownership is concerned.....if you think it's just a "white"'d be grossly mistaken.

black man or group of black men open carried and what happened

it has happened

without the said results

the 2nd amendment applies to anyone that can legally own them

regardless of skin color



This is me laughing in your fearful, pasty face. Youtube is rife with open carry stunts that no sane black man would attempt in a million years because they know they would die. The double standard of gun ownership/possession is not even debatable.

First of all, you have no idea what my face looks could be darker than yours for all you know.

Your second point may have merit. I'll have to look into that to see if there have been instances where a black man or group of black men open carried and what happened. Since more white people are actually shot and killed by Police annually, I'm not sure your argument is valid or not.

If you are saying that many white cops are racist.....that might be the case. However, as far as gun ownership is concerned.....if you think it's just a "white"'d be grossly mistaken.

Not even hard to find.
Sandy Hook Hoax,Charleston Church shooting and the Virginia TV reporter live shooting were nothing but staged fake events where no one was killed. The Batman Aurora movie theater shooting was a Operation Gladio B operation with James Holmes as the patsy. Seriously, two gas masks found there, law enforcement ammo taken from the walls. Holmes is found groggy and drooling by a shots fired at him and he meekly surrenders......crisis actors on TV with alleged bullet wounds the day after that are not in the hospital.......leftards eat it up.
I just watched a CBSN show on Inner City Gun Violence. They spent the entire show oogling the "military style" weapons the gang bangers were flashing and how the poor kids don't want to use guns but they have to so they are not outgunned by rival gangs. Rather than address the fact that they are killing each other over controlling turf and selling drugs they talked about the need to round up the guns. Classic ass backwards illogic.
Interesting that the MSM has all but forgotten the most incredible example of gun violence against congress people in modern history and it only happened barely six weeks ago. Maybe it's part of the crazy hate filled left wing concept of payback for the election? Remember the name even if the left wing media chooses to bury it. James T. Hodgkinson shot the republican whip in congress and he had a list of republicans in his pocket. The crazy thing is that even after the most sensational shooting in modern political history if you google Hodgkinson you get some Brit newsman or the disease and James T. is far down the list.
is conservative media still reporting on that?
It's called gun violence because they use guns. If they were abusing their right to bear sticks, rocks or forks, we might focus on that. I am told knives do more harm than guns, but then again, the second amendment isn't defending the right to bear butter knives. And you can actually run away or stand a better chance of defending yourself against knives, forks, spoons, axes, or big rocks someone just picked up. Guns Now aren't what our founding fathers had in mind, they were all about muzzle loading flintlock rifles, as apposed to the modern high powered rifles with a high round capacity that mows down defenseless children in a pre-school. Our forefathers never envisioned THAT, They would stand against such abuses of our Constitution that would lead to that. Self defense would come last if it meant enabling mass murder.

Nice try but.......

How many times have we read now when attackers use vehicles to kill people....did the article say "Vehicle Violence"? No. When people are attacked with knives, do they say "Knife Violence"? No. What about when thugs beat it called "Fist Violence"? No.

And notice said.....

as apposed to the modern high powered rifles with a high round capacity that mows down defenseless children in a pre-school.

Neither Ancient nor Modern Rifles EVER "Mow" ANYONE down. It's the PERSON doing it with the tool. For God's sake! Grow some neurons!
what are you talking about man? Several car killings were reported on lately... France, and London... Also the stabbings in London. The type of weapon used is stated in most if not all murder reports
The Left is ALWAYS sneaking in subconscious implications that serve to make the weak minded public outraged over the wrong things while oblivious to the REAL underlying problems. Snowflakes are perfect targets for this propaganda as they have no mental defenses to help them see beyond the BS.

Here's an article on Fox News (and just stop saying it's right wing ok? isn't anymore...and if you can't say why, you're out of touch)
Baltimore's 'nobody kill anybody' weekend leaves at least 2 people dead

Now here's the part that sharp people pick up on......

Baltimore has been marred by gun violence for years. The city has seen 204 murders by the end of July, a record number in the city's history, the Baltimore Sun reported.

Why not call it "THUG VIOLENCE"? It's as if there would be no violence but for those evil Guns. How many times have we read now when attackers use vehicles to kill people....did the article say "Vehicle Violence"? No. When people are attacked with knives, do they say "Knife Violence"? No. What about when thugs beat it called "Fist Violence"? No.

I get sick of it. The brazen avoidance of placing responsibility where it belongs in order to push a Progressive agenda! The blame belongs on the thugs and the "Regressive" policies that encourage Thug Life!!

Don't let them continue to do them out every chance you get.

When they use a knife, they don't call it: "Knife Violence."

When they use a bat, they don't call it: "Bat Violence."

They call it "he was attacked using a knife." or "he was beaten by a man wielding a bat."

The proper term is "a shooting," that puts the emphasis on the ACTION, rather than the instrument. It is the action which causes the harm, by itself, the gun can do nothing but lay there.

This is almost as bad as calling it a "Hate-Crime." ALL CRIME involves some level of hate. Do you think you are mugged, robbed or house broken into out of love?
The Left is ALWAYS sneaking in subconscious implications that serve to make the weak minded public outraged over the wrong things while oblivious to the REAL underlying problems. Snowflakes are perfect targets for this propaganda as they have no mental defenses to help them see beyond the BS.

Here's an article on Fox News (and just stop saying it's right wing ok? isn't anymore...and if you can't say why, you're out of touch)
Baltimore's 'nobody kill anybody' weekend leaves at least 2 people dead

Now here's the part that sharp people pick up on......

Baltimore has been marred by gun violence for years. The city has seen 204 murders by the end of July, a record number in the city's history, the Baltimore Sun reported.

Why not call it "THUG VIOLENCE"? It's as if there would be no violence but for those evil Guns. How many times have we read now when attackers use vehicles to kill people....did the article say "Vehicle Violence"? No. When people are attacked with knives, do they say "Knife Violence"? No. What about when thugs beat it called "Fist Violence"? No.

I get sick of it. The brazen avoidance of placing responsibility where it belongs in order to push a Progressive agenda! The blame belongs on the thugs and the "Regressive" policies that encourage Thug Life!!

Don't let them continue to do them out every chance you get.

When they use a knife, they don't call it: "Knife Violence."

When they use a bat, they don't call it: "Bat Violence."

They call it "he was attacked using a knife." or "he was beaten by a man wielding a bat."

The proper term is "a shooting," that puts the emphasis on the ACTION, rather than the instrument. It is the action which causes the harm, by itself, the gun can do nothing but lay there.

This is almost as bad as calling it a "Hate-Crime." ALL CRIME involves some level of hate. Do you think you are mugged, robbed or house broken into out of love?
Do you really not get it? There is no debate about the regulations around knives or bats... Theres also not a large amount of murders committed by knives in comparison to guns. The term gun violence is used as it fits with the debate over how much the government should control the sale and ownership of guns and how much personal liberty our citizens are allowed when it comes to gun ownership. No matter which side you support there is no point in using false comparisons like that.

The hypocrisy that lives on both sides for this topic of "offensive terminology" would be "Gun violence" vs "Illegal Aliens"
It's called gun violence because they use guns. If they were abusing their right to bear sticks, rocks or forks, we might focus on that. I am told knives do more harm than guns, but then again, the second amendment isn't defending the right to bear butter knives. And you can actually run away or stand a better chance of defending yourself against knives, forks, spoons, axes, or big rocks someone just picked up. Guns Now aren't what our founding fathers had in mind, they were all about muzzle loading flintlock rifles, as apposed to the modern high powered rifles with a high round capacity that mows down defenseless children in a pre-school. Our forefathers never envisioned THAT, They would stand against such abuses of our Constitution that would lead to that. Self defense would come last if it meant enabling mass murder.

Nice try but.......

How many times have we read now when attackers use vehicles to kill people....did the article say "Vehicle Violence"? No. When people are attacked with knives, do they say "Knife Violence"? No. What about when thugs beat it called "Fist Violence"? No.

And notice said.....

as apposed to the modern high powered rifles with a high round capacity that mows down defenseless children in a pre-school.

Neither Ancient nor Modern Rifles EVER "Mow" ANYONE down. It's the PERSON doing it with the tool. For God's sake! Grow some neurons!
Argument erupts in knife violence at Bronx subway stop
Do you really not get it? There is no debate about the regulations around knives or bats... Theres also not a large amount of murders committed by knives in comparison to guns. The term gun violence is used as it fits with the debate over how much the government should control the sale and ownership of guns and how much personal liberty our citizens are allowed when it comes to gun ownership. No matter which side you support there is no point in using false comparisons like that.

Obviously YOU don't get it. All of the "debate" on guns is by liberals like YOU. The rates of murder, especially in major American cities has fallen steadily in the last two decades. Between 1990 and 2010, homicides dropped by 76 per cent in New York, by 70 per cent in Los Angeles and by 49 per cent in Chicago.
Murder no longer among top causes of death in US
All of the debate over how much the government should control sale and ownership of guns is mostly by liberals like you. Violence with guns is mostly done by the poor and blacks, especially poor blacks in inner cities run by democrats.
Do you really not get it? There is no debate about the regulations around knives or bats... Theres also not a large amount of murders committed by knives in comparison to guns. The term gun violence is used as it fits with the debate over how much the government should control the sale and ownership of guns and how much personal liberty our citizens are allowed when it comes to gun ownership. No matter which side you support there is no point in using false comparisons like that.

Obviously YOU don't get it. All of the "debate" on guns is by liberals like YOU. The rates of murder, especially in major American cities has fallen steadily in the last two decades. Between 1990 and 2010, homicides dropped by 76 per cent in New York, by 70 per cent in Los Angeles and by 49 per cent in Chicago.
Murder no longer among top causes of death in US
All of the debate over how much the government should control sale and ownership of guns is mostly by liberals like you. Violence with guns is mostly done by the poor and blacks, especially poor blacks in inner cities run by democrats.
Is the term Violence by guns better than gun violence now? Haha.
It's now to be called the 'Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People Fight at the OK Corral'.
Do you have some other term you would rather people use to denote violent acts committed with a firearm?

"Second Amendment remedies."

That is isn't really accurate, as the 2nd Amendment doesn't allow for crimes to be committed with guns. A 2nd Amendment solution is when a law abiding gun owner stops a violent thug......
The Left is ALWAYS sneaking in subconscious implications that serve to make the weak minded public outraged over the wrong things while oblivious to the REAL underlying problems. Snowflakes are perfect targets for this propaganda as they have no mental defenses to help them see beyond the BS.

Here's an article on Fox News (and just stop saying it's right wing ok? isn't anymore...and if you can't say why, you're out of touch)
Baltimore's 'nobody kill anybody' weekend leaves at least 2 people dead

Now here's the part that sharp people pick up on......

Baltimore has been marred by gun violence for years. The city has seen 204 murders by the end of July, a record number in the city's history, the Baltimore Sun reported.

Why not call it "THUG VIOLENCE"? It's as if there would be no violence but for those evil Guns.

I get sick of it. The brazen avoidance of placing responsibility where it belongs in order to push a Progressive agenda! The blame belongs on the thugs and the "Regressive" policies that encourage Thug Life!!

Don't let them continue to do them out every chance you get.
It's called gun violence because they use guns. If they were abusing their right to bear sticks, rocks or forks, we might focus on that. I am told knives do more harm than guns, but then again, the second amendment isn't defending the right to bear butter knives. And you can actually run away or stand a better chance of defending yourself against knives, forks, spoons, axes, or big rocks someone just picked up. Guns Now aren't what our founding fathers had in mind, they were all about muzzle loading flintlock rifles, as apposed to the modern high powered rifles with a high round capacity that mows down defenseless children in a pre-school. Our forefathers never envisioned THAT, They would stand against such abuses of our Constitution that would lead to that. Self defense would come last if it meant enabling mass murder.

You don't know what you are talking about. The first repeating rifles were created long before our founding. And had they known how much more sophisticated mass murder committed by governments had become, they would have mandated owning rifles and pistols....and probably a lot more. The Founders knew exactly what they were doing when they defined the 2nd Amendment.

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